


element. */@keyframes fade-in { from { opacity: 0; }}@keyframes fade-out { to { opacity: 0; }}@keyframes slide-from-right { from { transform: translateX(60px); }}@keyframes slide-to-left { to { transform: translateX(-60px); }}@keyframes slide-to-right { to { transform: translateX(60px); }}@keyframes slide-from-left { from { transform: translateX(-60px); }}/* For browsers that support it, use view transition animations for pages *//* View transition animation for the old page going out */::view-transition-old(root) { animation: 90ms cubic-bezier(0.4, 0, 1, 1) both fade-out, 400ms cubic-bezier(0.4, 0, 0.2, 1) both slide-to-left;}/* View transition animation for the new page coming in */::view-transition-new(root) { animation: 310ms cubic-bezier(0, 0, 0.2, 1) 90ms both fade-in, 400ms cubic-bezier(0.4, 0, 0.2, 1) both slide-from-right;}/* Overrides for 'back' view page transitions *//* View transition animation the old page going out on back navigation */.back-transition::view-transition-old(root) { animation-name: fade-out, slide-to-right;}/* View transition animation the new page coming in on back navigation */.back-transition::view-transition-new(root) { animation-name: fade-in, slide-from-left;}/* Exclude the header and footer from view transition by giving each its own view transition name. This way the header and footer won't transition in and out with the page content. */::part(app-header) { view-transition-name: app-header-transition;}::part(app-footer) { view-transition-name: app-footer-transition;}/* View transition animation for app logo and app title: when a product is clicked, we set that product's image as app-logo. Then, on product details page (PDP), we set the product image as app-logo. This allows a view transition from small logo on e.g. home page, to slide up and zoom into logo on PDP. */::view-transition-new(app-logo),::view-transition-new(app-title) { animation: none; mix-blend-mode: normal;}::view-transition-image-pair(app-logo),::view-transition-image-pair(app-title) { isolation: none;}/* Toasts should appear below the app header */.sl-toast-stack { top: 100px;}/* Adding cookie banner here due to shadow dom limiting access */#cookie-banner { position: fixed; bottom: 0; z-index: 1000;}.sl-scroll-lock { /* When screenshots pops up a dialog, as the default value of this variable is 15px, there is space between the scrollbar and the edge, which causes the nav header to also have space between it and the edge.*/ --sl-scroll-lock-size: 0 !important;}

