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Thank you for recommending me this one, I am sorry I didn't get to find both endings, but only the bad ending. I will come back to this game in the next mini horror stream. It gave me a Cage Face vibes a lot, really put me on edge and certainly screamed! I think I did need to learn to navigate and watch out for that skinwalker :P Your game is at 01:58:57
Comments below clip;
You've created a crispy and crystal-clear, claustrophobic atmosphere in this game. The natural fear of fire, kept me at bay first, until I ran out of other options. As is very obvious, I managed to get the bad ending :o]
I hope others are more lucky.
Well done and thanks for me having such a great time playing the game.
Thank you so much! I will, if you haven't already be sure to wish-list my game Catacombia on Steam!https://store.steampowered.com/app/1469390/CATACOMBIA/
You see a lot of indie games try to create an atmosphere of horror through the "Found Footage" method, but more often than not they just don't turn out great. They can feel forced and it takes away some of the fear. This one does not fall into that category. With the incredible atmosphere that has been created, there are actual genuine moments of fear that I have, and I very rarely get afraid or scared by something in games. I will say my one real complaint is that the loud mice in the sewers seemed like a tad much, but the rest of the noises and ambiance is on point. Plus, the absolute uncertainty of what is actually going on with the creature itself, the weird extra paranormal bits, and even the different endings makes this game one that can actually induce fear. On top of that, with the sewer acting as a maze, that adds an entire extra layer of anxiety to the mix.
Overall, this game was EXTREMELY well made, and was one of my favorite horror games, and definitely one of my favorite One and Done indie games to date.
Amazing job.
Thank you very much for the play through and your feedback! The whole theme for this series has always been the theme of claustrophobia in a 90s VHS Found footage horror fueled by realistic situations and of course also inspired by found footage movies. I am very excited for my next project CATACOMBIA, which will take place in Paris Catacombs, the project has been funded and has a composer on it who has worked with the famous Akira Yamaoka from the Silent Hill franchise. The project is currently in testing and steam page will come up sooner or later, it will be a much more polished experience featuring more VHS mechanics and longer gameplay etc. Oh and a tip if you wanna try get the good ending, after you get the key and open the door to the room with the woman eaten by rats, try go the opposite direction and around, listen for a sleeping homeless man, and sneak past him to his sides, don't wake him up. Past this point you will find a door for the other key you collected!
Thank you so much for playing and glad you enjoy my terrifying vision!
This game was super fun to play the grainy vhs layer adds a real horror touch along with the nightvision of the camera, looking back i only found the bad ending but will definately play again to find the good one!
The skinwalker model is really creepy it would of been nice to have some fleshy sounds and growls as it was moving along, although it was just as horrifying when it didn't, a thouroughly good game that was a joy to play.
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