Firstdates can be exciting and nerve-wrackingallatonce.You’re meetingsomeone new, learning about their interests, and trying to figureout if there’schemistrybetweenyou. And then there’s flirting, that delicate dance of showingsomeoneyou’re interested withoutbeing too forward or awkward.
Flirtingdoesn’t have to be a high-pressuresituation. Infact,it can bethe mostfun part ofgetting to knowsomeone. Whetheryou're meetingsomeoneonMixerDates orany other platform,the most important thingis to be genuine,staycalm, and let theconnection developnaturally.
Ifyou’ve everfoundyourself wondering how to flirton a firstdate withoutfeeling uncomfortable,you’re notalone. Everyonehas their awkwardmoments, but themoreyou understand theart of flirting, the easierit becomes. In thisarticle, we’llbreak down how to flirt in a way thatfeelsnatural, exciting,and authentic towhoyou are. So, let'sdive in and learn how tomakethe most ofyour firstdate experience—withoutoverthinkingit.
Whenit comes to flirting, confidenceiskey. But whatdoesit really mean to be confidenton a firstdate? Confidencedoesn’t meanyouneed to be perfect, or evenoutgoing—it simply meansbeing comfortable inyour ownskin and showing upasyour authentic self.
Haveyou ever noticed how people are drawn to thosewho radiate self-assurance?It’s not aboutbragging or dominating the conversation—it’s about presentingyourself with ease. Ifyoufeelgood aboutyourself,itwillnaturally show. A greatsmile,good posture, and eye contact cango a long way in making agoodfirst impression.
For instance, think about thelasttimesomeone walked into a room and immediately caughtyourattention—not because they werethe mostattractive person in the room, but because of their energy. They were confident, they were present, and theymadeyoufeelat ease. That’s the kind of confidenceyou want to projectonyourdate.
Whenyou're confident,you're not worried about saying the perfect thing. Instead,youfocuson enjoying themoment, making the other personfeel comfortable, and letting theconnection happennaturally. That’s themagic of confidence—itallowsyou to be present,fun, and,most importantly,yourself.
Let’s faceit—noonewants tofeellike they’rebeing “worked” or put through a game. That’swhy subtletyis such a powerfultool whenit comes to flirting.It'sall about showing interest withoutbeingover-the-top or too obvious.
Flirtingdoesn’talways mean complimentingsomeone non-stop or using cheesy pickup lines. Infact,the most successful flirtingis the kind that happens behind the scenes—subtle, playful, andlighthearted. Think about thelittlemoments,like a teasing comment about how theyalways order the same thingat a restaurant or the wayyou laughat a silly joke theymake.
Thekeyis to find a balance. Asimplesmile or a playful comment can convey interest withoutbeing too much. For example, ifyourdate tellsyou theylove hiking but theytend togetlost easily,you could saysomethinglike, “So,you’re telling meyouneed a personal guide? I couldget behind that!”It’slighthearted, humorous, andmost importantly,it keeps the conversationfun without putting too much pressureon thesituation.
By keepingit subtle,youallowyourdate tofeelat ease.Ittakes the pressure off them to be perfectand allows both ofyou to enjoy the interactionmorenaturally. Flirtingdoesn’tneed to be a performance—it’s about creating an environment where both ofyou canfeel comfortableand authentic.
Now,let’stalk aboutsomething incredibly important in the flirting game:active listening. When we’reon adate, we oftenget caught up in thinking about what to saynext, how we’re coming across, or if we’rebeing interesting enough. But the best way tomake animpression? Truly listening toyourdate.
Active listening meansyou’re fullyengaged in the conversation, givingyourdateyour fullattention and responding thoughtfully.It’s about showing thatyou care about what they’re saying and thatyou’re genuinely interested ingetting to know them better. Whenyou listenactively,you’re also giving them space toopen up, and that can create an immediateconnection.
For example, ifyourdate mentions they recently traveled toJapan, instead of simply saying, “That’scool!”you could follow up withsomethinglike, “Whatwasthe most memorable experienceyou had there?” This shows thatyou’re not just hearing their words but are genuinely curious and invested in their experiences.It’s a great way to build rapport and let them knowyou’re not just there toimpress them—you’re there toconnect.
Whileyour words are important,body language often speaks louder thananythingyou can say. Whetheryourealizeit or not,yourbodyis constantly communicating howyoufeel. Howyousit, stand, andmove tellsyourdate whetheryou’rerelaxed,engaged, or distracted.
Small gestures cango a long way in flirting. Alight touchon thearm, a subtle lean in when they’re speaking, or maintaininggood eye contact—all thesebody language cues helpsignalyour interest. Andthe great thingis, whendonenaturally, these cues can be justas effectiveas words.
For example, ifyou’resittingat a caféonyourdate andyou lean in slightly when they’re sharing afunnystory,you’re not just showing thatyou’re interested—you’re inviting them intoyour space.It’s aninvitation toconnect further. And when they respondby leaning in too, that’s when themagic happens—the unspokenconnection that tellsyou both that there’s potential formore.
Flirting throughbody languagedoesn’t mean making grand gestures orbeingoverly touchy.It’s aboutbeing present and showing thatyou’reengagedwith yourdate in a subtle, but meaningful way.
It’s easy toget caught up inoverthinking how to flirt or trying to figureout ifyourdateis intoyou. Buthere’s asecret—whenyou letgo of the pressureand allowyourself to havefun,everything flows muchmorenaturally. Flirtingon a firstdatedoesn’tneed tofeellike atest or anassignment.It’s supposed to be afun,lighthearted experience that sets the stage formore greatdates ahead.
Whenwas thelasttimeyou had a genuinelyfundate?Wasit whenyou were trying too hard toimpress, or whenyou were both laughing, chatting, and enjoying each other's company? Flirting becomes effortless whenyou're present, enjoying themoment, and letting theconnection grownaturally.
Sometimes,it's the smallmoments—like sharing a laugh or swapping embarrassing stories—thatmake a firstdate truly special. Whenyoufocuson havingfun,you create an environment where both ofyou canrelax, flirt, and let thechemistry grow. That’s thesecret to a greatdate.
One of the best things about using a platformlikeMixerDatesis thatittakes the guessworkout of the equation.Byconnecting withsomeonewho already sharesyour interests and values,you’vegot a head starton making a realconnection.No more swiping through countless profiles hoping for aspark—onMixerDates,you already know there’ssomething incommon.
Whenyou’re alreadyon the same pagewith yourdate, flirting comesmore easily. There’s less of that awkward, “Are we evenon the same wavelength?”feeling, andmore of thefun, “Wow, we reallyclick!” vibe. Whetheryou’retalking aboutfavorite hobbies, movies, orlifegoals, the conversation flowsnaturally, making the flirtingfeel effortless.
Ifyou're looking for a place to meetlike-minded people and build genuineconnections,MixerDatesis the perfect platform.It's a great place to findsomeonewho appreciatesyou forwhoyou are andwhoyou cannaturally flirt with, without the stress.
Flirtingon a firstdateisall about confidence,connection, andfun. Whenyou letgo of the pressure andfocuson enjoyingthe experience, thechemistrywillnaturally follow. Remember, the best way to flirtisbybeingyourself—letyour personalityshine through, listen with intention, and embrace themoment.
And ifyou’re ready to meetsomeone new,who’s justas interested in making aconnectionasyou are,MixerDatesis the perfect place to start. Sogo ahead,take theleap, and see whereit leads.Who knows?Yournext greatconnection might be just aclickaway.
Sign up forMixerDatestoday and startyourjourney to exciting firstdates and meaningfulconnections!
Whole grains" suchas brown rice and barley riceimprove diabetes, sleep, and depression
Eating "whole grains" suchaswhole grain bread, brown rice, sprouted brown rice, millet rice, and barley ricelowers the risk of diabetes and obesity.
Studies have also shown that awhole graineating style canimprove sleep and prevent depression.
NotAll Carbohydrates Are CreatedEqual
Choosing the right carbohydratesand adjusting the amount of carbohydratesyoueatis the best approach to controlling diabetes. Of the three macronutrients, carbohydrates are theones that havethe most immediateimpactonbloodsugar, so weneed to be careful about how we consume them.
Eating refined flour orwhite rice, for example,may contain the same amount of carbohydrates, but because they contain less fiber, they are absorbedmore quickly,leading to an increase in postprandialbloodglucose." For diabeticswhoneed to control theirbloodsugar, the recommendationiswhole grains," says Carla Duenas.
Duenasis adietitian with Baptist Health South Florida, a clinical carenetwork withseven hospitals in the U.S.state of Florida.She stresses, "To achieve ahealthydiet,whole grains should be included in thediet, along with high-quality protein, vegetables, and fruits."
What to do about diabetic staples? '50-55% carbs'is healthiest
Not a fan of brown rice? Glutinous brown rice can help.
Wakame seaweed suppresses postprandialbloodglucosespikeLowerGI ofwhite rice
Replacewhite rice with brown rice
Whole grains are grains that have not had their hulls,seedskins, embryos, or endosperm removedbyprocessing suchas milling.
Many studies have shown that adiet rich inwhole grains reduces the risk of diabetes, obesity, andheart diseasemore than adiet rich in refined grains.
Familiarwhole grains includefoods suchas bread, pasta, and oatmealmade fromwhole wheat grains, brown rice, sprouted brown rice, millet rice, and barley rice containing barley.
Brown riceis awhole grain and rich in fiber. Althoughwhole grains are not necessarily the best choice, replacingwhite rice with brown riceis recommended for people with diabetes or obesity," Duenas advises.
Youget the fiberyoutend to lack.
Carbohydrates can be divided intosimple carbohydrates, which raisebloodglucoselevels quickly, andcomplex carbohydrates, which raise themslowly.Simple carbohydrates are thosefound insweets and fruits, whilecomplex carbohydrates are thosefound in grains, potatoes,beans, and otherfoods.
Complex carbohydratestake longer to be absorbed and raisebloodglucoselevelsat a slowerrate because they are broken down intosimple carbohydrates beforebeing digestedand absorbed.
Complex carbohydrates are "healthy carbohydrates.Whole grains suchas unrefined flour and brown rice have properties similar tocomplex carbohydrates. They are rich in nutrients that are often lacking, suchas fiber, vitamins, minerals,and antioxidants, which arelost during the refining process," Duenas pointsout.
Refined carbohydrates can also causeinsomnia.
Thirty percent of adults suffer frominsomnia, and part of the causemay bedietary style. Refined carbohydratesmay increase the risk ofinsomnia in women, according to a study.
The study showed that postmenopausal womenwhoeatjunkfoods andsoft drinks, especially those high in carbohydrates, aremore likely to developinsomnia.
Conversely, womenwho consumemore fiber-rich fruits and vegetables have a decreased risk ofinsomnia.
The studywas conductedbyJames Ganwish and colleagues from the Bagelos School of MedicineatColumbia University inthe UnitedStates.
77,860 women were studied for three years.
Insomniais often treated with pharmacotherapy and cognitive behavioral therapy, both of which are costly to the patient and expensive. Improvingone'sdietislow-cost, easy to implement, and free of side effects," says Ganwish.
The studyis basedon data from observational studies conductedby theNational Institutes of Health (NIH) Women's Health Initiative Study (WHI) to obtain information to prevent and treat health problems among women.
The researchers examined theassociationbetweeninsomnia and 77,860 postmenopausal womenwho participated in the WHI. They surveyed them about theirdietary habits and followed them for three years from 1997 to 2001.
The participants were analyzedby dividing them intofivegroups according toGIlevel, anindex that indicates the ease with whichbloodglucoselevelsrise after a meal.
The results revealed a 16% higher risk of developinginsomniaand an11% higher prevalence in thegroup with higherdietaryGI values. The study alsofound that the higher the intake of vegetables and fruits, thelower the risk ofinsomnia.
The study alsofound alower risk of developing depression.
The studyfound that "aspike inbloodglucoselevels after a meal stimulates the secretion of insulin, whichlowersbloodglucose, andmaylead to astate of hyperinsulinemia.As a result,bloodglucoselevelsdrop and the secretion of hormones suchas adrenaline andcortisol increases, whichmay disrupt sleep," explains Ganwish.
Thefoods thattriggerinsomniamay be processedfoods that contain highlevels ofisomerizedsugar, whichis composed of fructose andglucose. Suchfoods arenot found innature, but are mass-produced industrially and sold cheaply.
Fruits also contain fructose, but they are also rich in fiber. Fruits have alowGIand are thought to be less likely to cause postprandialbloodsugar elevation.
A study of 69,954 womenwho participated in the WHI, publishedby Ganwish and colleagues in 2015, also showed that womenwhoate a highGIdiet had a 22% higher risk of developing depression.
Gunwish noted, "Weneed randomized clinical trials to determine the benefits of improvingdiet and increasing intake ofwhole grains andcomplex carbohydrates to prevent and treatinsomnia and depression."
これはSafeHands Challengeから始まりました。このチャレンジは、有名人、世界のリーダー、そしてあらゆる場所で手を洗う方法を示す人々を魅了しました。
また、WHOはGlobalCitizenと協力して、世界中の主要なミュージシャンとの一連のバーチャルコンサートであるSolidarity Sessionsを立ち上げています。
WHODirector-General's opening remarksat the mediabriefingon COVID-19 - 16March 2020
16March 2020
In the past week, we have seen a rapid escalation ofcases of COVID-19.
Morecases and deaths havenow been reported in therest ofthe world than inChina.
We have also seen a rapid escalation in social distancing measures,like closing schools and cancelling sporting events and other gatherings.
But we have not seen an urgent enough escalation intesting,isolation and contact tracing – whichis the backbone of theresponse.
Social distancing measures can help to reducetransmission andenable health systems to cope.
Handwashing and coughing intoyour elbow can reduce the risk foryourself and others.
Buton their own, they are not enough to extinguish this pandemic.It’s the combination that makes thedifference.
As I keep saying,all countries musttake a comprehensive approach.
Butthe most effective way to prevent infections and save livesisbreaking the chains oftransmission. And to do that,you musttest andisolate.
You cannotfight afire blindfolded. And we cannot stop this pandemic if wedon’t knowwhois infected.
We have asimplemessage forall countries:test,test,test.
If theytest positive,isolate them and findoutwho they have been in close contact with up to 2days before they developed symptoms, andtest those people too. [NOTE:WHO recommendstesting contacts of confirmedcasesonly if they show symptoms of COVID-19]
Every day,moretests arebeing produced to meet the global demand.
WHOhas shipped almost 1.5 milliontests to 120 countries. We’re working with companies to increase the availability oftests for thosemost inneed.
WHO advises thatall confirmedcases, even mildcases, should beisolated in health facilities, to preventtransmission and provide adequate care.
But we recognize that many countries have already exceeded their capacity to care for mildcases in dedicated health facilities.
In that situation, countries should prioritize older patients and those with underlying conditions.
Some countries have expanded their capacityby using stadiums and gyms to care for mildcases, with severe and criticalcases cared for in hospitals.
Another optionis for patients with mild disease to beisolated and cared forathome.
Caring for infected peopleathomemay put others in the same householdat risk, soit’s critical that care-givers followWHO’s guidanceon how to provide careas safelyas possible.
For example, both the patient and their care-giver shouldwear a medicalmask when they aretogether in the same room.
The patient should sleep in a separate bedroom to others and use a different bathroom.
Assignone person to care for the patient, ideallysomeonewhois ingood health andhas no underlying conditions.
The care-giver should wash their hands afterany contactwith the patient or their immediate environment.
People infected with COVID-19 canstill infect others after they stop feeling sick, so these measures shouldcontinue forat leasttwo weeks after symptoms disappear.
Visitors should not beallowed until the end of this period.
There aremore details inWHO’s guidance.
Onceagain, ourkeymessageis:test,test,test.
Thisis a serious disease. Although theevidence we have suggests that thoseover 60 areat highest risk,young people, including children, have died.
WHOhasissued new clinical guidance, with specific detailson how to care for children, older people and pregnant women.
So far, we have seen epidemics in countries with advanced health systems. But even they have struggled to cope.
As thevirus moves tolow-income countries, we're deeply concerned about theimpactit could have among populations with highHIV prevalence, or among malnourished children.
That’swhy we’recallingon every country and every individual to doeverything they can to stoptransmission.
Washingyour handswill help to reduceyour risk of infection. Butit’s also anact of solidarity becauseit reduces the riskyouwill infect others inyour communityand aroundthe world.Do it foryourself,do it for others.
We alsoask people toexpress their solidarityby refraining from hoarding essentialitems, including medicines.
Hoarding can create shortages of medicines and other essential products, which can exacerbate suffering.
We’re grateful to everyonewhohascontributed to the COVID-19 SolidarityResponse Fund.
Since we launcheditonFriday,more than 110,000 people havecontributed almost 19 million U.S. dollars.
These fundswill help to buy diagnostictests, supplies for health workers and support research and development.
Ifyou wouldlike tocontribute, pleasego towho.int andclickon theorange “Donate” buttonat thetop ofthe page.
We’re also grateful for the way different sectors ofsociety are comingtogether.
Thisstartedwith the SafeHands Challenge, whichhasattracted celebrities, world leaders and people everywhere demonstrating how to wash their hands.
This afternoonWHO and theInternational Chamber of Commerceissued a joint call toaction to the global business community. TheICCwill send regular advice toitsnetwork ofmore than 45 million businesses, to protect their workers, customers and local communities, and to support the production and distribution of essential supplies.
I’dlike to thankPaul Polman, Ajay Banga and John Denton for their support and collaboration.
WHOis also working with GlobalCitizen to launch the Solidarity Sessions, a series of virtual concerts with leading musicians fromaround the world.
Thisis the defining global health crisis of ourtime.
Thedays, weeks and months aheadwill be atest of our resolve, atest of our trust in science,and atest of solidarity.
Criseslike thistend tobringout the best andworst inhumanity.
Like me, I’m sureyou have been touchedby the videos of people applauding health workers from their balconies, or the stories of people offering to do grocery shopping for older people in their community.
This amazingspirit ofhuman solidarity must become evenmore infectious than thevirusitself. Although wemay have to be physically apart from each other for a while, we can cometogether in ways we never have before.
We’reall in thistogether. And we canonly succeedtogether.
So the rule ofthe gameis:together.
I’m not sure what I just watched.
Our newmusic video is totally yabai (“yavay”).
Japanese slang forcool, dope, sick,ill. Fast, intense. What movesyou. Yabai is yabai. There’s no otherword to describeit.
Sort of likekawaii?
No no,kawaii isonly for “cute” things. Yabai is forawesome things. Bite into piping-hot pizza,it tastes yabai.Once agoodDJtakes the
stage, theclubgets yabai.Funky Kota is totally yabai.
したりすると、そのクラブが「ヤバい」。そしてFunky Kotaは、全体的に「ヤバい」
Funky Kota is a new style ofrave andhousemusic from Indonesia.Over there they callit Dangdut, butit’s also contractedas Funkot. Thebeats
are hyper fast, usually around 180 to 200BPM, likehappy hardcore except withmorevocal samples. “Areyou ready!” “HeyDJ!” That kind of
stuff. Except toJapanese ears,it sounds like “TICCCKKEE!”It doesn’t meananything butitgetsyou pumped up.
「Funky Kota」は、インドネシアから来た新しいダンスミュージックで、現地では「Dangdut」ってよばれてるんですけど、同じ様に縮めて「Funkot」とも呼ばれ
てるんです。テンポが凄く速くて、BPMが、大体180から200くらい。ボイスサンプルをもっと使いまくるハッピーハードコアって感じで“Areyou ready!” “Hey
What’s theFunky Kota scene like inJapan?
日本のFunky Kotaシーンって、どんな感じ?
Mandokoro Takano,AKADJJetBaron pioneered thecraze back in 2009on a radio talk show with the rapper Utamaru fromRhymester. He layered Funky
Kotabass lines and samplesoverJ-pop, folk tunes and old superherothemesongs. Now he’s remixing our stuff. Very yabai.
高野政所さん(DJJetBaron)が、2009年にラッパーのライムスター宇多丸さんのラジオから流行らせました。Funky KotaのベースラインにJ-POPとかフォークソ
So this is a new direction for thegroup?Your oldersongs are conservativeas faras idolmusicgo.
これは、グループにとって新しい試みなんじゃない? これまでの君たちの曲って、正統派のアイドルソングって感じだよね?
We were in beforeAKB48, playing free shows in Akihabara and making aname for ourselves. The current idol culture didn’t exist back in2006.
AKB48’srise to fameset the standard forall otheracts to follow. Theymade idols yabai. Nowyouneed to have ahook to standout from the
Andyou’re carvingout a nice niche with Funkot.You’ve playedover 600 shows but arestill underground. What’s thegoal of the unit?
IfAKB are theheroines of the idol world, then we’re the heels. We belong justoutside the mainstream.Anything too popular losesitsedge.
Beingon aprime-time variety show like otherTop 40groups would rob us of our essence. But we’d thriveon a late night comedy program!
AKBがヒロインなら、うちらは悪役。メインストリームからは外れてます。あんまり有名になりすぎると、エッヂがなくなっちゃうじゃないですか。他のTop 40の
Those shows like to put their guests in bikinis. Funkotclub dancerstend to be dressed verysexy –maybeyou could playon that angle?
No, unlike some othergroups wedon’t do the bathing suit thing anymore! We want to keep ouractmorepure,more genuine.
いや、他のグループとは違って、うちらは水着とか着ませんから! うちらはうちらのやることを、純粋に突き詰めてくだけです。
Haveyou changedover the years?
We’remore hyper than ever! Ifanything, we’ve learned how to be humble. We used to expect to be pampered. I mean, that’sone of the perks of
being an idol, right? But now weaim to emulate the humble shrimp – head down, waist bowed inrespect.
What makes Hyper Yoyo hyper?
Non-stop adrenaline! If we’re not having ablaston stage, then how can the audience enjoy themselves?
止まらないアドレナリン! うちらがステージで爆発しなかったら、お客さんも盛り上がれないでしょ?
With the advent oflive streaming sites suchasNicoNicoLive,more people are content tostayathome rather thanventureout to events.
Funky Kota isn’t somethingyou listen to,it’s somethingyou experience! The sound reverberates throughyourbody. Watching through the
computerscreen dulls the impact. The monitor standsbetweenyou and the party.
Funky Kotaは、聞くものじゃなくて体験するものです! 音が身体で反響するんですよ。この衝撃は、パソコンのモニターで見てたんじゃわからないですから。モニターは邪魔。
Even with that buffer,your newmusic video is pretty intense!
Oh yeah, that’s a perfect example of what our concerts are like!Itwas filmed insideRobot Restaurant,the most yabai place inJapan.10
billionyen to build,all ofitgoing intocoloredlight bulbs and makeup for therobots.
おおぅ。あれって、うちらのギグそのものなんですよ! ロボットレストランで撮影したんです。日本で一番ヤバいスポット。あのロボットや照明を作るのに100億円かけたって話です。
It’s beenallover thenews sinceit openedlast summer.
Seriously? We hope the video shows people how yabaiJapan is. See, theJapanesetakeon Funkot is different from Indonesia, sothe originators
are starting to reverse-importit. Even the way we dance isn’t authentic.It’s half cobbledtogether fromYouTube clips, half improv.
本当に? あのPVを見て、日本がいかにヤバいところか知ってほしいですね。日本のFunkotは、インドネシアのとは違ってると思うんだけど、最近は本家のそっちの方に、逆輸入され始めてるそうなんです。うちらはダンスも本場とは違ってるんだけど、あれって急いでyoutubeのクリップから作ったのと改良したのが半々なんです。
It’sas if we’regoing fullcircle, withDJs in Indonesia remixing copies of their original tracks…
Next step,Jakarta! We want to party with the localclubkids and experience the scene firsthand.Get the authentic experience.
Imagine, our firstAsian tour. How yabai would that be!?
次の目標はジャカルタ! 現地のクラブキッズとパーティーして、現地のシーンを直に体験したい。本物を体験したい。想像してくださいよ。うちらの最初のアジアツアーですから。相当、ヤバいですよ!?
Thankyou for accepting myinterview. These are my question.
1. How long haveyou been toChina?
2. What'syour impression ofChina andChinese people before? Haveyour impression ofChina orChinese people changed a lot sinceyou came toChina for study?
3.Asyou know,China-Japan relationship is not quitegood in recentdays because of the SENKAKUISLANDS(DIAOYUISLANDS) dispute. How doyou think aboutit?
4. Few weeks ago, there are many anti-Janpan protestsoverChina. AndI know thatJapan doesn't have this kind of protest.Asyou are a Janpanese, how doyou think bout the protest inChinaby comparingyour country?
That'sall my questions. Hope that none of them wouldmake annoy. Thankyou foryourtime and kindnessagain.
hi kit!
1. How long haveyou been toChina?
1 year. from 2012.2~2013.1
2. What'syour impression ofChina andChinese people before? Haveyour impression ofChina orChinese people changed a lot sinceyou came toChina for study?
My impression before i comingshanghaihas never changed....infact, some people isnoisy, no manner, and there aregarbageon streets. but myimage thatchinese people is honest and they aregoodat merchandise is also true actually.
The changedpoint is ....fact thatchinese elite is not sosmart. I mean they aregoodat studying and getting agoodscoreon the papertest but they dont have mind ofcreation. Deeply thinking, there arenothinggood product originated inchina...many aremade in america orjapan. Basement of economic ofchina is rehash...? and that have notstill changed? that culturemakechinese elite boring? anyway, i can meet earnestguy easily, butit is difficult to findguybeyond my mind. their opiniontend to be like newspapers, just there islittle different from which newspaper they chooseas their opinion.
more or less, i have some prejudice. what do u think aboutit?
3.Asyou know,China-Japan relationship is not quitegood in recentdays because of the SENKAKUISLANDS(DIAOYUISLANDS) dispute. How doyou think aboutit?
As manyjapanese, i also think diaoyudao isjapanese. also historically...lol
And i wanna present utwo mistakesmadeby both country.
fromjapanese side.....goverment shouldnt buy thatisland. buying is too radical and they dont knowchinese calture...讲究面子.
after that,chinesegoverment cantgo back.....for thier mianzi andnational interest.
fromchinese side...chinesegovermentalways choose radical way especially in territory problemand always dependson their force... notonly withjapan but also with vietnam, philipine...
4. Few weeks ago, there are many anti-Janpan protestsoverChina. AndI know thatJapan doesn't have this kind of protest.Asyou are a Janpanese, how doyou think bout the protest inChinaby comparingyour country?
the people taking part in is no manner and selfish...i think.
thank u kit, anyway ilovechina, and i wannalive inchinese world(shanghai ,hongkong, singapole if i can!) after graduating university.
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Digital cameras are made in a wide range of sizes, prices andcapabilities. Themajority are cameraphones, operatedas a mobileapplication throughthe cellphone menu. Professionalphotographers and many amateurs use larger,more expensivedigital single-lens reflex cameras (DSLR) for their greater versatility. Between these extremesliedigital compact cameras andbridgedigital cameras that "bridge" thegap between amateur and professional cameras.Specialized cameras including multispectral imaging equipmentand astrographscontinue to serve the scientific, military, medical and other special purposes for whichdigitalphotographywas invented.
Subcompact with lensassembly retracted
Compact cameras are designed to be tiny andportableand are particularly suitable for casual and "snapshot" uses. Hence, they are also calledpoint-and-shoot cameras. The smallest, generally less than20mm thick, are describedas subcompacts or "ultra-compacts" and some are nearly credit card size.[2]
Most, apart fromruggedized or water-resistantmodels, incorporate a retractable lensassemblyallowing a thin camera to have a moderately long focal length and thus fullyexploit animage sensor larger than thaton a camera phone,and a mechanized lenscap to cover the lens when retracted. The retracted andcapped lens is protected from keys,coins and other hard objects, thus makingit a thin, pocketable package. Subcompacts commonly haveone lugand a short wrist strap whichaids extraction from a pocket, while thicker compactsmay havetwo lugs forattaching a neck strap.
Compact cameras are usually designed to be easy to use, sacrificing advanced features and picture quality for compactness and simplicity;images can usuallyonly be stored using lossy compression (JPEG). Most have a built-inflash usually oflowpower, sufficient for nearby subjects.Live preview is almostalways used to frame thephoto. Most have limitedmotion picturecapability. Compacts often have macrocapability andzoom lenses but thezoom range is usually less than forbridge and DSLR cameras. Generally a contrast-detect autofocus system, using theimage data from thelive preview feed of the mainimager,focuses the lens.
Typically, these cameras incorporate a nearly silentleaf shutter into their lenses.
Forlower cost and smaller size, these cameras typically useimage sensors with a diagonal of approximately 6mm, corresponding to a cropfactor around 6. This gives them weakerlow-light performance, greater depth offield, generallycloserfocusing ability, and smaller components than cameras using larger sensors.
Starting in2011, some compactdigital cameras cantake3Dstillphotos. These3D compactstereo cameras cancapture3D panoramicphotos for play backon a3DTV.[3] Some of these arerugged and waterproof, and some haveGPS,compass, barometerand altimeter. [4]
Main article:Bridge camera
Bridge are higher-enddigital cameras that physically and ergonomically resemble DSLRs andshare with them some advanced features, butshare with compacts the use of a fixed lensand a small sensor. Like compacts, most uselive preview to frame theimage. Their autofocus uses the same contrast-detect mechanism, but manybridge cameras have amanualfocus mode, in some cases using a separatefocusring, for greater control. They originally "bridged" thegap between affordablepoint-and-shoot cameras andthe then unaffordable earlierdigitalSLRs.
Due to the combination ofbig physical size but a small sensor, many of these cameras have very highly specified lenses with largezoom range and fastaperture, partially compensating for the inability tochange lenses.On some, the lens qualifiesas superzoom. To compensate for the lesser sensitivity of their small sensors, these cameras almostalways include animage stabilization system toenable longer handheld exposures.
These cameras are sometimes marketedas and confused withdigitalSLR cameras since the appearance is similar.Bridge cameras lack the reflexviewing system of DSLRs, are usually fitted with fixed (non-interchangeable) lenses (although some have a lens thread toattachaccessory wide-angle or telephoto converters), and can usuallytake movies with sound. The scene is composedbyviewing either the liquid crystal display or the electronicviewfinder (EVF). Most have a longer shutter lag than a true dSLR, but they arecapable of goodimage quality (with sufficientlight) whilebeingmore compact andlighter than DSLRs. High-endmodels of this type have comparableresolutions tolow andmid-range DSLRs. Many of these cameras can storeimages in aRawimage format, or processed andJPEG compressed, or both. Themajority have a built-inflash similar to those found in DSLRs.
Inbrightsun, the quality difference between a good compact cameraand adigitalSLR is minimal butbridgecams aremoreportable, cost less and have a similarzoom ability to dSLR. Thus aBridge cameramay better suitoutdoor daytimeactivities, except when seeking professional-qualityphotos.[5]
Inlowlight conditions and/oratISO equivalents above 800, mostbridge cameras (or megazooms) lack inimage quality when compared to even entrylevel DSLRs. However, they do haveonemajor advantage: their much larger depth offield due to the small sensoras compared to a DSLR,allowing largerapertures with shorter exposure times.
A3DPhoto Modewas introduced in2011, whereby the camera automaticallytakes a secondimage from a slightly different perspective and provides a standard .MPO file forstereo display. [6]
[edit]Mirrorless interchangeable-lens camera
Main article:Mirrorless interchangeable-lens camera
In late2008, a new type of camera emerged, combining the larger sensors and interchangeable lenses of DSLRs with thelive-previewviewing system of compact cameras, either through an electronicviewfinder oron the rearLCD. These are simpler andmore compact than DSLRs due to the removal of themirrorbox, and typically emulate the handling and ergonomics of either DSLRs or compacts. The system is usedby Micro Four Thirds, borrowing components from the Four Thirds DSLR system.
[edit]Digital single lens reflex cameras
Main article:Digital single-lens reflex camera
Digital single-lens reflex cameras (DSLRs) aredigital camerasbasedon film single-lens reflex cameras (SLRs). Theytake theirname from their uniqueviewing system, in which amirror reflectslight from the lens through a separate opticalviewfinder.At themoment of exposure themirror flipsout of the way, making a distinctive "clack" soundand allowinglight to fallon theimager.
Since nolight reaches theimager during framing, autofocus is accomplished usingspecialized sensors in themirrorboxitself. Most 21stcentury DSLRs also have a "liveview" mode that emulates thelive preview system of compact cameras, whenselected.
These cameras have much larger sensors than the other types, typically 18mm to 36mmon the diagonal (cropfactor 2, 1.6, or 1). This gives them superiorlow-light performance, less depth offieldat a givenaperture,and a larger size.
Theymake use of interchangeable lenses; eachmajor DSLR manufacturer also sells aline of lenses specifically intended to be usedon their cameras. Thisallows theuser toselect a lens designed for theapplicationat hand: wide-angle, telephoto,low-light,etc. So each lensdoes notrequireits own shutter, DSLRs use a focal-plane shutter in front of theimager, behind themirror.
Main article: Rangefinder camera#Digital rangefinder
A rangefinder is auser-operated optical mechanism to measure subjectdistanceonce widely usedon film cameras. Mostdigital cameras measure subjectdistance automatically using electro-optical techniques, butit is not customary to say that they have a rangefinder.
[edit]Line-scan camera systems
Aline-scan camera is a camera device containing aline-scanimage sensorchip,and afocusing mechanism. These cameras are almost solely used in industrial settings tocapture animage of a constantstream of moving material. Unlike video cameras,line-scan cameras use a single row ofpixel sensors, instead of a matrix of them. Data coming from theline-scan camerahas a frequency, where the camerascans aline, waits, and repeats. The data coming from theline-scan camera is commonly processedby a computer, to collect theone-dimensionalline data and to create atwo-dimensionalimage. The collectedtwo-dimensionalimage data is then processedbyimage-processing methods for industrial purposes.
Further information: Rotatingline camera
Many devices includedigital cameras built into or integrated into them. For example, mobilephones often includedigital cameras; those that do are knownas cameraphones. Other small electronic devices (especially those used for communication) suchas PDAs, laptops andBlackBerry devices often contain an integraldigital camera, and most 21stcentury camcorders can alsomakestill pictures.
Due to the limited storagecapacity and general emphasisonconvenience rather thanimage quality, almostall these integrated or converged devices storeimages in the lossy but compactJPEG file format.
Mobilephones incorporatingdigital cameras were introduced inJapan in2001byJ-Phone. In2003 cameraphonesoutsold stand-alonedigital cameras, and in2006 theyoutsoldall film-based cameras anddigital cameras combined. These cameraphones reached a billion devices sold inonlyfive years, andby2007more than half of the installedbase ofall mobilephones were cameraphones. Sales of separate cameras peaked in2008. [7]
Integrated camerastend to beat the verylowest end of thescale ofdigital cameras in technical specifications, suchasresolution, optical quality,and ability to use accessories. With rapid development, however, thegap between mainstream compactdigital cameras and cameraphones is closing, and high-end cameraphones are competitive withlow-end stand-alonedigital cameras of the same generation.
ACanonWP-1 waterproof 35mm film camera
Waterproofdigital cameras aredigital cameras that canmake pictures underwater. Waterproof housings have long been made but they cost almostas the cameras. Many waterproofdigital cameras are shockproof and resistant tolow temperatures;one of them isCanonPowerShotD10,one of the first underwaterdigital cameras.
These cameras become very popular during the holiday season, because many people want to save the bestmoments from their holidaysat the seaside. Waterproof watches and mobilephones were produced earlier. Mostmakers ofdigital cameras also produce waterproofones and every year they launchat leastone newmodel, for exampleSony,Olympus,Canon, Fuji.
HealthwaysMako Shark, an early waterproof camera,[8]was launched in 1958 and cost around 25 dollars.Itwas ahuge camera and pictures were black andwhite.
Undesirable cameras benefits us many100 %satisfaction,leading to numerous spectacularimages,as wellas the hot months is operating relating to dependable summertime. This specific classmate through break free will be able to figureout any tons in addition to waterways, downtown along with far-away beautiful gardening, and yetmay these pureattractiveness to become amemento playing hit decrease, apart fromskincolor boil due to the high-end digicam purpose, a great dealmore simple could be to evaluation whatever taking pictures competencyas wellas havingphotos. Theamount, smallertry tomakeyour work latest many of the summer season harvesting powerful see toit, typically the classmateneed tonextimage have ago through,you become this confidently unexpected wonder.
Digital cameras would bring us lots of enjoyment, leaving a myriad of uniqueimages, and summertime is journeying in wonderful summer season. The classmate throughout thegetaway can recognize that reamstogether with estuaries and rivers, metropolitanand also countrysideattractive panoramas, yettake placeall these charmbeing amemento opportunity straight down,together withsteamas a result of a camcorder operation, a lotmorecrucial is usually to examineones own takingfunctionalityand also takingphotographs. That period, thelittle generateyour choice have quite a few summer months firing effective be mindful, the particular classmatemayas well within thenextsnapshot have a shotat,you willget the particulartotal surprising stun.
Household landscapes
Byout ofdoors firing indoors panoramas,basic willneed throughout theWindows 7,out-of-doors mild typically currently havemore substantial indoorslight-weight, now a couple of challenges ought to be sortedout, is the particular coveragetime frame, a couple ofit truly is in order to avoid a display reflective, whenpics of any camera through hands-on management operate, mighttakenumber of years coverage setting up, whenphotographic cameragoes so thatyou cantwit style, can easily will likely beISOlevel of sensitivity Surroundingsbump up, thisISO 2 hundred or perhapsISO six hundred aiming.
Inside panorama 's bestgolf shot employing atripod, in any othercase, wants a spot to guide,one example is in opposition to any divider and entry, and even the truereason for executingit is because very long coverage is quite effortless construct anydigital camera proteinshake, producingphotographs regarding fluffy envision.It's best to utilize the shutter launch, or perhaps utilize toget center-weighted avoiding relocate a video camera. Notice: except if absolutely necessary,tend not to available the particularpen,stay clear of a lotmore reflective.
Bring that landscapedesigns from the probability with thephotomay well schedule some individuals or even factors, and this alsomay help the room inside the operation ofyourviewphotos.Get a large surfacesareaphotos,as an example the verandaas wellas the rooftop, hillside, for example. Typically inside themid-day is without a doubtthe most suitabletime frame filming this landscapes. Filming, having a polarizer to adjust a illumination withthe stars, produce the particular heavens develop into dreary quite a few, well known from the glowingbluestars thewhite kind of fog up,as a way toboost the space or room repeatedly.
Several virtually no guidebookvulnerability management of any cameratogether with location form,as wellas the landscapedesigns way is completely featureson the list of manner,you are able to use landscapedesigns way to adopt shots.Together with handbookvulnerability restrainphotographic camera might opt foraperturegoal option that will movie,aperture to help acquired far better pickout F8 to helpyouphotograph ormaybe F11, thisphoto will be extra management concentrations senses.
The particular modifyon the urban center is without a doubt switching, specificallytogether with a lot of approach large establishing intended for symbolize,and also this areat recent many portraitdigitalphotography buffs including firing template.
Yet typicalphotographic camera through simply how much suitable containerdistortion, henceas a way tomake an effort to reduce thephotograph ofyour deformation belonging to the accumulating " up ", thusyou ought to pick around substantial thoughts and opinions filming.One example is inside the steps, or perhaps some other might help the beliefs witharea. Ifyou fail to find the correctdestination for a reside,you can from theagain, clear of the particularlead entity to cut back adistortion.Maybeyou've employedthe greatest wide-angle standardzoom lens. Vividstars will be able to replace with a developing with the darkish. Having a polarizer to cut back or perhaps wipeout construction with reflective a glass. In addition to, certainly, consume anexcellent know with the canmakeone of a kind imaginative results.
mineral water
Firing apply ormaybe a aerosol inwaters, incorporate the use of part mildand also backlighttry tomakewaters intended for introducing see through pattern. Several novicesall of covetedby a really "splash withphotos, intruth, Iam able to effortlessly applied for, so the hurryingh2o glance alotmoredowny, havegot a form of passionateblur. Shutter possibly inside 1/10 so thatyou can 1/6 erinarians regulate mightgetmove cosmeticperception for splashpics.
Local plumber to be able to sunset taking scenario regarding is usually 15-30moments,nextthe starsalways possess some colouring failed toends.As a way to raise the graphic with theamount with subject, can easilyon the ending with the passageand also uncover several regarding an individual's special world.It isas well the location where thetripodonhas to be, commonly programmed coverage is definitely o . k ., yetyou shouldattempt to utilize hands-on visibility,and also the employment of the particular shutter putout restrain taking, respectively for 2, 5, 8,12and also of sixteen secs shutter tempo so thatyou can capture somephoto contrast.
Needless to say nowand againcontinue to are able to useISO200 to helpyouphotograph, yet so thatyou can be aware of an electronic camcorder with disturbance handle is normally adequate, when pixels will be overweight, ormaybetogether withISO100 contrastingby usingbase style to helpmotion picture.
Intruth firing nighttime scenarios,attimes to be able toas well do notrequire that filming with step-by-step developing oh, this streets these kinds of, a smallamount converttips plus aiming design and style, mightget the result of experiencing aspecialized pattern.
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Kとの類似から、Mはテープから起した英文のようです。ただし、「失礼しました、大統領」(M前半和訳)に相当する部分は書き起こされていません。K和訳は、ハアレツ紙のみにある’’ This is an impression, of course, that I would notwish to give. I do not approve of anywar, and I do not support any nation.’’にあたる部分を含んでいますが、M前半和訳はそれを含みません。
(K)Politicians do it, too,as we all know.
(M)Some politicians do it, too,as we all know.
(K)The lies of novelists differ from others, however,
(M)The lies of novelists, however, differ from others,
(K)where thetruth-lies within us,
(M)where thetruth lies within us,
(K)a fewdays in the year when I do not engage in telling lies,
(M)a fewdays in the year I do not engage in telling lies,
(K)Some evenwarned me they would instigate a boycott
(M)Some evenwarned me that they would instigate a boycott
(K)after receiving notice of the award,
(M)after receiving notice of this award,
(K)accepting a literary prize was the proper thing to do, whether
(M)accepting a literary prize is a proper thing to do, and whether
(K)Perhaps, like many other novelists,
(M)Like many other novelists,
(K)If people are telling me—and especially if they arewarning me— “Don’t go there,” “Don’t do that,” Itend to want to
(M)If people are telling me, and especially if they arewarning me, “Don’t go there,” or “Don’t do that,” Itend to … want to
(K)Please do allow me to deliver amessage,one very personalmessage. It is something that I always keep in mind
(M)So, please do allow me to deliver amessage--one very personalmessage. It is something I keep in my mind … always keep in mind
(K)it is carved into the wall of my mind, and it goes
(M)it is carved into the wall of my mind. It goes
(K)no matter how right the wall may be and how wrong theegg,
(M)no matter how right the wall may be, how wrong theegg,
(K)What is the meaning of this metaphor?
(M)What is the meaning of this metaphor, of the wall and theegg?
(K)Theeggs are the unarmed civilianswho are crushed and burned and shot by them.
(M)Theeggs are unarmed civilianswho are crushed, burned and shot by them.
(K)This isone meaning of the metaphor.
(M)This isone meaning of this metaphor that is true.
署名記事: ハアレツ紙http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/spages/1064909.html
sho_ta さん訳:http://d.hatena.ne.jp/sho_ta/20090218/1234913290
finalvent さん訳:http://finalvent.cocolog-nifty.com/fareastblog/2009/02/post-1345.html
wh_cm さん訳:http://d.hatena.ne.jp/wh_cm/20090218
mousecat さん訳:http://www.geocities.co.jp/Playtown-Spade/2177/diary0902.html#20090218
fujipon さん訳:http://d.hatena.ne.jp/fujipon/20090218#p1
adfjpn さん訳:http://d.hatena.ne.jp/adfjpn/20090218
(H)I have come to Jerusalemtodayas a novelist,
(K)Good evening. I have come to Jerusalemtodayas a novelist,
(H)Diplomats and military men
(K)Diplomats and generals
(H)we first have to clarify where thetruth lies within us.
(K)we first have to clarify where thetruth-lies within us, within ourselves.
(H)in the blockaded Gaza City
(K)in the blockaded city of Gaza
(H)unleashits overwhelming militarypower. This is an impression, of course, that I would notwish to give. I do not approve of anywar, and I do not support any nation. Neither, of course, doI wish to see my books subjected to a boycott.
(K)unleashits overwhelming militarypower. Neither, of course, doI wish to see my books subjected to a boycott.
(H)I chose to speak to you rather than to saynothing.
This is not to say that Iam here to deliver a politicalmessage. Tomake judgments about right and wrong isone of the novelist's most important duties, of course.
It is left to eachwriter, however, to decide upon the form in which he orshe will convey those judgments to others. I myself prefer to transform them into stories - stories thattend toward the surreal. Which iswhy I do not intend to stand before youtoday delivering a direct politicalmessage.
Please do
(K)I chose to speak to you rather than to saynothing.
Please do
(H)Please do, however, allow me to deliverone very personalmessage.
(K)Please do allow me to deliver amessage,one very personalmessage.
(H)Someone else will have to decide what is right and what is wrong; perhapstime or history will decide
(K)Someone else will have to decide what is right and what is wrong; perhapstime or history will do it
(H)This is not all, though.
(K)But this is not all.
(H)The System
(K)the System
(H)I fully believe it is the novelist’s job
(K)I truly believe it is the novelist’s job
(H)the peoplewho had died in thewar.
(K)the peoplewho had died in thebattlefield.
(H)individuals transcending nationality and race and religion,fragile eggs
(K)individuals transcending nationality and race and religion, and we are allfragile eggs
(H)and fromthe warmth we gain by joining souls together.
(K)and from our believing inthe warmth we gain by joining souls together.
(H)Iam grateful that my books arebeing read by people inmany parts ofthe world. And Iam glad to have had the opportunity to speak to you heretoday.
(K)Iam grateful that my books arebeing read by people inmany parts ofthe world. And I would like toexpress my gratitude to the readers inIsrael. You are the biggestreasonwhy Iam here. And I hope we are sharing something, something very meaningful. And Iam glad to have had the opportunity to speak to you heretoday. Thank you very much.
英語読みの読者が思い浮かべるのは、やはり''Hard-boiled Wonderland and the End ofthe World''(『世界の終りとハードボイルド・ワンダーランド』の英訳)になるでしょうか。パレスチナを念頭に置いて見ると、''The End ofthe World''の地図は強烈に感じるものがあります。私は主人公(=作者)の選択と「卵の未来」について思いを馳せました(このような読みの良し悪しは脇に置きます)。
付録IIhttp://anond.hatelabo.jp/20090302222413 を別に作成、リンクを追加
付録IIIhttp://anond.hatelabo.jp/20090303214139 を別に作成、リンクを追加
村上春樹:「常に卵の側に」(http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/spages/1064909.html )でハアレツに寄せられたコメントの一部です。
Title: ToMr. Murakami: a few words ofreply from anegg
Name: A Philosopher
First, let me welcome you to the region. Second, I would like to disagree with you about your description of literatureas a skilful lie. A lie must, by definition, involve malice, deception, whereas literature is about imagination: there is no malice about that. Unfortunately, much of what you hear lately on internationalTV aboutIsrael are indeed lies, not even fiction. You say thatIsrael is the wall and the Palestinians are theeggs, just because we have Tanks. Youtend to forget that the Palestinians are part of more thanone billion Muslims inthe world, many ofwhom would like to get rid ofIsrael if they just could. You also forget that if the situation were reversed and the Palestinians were instead in possession of tanks, there wouldn`t be anyeggs left in the middle-east. The wall we build is exactly to protect us,aseggs, from the wolf lurkingoutside. And If the terrorists didn`t use their owneggsas shield, they wouldn`t break either. All the best toyou.
Title: Like Quixote tiltingat windmills
City: BarcelonaState:
I don`t doubt that this fellow`s books may be addictive, but I do doubt the value of getting hooked on stories that are all, apparently,based on a false ontology ofthe worldbeing clearly divided into "walls" and "eggs."As talkback #1 pointsout, even tank-drivers have their fragility, and to deny their humanity by summarily labeling them "walls," and considering them to be part of some chimerical menacecalled "the system," is to paint a thin veneer of chivalry over arottenbase of moral recklessness.
What`s been going on in Sderot over the last several years? Have Gazans, driven to desperation by the evil system-monster, been left with no option but totoss theireggs against the walls thatsurround them? Is it evil for people on the receiving end to retreat untobomb-shelters (aka "walls") against which theseeggscan`t help but break?
Mr. Murakami, walls don`t breakeggs unless there is someone throwing thoseeggs.
City: AmsterdamState:
bit folish to say that the only option is that the hurt civilians are theeggs and theisraeli tank andbombs are the wall. Never thought that theisrael people are theeggs in a small basketcalled eretz jisrael which issurrounded by a rather large muslim wall?
No fiction heremr , just hard facts.
Kind regards from the Netherlands
負傷した人々が卵でイスラエルの戦車や爆弾が壁だとしか言えないなんてちょっとまぬけだね。もっと大きいムスリムの壁に包囲されたイスラエルの地(eretz jisrael)という小さなかごにいる人たちが卵だって考えなかったのかね?フィクションじゃないよ、ちゃんとした事実だ。
Title: re #5
Name: B
I get where you`re coming from because I`m tired of utopian solutions from dreamers inEurope.
But I believe Murakami is aguywho also understands the tank driver and ourkids in Sderot.I know we`re not used to having media acknowledge our citizensas people, so we get defensive, but I giveMr. Murakami thebenefit of the doubt.
Fromhis speech I feel he`s criticizing the entire system thathas our neighbors trying to destroy us in the first place andthe world legitimizing it and thecommon acceptance of boycottingIsrael because it`s the in thing to do. Thisguy is acknowledging our fight to overcome thisas individuals andas societies.
Thisguy is deeper than our critics fromEurope, and thisguy is a novelist, not a critic.
In Norwegian Wood he painted a really accurate picture of some self-righteous university organizations, quite similar to many of our critics. All I`m saying is before dismissinghim or arguing, see that he`s not picking fights or sides.. besides useggs
(私案)おびき出して尻尾をとらえようとするのです。ほんとうの事を創作の場所まで運び、創作のかたちへと置き換えるのです。で、とりかかるためにまずは、 try to grabits tail by luring thetruth fromits hiding place, transferring it to a fictional location, and replacing it with a fictional form. In order to accomplish this,
(私案)重要な条件 an important qualification
(私案)ガザに怒りを撒き散らした that was raging in Gaza
(私案)私自身は、超現実的なものになりがちですが、物語の形に移し替えるのを好みます。 I myself prefer to transform them into stories - stories thattend toward the surreal.
(私案)メモ書きして壁に貼るようなことはしたことがありません。それは私の心の壁にくっきりと刻み込まれているのです。 I have never gone so faras to write it on a piece of paper and paste it to the wall: Rather, it is carved into the wall of my mind
(私案)何が正しく、何がまちがっているのかを決める必要がある人もいるのでしょうが、決めるのは時間か歴史ではないでしょうか。 Someone else will have to decide what is right and what is wrong; perhapstime or history will decide.
(私案)ある場合には、 In some cases,
(私案)「システム」 The System
(私案)ときにはそれ自身がいのちを帯びて、私たちを殺したり殺し合うようしむけます。 sometimes it takes on alife ofits own, and then it begins to kill us and cause us to kill others
(私案)個人の生の尊厳を一番上まで引き出し、 that is to bring the dignity of the individual soul to thesurface (soulをどういうニュアンスで使っているのか、正直よくわからないです。尊いものとしているのは確かですが)
(私案)生と死の物語や愛の物語、人々が声を上げて泣き、恐怖に身震いし、体全体で笑うような物語を書く事によってなされます。だから日々私たち小説家は、徹頭徹尾真剣に、創作をでっちあげ続けるのです。 stories oflife anddeath, stories oflove, stories thatmake people cry andquake withfear and shake with laughter. This iswhy wego on, day after day, concocting fictions with utter seriousness.
(私案)人種 race
(私案)自分自身と他者の生が唯一無二であり、かけがえのないものであることを信じ、 from our believing in the utter uniqueness and irreplaceability of our own and others' souls
追記: id:le-matin さん( http://d.hatena.ne.jp/le-matin/20090217/p1 )より抜粋である事を明記した方がいいと助言を頂きました。ありがとうございます。
これを受けて、明らかな間違いの修正及び説明の追加、変更を加えさせて頂きました(2月17日 20:00)
i chose to come here rather than stay away. rather i chose speak rather thannothing....
i chose to see for myself rather than not to see. ... like novelist opposite....
whether this to create impression i supportedone side in theconflict and that i endorsed the policy of a nation that chose to unleashits overwhelming militarypower...
I asked myself whether travelling toisraelat atimelike this and accepting a literary prize is a proper thing to do, theycan not genuinly trustanything that theyhaven't seen on their own eyes or touched with their own hands...
"sometimes takes on alife ofits own and it begins to kill us and cause us to kill others coldly, efficiently and systematically."
"We are allfragile eggs faced with a solid wall called the system....To all appearances, we have no hope...the wall is too high and too strong...If we have any hope of victoryat all, it will have to come from our utter uniqueness"
"Each of us possesses a tangible living soul. The systemhas no such thing. We must not allow the system toexploit us"
(以下記者自身の記述を含め、だいたい訳しています。"the lucid wisdoms inhis novelstend to come from acquaintances of the protagonist"の訳については全く自信がありません)
わかりにくい? 日本のベストセラー作家である村上春樹から聞く事になる説明としてはこれが唯一のものだろう。まさしく村上のスタイルであり、さらにどことなく曖昧である。
Celui où savait, l'estimation déjà déjà pensée s'il y avait beaucoup il, mais j'ai éprouvé règleetun viol le passé.
Une personne détruite le caractèrepar lui a associé àun certain groupe religieux pour le manquer.
Pas volonté, je devais chanterpar qu'événements depuis que j'étais jeune.
S'il ne faitpas donc il, j'attrape les cheveux à luiet il esttraîné autouret il esttouchéun corpsetla raison est parce que j'ai été emmené àla placepar force.
J'étais violent.
Ses yeux tels que le serpent qui a toujours stagné m'ont raidi.
Il n'y avait personne pour appeler aide.
Non, mêmela voix n'estpas sortie.
Il ne s'estpas produit à mots devant être dits pour "l'aider."
Vous deviez le suivre.
En d'autres termesla musique étaitpasun outil de fortuneun rêve pourmoi.
S'il chante tranquillement,la raison est parce que c'était capable de s'échapperau moins de peuretviolence dans ce temps.
Là n'apas n'avait pensé qu'une chanson était une fois agréable simple.
Son corps ne comprenaitpas ce qui avait lieu.
Dans les jours de 14 ans, il étend enfinau viol.
Je pensais que je "étais sur"au moment.
Là n'ayezpas besoin d'êtrela chose qui oublie le jour avecces yeux partout dansla vie de M..UN.
Je décide d'apprendre ..... maintenant audacieusement.
Comme pourla peur pour M..UN,pas seul le corps mais aussi le coeur a été taché avecnoir dansla substitution pour désespoiret haine après le jour.
Seulementla mémoire du jour a été laissée hors de mon esprit que je ne peuxpas endurer en quelques minutes.
La mémoire d'un jour a envahi pour le cauchemar du seul jour après jour lorsque je suis venu d'âgeetmarié a raniméet il est devenu difficile de vivre dansla paix.
C'est effrayant de sortir àunmariet je suis encore désolé pourunmari.
Je qui était faible a choisi le divorce que maintenantet s'est échappé dela place.
Alors je passe les temps cassés.
Il y ala colère intenseet désespère enmoi.
Je comprends comment long je qui estun tel être humain devenu les apparences laides.
Je n'avaispas le pouvoir de résister ce jour sans l'existence dela voix élevé.
Une voix n'estpas sortie.Ce n'étaitpas capable de bouger.
Mais je l'observe quand donc j'étais maintenant.
Il a été étendu dans le désespoiret le légitime défense égal apu tuerun envahisseur si j'avais le tel pouvoir.
La colère intense comme lui a ruisselé en bas mon corps.
J'ai été assassiné quandet n'étaitpas étrange l'un ou l'autreet n'étaitpas étrange même si je vous avais assassinés.
Mais heureusement l'envahisseuretmoi n'avionspas de capacité.
J'étais à une perte beaucoup de fois.
Est-ce que vous confesserez?
Je l'ai maintenant reconnu quand a reçu si j'avais confessépar ce réglage lorsque c'était des coups de pub.
J'aieu envie de devenir une personne couvert de coups de pub, avidité pour célébrité, avidité pour l'argent, une telle chose.
Il a besoin de nila célébrité ni l'argent.
Il y a quelquefois une personne pour aller évaluerla sympathie, mais n'achètepas de chose.
Il y avait les temps durs, mais il ne peutpas y avoirla chose que je pensais que je me suis senti désolé pour héroïne... dela tragédie, soi.
fromnow on I try to write down my diary here everyday because I want to improve my English skill.
Today I talked with myfriend, eating lunch. He majors in comparative literature.
I didn't know how Ican say "hikaku bungaku" in English. So I askedhim how Ican say it in English, then he answered "youcan say comparative literature."
I had noidea what it is like because I don't know much of it.So I wanted to askhim about that.
But he hadlittletime to explain that, for he had to attend the intermediate presentation of the papers,or "chukan happyo".
he complained about the presentation because hecan't get enough "constructive" opinions.
"Generaly speaking, the professors in Japanese univ aren't interested in education." ,I said.
"Yeah, theytend to give critical opinions rather than constructiveone", he said.
He also told me that that'sone ofthe reason he prefers writing feedbacks rather than speakingone.