Audit and Compliance
Audit and Compliance (A&C) is a systemwide resource for the University of Tennessee. Under the direction of Brian Daniels, A&C reports directly to the Audit and Compliance Committee of the UT Board of Trustees. Our office helps the University achieve its mission by providing objective, independent evaluations to reduce risk and improve operations.
About the Office
A&C is comprised of two functions: internal audit and compliance. Two divisions operate within internal audit: audit and information technology and security assessment, and two divisions operate within compliance: institutional compliance and Title IX. Offices are located on the Knoxville, Memphis, Chattanooga, Southern and Martin campuses.
The audit team develops an annual audit plan based on a risk assessment and conducts work in conformance with The Institute of Internal Auditors’International Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing. The team performs audits focused on internal controls, fraud prevention and detection, information technology, and effectiveness and efficiency, as well as fraud investigations, among others.
The institutional compliance team is responsible for designing, implementing and monitoring the UT systemwide compliance program and promoting the University’sCode of Conduct. In 2017, an independent commission report helped lay the groundwork for a systemwide Title IX commitment. As a result, UT System established a Title IX presence as part of A&C’s compliance function.
For more information about our office and the services we provide, we invite you to review our website or to contact us.