



Âventiure (Middle High German; Old Frenchaventure,avanture) is a central concept of the secular, novelistic poetry of the High Middle Ages. Based on the basic meaning "chance, fate" (from Latinadventura "that which will/should happen"), âventiure designates, especially in the Arthurian novel since Chrétien de Troyes, the tests of endurance that the hero has to pass.

Pen and Paper, RPGs, Solo RPGs. 

Grew up with D&D (Moldvay) and The Dark Eye (DSA 1e). Good times!

Enjoy rules-lite OSR Style.

A Halloween Hexcrawl Adventure for OSR Role Playing Fun
Adventure for Ironsworn or other rpgs.
A plug-in for renaissance adventures and campaigns for OSR RPGs.
Rules for ancient naval warfare for role playing games.
Rules hack for conversion from B/X and other OSR games to Cairn ·Community profile

