


Bone Zone

Bone Zone

A downloadable game for Windows and macOS

BoneZone is a single player 3rd person action game with a little touch of puzzle mechanics, where the player act as a runner being chased by the hunter in a graveyard maze and trying to defeat the hunter with particular skill sets and finding ways to reach the safe house in the center before sunrise.

The two  skeleton characters in the game represent Artist and Programmer, their weapons related to character’s personality, and the game is the reflection of reality in a fun way.

Controls: Please refer to the screenshot. If you can not see the cross aim when game starts then   move the mouse down a bit.

Development team:  

Eric Wang - Game Designer, UI & Environment Artist, Programmer

Ryan Valdes - 3D Artist

Wendi Tanaka - Chief  Programmer

©BananabizGames | STARDUST


BoneZone-20180616-Demo.zip36 MB
BoneZone_Mac_20180616.zip41 MB


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Fixed bunch of bugs and added Boss,   please try the new demo :-) 

I enjoyed this game. cool design

Thank you very much for the video review :D We will improve it. The top right  rotating panel is the timer, once sunrise, all skeletons die.·View all by Eric Wang·Report·Embed

