رمز الفهرس |  القائمة ... PGC 58265 (فهرس المجرات الرئيسية)[2]2MASX J16283827+3933049 (Two Micron All-Sky Survey, Extended source catalogue)MCG+07-34-060 (فهرس المجرات الموروفولوجي)NGC 6166 (الفهرس العام الجديد)UGC 10409 (فهرس أوبسالا العام)3C 338 (Third Cambridge Catalogue of Radio Sources)3C 338.0 (Third Cambridge Catalogue of Radio Sources)4C 39.45 (Fourth Cambridge Survey)FIRST J162838.2+393304 (Faint Images of the Radio Sky at Twenty-Centimeters)NVSS J162838+393300 (NRAO VLA Sky Survey)SDSS J162838.23+393304.4 (مسح سلون الرقمي للسماء)SDSS J162838.24+393304.5 (مسح سلون الرقمي للسماء)UZC J162838.5+393306 (فهرس زفيكي المحدّث)Z 1626.9+3940 (فهرس المجرات وعناقيد المجرات)Z 224-39 (فهرس المجرات وعناقيد المجرات)LEDA 58265 (ليون-ميودون قاعدة بيانات خارج المجرة)[ZBO89] ACO 2199-3 (A 20 CM VLA survey of Abell clusters of galaxies. I - Distance class of not greater than 3 clusters)GRA B1627+39 (Decametric survey of discrete sources in the northern sky. II. Source catalogue in the range of declinations +10 to +20)GRA J1629+39 (Decametric survey of discrete sources in the northern sky. II. Source catalogue in the range of declinations +10 to +20)3CR 338 (The revised 3C catalogue of radio sources)4W 1626+39W03b (A Westerbork survey of clusters of galaxies. I. 21 cm observations of A 1656, A 2147, A 2197 and A 2199: radio data and identifications)B2 1626+39 (A catalogue of 3235 radio sources at 408 MHz)B2.3 1626+39 (A catalogue of 3235 radio sources at 408 MHz)B3 1626+396 (Structures, spectral indexes, and optical identifications of radio sources selected from the B3 catalogue)OHIO S 345 (A High-Sensivity Survey of the North Polar Galactic Region at 1415 MHz)S4 1626+39 (The 5-GHz strong source surveys. IV. Survey of the area between declination 35 and 70deg and summary of source counts, spectra and optical identifications)[LO95] 1626+396 (A 20 cm VLA survey of Abell clusters of galaxies. IV. The radio sample and cluster properties)[ZEH2003] RX J1628.6+3932 2 (The Hamburg/RASS Catalogue of optical identifications. Northern high-galactic latitude ROSAT Bright Source Catalogue X-ray sources)WB 1626+3939 (A new catalog of 30239 1.4 GHz sources)GB6 B1626+3939 (The GB6 catalog of radio sources)Gaia DR2 1332600194421613184 (جايا داتا الإصدار 2)  |