About: This site, named “AyBay ConLang”, (abbreviated as ABCL) is about the constructed language (conlang), developed and issued by Dr. Aydin Baykara in 2022. It is registred in CLCR (ConLang Code Registry) under the code “qba
” (long code:art-x-abcl
) (language name:AyBayConLang (ABCL).
Purpose: ABCL is an a priori language, which means that the complete vocabulary has been created entirely new. Most of the conlangs aim to be an easy learning, simple international auxiliary language (IAL) by avoiding many irregularities and ambiguities prevailing in World languages. ABCL such as, has besides, the advantage of needing about half of the characters of English language for the same expression. That means, we could save half of the pages of a book written in English and so on.
Main Features:
- Partly philosophical and logical, less agglutinative, but fairly inflective and derivative too. Inflectional affixes are suffixes for the tense-aspect only. No stem changes at all. Negation and plurals marked by suffixes also. Clauses have no marking. Prefixes have been utilized for modal verbs only (consisting of one consonant).
- Logical rules in grammar, but as little as possible. No marking/declination for accusative, dative and locative (as e.g. in Chinese). Compared with the most of the living languages, simple and reduced number of tenses, moods, aspects .
- High degree of unambiguity. Each word has exactly one grammatical interpretation
- Easy learnable. For that, the words are classified in predefined, clearly distinguishable classes but not very taxonomic though. It includes ways of evocation-bridges to English equivalent words (Universal language lexicon logically to be Conlang-English and vice versa) for easy memorizing of vocabulary. (e.g.:make= bam)
- Phonologically, no different meaning of the words by aspiration, shortening, lengthening, and stressing or accenting a phoneme, consonant or vowel. Also, for the ease of utterance and fluency the diphthong and clustering in a syllable normally avoided.
- Words are defined in schemes, what helps also for easy learning (C: consonant; V: Vowel): Root Nouns as CVCCV, verbs CVC, adjectives VCV, the arithmetic numerals (digits 1 to 9) CV, geometric numerals (10, 100, 1000, 10000 …) CVC, adverbs VC, conjunctives and prepositions CV. Pronouns have V and VCV. Additionally they are classified within itself (as e.g. for nouns: body, animal, social, economy etc.)
- Simple rules of new word creation from root vocabulary. A kind of reduplication has been used for derivation of the noun-gerund from the verbs.(e.g.: write/writing = biv/bivvi)
Please click on the sign “=” (if cellphone) and/or the title “ABCL CONLANG” (normally at the upper-right corner of this page) to view the full content of ABCL.
ABCL can be viewed also under the following web sites (They may be however not always up to date): (for updated version and/or further inquires: e-mail: aydbayk.2022@gmail.com)
User:Aydın Baykara – Linguifex
AyBayConLang (ABCL) © 2022 by Aydin Baykara is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International