Ifyou want to saythe reason inoneword,it's because of the opposition supporters' "beating org"
LDP supporters curseaspigswho support butchers and spread them tothe world.
Of course, but there's no wayyou canmakefun of the voters andwin the election.
No,it's okay ifyou canwin w Pleasetry towin that way
Butmore thananything,you guys should know thatyou can'twin in that way.
Doyou actuallybet? Ifyouask me, everyonewillrunaway.
Still, opposition supporters are sick, so they can't quit.
Becauseit's worth living to mount and throw stonesat enemies.
連合国救済復興機関の駐台職員であるアラン・J・シャクルトンは、台湾での勤務を通して、国民党政権下の台湾人の窮状を直に目の当たりにした。シャクルトンは1947年12月に故郷のニュージーランドのギスボーンに戻った後、1948年に『FormosaCalling(台湾人の叫び)』を出版し、その中で「状況があまりにもひどくなったので、台湾人は「犬がいなくなって、豚が来た」と言い始めた。(So baddid the situation become that the Formosans began to say, "The dogsgo and thepigs come".)」と述べている[4][5]。
Youwill not be able tostayhome,brother
Youwill not be able to plug in, turnon and copout
Youwill not be able to loseyourselfon skag andskipout for beer during commercials
Because therevolutionwill not be televised.
Therevolutionwill not be televised.
Therevolutionwill not bebrought toyoubyXerox in 4 parts without commercial interruptions
Therevolutionwill not showyou pictures ofNixon blowing a bugle and leading a chargeby John Mitchell, General Abrams and Mendel Rivers toeathog maws confiscated from aHarlemsanctuary
Therevolutionwill not be televised.
Therevolutionwill not bebrought toyouby the Schaefer Award Theatre andwill notstarNatalie Woods and Steve McQueen or Bullwinkle and Julia
Therevolutionwill not giveyour mouthsexappeal
Therevolutionwill notget rid of the nubs
Therevolutionwill notmakeyoulookfive pounds thinner
Because therevolutionwill not be televised,brother.
Therewill be no pictures ofyou andWillieMae pushing that shoppingcart down the blockon the deadrun
Or trying toslide thatcolorTV into a stolen ambulance
NBCwill not be able predict thewinnerat 8:32on reports from 29 districts
Therevolutionwill not be televised.
Therewill be no pictures ofpigs shooting downbrothers in the instant replay
Therewill be no pictures of WhitneyYoungbeingrunout ofHarlemon a rail withbrand new process
Therewill be no slowmotion orstilllife of Roy Wilkens strolling through Watts in aRed, Black andGreen liberation jumpsuit that he had been saving for just the proper occasion.
Therevolutionwill not be televised.
Green Acres, TheBeverly Hillbillies and Hooterville Junctionwill no longer be sogoddamned relevant
And womenwill not care if Dick finally screwedJaneon Search forTomorrow
Because Black peoplewill be in the streetlooking for abrighter day
Therevolutionwill not be televised.
Therewill be no highlightson theeleven o'clocknews
And no pictures of hairy armed women liberationists and JackieOnassis blowinghernose
The theme songwill not be writtenby Jim Webb or Francis Scott Keys,nor sungby Glen Campbell, Tom Jones,JohnnyCash or Englebert Humperdink
Therevolutionwill not be televised.
Therevolutionwill not be right back after amessage about awhite tornado,white lightning, orwhite people
Youwill not have to worry about a dove inyour bedroom, atiger inyour tank, or thegiant inyour toilet bowl
Therevolutionwill notgo better with Coke
Therevolutionwill notfight the germs thatmay cause badbreath
Therevolutionwill putyou in the driver's seat.
Therevolutionwill not be televised
Will not be televised
Will not be televised
Will not be televised
Therevolutionwill be nore-run,brothers
Therevolutionwill belive.
Youwill not be able tostayhome,brother
Youwill not be able to plug in, turnon and copout
Youwill not be able to loseyourselfon skag andskipout for beer during commercials
Because therevolutionwill not be televised.
Therevolutionwill not be televised.
Therevolutionwill not be brought toyoubyXerox in 4 parts without commercial interruptions
Therevolutionwill not showyou pictures ofNixon blowing a bugle and leading a chargeby John Mitchell, General Abrams and Mendel Rivers toeathog maws confiscated from aHarlemsanctuary
Therevolutionwill not be televised.
Therevolutionwill not be brought toyouby the Schaefer Award Theatre andwill notstarNatalie Woods and Steve McQueen or Bullwinkle and Julia
Therevolutionwill not giveyour mouthsexappeal
Therevolutionwill notget rid of the nubs
Therevolutionwill notmakeyoulookfive pounds thinner
Because therevolutionwill not be televised,brother.
Therewill be no pictures ofyou andWillieMae pushing that shoppingcart down the blockon the deadrun
Or trying toslide thatcolorTV into a stolen ambulance
NBCwill not be able predict thewinnerat 8:32on reports from 29 districts
Therevolutionwill not be televised.
Therewill be no pictures ofpigs shooting downbrothers in the instant replay
Therewill be no pictures of WhitneyYoungbeingrunout ofHarlemon a rail with brand new process
Therewill be no slowmotion orstilllife of Roy Wilkens strolling through Watts in aRed, Black andGreen liberation jumpsuit that he had been saving for just the proper occasion.
Therevolutionwill not be televised.
Green Acres, TheBeverly Hillbillies and Hooterville Junctionwill no longer be sogoddamned relevant
And womenwill not care if Dick finally screwedJaneon Search forTomorrow
Because Black peoplewill be in the streetlooking for a brighter day
Therevolutionwill not be televised.
Therewill be no highlightson theeleven o'clocknews
And no pictures of hairy armed women liberationists and JackieOnassis blowinghernose
The theme songwill not be writtenby Jim Webb or Francis Scott Keys,nor sungby Glen Campbell, Tom Jones,JohnnyCash or Englebert Humperdink
Therevolutionwill not be televised.
Therevolutionwill not be right back after amessage about awhite tornado,white lightning, orwhite people
Youwill not have to worry about a dove inyour bedroom, atiger inyour tank, or thegiant inyour toilet bowl
Therevolutionwill notgo better with Coke
Therevolutionwill notfight the germs thatmay cause badbreath
Therevolutionwill putyou in the driver's seat.
Therevolutionwill not be televised
Will not be televised
Will not be televised
Will not be televised
Therevolutionwill be nore-run,brothers
Therevolutionwill belive.
UK - Foot and Mouthconcerns 04May 2010
So farJapanhas had to slaughter 385 animals ? buffaloes, cattle andpigs.
“We are worried because the rigorous biosecurity measures in place in thetwo countries were overwhelmed, pointing
to a recent, large-scale weight of infection in source areas, very probably inthe Far East,” said FAO’s Chief
国連FAO(国際連合食糧農業機関)の獣医学主任、Juan Lubrothは日本で口蹄疫により385頭の動物の処理があったとのニュースにコメントし「日本と韓国で厳密なバイオセキュリティの規制措置があるにも関わらず極東地域のソースと思われる口蹄疫の発生のあることに憂慮している」と述べた。
“In the pastnine years, incursions into officially FMD-free countries,as wereJapan and the Republic ofKorea, have
been extremely rare so to have three such events in four months is a serious cause forconcern,” he noted.
“We also have toask ourselves if we aren’t facing a possible replay of the disastrous 2001 FMD transcontinental
epidemic which spread to South Africa, the United Kingdom andEurope after earlier incursions inJapan and South
Korea,” Lubroth added.
『ザ・コーヴ』狂想曲 海外メディア・関係者・監督を直撃!(後編)
== What was the production intention of the movie?
I wanted tochange the world.
It's not just a movie to pay$10 and havefun.
Bothdolphins andJapanese will be happy with this.
== You don'teatdolphins. But how about other creatures likefish ?
There was atime I did noteat them.
But, without meat mybody lack energy.
So, I noweat some.
== Don't you need toeatfish and animal to gain energy ?
I mainlyeat small and short livingfish like sardine.
It's in the bottom of thefoodchain.
Long livingfish contains liquid silver.
== Iam not asking about the liquid silver problem. Iam asking about the need toeat animal andfish, and thefood culture.
Ideally speaking, I would like to be a vegetarian.
But I do not have that strong will.
== You say that killingdolphins are cruel. Don't youeat cows andpigs ?
In '86, I went to the slaughterhouse, and after that I could noteat cows andpigs.
I do not ask my wife andkids to stopeating them, and I do not askJapanese to stopeating them too.
==Does that mean that you stoppedeating not because it is cruel, but it makes you feel sick ?
Iam a vegetarian. I do noteat animals that walk.
== In your movie, you keep telling that theJapanesegovernment hides information about liquid silver. But the Health, Labour and Welfare Ministry ofJapanhas the data about 60 types offishout into theopen.
It also saids that it could have influence to expectantmother.
It was repored by thenews, and was much discussed.
But I do not trust that numerical value.
In our research, the numbers are much higher.
== Iam not talking about the numbers. Iam asking about the description, hiding, that you are repeatedly using in your film.
Thegovernment releases the data, buton thenet, people will not see it, and the numbers are not correct.
== You entered into a restrictedarea for filming. And you also did a secret filming while you talked withthe police. Don't you have a law-abidingspirit ?
If I secretly film the savagery in Auschwitz, will I be blamed ?
== Iam not talking about Auschwitz. Iam talking about Ohtacho.
Ithink it's in the same range.
Many people must know this.
Original Story : The Covemadness (Written injapanese)
Wonderwhy he didn'tgo toEurope for filming.
Canada'sSeal Slaughter