


S.W.I.N.E. Classic Remaster

A downloadable beefup for Windows

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This is a mod of original 2001 Version of S.W.I.N.E., which I (Darius) was working on before Kite Games made their remaster.
(Something which I probably suggested back in 2015 before their first game reveal)

 S.W.I.N.E. is a RTS tank game in which you can play as Rabbit or Pig, there's no resource gathering, collecting. You get tanks to battle against each other, during mission you can order more tanks or use commander vehicle to request bomber attack on specific area. Play online with strangers to 8 players.

This was made more as "What if you DIY 2001 Game" and try to modernize it a bit.
This also comes with exclusive tweaks, like unit unlimiter & swapper, mod detection disabling, and little fun ability to change text color in title screen.

Due to drastic changes, and for simplicity sake, it's best to provide this original 2001 game prebundled with mod/tweaks (game is freeware, made by original developer back in 2005). To start game use releasepigz.exe, but if you want original game experience use swine.exe.

Lot more is still technically possible, like ability to implement every interface text to be localized (in other words, this can be direct alternative to HD Remaster), and complete translation to english which means internal game files aren't in hungarian (No more need to Refer to Nyul Dzsip when you want to use Rabbit Jeep (Commander) vehicle). But it is more time intensive, and if there's no demand, time shouldn't be additionally  wasted.
Many more ideas and improvements could be made (like multiplayer tech being even better than HD Remaster by not being P2P) much more easily if game was finally made open source.

Source code for patches / changes:

Bonus content / Mods:
On Tinymods.7z
UFO Mod (manual install, edit units.ini)
Debug Toolbox (manual install goes anywhere, through anything, can shoot at things kinda a cheat)
HUD Less game interface (best for screenshots)
Example Unlimiter Mod (mission unit mask)
Raceswap (simple tanks.txt edit, breaks First pig mission, for fix open missions.ini find [Pig 1] and edit enemy unit mask to be all dashes " - ". For first missions just destroy originally provided tanks, use cheats to get pig versions )

HD Remaster UI & tank configuration Port - HDFY.7z

Just content for not yet implemented feature:
Language Pack - Easily swap languages, just by dropping in required files
Available outside Itch to save storage for unimplemented feature.

Differences between HD remaster and This Beefup:

Pros for BeefupCons against Beefup
Much more moddable, disables mod detection (no ini swap required)
Cheats are enabled, as it should be
Less resource heavy
Comes with Unit Unlimiter, feel free to get and keep modded tanks during campaign, easy tank order changing by editing tanks.txt
No "in your face" scaling. More resolution means more screen area
Oddly familiar better file folder structure
Auto screen resolution
Write in GameSpy compatible server IP by editing swinechd.ini
Easy to have multiple mods, without collision by editing swinechd.ini basepath

Some bugs are fixed in HD Remaster
HD Remaster uses font file, rather than font sprite
HD Remaster renders introduction sequence, rather than using video (size efficiency)
Comes with Map Editor (not compatible with original game)
Multiplayer is more active, uses Kite Games owned master list server for indexing (sessions still are outdated Peer-to-Peer)


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

swine-classic-hd-windows-beta.zip801 MB
Version 1
tinymods.7z1.6 MB
hdfy.7z45 MB

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