特集:WinRT登場で変わる開発技術と開発言語Windows 8時代のアプリ開発とWinRT 岩永 信之 2012/06/01 ※編集部注: 本日、Windows 8のRelease Preview版(=従来のRC版(リリース候補版)に相当。日本語版も含む)がリリースされた。下記のリンク先から誰でもダウンロードできる。Windows 8 Release Preview のダウンロード 今後のスケジュールでは、問題なく進めば約2カ月後の8月ごろに、RTM版(=正式版)がリリースされ、年末商戦の時期には実機が店頭に並ぶことになる(「Windows 8 Release Preview 提供開始 -BuildingWindows 8 - MSDNBlogs」に基づく情報)。 また同時に、Visual Studio 2012(コード名:Visual Studio 11)のRC版もリリースさ
May 28, 2012Download as PPTX,PDF15 likes4,012 views
This series showcases howMicrosoft Copilot integrates with various Azure services to assistIT / Ops professionals in their daily hybrid management tasks. The videos will covertopics such as Access Management, InlineYAML Editing, Data Collection and Feedback, and more. Each episodes will provide practical examples and insights into leveraging Copilot for efficient and effective operations manag
In Visual Studio2022 17.10 Preview 2, we’ve introduced someUX updates andusability improvements to the Connection Manager. With these updates we provide a more seamless experience when connecting to remote systems and/or debugging failed connections. Please install the latest Preview to tryit out. Read on to learn what the Connection ...
In Visual Studio2022 17.10 Preview 2, we’ve introduced someUX updates andusability improvements to the Connection Manager. With these updates we provide a more seamless experience when connecting to remote systems and/or debugging failed connections. Please install the latest Preview to tryit out. Read on to learn what the Connection ...
まあ、ます先に、ダウンロード リンク一覧をMicrosoft Visual Studio 11 Developer Preview (ISO) http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/ja-jp/details.aspx?FamilyID=415c1589-a7b1-4b25-93fa-11bb6f29a5beMicrosoft Visual Studio 11 Developer Preview (Web インストーラー) http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/ja-jp/details.aspx?FamilyID=99a58e56-fcb2-4264-bce7-3311cf0d1806Microsoft Visual Studio Team Foundation Server 11 Developer Preview
In Visual Studio2022 17.10 Preview 2, we’ve introduced someUX updates andusability improvements to the Connection Manager. With these updates we provide a more seamless experience when connecting to remote systems and/or debugging failed connections. Please install the latest Preview to tryit out. Read on to learn what the Connection ...