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A member registered Feb 06, 2017

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I love the game<3<3<3<3

The gameplay is perfect; you quickly understand that for Yumeko to survive, you simply have to pretend to be what the "Doctor" wants from her.

But it's incredibly stressful and tiring to listen to his misogynistic monologues, and even more so to lie to him...

More than once, I told the truth despite the consequences because I couldn't stand him, just for the game only cruelly reminds you of the vulnerable position Yumeko is in, and how, at the moment, she simply has no options.

Each ending charmed me in its own way, because they all made me feel something (^///^)

I'm not going to lie. My favorite is "Woman" because it felt incredibly cathartic that Yumeko found the strength to free herself and make that man pay a bit for what he made her suffer (Call me cruel, but what Yumeko did to him is much less cruel than what he's been doing to her all this time...), and I really liked how of the three endings, it is the only one that makes it clear that Yumeko has become a real girl, because it is the only one who no longer has to pretend to be something she is not ; )

The others hurt me because they were painfully realistic...

They really make you understand how a "Doctor" can make you feel so powerless that you only stay with him because you no longer feel strong enough to live on your own.

At least you have a place you recognize by his side, one with rules you know and have already settled into...

How his words and actions have robbed you of the strength that made you "you"...

No victim of abuse is born that way; they are molded, either by circumstances, society, or spending too much time with a "Doctor" without outside support.

These two endings, especially the "Statue" one, are a sad reminder of how abuse can turn a person into something completely opposite of what they were, and it hurts even more to understand why they don't go away...

The narrator voices felt like friends helping Yumeko in her jail<3

I truly applaud you for such a magnificent game. You've wonderfully explained the horror of abuse and how a misogynistic environment affects everyone.

You even made it clear that the "Doctor" was, in some ways, a victim of toxic masculinity, without making his actions justifiable.

I'll be following your projects closely from now on<3<3<3<3

I just played it, and it's great, I hope you continue it soon<3


The art is magnificent, the characters are charming and you fall in love with them, and the atmosphere makes you feel nostalgic and sad, with a hint of fear for the future, plus there is obviously some paranormal horror hidden here...

IT'S PERFECT<3<3<3<3

Please tell me this will be a series and there will be a sequel, pleaseeee (^_^)

P.S.: By the way, in the bad endings, does Nil die or does he just have a bad night?

I really loved the game and I really enjoyed the story and all of its characters (Especially the protagonist).

The only criticism I have is that I would have liked more romantic scenes, like a scene of the promised dance and a kiss lol, a little more backstory on our love interests, and that we could also romance the Major and the Specialist, because I ended up loving them too much<3<3

I hope you consider making a remake of this game with more content and longer (I wouldn't mind paying for a NSFW DLC ; )) or making a sequel or spin-off to expand the universe and its characters<3.

Whatever you decide, you've won me over as a fan (^///^)

I got it!

I really liked the game, a good mix between several horror stories, sentimental stories that warm your heart or break it, and a realistic message about how little those who work long hours without rest in the hospital are appreciated (especially in emergencies).

I hope you consider in the future to make this game bigger or a sequel to develop more the characters or the protagonist or nurse (I felt sorry that their backstories or problems were not explored) or to have them have more moments relating to each other so that later it hurts more when you find out the truth lol

(Personally I would have liked a romance between the protagonist and the guy, although that is more because I love romance, especially when it is a sweet tragedy from the beginning, but this is my tastes, it is also good to make a good platonic relationship between a woman and a man)

Congratulations on the good game<3

I don't know, the one in the middle of the bottom row

Is it from a series or a novel or a webcomic?

I liked the characters and the lore, so I'd like to know if there's more of it<3


Why does the S ending feel more romantic than the one where you're super nice to him? XDXDXD


I just lack of one cg

I really love the game<3

I need a guide, please?

I am liking the game a lot

How I get money in "Trick Comes Home", I want to visit all the train stations<3

By the way, Trick is my favourite<3<3

By the way, Keir is my favorite<3

I've already played both second chapters and they're perfect <3

The only crime is that they feel short AND I WANT MORE (T_T)

So there will only be 3 chapters for each character?

And right now we're on the second one for Cirrus and Keir?

There won't be any chapters between chapters or short stories or DLCs or epilogues? (Anything to see more of Keir and Cirrus)

...Sequel, please?

Jokes aside, I'm really enjoying the game, the setting, and the characters, and I think you're doing a wonderful job, and my money has been well spent, although I'm not lying when I say it feels short, but that's a symptom of wanting more because I've enjoyed it immensely<3<3

Congratulations on the second chapters release (^///^)

I loved it, and as always you make games of incredible quality<3<3<3<3

Positive Reviews: I really love the art, and the twist of it turning out to be a game about committing murder and blaming someone else, plus how delightfully written the characters are, and you never get bored during the gameplay.

Negative criticisms: I would have liked you to have developed more the past and relationship between the protagonist and the wife, and more introspective with how the protagonist came to this decision or even doubt until she saw that the wife genuinely did not regret it, and how to kill Someone innocent in all this affected her.

Also, it would have been fun if there had been several options for the murder, hiding the body, and reasons to blame the wife, and each of them with different consequences.

Having said all that, I think it's a very good game, I just felt sorry that it was so short and free lol

Honestly, I'm having a lot of fun with this conversation plus I'm really excited about what you're going to create.

If I'm not careful I can write long comments to you infinitely XD.

But I'll stop for our mental health and because this thread of comments is getting very long lol, but I'll leave you my twitter so you can send me DM if you want to hear more of my long comments or need the point of view of someone who has I've seen a lot of youkai anime and Japanese history (It's @Loka4v).

P.S (And this is the last thing, I swear): The Japanese at that time were a bit British, in the sense of classism, honor in following your role, that blood is what matters most, and super racist.

Basically, simply because Kyū is a "demon" it will be enough for hatred and suspicion, of course if Kyū were a god or a descendant of a god (Or the same if he was a renowned youkai) it would be another story, so I would make Kyū of a humble origin and that he had a conflictive or criminal past (Basically that he almost became a demon), and that should be enough for others to hate him.

Of course they wouldn't hate that he served Mairō since that would be a symbol of power and strength to the family and Mairō (There are many types of youkais, and some if you kill or subdue them, they are considered symbols of power for you, an example were the Tengu who are very competitive and if you beat them in a competition they rewarded you), but they would hate that Mairō treated Kyū well, respected him, and gave him privileges, since in their eyes "a servant (or dog) shouldn´t be respected or rewarded for being loyal and serving well since that is their role, rather they should be grateful to serve a renowned family like ours, that will give honor to their mediocre existence"...

Seriously, at that time everyone was very classist, what mattered most was your honor, blood, and family, in the sense that if you screwed up your whole family screwed up with you and if you succeeded your whole family triumphed with you (And if you succeeded but it was discovered that your family was poor or criminal, you lost all that success overnight lmao).

A good example was that if a criminal was caught and executed, their children were treated as if they themselves had committed said crimes, and it was expected that they would end up committing them too when they grew up (And of course if nobody help children or give them a work when they grew up, they would end up becoming criminals to survive, and the prophecy is fulfilled lol).

The case, don´t worry, it is very easy at that time to create problems so that Kyū isn´t accepted XD.

(By the way, sorry for the long comment, I really tried lmao)

Seriously, every comment makes me more excited about what you're going to do with this game <3.

And my advice is to do something like youkai, basically each youkai has different powers and there are some specific ones that are very powerful (probably the most feared or are prayed to as gods) but the coexistence between humans and youkai depends more on a harmonious tolerance and an "avoid each other", and when there is a bad youkai that kills humans, a "god" or a exorcist kills them, and the same if humans start killing or enslaving youkai for their interests, well maybe a "demon" kills all humans to protect defenseless youkai (And if you realize, this is a cycle which is the main reason why youkai and humans can't truly coexist with each other).

My headcanon would be that there is a codependency between youkais and humans, that youkais make the world easier to live in (ecological allegory) and on the other hand, youkais need humans to pray to them to become gods (or fear and become demons). ), but due to their differences and racism this coexistence is very difficult, and since there are a large number of humans, the youkai end up hiding more from the humans while the humans always use the victim card lol.

This is all suggestion and headcanon (I have taken all this from Inuyasha, Ao exorcist, and Dororo), whatever you decide I'm sure I'll love it<3.

Thanks for listening to my suggestion even though this story focuses on the relationship of Mairō, Kyū, and Mahiro.

Honestly, this story has a lot of potential and if you play your cards right in the way you write it and create the worldbuilding, you could do something amazing (at least in my humble opinion).

I like that the mother is initially cast as a "villain" from Mairō's point of view since for him, she and Mahiro are one of the main causes that he cannot live freely with Kyū, but when he begins to open up to Mahiro and open up his heart, he also begins to see things more clearly realizing that the mother is as much a victim of the situation as he is only that she doesn´t have her "Kyū" to cope with it (Of course all this is headcanon, if you decide to carry the story or relations to another address, I would love it anyway).

I have a question about worldbuilding: Will the wars be like Nobunaga (Basically region vs region) or country vs country or humans vs demons?

I really love fantasy worlds, so I love that Kyū is a demon<3.

Will we also know things about the mother? (Assuming she's not bad and just a victim of a very strict society)

Sorry, but I don't know Russian XD

I recommend that you translate it into the world's best-known languages, it always helps to advertise<3

I loved the game<3

I loved how you have deepened the relationship between Snow White and the Prince and you have made it 10,000 times more romantic<3<3.

I have loved how you have shown the Prince's anguish between wanting to wake up her beloved Snow White but afraid of failing her in the process for betraying what initially makes their relationship so special for both<3<3<3.

And the ending has been absolutely beautiful, because you have shown a sense of intimacy and consensuality that is always lacking in the end of stories with the "eternal love kiss", when she wakes up for something intimate between them that only both of them know and means so much for them they have shown what true love really is and I applaud you for it<3<3<3<3.

PS: The art is beautiful, and Snow White's eyes upon awakening have felt more beautiful and full of love with the whole environment, and the Prince's voice has my applause (^///^).

P.D: Personally I'm not an ace, but I agree that how society forces things to "how relationships should be" what they actually do is ruin relationships and happiness of people who were initially happy on their own.

Sorry, I explained myself badly.

I already bought the artwork (And I loved it by the way <3), and I was wondering if we will see more of Patricia in the FUTURE.

It's great as a prologue to something much bigger <3.

It makes you want to explore the world and the story of Kyu and Mairo and their relationship, how they ended up in this desperate situation, the mother's point of view (I know that this being a BL it is likely that she is an antagonist, but having considering how little agency women had at that time I feel more sorry for her), and how Mairo really feels for Mahiro (Call me naive but I refuse to believe that a father can hate such an adorable child) <3.

And knowing the future of this unhappy family, will they end up separating and each for their own while leaving the child in charge of everything? Or will they talk things out and come to a compromise to make life easier?

Honestly, I would have liked Kyu to scold Mairo, because it's not right to treat the child like this for something that isn't his fault lol.

I just played the game and I love it<3

You have become one of my favorite VN creators with this wonder and Repeat<3<3.

Aaaw! I already love their name<3

Can you just tell me any little spoilers of his romantic interest, pleaseee?

Will it be one or two persons, boy or girl or non-binary character, cis or trans, human or no-human ; )?

Will Emmett be the type who can tell right away when someone is interested in them or are they interested in someone or will they be the adorably dense type?

Of course if you don't want to do spoilers, that's fine too<3

Third comment and review:

It was hard for me to get the good ending because Iggy is a pain in the ass lol, BUT IT WAS TOTALLY WORTH IT (^///^)

I love the game<3

Pretty cute game<3.

Now make another romantic game for "our" character (The one that we have to name), please he is my favorite and I love his personality so I'm curious what his love story would be like.<3<3.

I would also recommend giving him a canon name, since the character has his own personality and identity (Of course this is my opinion, your word is the last). on on Facebook
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