5 years of maintaining India's largest dev community on the web
I have been part of ther/developersIndia community team since its inception in Jan 2020. A lot has happened since we started this initiative, this post is my personal collection of some learnings as someone behind the scenes along with my failures, community’s successes & some tips for folks thinking to build a community of their own or well for folks who are just interested in what went behind the scenes.
An open letter to everyone that I will ever work with as a remote tech worker
I am writing this letter as a summary of my work style and expectations as a remote software engineer. Consider this post as a source of truth to the way I think about work, how I communicate, and other team culture related thoughts.
How I reduced the size of my very first published docker image by 40% - A lesson in dockerizing shell scripts
I interact with Dockerfiles every day at work, have written a few myself, built containers, and all that. But never published one on the docker hub registry. I wanted to makeugit - a tool to undo git commands (written as a shell script) available to folks who don’t like installing random shell scripts from the internet.
Why is the Internet losing its innocence - going from collaboration to hate?
Calling out someone is fine, just try to do it in a way that resonates with collaboration more than hate or directly attacking someone or something. We all have a limited time on this planet, let’s not spend it hating each other. Spread +ve vibes everywhere 🙌🏽
If I could change one thing about tech interviews
So I have been interviewing for a while for my next role in tech. I have given all type of interviews by now. Take home assignments, DSA, solution write-ups you name it.I am fine with all kinds of interviews, honestly at this moment I don’t even care about what style of interviews are good or bad.
Writing like a pro with vale & neovim
Vale is a syntax-aware prose linter built for all you writers out there. With more than 100 releases so far vale is 5 year old project and is used by writing folks in companies like Google, Microsoft, IBM, RedHat to name a few. I have recently started to use vale in my everyday writing workflow and it has a significant impact on what words I choose to convey ideas. I mostly use neovim for writing, so we will be covering how to setupvale
and use it with neovim.
How to stop having disappointing moments in life
How many time have you been let down by your expectations?
Find pull requests that modify a file path in the terminal
Ever wondered how others are changing the same file you are working on? It can give insights into what a particular piece of code will look like in the future. Certainly, it can also help OSS newcomers to identify how others are building a particular feature