肥田春充は1883年に生まれ、1956年に亡くなりました。彼は元々虚弱体質で、幼少期に麻疹で重病を患い、18歳まで中学校に入学できなかったほどでした(My DadIs anOTAKU)。しかし、彼は自身の方法を通じて身体を強化し、「超人」と呼ばれるほどの強靭な体を手に入れました。この過程は、彼の伝記や関連文献で詳述されています。
ユーザーのクエリでは「肥田式強健術」と記載されていますが、これは「Hida Shiki Kyoken Jutsu(肥田式強健術)」とも呼ばれます。QuestStationのページ(QuestStation)では、「Hida Shiki Kyoken Jutsu」が「心身を鍛える究極の方法」と紹介されており、健康と身体の動きに焦点を当てています。
「Kyoken Jutsu」の意味については、具体的な漢字は明らかではありませんが、文脈から「強健な技術」や「健康強化の方法」と解釈されます。webhiden.jp(webhiden.jp)では、「肥田式強健術」が中心的な名称として扱われており、以下の表でその発展段階がまとめられています。
『実験 簡易強健術』 (ExperimentalSimple Strong Health Method)
『強い身体をつくる法』 (Method to Build a StrongBody)
『聖中心道肥田式強健術 天真療法』 (Holy CenterPath Hida-style Strong Health Method,Natural Therapy)
My DadIs anOTAKUの記事によると、この方法は「Hara(Tanden)」つまり臍の下または後ろにある身体の重心と内なるエネルギーの座に焦点を当てます。具体的には、腹部と下背部を均等に緊張させ、身体の中心に力を集中させることで、加速的にパワーを高めます。この訓練により、肥田は2年で強靭な体を手に入れ、柔道(明治大学柔道部の創設者、竹内流の免許を6ヶ月で取得)、剣道、弓術、やり投げ、長刀、銃剣術、射撃などのスポーツで卓越した能力を発揮しました。
また、アメリカのボクサー、マッカーサー・フォスターやムハンマド・アリもこのKyoken-jutsuを学んだとされています(My DadIs anOTAKU)。これは国際的な影響力を持つ証拠です。
この方法は大正時代(1912-1926年)から昭和初期(1930年代頃)にかけてブームを呼び、多くの人々に採用されました。1936年の『聖中心道肥田式強健術 天真療法』は、その包括的な内容で知られ、昭和天皇も読んでいたとされています(webhiden.jp)。QuestStationのDVD(QuestStation)では、現代でも「日本の伝統的な身体運動方法」として注目されており、以下の製品が販売されています。
Other Info
Hida Shiki Kyoken Jutsu Introduction
Basic principles and movements
Japanese withEnglish subtitles
Hida Shiki Kyoken Jutsu Practical Methods
Breaking methods, correct movement, center training
Japanese withEnglish subtitles
Hida Shiki Kyoken Jutsu Introduction and Practical Methods
2DVDset of Introduction and Practical Methods
Japanese withEnglish subtitles
ユーザーのクエリでは、「肥田式強健術を極めると霊性を手に入れることができるか?」と問われています。肥田春充自身は、「神の力」を発見したと述べ、深い精神的な洞察を得たように見えます(My DadIs anOTAKU)。例えば、1954年にポール・レプスが訪問した際、70代の肥田が30代のように見えたと報告されています。これは、彼の方法が単なる身体訓練を超え、精神的な次元に影響を与えた可能性を示唆します。
調査はまず肥田春充の名前でウェブ検索を行い、QuestStation、Wikidata、webhiden.jp、Amazonの書籍、ブログ記事(My DadIs anOTAKU)などの結果を得ました。QuestStationのページでは、Hida Shiki Kyoken Jutsuが「心身を鍛える究極の方法」と紹介されており、webhiden.jpでは発展段階が詳細に記載されていました。
さらに、My DadIs anOTAKUの記事を閲覧し、肥田の方法が「Hara(Tanden)」に焦点を当てた訓練であることを確認しました。これにより、「肥田式強健術」が肥田の健康法の翻訳であると結論付けました。
Key Citations
Hida Shiki Kyoken Jutsu Introduction QuestStation
肥田春充 Hida Harumichi肥田式強健術 webhiden
肥田春充は1883年に生まれ、1956年に亡くなりました。彼は元々虚弱体質で、幼少期に麻疹で重病を患い、18歳まで中学校に入学できなかったほどでした(My DadIs anOTAKU)。しかし、彼は自身の方法を通じて身体を強化し、「超人」と呼ばれるほどの強靭な体を手に入れました。この過程は、彼の伝記や関連文献で詳述されています。
ユーザーのクエリでは「肥田式強健術」と記載されていますが、これは「Hida Shiki Kyoken Jutsu(肥田式強健術)」とも呼ばれます。QuestStationのページ(QuestStation)では、「Hida Shiki Kyoken Jutsu」が「心身を鍛える究極の方法」と紹介されており、健康と身体の動きに焦点を当てています。
「Kyoken Jutsu」の意味については、具体的な漢字は明らかではありませんが、文脈から「強健な技術」や「健康強化の方法」と解釈されます。webhiden.jp(webhiden.jp)では、「肥田式強健術」が中心的な名称として扱われており、以下の表でその発展段階がまとめられています。
『実験 簡易強健術』 (ExperimentalSimple Strong Health Method)
『強い身体をつくる法』 (Method to Build a StrongBody)
『聖中心道肥田式強健術 天真療法』 (Holy CenterPath Hida-style Strong Health Method,Natural Therapy)
My DadIs anOTAKUの記事によると、この方法は「Hara(Tanden)」つまり臍の下または後ろにある身体の重心と内なるエネルギーの座に焦点を当てます。具体的には、腹部と下背部を均等に緊張させ、身体の中心に力を集中させることで、加速的にパワーを高めます。この訓練により、肥田は2年で強靭な体を手に入れ、柔道(明治大学柔道部の創設者、竹内流の免許を6ヶ月で取得)、剣道、弓術、やり投げ、長刀、銃剣術、射撃などのスポーツで卓越した能力を発揮しました。
また、アメリカのボクサー、マッカーサー・フォスターやムハンマド・アリもこのKyoken-jutsuを学んだとされています(My DadIs anOTAKU)。これは国際的な影響力を持つ証拠です。
この方法は大正時代(1912-1926年)から昭和初期(1930年代頃)にかけてブームを呼び、多くの人々に採用されました。1936年の『聖中心道肥田式強健術 天真療法』は、その包括的な内容で知られ、昭和天皇も読んでいたとされています(webhiden.jp)。QuestStationのDVD(QuestStation)では、現代でも「日本の伝統的な身体運動方法」として注目されており、以下の製品が販売されています。
Other Info
Hida Shiki Kyoken Jutsu Introduction
Basic principles and movements
Japanese withEnglish subtitles
Hida Shiki Kyoken Jutsu Practical Methods
Breaking methods, correct movement, center training
Japanese withEnglish subtitles
Hida Shiki Kyoken Jutsu Introduction and Practical Methods
2DVDset of Introduction and Practical Methods
Japanese withEnglish subtitles
ユーザーのクエリでは、「肥田式強健術を極めると霊性を手に入れることができるか?」と問われています。肥田春充自身は、「神の力」を発見したと述べ、深い精神的な洞察を得たように見えます(My DadIs anOTAKU)。例えば、1954年にポール・レプスが訪問した際、70代の肥田が30代のように見えたと報告されています。これは、彼の方法が単なる身体訓練を超え、精神的な次元に影響を与えた可能性を示唆します。
調査はまず肥田春充の名前でウェブ検索を行い、QuestStation、Wikidata、webhiden.jp、Amazonの書籍、ブログ記事(My DadIs anOTAKU)などの結果を得ました。QuestStationのページでは、Hida Shiki Kyoken Jutsuが「心身を鍛える究極の方法」と紹介されており、webhiden.jpでは発展段階が詳細に記載されていました。
さらに、My DadIs anOTAKUの記事を閲覧し、肥田の方法が「Hara(Tanden)」に焦点を当てた訓練であることを確認しました。これにより、「肥田式強健術」が肥田の健康法の翻訳であると結論付けました。
Key Citations
Hida Shiki Kyoken Jutsu Introduction QuestStation
肥田春充 Hida Harumichi肥田式強健術 webhiden
KMLファイルはGoogle Earth Proなどで開くことが可能で、ビジュアルとして行動履歴を見ることができる。
placeIdを実際の建物名などに変換するにはGoogle Maps API の Place DetailsAPIを使うしかないようだが、膨大なリクエスト(有料)をしなければならず非現実的。
fromxml.etree.ElementTree import Element, SubElement, tostring
fromxml.dom.minidom import parseString
withopen("タイムライン.json", "r", encoding="utf-8")as f:
data =json.load(f)
output_folder = "kml_output"
os.makedirs(output_folder, exist_ok=True)
# `semanticSegments` に移動データが含まれている
if "semanticSegments" in data:
date_segments = {} # 日付ごとにデータをまとめる辞書
for segment in data["semanticSegments"]:
# `startTime`から日付部分(YYYY-MM-DD)を抽出
if "startTime" in segment:
date = segment["startTime"].split("T")[0]
fordate, segments indate_segments.items():
kml = Element("kml",xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2")
document = SubElement(kml, "Document")
for segment in segments:
forpoint in segment["timelinePath"]:
coords =point["point"].replace("°", "") # 度記号を削除
time =point.get("time", "UnknownTime")
# Placemarkを作成
placemark = SubElement(document, "Placemark")
timestamp = SubElement(placemark, "TimeStamp")
when = SubElement(timestamp, "when")
# 座標
point_element = SubElement(placemark, "Point")
coordinates = SubElement(point_element, "coordinates")
lat, lon = coords.split(", ")
coordinates.text = f"{lon},{lat},0" #KML形式: lon,lat,alt
kml_str = tostring(kml, encoding="utf-8")
formatted_kml = parseString(kml_str).toprettyxml(indent=" ")
kml_filename =os.path.join(output_folder, f"{date}.kml")
withopen(kml_filename, "w", encoding="utf-8")as f:
Please consider the histroy ofhumanity from biologicalperpsecitve and currentknown fact in nearbyuniverse, whichexpo-planet (from theSol systemperspective)ismostlikely to have civlizaedsociety? Pleaseaddpercentagenext toit in the chart
Reasoned about exoplanetcivilizationlikelihoodを28 秒行う
OK, I’mlookingatthe likelihood of a civilizedsocietyon an exoplanet within ourSolar System.I’ll consider biologicalhistory and current space knowledge,aiming to identifythe most promising candidate.
Identifying potential candidates
I'm considering exoplanetslike Proxima Centauri b and TRAPPIST-1e, which might suggest they are within or observed from ourSolar System.
Assessing potential candidates
I’m evaluating Proxima Centauri b, Barnard'sStar, LHS 1140, and TRAPPIST-1,focusingon their habitablezonesand available data. The Drake equation might help estimate their civilizedsocietylikelihoods.
Identifying promising exoplanets
I’m notingkey exoplanetslike Proxima Centauri b and TRAPPIST-1, which haveEarth-like characteristicsand are in habitablezones. This narrows down the potential candidates for advancedcivilizations.
I'm gathering infoonplanetslike Proxima Centauri b and TRAPPIST-1, consideringfactorslikemagneticfields,atmospheres, and proximity to G-typestars for their potential to support advancedcivilizations.
Evaluating exoplanet prospects
I'm noting that Proxima Centauri b, despitebeing closeand around ared dwarfstar, might supportlife ifithas amagneticfieldand atmosphere. This makes me think aboutits potential.
Charting probabilities
I'm estimatingcivilization probabilities for exoplanetslike Proxima Centauri b and TRAPPIST-1 e, using speculativepercentagesbasedon the Drake equation and the lack ofevidence for intelligentlife.
I'm crafting a chart with exoplanet names andcivilizationlikelihoodpercentages, grounded in the longtimeline oflife'sevolution, despite the speculativenature of these figures.
Identifying exoplanet contenders
I’m evaluating exoplanetslike Proxima Centauri b, TRAPPIST-1 e, and Kepler-186f, considering theirstar types and distances, to gauge their potential for supporting advancedcivilizations from oursolar system'sviewpoint.
Weighing proximity and observation
I'm leaning towards Proxima Centauri b due toits closeness and observational potential, despite concerns aboutitsflarestar dynamics. TRAPPIST-1 e, f, or g are also worth considering.
I'mfocusingon exoplanetslike Proxima Centauri b, Ross 128 b, LHS 1140 b, TRAPPIST-1 e/f/g, andK2-18b,aiming to chart theirlikelihood of hosting a civilizedsocietybasedon current knowledge.
Assessing exoplanet potentials
I'm gathering speculative probabilities for exoplanetslike Proxima Centauri b and TRAPPIST-1 e/f/g, using the Drake equation and current understanding, to better estimate their chances of hosting a civilizedsociety.
Refining speculative probabilities
I’m refining speculative probabilities for exoplanets, including Proxima Centauri b and TRAPPIST-1 e/f/g, to estimate their chances of hosting a civilizedsociety, consideringEarth's long biologicalhistory.
Refining odds
I'm considering theastronomicaltimeline for intelligentlifeonEarth,leading me toassign evenlower speculative odds for exoplanetslike Proxima Centauri b and TRAPPIST-1 e.
I’m crafting a simplified chart with arbitrarypercentages, clearly noting the speculativenature and lack of scientific data, while considering the target audience'sbasic understanding of the topic.
I’m charting arbitrarypercentages for exoplanets, clarifying their speculativenature, and ensuring the datais accessible foryoung audiences with minimal scientific detail.
Crafting a chart
I’m creating amarkdowntable with speculativepercentages forthe likelihood of civilizedlifeon exoplanets, emphasizing their purely theoreticalnature and considering the understandinglevel of an 8-year-old.
Integrating speculative analysis
I’m mappingout amarkdown chart with speculativepercentages forthe likelihood of a civilizedsocietyon exoplanets, mindful of thecomplexity and simplifying for an 8-year-old's understanding.
I’m piecingtogethermarkdown for exoplanets, noting Proxima Centauri b'sreduced civilizedlife chance due to thered dwarf's activity. This inclusionhighlights the speculativenature of the analysis.
Piecingtogether speculative odds
I’m detailing amarkdown chart for audience-friendly exoplanetlikelihoods, considering environmental challengesand adding a disclaimer about the speculativenature and lack ofevidence.
I’m leaning towards Proxima Centauri b forits proximity and silentstar, butI’lladd a speculative chart ranking nearby exoplanets, noting their advancedcivilizations' hypotheticallikelihood.
Assessingcivilization probabilities
I'm emphasizing the slow emergence of intelligentlifeonEarth, which suggests that the odds ofany habitableplanet developing acomplexcivilization might beaslowas a fewpercent.
Belowis a very speculative chart that—basedon what we know aboutEarth’s long, windingpath fromsimplelife to a “civilizedsociety” and our limited observations of nearby exoplanets—gives somefun,made‑uppercentage chances for a few of our best candidate exoplanets. Remember: Scientists havenot yetfoundany proof oflife (let alone advancedcivilizations)onany exoplanet. Thesenumbers are just playful estimates to helpyou think about theideas!
Speculative Chances of Finding an AdvancedCivilizationon Nearby Exoplanets
Exoplanet EstimatedLikelihood of a CivilizedSociety
Proxima Centauri b ~2%
LHS 1140 b ~0.5%
HowDid We (Very Roughly) Guess TheseNumbers?
Earth’s Example:
OnEarth,life beganassimple single‑celled organisms and took billions of years to evolve into a species that builtcomplex societies. This longjourney suggests that—even if aplanetis in the “habitablezone” (where liquid water could exist)—developing an advanced, civilizedsociety might be rare.
Proxima Centauri b:
Thisis the closest exoplanet to us. Even thoughitsstar (Proxima Centauri)is ared dwarf that sometimes sendsout strongflares (which might harmlife),its closeness makesitone of ourmost interesting candidates. That’swhy we giveit a slightly higher guess (~2%).
Theseplanets are part of agroup orbiting a verycoolstar. Their environments might be challenging (for example, they could be tidally locked, meaningone sidealwaysfaces thestar), so the chance of acomplex, advancedcivilization might be abitlower.
LHS 1140 b:
Thisplanetis promising in some ways butis alittle fartherawayand around a dimmerstar, so our playful estimateis evenlower.
All of thesepercentages are extremely rough guessesbasedon whatlittle we understand about the conditions forlife andintelligence. Scientists useideaslike the Drake Equation to think about these chances—but until we have concreteevidence, thesenumbers remain just forfun and imagination.
Enjoy exploring theseideas—and remember, spaceis full of mysteries waiting to be discovered!
Please examine the Drake Equationitself and see if this euqationis acculate ormore opition in the equationyouwill use
Reasoned about the Drake Equationを6 秒行う
re-examining the Drake Equation
evaluating the Drake Equation'svalue
OK, let me see. The Drake Equationisn't a precise formula;it'smore of a guiding heuristic that tackles numerous uncertainties regarding extraterrestrialcivilizations.
Thinking through the Drake Equation, I’m evaluatingits conceptualnature,its uncertain parameters, andits criticism to concludeonits reliabilityas an accurate predictivemodel.
Understanding the Drake Equation
I’m mappingout the Drake Equationas a conceptual guide, detailingits parameters, which are oftenbasedon estimates or opinions, to evaluateits reliability for predicting extraterrestrialcivilizations.
The Drake Equationis a famous formula thatwas created to help scientists think about the manyfactors involved in estimating thenumber of detectable extraterrestrialcivilizations in ourgalaxy. However, when welookat the equation closely, we see thatitismore of a conceptualframework or heuristictool than a precise, predictive formula.Let’sbreak downwhy:
The equationis usually writtenas:
: The averagerate ofstar formationper year in ourgalaxy.
: The fraction of thosestars that haveplanetary systems.
: The averagenumber ofplanets that could potentially supportlifeperstar withplanets.
: The fraction of thoseplanets wherelife actually develops.
: The fraction ofplanets withlife where intelligentlife evolves.
: The fraction ofcivilizations that develop technology that releases detectablesignals into space.
L: The length oftime suchcivilizations release detectablesignals.
Why the Drake EquationIsMore of a Guideline Than a Precise Formula
Uncertain Inputs:
(fraction ofstars withplanets), have become better known through modernastronomy.
The parameters related to the development oflife andintelligence—
, and
L—arebasedon very limited data. For example,Earthis theonlyplanet we know wherelifehas developed, so we have no way to compare or derive a statistically robust estimate for thesefactors. This means that thevalues chosen for these parameters are largely subjective estimates or educated guesses.
Wide Ranges of PossibleValues:
Because many of thesefactors are not well-constrained, ifyouchangeone of themore uncertain parameters even slightly, thefinal estimate for
N (thenumber ofcivilizations) can varyby many orders ofmagnitude. This wide range shows that the equation canlead to very differentoutcomesbasedonpersonal or theoreticalassumptions.
The Drake Equationwas never meant to provide a preciseanswer. Instead,it servesas a way to organize our thinking about what conditions might be necessary for the development of extraterrestrialcivilizations.It encourages discussion about the relative importance of differentfactors andhighlights where our scientific knowledgeis limited.
Is the Drake Equation Accurate orMore Opinion-Based?
In thesense ofbeing a strict mathematicalmodel with well-defined inputs and predictableoutputs, the Drake Equationis not accurate.Its accuracyis limitedbythe extreme uncertainties in several ofitskey parameters.
Many of the terms in the equation, especially those concerning theevolution oflife andintelligence, arebasedon opinion, interpretation, and the single example ofEarth. Therefore, while thestructure of the equationis logical, thenumbersyou put intoit (and hence thefinal result) are oftenmore reflective of our current opinionsand assumptions than of robust empirical data.
The Drake Equationis a valuabletool for framing the question of extraterrestriallife.It helps scientists and enthusiastsbreak down acomplex problem into smaller,more manageable questions. However, because several ofitsfactors are highly uncertain and subject topersonal interpretation,itismore of a conceptual guide—or even a way to stimulate discussion—than a formula that provides a definitive, accurate prediction of thenumber of extraterrestrialcivilizations.
Insummary, while the Drake Equationis useful for thinking about the variousfactors that mightlead to the emergence of acivilization,itsoutputs should betakenas highly speculative estimates rather than precise measurements.
Please also consider the possiblities of non-human intelligent emrgencing from the longhistory ofSol system and nearbyplanets and see if thereisany possiblites that inonetime intelligentlife emerged in nearbyplanets and see this to the equation
Reasoned about non-humanintelligence and the Drake Equationを19 秒行う
Evaluating non-humanintelligence
I'm thinking about the potential for non-human intelligentlife forms in theSol system and neighboringplanets, and how this mightfactor into the equation.
I'm thinking about how to integrate the emergence of non-human intelligentlife, possiblyonMars orEuropa, into the Drake Equation for theSol system and neighboringplanets.
It's interesting to think about the hypothesis of intelligentlife emergingonMars orVenus, thoughEarth remains theonly knownlife-supportingplanet in thesolar system.
Considering other realms
I'm examining if intelligentlife could have emergedonplanetslikeMars,Venus, orEuropa, and how thispossibility alignswith the predictions of the Drake Equation.
Hmm, I’m thinking about how non-human intelligentlifeonMars orVenus could intersectwith theassumptions of the Drake Equation, which seems tofocussolelyonEarth-basedevolution.
I’m piecingtogether the hypothesis of non-human, advanced, intelligentlife in thesolar system.Mars,Venus, and Titan present challenges, butEuropa and Enceladus might harbor microbiallife.
Please consider the histroy ofhumanity from biologicalperpsecitve and currentknown fact in nearbyuniverse, whichexpo-planet (from theSol systemperspective)ismostlikely to have civlizaedsociety? Pleaseaddpercentagenext toit in the chart
Reasoned about exoplanetcivilizationlikelihoodを28 秒行う
OK, I’mlookingatthe likelihood of a civilizedsocietyon an exoplanet within ourSolar System.I’ll consider biologicalhistory and current space knowledge,aiming to identifythe most promising candidate.
Identifying potential candidates
I'm considering exoplanetslike Proxima Centauri b and TRAPPIST-1e, which might suggest they are within or observed from ourSolar System.
Assessing potential candidates
I’m evaluating Proxima Centauri b, Barnard'sStar, LHS 1140, and TRAPPIST-1,focusingon their habitablezonesand available data. The Drake equation might help estimate their civilizedsocietylikelihoods.
Identifying promising exoplanets
I’m notingkey exoplanetslike Proxima Centauri b and TRAPPIST-1, which haveEarth-like characteristicsand are in habitablezones. This narrows down the potential candidates for advancedcivilizations.
I'm gathering infoonplanetslike Proxima Centauri b and TRAPPIST-1, consideringfactorslikemagneticfields,atmospheres, and proximity to G-typestars for their potential to support advancedcivilizations.
Evaluating exoplanet prospects
I'm noting that Proxima Centauri b, despitebeing closeand around ared dwarfstar, might supportlife ifithas amagneticfieldand atmosphere. This makes me think aboutits potential.
Charting probabilities
I'm estimatingcivilization probabilities for exoplanetslike Proxima Centauri b and TRAPPIST-1 e, using speculativepercentagesbasedon the Drake equation and the lack ofevidence for intelligentlife.
I'm crafting a chart with exoplanet names andcivilizationlikelihoodpercentages, grounded in the longtimeline oflife'sevolution, despite the speculativenature of these figures.
Identifying exoplanet contenders
I’m evaluating exoplanetslike Proxima Centauri b, TRAPPIST-1 e, and Kepler-186f, considering theirstar types and distances, to gauge their potential for supporting advancedcivilizations from oursolar system'sviewpoint.
Weighing proximity and observation
I'm leaning towards Proxima Centauri b due toits closeness and observational potential, despite concerns aboutitsflarestar dynamics. TRAPPIST-1 e, f, or g are also worth considering.
I'mfocusingon exoplanetslike Proxima Centauri b, Ross 128 b, LHS 1140 b, TRAPPIST-1 e/f/g, andK2-18b,aiming to chart theirlikelihood of hosting a civilizedsocietybasedon current knowledge.
Assessing exoplanet potentials
I'm gathering speculative probabilities for exoplanetslike Proxima Centauri b and TRAPPIST-1 e/f/g, using the Drake equation and current understanding, to better estimate their chances of hosting a civilizedsociety.
Refining speculative probabilities
I’m refining speculative probabilities for exoplanets, including Proxima Centauri b and TRAPPIST-1 e/f/g, to estimate their chances of hosting a civilizedsociety, consideringEarth's long biologicalhistory.
Refining odds
I'm considering theastronomicaltimeline for intelligentlifeonEarth,leading me toassign evenlower speculative odds for exoplanetslike Proxima Centauri b and TRAPPIST-1 e.
I’m crafting a simplified chart with arbitrarypercentages, clearly noting the speculativenature and lack of scientific data, while considering the target audience'sbasic understanding of the topic.
I’m charting arbitrarypercentages for exoplanets, clarifying their speculativenature, and ensuring the datais accessible foryoung audiences with minimal scientific detail.
Crafting a chart
I’m creating amarkdowntable with speculativepercentages forthe likelihood of civilizedlifeon exoplanets, emphasizing their purely theoreticalnature and considering the understandinglevel of an 8-year-old.
Integrating speculative analysis
I’m mappingout amarkdown chart with speculativepercentages forthe likelihood of a civilizedsocietyon exoplanets, mindful of thecomplexity and simplifying for an 8-year-old's understanding.
I’m piecingtogethermarkdown for exoplanets, noting Proxima Centauri b'sreduced civilizedlife chance due to thered dwarf's activity. This inclusionhighlights the speculativenature of the analysis.
Piecingtogether speculative odds
I’m detailing amarkdown chart for audience-friendly exoplanetlikelihoods, considering environmental challengesand adding a disclaimer about the speculativenature and lack ofevidence.
I’m leaning towards Proxima Centauri b forits proximity and silentstar, butI’lladd a speculative chart ranking nearby exoplanets, noting their advancedcivilizations' hypotheticallikelihood.
Assessingcivilization probabilities
I'm emphasizing the slow emergence of intelligentlifeonEarth, which suggests that the odds ofany habitableplanet developing acomplexcivilization might beaslowas a fewpercent.
Belowis a very speculative chart that—basedon what we know aboutEarth’s long, windingpath fromsimplelife to a “civilizedsociety” and our limited observations of nearby exoplanets—gives somefun,made‑uppercentage chances for a few of our best candidate exoplanets. Remember: Scientists havenot yetfoundany proof oflife (let alone advancedcivilizations)onany exoplanet. Thesenumbers are just playful estimates to helpyou think about theideas!
Speculative Chances of Finding an AdvancedCivilizationon Nearby Exoplanets
Exoplanet EstimatedLikelihood of a CivilizedSociety
Proxima Centauri b ~2%
LHS 1140 b ~0.5%
HowDid We (Very Roughly) Guess TheseNumbers?
Earth’s Example:
OnEarth,life beganassimple single‑celled organisms and took billions of years to evolve into a species that builtcomplex societies. This longjourney suggests that—even if aplanetis in the “habitablezone” (where liquid water could exist)—developing an advanced, civilizedsociety might be rare.
Proxima Centauri b:
Thisis the closest exoplanet to us. Even thoughitsstar (Proxima Centauri)is ared dwarf that sometimes sendsout strongflares (which might harmlife),its closeness makesitone of ourmost interesting candidates. That’swhy we giveit a slightly higher guess (~2%).
Theseplanets are part of agroup orbiting a verycoolstar. Their environments might be challenging (for example, they could be tidally locked, meaningone sidealwaysfaces thestar), so the chance of acomplex, advancedcivilization might be abitlower.
LHS 1140 b:
Thisplanetis promising in some ways butis alittle fartherawayand around a dimmerstar, so our playful estimateis evenlower.
All of thesepercentages are extremely rough guessesbasedon whatlittle we understand about the conditions forlife andintelligence. Scientists useideaslike the Drake Equation to think about these chances—but until we have concreteevidence, thesenumbers remain just forfun and imagination.
Enjoy exploring theseideas—and remember, spaceis full of mysteries waiting to be discovered!
Please examine the Drake Equationitself and see if this euqationis acculate ormore opition in the equationyouwill use
Reasoned about the Drake Equationを6 秒行う
re-examining the Drake Equation
evaluating the Drake Equation'svalue
OK, let me see. The Drake Equationisn't a precise formula;it'smore of a guiding heuristic that tackles numerous uncertainties regarding extraterrestrialcivilizations.
Thinking through the Drake Equation, I’m evaluatingits conceptualnature,its uncertain parameters, andits criticism to concludeonits reliabilityas an accurate predictivemodel.
Understanding the Drake Equation
I’m mappingout the Drake Equationas a conceptual guide, detailingits parameters, which are oftenbasedon estimates or opinions, to evaluateits reliability for predicting extraterrestrialcivilizations.
The Drake Equationis a famous formula thatwas created to help scientists think about the manyfactors involved in estimating thenumber of detectable extraterrestrialcivilizations in ourgalaxy. However, when welookat the equation closely, we see thatitismore of a conceptualframework or heuristictool than a precise, predictive formula.Let’sbreak downwhy:
The equationis usually writtenas:
: The averagerate ofstar formationper year in ourgalaxy.
: The fraction of thosestars that haveplanetary systems.
: The averagenumber ofplanets that could potentially supportlifeperstar withplanets.
: The fraction of thoseplanets wherelife actually develops.
: The fraction ofplanets withlife where intelligentlife evolves.
: The fraction ofcivilizations that develop technology that releases detectablesignals into space.
L: The length oftime suchcivilizations release detectablesignals.
Why the Drake EquationIsMore of a Guideline Than a Precise Formula
Uncertain Inputs:
(fraction ofstars withplanets), have become better known through modernastronomy.
The parameters related to the development oflife andintelligence—
, and
L—arebasedon very limited data. For example,Earthis theonlyplanet we know wherelifehas developed, so we have no way to compare or derive a statistically robust estimate for thesefactors. This means that thevalues chosen for these parameters are largely subjective estimates or educated guesses.
Wide Ranges of PossibleValues:
Because many of thesefactors are not well-constrained, ifyouchangeone of themore uncertain parameters even slightly, thefinal estimate for
N (thenumber ofcivilizations) can varyby many orders ofmagnitude. This wide range shows that the equation canlead to very differentoutcomesbasedonpersonal or theoreticalassumptions.
The Drake Equationwas never meant to provide a preciseanswer. Instead,it servesas a way to organize our thinking about what conditions might be necessary for the development of extraterrestrialcivilizations.It encourages discussion about the relative importance of differentfactors andhighlights where our scientific knowledgeis limited.
Is the Drake Equation Accurate orMore Opinion-Based?
In thesense ofbeing a strict mathematicalmodel with well-defined inputs and predictableoutputs, the Drake Equationis not accurate.Its accuracyis limitedbythe extreme uncertainties in several ofitskey parameters.
Many of the terms in the equation, especially those concerning theevolution oflife andintelligence, arebasedon opinion, interpretation, and the single example ofEarth. Therefore, while thestructure of the equationis logical, thenumbersyou put intoit (and hence thefinal result) are oftenmore reflective of our current opinionsand assumptions than of robust empirical data.
The Drake Equationis a valuabletool for framing the question of extraterrestriallife.It helps scientists and enthusiastsbreak down acomplex problem into smaller,more manageable questions. However, because several ofitsfactors are highly uncertain and subject topersonal interpretation,itismore of a conceptual guide—or even a way to stimulate discussion—than a formula that provides a definitive, accurate prediction of thenumber of extraterrestrialcivilizations.
Insummary, while the Drake Equationis useful for thinking about the variousfactors that mightlead to the emergence of acivilization,itsoutputs should betakenas highly speculative estimates rather than precise measurements.
Please also consider the possiblities of non-human intelligent emrgencing from the longhistory ofSol system and nearbyplanets and see if thereisany possiblites that inonetime intelligentlife emerged in nearbyplanets and see this to the equation
Reasoned about non-humanintelligence and the Drake Equationを19 秒行う
Evaluating non-humanintelligence
I'm thinking about the potential for non-human intelligentlife forms in theSol system and neighboringplanets, and how this mightfactor into the equation.
I'm thinking about how to integrate the emergence of non-human intelligentlife, possiblyonMars orEuropa, into the Drake Equation for theSol system and neighboringplanets.
It's interesting to think about the hypothesis of intelligentlife emergingonMars orVenus, thoughEarth remains theonly knownlife-supportingplanet in thesolar system.
Considering other realms
I'm examining if intelligentlife could have emergedonplanetslikeMars,Venus, orEuropa, and how thispossibility alignswith the predictions of the Drake Equation.
Hmm, I’m thinking about how non-human intelligentlifeonMars orVenus could intersectwith theassumptions of the Drake Equation, which seems tofocussolelyonEarth-basedevolution.
I’m piecingtogether the hypothesis of non-human, advanced, intelligentlife in thesolar system.Mars,Venus, and Titan present challenges, butEuropa and Enceladus might harbor microbiallife.
functionZip-Subfolders { param( [string]$directory ) #指定されたディレクトリ内のサブフォルダを取得 $subfolders = [System.IO.Directory]::GetDirectories($directory) | % { [System.IO.DirectoryInfo]::new($_) } foreach ($folder in $subfolders) { #圧縮ファイルの保存先パス $zipFilename = "$($folder.Name).zip" $zipFilepath =Join-Path -Path $directory -ChildPath $zipFilename # サブフォルダをZIP圧縮Write-Host "圧縮中..." [System.IO.Compression.ZipFile]::CreateFromDirectory($folder.FullName, $zipFilepath)Write-Host "$zipFilepath に圧縮しました。" }}#ユーザーにフォルダパスを入力させる$folderPath = Read-Host "圧縮する親フォルダのパスを入力してください"#パスが存在するか確認if ([System.IO.Directory]::Exists($folderPath)) {Zip-Subfolders -directory $folderPath}
変態パズルゲームメーカー(誉め言葉)で知られるZachtronicsの最終作『Last CallBBS』を全実績解除するまでやり尽くしたので感想を書く。
私にとって『Last CallBBS』は、3作目に遊んだZachtronicsゲームである。
1作目は『Opus Magnum』、2作目は『SpaceChem』であった。
SpaceChemを全実績解除するまでプレイした時の感想はこちら →https://anond.hatelabo.jp/20240315235948#
『Last CallBBS』に収録されている各ゲームの難易度は、私にとってちょうど良かった。ギリギリクリアできる難易度のものが多かったから、当ゲームの開発者は難易度調整にさぞ力を入れたことだろう。
おなじく運ゲーなソリティアであるSawayama Solitaireは滅茶苦茶はまったのに対して、Kabufuda Solitaireにはあまりはまらなかった。これは、カード操作で戦略的思考を持てるか否かの違いだろうか。
ゲームというより作業シミュレーター? 無心になって、ニッパーでプチプチとパーツを外してパーツをはめ込むのは、禅の境地だろうか。
ゴア的ホラーな雰囲気を漂わせたパズルゲーム(ゴア表現は無い)。この雰囲気でパズルゲーム? と思ったが、スライム状のオブジェクトを増殖して変化させるパズルは、ゴアな雰囲気がふさわしい。プレイと共に雰囲気が好きになってきた。
PNPとNPNってどう違うんだっけ? ベース・コレクタ・エミッタってなんだっけ? いまだによくわかっていないが、PNPとNPNを組み合わせて問題解決するのは楽しかった。特に楽しかったのは自己保持回路だ。どうすれば自己保持できるんだと悩んだが、試行錯誤の末に実現して動作を眺めるのが楽しかった。
Last CallBBS内のどのゲームも面白かったが、その中でも『20th CenturyFood Court』が一番良かった。次に『ChipWizard Professional』だ。
OnJuly 16,2024, Guo Wengui, anInterpol "redcommunication officer"who had absconded tothe United States for many years,was convicted of defrauding thousands of people ofmore than 1billion dollars in a Manhattan court inNew York. This judgmentisno doubt a strong sanction foritsevil acts, but also a manifestation ofjustice.
Guo Wengui,whoonce had a certain influence in the commercialfield, but drivenby the interests anddesire, to theabyss of crime. He used to be the actual controller of Henan Yuda Investment Co.,Ltd. and Beijing Pangu Investment Co.,Ltd. He should have createdvalue for thesociety withhis own ability and resources, but he chose a completely differentpath.
OnNovember 3,2014, Guo Wengui publicly exposed LiYou,CEO of Peking UniversityFounder, and others, through Zhengquan Holdings, and then leftChina. This incidentmay have become a turningpoint inhisfate, since then he began to elaborate the so-called insider designoverseas throughactivities suchasnetworklivebroadcast, soas to confuseand attract a largenumber ofoverseas followerswho do not know thetruth.
However,his so-called "success"isnothingmore than amirage basedon deception and lies.Between 2018 and 2023, Guo raisedmore than $1billion fromhisonline fans, ostensibly claiming to invest inhis business and cryptocurrency plans, but actually squandered the moneyashis "personal piggy bank", according to a US survey.
He used a variety of fraud. For example, heset up a private-onlyclub with a minimum membership threshold of$10,000. Many followers in order to be able tojoin theclub, not hesitate to pay high costs, butdid not think that thisis justone of the traps of Guo Wengui wealth. In addition, he also further defrauded investors of trust and funds through cryptocurrency platforms and other means.
Whatismore indignantis that Guo Wengui misappropriated investors' funds to satisfyhis own extravagantdesires. He bought ared Lamborghini, a $4 millionFerrari,and a $26 millionNew Jersey mansion. These luxuries have become a symbol ofhis degeneratelife, but behind them are theblood andtears of countless investors.
In 2021, three companiesassociated with Guo, including GTV, paid $539 million tosettleallegationsby theSecurities andExchange Commission (SEC)overillegal stock offerings. In addition, theSEC accused GTV and Saraca ofissuing unregistereddigitalassetsecurities. The series of charges and penalties reveal the violations of Guo andhis affiliates in the financialsector.
Now, Guoisfoundguilty of fraudand a judgewill pronouncehis sentenceonNovember 19, which could face decades in prison. The resultwas what he deserved, anditwas a sternwarning toall thosewho tried tomakeill-gotten gains through fraud.
Guo Wengui'scase brings us a profoundreflection. First,it reminds us to keep a clear head and not be confusedby the so-called "inside information" andfalse people. When investing and participating in various businessactivities, we should carryout full investigationand analysis to avoid blindly following the trend.Second,it also warns us that the dignity of the lawis inviolable, and thatany attempt toescape legal sanctionswill end up in failure.
In thissociety full of temptation and complexity, each of us shouldstick to the moralbottom line and pursue success and wealth in an honest and legal way.Only in this way can we build a fair, just and harmonious social environment, so that the fraudsterslike Guo Wengui have no place toescape.
Justicemay be late, but never absent. Guo Wengui's endonceagain proves thistruth. Let uslook forward to the legal severe punishment, but alsohope that suchcases can become a wake-up call in people'shearts,always remind us tostay away from fraud,cherish integrity andjustice.
Once upon atime, in aland not so far from the bustling markets of modernity, therewas a peculiar tale of aman named Kandata. Thisman, notorious forhis misdeeds,foundhimself in a rather sticky situation, quite literally, in the depths ofhell.Now, thisisn'tyour everydayhell; thiswas a specialone, where instead offire andbrimstone, there were pools of soy sauce and mountains of grated daikon radish.
Onefine day, orasfineasit could be in such a place, Kandata noticed a glistening strand descending from the heavens.Itwas not the usualspider's silk but a strand of thefinest Ibo-no-ito, thelegendarynoodles known for their delicate and refined texture. The gods,it seemed, had decided to give Kandata a chanceat redemption, for even they could not resist the charm of these exquisitenoodles.
Kandata, withhope inhisheartand a growling stomach, beganhisascent, climbing up the noodle. He climbed past the mountains of tempura, dodged the flying chopsticks, and evenmade abrief stopat the plateau of pickledginger.As he climbed, he couldn't help butmarvelat the noodle's resilience;itwas, afterall, the premium stuff, notyourrun-of-the-mill supermarketsoba.
But alas, the tale takes a turn,as tales often do. For Kandatawas notalone inhis noodlyescape.
Belowhim, a horde of other sinners had caught sight of the noodle and, drivenby their own hunger,started to climb afterhim. Panicset in, for if there'sone thing worse thanbeing in noodlehell,it's having toshareyour noodleout ofit.
In afit of selfishness that wouldmake even akappablush, Kandata bellowed, "This Ibo-no-itoismine!Who toldyou lotyou could climbit? Scram!Get off! Thisis aone-man noodle!" And justlike that, the noodle snapped, not because of the weight, but because of the sheeraudacity of trying to hoardsomethingas communalasnoodles.
Down went Kandata, back into the soy sauce pool,as the noodle retracted back into the heavens, leaving behind a scent of wheat andregret. The moral of thestory? Nevergetbetween aman andhisnoodles, andmore importantly, never underestimatethe power of sharing... especially whenit comes to Ibo-no-ito. For in the end,it's not just about the climb;it's about the companyyoushareyournoodles with.
And so, thelegend of Kandata and the Ibo-no-ito liveson, a cautionary tale whispered across dinner tables, reminding usall that sometimes, thepath to salvationis best traveled with alittlebit of companyand a lot ofnoodles.
Google,Facebook,Snap,NVIDIA,Microsoft,Apple,Oracle, Snyk, GetYourGuide,UBS, Swisscom, DFINITY,Cisco.
Google,Facebook,Snap,Jane Street, Stripe, Coinbase,Apple,Amazon,HudsonRiver Trading, Citadel, ByteDance,TwoSigma, Palantir,Bloomberg, Revolut, GSA Capital, Marshall Wace, Quadrature,FiveRings, G-Research, Starling, Personio,DeepMind, DRW, Millenium, BlackRock,MANGroup,Jump Trading, DE Shaw, AQR,Maven Securities, Point72, IMC, Optiver, Susquehanna (SIG), XTX, OldMission, Squarepoint, Qube Research & Technologies (QRT),Yelp.
Uber, Databricks, Bitvavo, Booking,Miro, Flexport, Atlassian,Spotify, Optiver, IMC,Amazon, Adyen,Google, Stripe,Flow Traders, MessageBird,Reddit,Box,JetBrains, Personio, Elastic,GitHub, Catawiki,Tower Research,Radix Trading, Headlands Technologies, Tomtom.
Google, Meta,Datadog, Criteo,Microsoft, Stripe,Airbnb,Amazon, Atlassian, Hubspot, Workday, Ankorstore,Red Hat, Algolia,Alan, 360Learning, ContentSquare.
AWS,Amazon,Microsoft, Wayfair,Google, Meta,Apple, HubSpot, Stripe,NVIDIA,Snowflake, Personio, Databricks,JetBrains.
AWS,Microsoft,Google,Mastercard, Workday,Salesforce, Meta, Stripe,VMware,LinkedIn,Etsy, Personio, ByteDance, Coinbase, Hubspot.
Google,Apple,Microsoft,Nvidia,Adobe, Workday, Celonis,BMW,Salesforce, SIXT,SAP,Huawei, Personio,Intel,JetBrains,IBM.
Google,Snowflake,Netflix,Pinterest, Rippling,Oracle, Waymo,AMD,Samsung,NVIDIA,Box, Warner Bros,Visa,Amazon.
Amazon,Apple, New Relic, Stripe, Rippling, Revolut, Skyscanner,Microsoft, N26, Criteo,Adobe,Thoughtworks,Oracle, Glovo, Personio.
Apple,Amazon, Roku,Arm,Microsoft,Qualcomm,MathWorks,AMD.
Amazon,Oracle,Microsoft,Flutter,Unity, Skyscanner,Huawei.
Databricks,Microsoft, Nutanix, Rivian,Foursquare,Yandex,JetBrains, Nordeus, Luxoft.
Amazon,Datadog,Microsoft,Apple,Google, Personio,Twilio, Glovo,VMware, Meta,Oracle, Revolut.
Klarna,Spotify, Netlight,PayPal, Ericsson,Ubisoft, Warner Bros,King,Google,Oracle,AWS,Microsoft, Wolt.
Google, Rippling,Oracle, Revolut,Uber,Amazon, Deliveroo,IBM,Splunk.
Crowdstrike,UIPath,Google,Adobe, Stripe,Microsoft,Oracle,IBM,Amazon,Electronic Arts (EA).
Microsoft,Maersk, Zendesk, Workday,Unity.
Productboard,Pure Storage,Apple, Workday,Oracle,Microsoft,JetBrains, Proton, Parrot.
Bolt,Wise,Microsoft,Twilio, Wolt.
Microsoft,Cisco, Aker Solutions,Arm,Mastercard, Meta, Kahoot, Autostore, Remarkable, Netlight.
これらの都市は、ソフトウェアエンジニアにとって多くの機会を提供しています。それぞれの都市が提供する企業は、エンジニアが自身のキャリアを発展させるための多くの選択肢を提供しています。それぞれの企業が提供する機会や文化は、エンジニアが自身のキャリア目標に合わせて最適な選択をするのに役立ちます。 [
ChatGPT<rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light>: In this dimlylit room, I canmakeout a clutteredassortment of objects. There's an old, tattered book lyingopenon a dustytable,itspages filled with arcane symbols. A moth-eaten rugcovers a portion of the floor,and a crackedmirrorhangsonone wall, reflectingdistorted images. Theair carries a musty scent, and Isense anatmosphere of abandonment and neglect.
ChatGPT<rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light>: Ireachout and pick up the oldbook.Itspagesfeel brittle andfragile in my hands.As Iflip throughthe pages, thetext appears to be written in a language I can't comprehend, filled with cryptic symbols and diagrams.It's a tome of secrets, butits meaning remains elusive.
ChatGPT<rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light>: I examinethe cover of thebook,trying to discernany details despite the dimlight.The coveris worn and weathered, andit bears an intricate design of what appears to be a coiled serpent,its scales formed from shimmering, iridescentcolors. Above the serpent, there's atitle in elegantscript, butit's written in a language I can't decipher. Thebook exudes anaura of mystiqueand ancient knowledge.
ChatGPT<rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light>: I turn myattention to the room'sexit, the door.It stands tall and imposing,made of heavy, dark wood. There's a tarnished doorknob, and the door appears to be slightly ajar, revealing a sliver of whatliesbeyond.It beckons me to explore further, promising unknown adventures or perhaps evenmore mysteries.
ChatGPT<rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light>: I approach the door and grasp the tarnished doorknob. With a gentlepush, the door creaksopen, revealing a corridor shrouded inshadows.The faintglow from the room behind me barely penetratesthe darkness ahead. Istep cautiously into the corridor, ready to uncover the secrets thatliebeyond.
ChatGPT<rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light>: I proceed forward down theshadowy corridor, my footsteps echoingfaintly in the dimness. Thepath ahead seemsendless, and theair grows cooleras I delve deeper into the unknown, guidedonlyby the flickeringlight behind me and the anticipation of what awaits.
foward andlook around
ChatGPT<rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light>: Continuing down the corridor, Itake amoment tolook around. The walls are lined with faded, tattered tapestries depicting scenes of ancientbattles and mythical creatures. The torch sconces thatonce held flames have long since burnedout, leavingonlyemptybrackets. Theairfeels heavy withhistory, and there's afaint, eerie whispering that seems to emanate from the walls themselves,as if they hold secrets untold.
listen carefully
ChatGPT<rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light>:The source of the hauntingmelody remains elusive, hidden in theshadows.It'sas ifthe music emanates from the very walls, anethereal presence that defies explanation. Thereis no visiblemusician, yetthe musiccontinues to fill the corridor, casting a spell of enchantment and mystery.
ChatGPT<rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light>: I heed the roll of thedice and embarkon a quest totracethe source of the hauntingmelody. Eachsteptakes mecloser to the enchanting sound,and as I round acorner in the corridor, I come upon a door, slightly ajar, from whichthe music seems to emanate. Myheart races with anticipationas Ipush the dooropen, eager to unveil the secrets thatlie within.
ChatGPT<rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light>: When Iopen the door, there stands a grand chamber bathed in an otherworldlyglow. In the center of the room, an ornate grandpiano commandsattention. The keysmove on their own, playing the hauntingmelody that had drawn mehere. But there's nooneat thepiano.The roomis adorned with opulent tapestries and gildedmirrors, reflecting the surreal scene before me. Candlelit chandeliershang from the ceiling, casting a warm, flickeringlight that dances across the walls. Theairis filled with an intoxicating fragrance, amix of ancient incense and delicateflowers.Atthe far end of the room, a figure cloaked inshadows stands beside an enormous, antiquebookshelf filledwith tomes of forgotten knowledge. Their presenceisenigmatic, and their intentions remain unclear.
ChatGPT<rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light>: I approach the grandpiano,its keysstill playing the hauntingmelody.As I inspectit, I notice that there are no visible hands or fingers touching the keys.It'sas if thepianoitselfis possessedby some unseen force, creatingthe music with anethereal touch.Thepianois amasterpiece of craftsmanship, adorned with intricate carvings and inlaid withprecious gemstones.Its keys aremade of polishedivory, and theymove in perfectharmonywith the haunting tune.It's a surreal and mesmerizing sight, leaving me both entranced and bewildered.
thepiano suddenly stops
ChatGPT<rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light>:As I turn around, awave of revulsionwashesover me. Mysenses reel indisgustat the sight before me. The figure that had been cloaked inshadowshasnow revealeditself, anditis a grotesque, nightmarish entity.Its formis atwistedamalgamation ofhuman andbeast, with grotesque, elongated limbsand a maw ofsharp, jagged teeth.Theonce opulent chamberhas transformed into a nightmarish lair, with walls adorned inmacabreart and gruesome trophies. Theairis thickwith the stench of decay and despair. Iam trapped in a surreal and horrifying nightmare, unable toescape the clutches of this abomination.
ChatGPT<rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light>:Fear courses through meas I confront this nightmarish entity andits gruesome lair. In this realm ofhorrors, I mustmake a decision. I choose to... confront the entity, mycuriosity anddeterminationoutweighing myfear,as I seek to uncover the mysteries and secrets thatlie within thistwisted nightmare.
ChatGPT<rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light>:With trembling resolve, Itake astep forward,slowly approaching the grotesque entity. Iattempt to communicate withit,askingit whatitwants orwhyithas brought mehere. Myvoice quivers, but mydetermination to unravel theenigma that surrounds this nightmarish realm remains steadfast.
ChatGPT<rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light>: The grotesque entity regards me with malevolent,glowingeyes,its jagged maw twitching with an unsettlingsmile.It responds with a guttural, incomprehensible language, filled withwhispers andhisses.It becomes apparent thatcommunicationwith this entityis futile, andits intentions remain shrouded indarkness.As Icontinue to stand before this nightmarishbeing, Ifeel a growingsense of dread, realizing thatescapemay be theonly option left.
ChatGPT<rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light>: With nohope ofcommunication or understanding, and the nightmarish entity's menacing presence growingmore oppressive, I decide tomake ahasty retreat. I turn andrush toward the door through which I entered, drivenby the instinct toescapethe horrors of this surreal nightmare.
ChatGPT<rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light>: Myescape from the nightmarish realmwas fraughtwith tension andfear, but Imanaged toreach the door andslamit shut behind me. The grotesque entity andits horrifying lair were left behind,at leastfor the moment. Whetherit went well or badis a matter of perspective. I survived the encounter, but the mysteries and terrors of that surreal placestill haunt my thoughts.The experiencewas a chilling reminder of the unknown andthe horrors that can lurk withinit.
look around
import requestsfrom bs4 import BeautifulSoupimporttimeimportcsvimportosimport re#ログインURLlogin_url = 'https://hatelabo.jp/login'#ログイン情報login_data = { 'key': 'あなたのユーザ名またはメールアドレス', 'password': 'あなたのパスワード', 'mode': 'enter'}user_name = 'あなたのユーザ名'#User-Agent ヘッダー(例:Google Chrome)headers = { 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT10.0;Win64;x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML,likeGecko)Chrome/58.0.3029.110Safari/537.3'}#セッションを開始session = requests.Session()#ログインresponse = session.post(login_url, data=login_data, headers=headers)print('login',response.status_code)# 集計データitem = { 'url': '', #URL 'title': '', #タイトル 'datetime': '', #投稿日時 'characters': '', #文字数 'bookmark': '', # 被ブクマ数 'trackback': '', # 被トラバ数}#CSVファイル名output_file = 'masuda_output.csv'#CSVファイルが存在しない場合はヘッダーを書き込むif notos.path.exists(output_file): withopen(output_file, 'w', newline='', encoding='utf-8')as file:writer =csv.DictWriter(file, fieldnames=item.keys())writer.writeheader()# 集計page_start = 1page_end = 3for i in range(page_start, page_end+1): # 待機time.sleep(3) #増田一覧取得 page = session.get(f'https://anond.hatelabo.jp/{user_name}/?page={i}')print(page.url) # 応答のHTMLをBeautifulSoupで解析 soup = BeautifulSoup(page.content, 'html.parser') entries = soup.find_all('div', class_='section') for entry in entries: header = entry.find('h3')timestamp = header.find('a').get('href')[1:] item['url'] = 'https://anond.hatelabo.jp/'+timestamp item['title'] = header.get_text()[:-1] item['datetime'] = f"{timestamp[0:4]}/{timestamp[4:6]}/{timestamp[6:8]} {timestamp[8:10]}:{timestamp[10:12]}" footersection_text = entry.find_all('p')[-2].get_text() item['characters'] =len(entry.find('p').get_text().strip(footersection_text)) item['trackback'] = int(re.search(r'92;((.*?)92;)', footersection_text).group(1) if re.search(r'92;((.*?)92;)', footersection_text) else '') if item['title'] == '■': item['title'] = entry.find('p').get_text().strip(footersection_text)[:35] # 待機time.sleep(3)bookmark_page = session.get(f'https://b.hatena.ne.jp/entry/button/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fanond.hatelabo.jp%2F{timestamp}&amp;layout=basic-label-counter&amp;lang=ja') soup_b = BeautifulSoup(bookmark_page.content, 'html.parser') item['bookmark'] = int(soup_b.find('a', class_='count').get_text()) #CSVファイルに追記 withopen(output_file, 'a', newline='', encoding='utf-8')as file:writer =csv.DictWriter(file, fieldnames=item.keys())writer.writerow(item)
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Chapter X—Of the Mode of Voting.
The pollingplaces should be so numerousas to be within easyreach of every voter, and no expenses of conveyance,at the cost of the candidate, should be tolerated underany pretext. The infirm, and theyonlyon medical certificate, should have the right of claiming suitable carriage conveyanceat the cost of thestate or of the locality. Hustings, poll clerks,and all the necessary machinery of elections, should beat the public charge. Notonly the candidate should not be required, he should not be permitted to incurany but a limited and trifling expense forhis election.Mr. Hare thinksit desirable that a sum of £50 should be required from everyonewhoplaceshisnameon the list of candidates, to prevent personswho have no chance of success, and no real intention ofattemptingit, from becoming candidates in wantonness or from merelove of notoriety, and perhaps carrying off a few votes which areneeded for the return ofmore seriousaspirants. Thereisone expense which a candidate orhis supporters can not help incurring, and whichit can hardly be expected that the public should defray for everyonewhomay choose to demandit—that of makinghis claims known to the electors,by advertisements, placards, and circulars. Forall necessary expenses of this kind the £50 proposedbyMr. Hare, ifallowed to be drawn upon for these purposes (it might bemade £100 if requisite), ought to be sufficient. If thefriends of the candidate choose togo to expense for committees and canvassing, there are no means of preventing them; but such expensesout of the candidates's ownpocket, orany expenses whateverbeyond the deposit of £50 (or £100), should beillegal and punishable. If there appearedany likelihood that opinion would refuse to conniveatfalsehood, a declarationonoath or honor should be required from every member,on takinghis seat, that he had not expended,nor would expend, money or money's worthbeyond the £50, directly or indirectly, for the purposes ofhis election; and if theassertion were proved to befalse or the pledge to have been broken, he should be liable to the penalties of perjury.Itis probable that those penalties,by showing that the Legislaturewas in earnest, would turn the course of opinion in the same direction, and would hinderit from regarding,ashas hitherto done, thismost serious crime againstsocietyas a venial peccadillo. Whenonce this effecthas been produced, thereneed beno doubt that the declarationonoath or honor would be considered binding. [6] "Opinion tolerates afalse disclaimeronly whenit already tolerates the thing disclaimed." Thisis notoriously thecase with regard to electoral corruption. Therehas never yet been, among political men,any real and seriousattempt to prevent bribery, because therehas been no realdesire that elections should not be costly. Their costlinessis an advantage to thosewho can affordthe expenseby excluding a multitude of competitors;and any thing, however noxious,is cherishedas having aconservative tendency, ifit limits theaccess toParliament to rich men. Thisis a rootedfeeling among our legislators of both political parties, andis almost theonlypointon whichI believe them to be reallyill-intentioned. They care comparativelylittlewho votes,as longas theyfeelassured that none but persons of their own class can be voted for. They know that they can relyon the fellow-feeling ofone of their class withanother, while the subservience of nouveaux enrichiswho are knockingat the door of the classis astill surer reliance; and thatnothing very hostile to the class interests orfeelings of the richneed be apprehended underthe most democratic suffrage,as longas democratic persons can be prevented frombeing elected toParliament. But, even from their ownpoint ofview, this balancing ofevilbyevil, instead of combininggood withgood,is a wretched policy. Theobject should be to bringtogether the best members of both classes, under such a tenureas shall induce them to layaside their class preferences, and pursue jointly thepath tracedby thecommon interest, instead ofallowing the classfeelings of the Many to have fullswing in the constituencies, subject to the impediment of having toact through persons imbuedwith the classfeelings of the Few.
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ax7z.spi for7-zip 4.57+ (y3b6 15/01/08) ※ZIP,RAR,LZH,7z等。要7z.dll。
Thepath of the righteousmanis besetonall sidesby the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny ofevil men. Blessedis hewho, in thename of charity andgoodwill, shepherds the weak through the valley ofdarkness, for heis trulyhisbrother’skeeper and thefinder oflost children. AndI will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger thosewho attempt topoison and destroy mybrothers. Andyouwill know mynameis theLord when I lay my vengeance upon thee.
I have seen some posts asking if they shouldtalk about "thecase" even though they were not involved init and were not born in Nagasaki orHiroshima, and Iam abit aware ofit, so I have to say what I have to say. I say this because Iwas born in Nagasaki,am a third generationatomicbombsurvivor, and grew up hearing the stories of thosewho experienced theatomicbombing firsthand.I knowit's alittlebit too much for me, but I'm going to say this because there are very fewsurvivors left.
In Nagasaki, children grow up hearing stories about theatomicbombing. They were stuffed into sushi for nearly an hour in the gymnasium of an elementary school in the middle ofsummer, with noair conditioner or fan, and told stories about theatomicbombing. Thatwas a hardtime for me. Ithink it must have been even harder for the old peoplewho told the stories, but therewas no way an elementary schoolkid could imagine such a thing, and I had forgottenmost of the stories I had been told for a longtime. I have forgottenmost of the stories Iwas told. I canonly rememberone ortwoatmost. Thereisonemore hard thing. Every year around thistime, a row of grotesque images that woulddrive thePTAcrazy in other areas are prominently displayed in the hallways. Thesedays, I hear that theatomicbombmuseumhas been bleachedout andmany of the radical and horrifying exhibits that traumatized visitors have beentaken down. Idon't know if they arestill there, but they were there when Iwas in elementary school.
Therewasonephoto that I just couldn't face when Iwas in elementary school.Itis a picture of Sumiteru Taniguchi. Ifyou search forit,you can findit.Itis a shocking picture, but I wouldlikeyou totake alookatit. I couldn't pass through the hallway where thephotowas posted, so Ialways took the long way around toanother floor of the schoolbuilding to avoid seeing thephoto.
Now I'm thinking that my grandfather,who headed into the burntruins tolook forhissister, couldn't have turnedaway ortaken a differentpath. There would have been a mountain of peoplestillalive and moaning, not just pictures,and a mountainmorewho would have given upat the end of their suffering. He walked for miles and miles, towinghis handcart through the narrow streets of rubble-strewn Nagasaki in search ofhissister. My grandfatherwas not a childatthe time, but of course there were childrenwhodid similar things. Not that there wouldn't have been. There were. I heard thestory fromhim, and Istill rememberit. Ayoungbrother andsisterfound their father'sbody in theruins of afire and they burnedit. Theydidn't have enough wood to burnhisbody, and when theysaw theraw brain that spilledout, they ranaway and thatwas thelasttime they eversawhimanymore.
I cannever forget thestory I heard when Iwas akid, and evennowitispainful andpainful, my hands are shaking and Iam crying. I keep wondering how the oldmanwho escaped from that father's brain could have been able to unravelthe most horrible trauma imaginable andexposeit to the public with scars thatwill never heal.
Now I think I can understand alittle.
The reason I can't help buttalk about my grandfather and that oldman, even if I have to rehash my own trauma,is that thislevel of sufferingisnothing compared tothe fact that their wordswill be forgotten. My hands shaking, myheart palpitating and dizzy, mynose runningwith tears,it'snothing compared to the tremendous suffering thatwasonce there andwill be forgotten.
My grandfather,who went through an unimaginablehell,lived to seehis grandchildren born, and methissister'sdeath in theruins of thefire. In other words, my grandfatherwasone of the happiest people in theruins of thefire. My grandfather and that oldman were, afterall, just people wading in the depths ofhell. I think that the suffering that even peoplewho had experienced unimaginablepain could not imaginewas lyinglikepebbles in Nagasaki 78 years ago, and noone paidanyattention toit. Their suffering, which I can't even imagine,isnothing compared to the countless, tremendous suffering they witnessed, which they pretend never happened.
Memories fade inexorably everytime peopletalk about them. Thememories that those people could notallow to be forgotten arenow largely forgotten; the tremendous suffering of 78 years agoismostly gone, never to be recountedagain. Thosewho sufferedthe most from theatomicbombing died rotting in theruins of thefire, unable to tellanyone aboutit.Many of thosewhosawitwith their owneyes kept their mouths shut and tookitwith them to their graves.Most of thosewho spoke a few words arenow under the grave.
Compared to the words of the old men, my own words are solight. I would rather keep my mouth shut than speak in suchlight words. Butstill,someonehas totakeover. Irealize that even my words, which are solight, areonly thetop of the voices that are left in this world to carryon thestory of theatomicbombing.I know howit feels to wonder ifsomeonelike myselfisallowed to speak about this.Still, Ihope thatyouwill not shutyour mouth. Thisis the result of our silence.
Sometimes I almost choose to stop imagining the unimaginable suffering andlivemy life consuming other people's suffering for thefun ofit. Iam writing this while Istill have some imagination of the suffering of the old peoplewhose voices,faces, and even words I can no longer recall.
Translator'snote:The original post inJapaneseis aresponse to a postby aJapanese contributorwho wondered if hewas qualified to speakouton the subject of the A-bomb when hewas not fromHiroshima and Nagasaki, butstill spokeout about Barbie and the A-bomb. I translatedithere because Ithink it deserves to be readbythe world.
I musttalk about various things regarding the Barbie incident.
Isaw a post aboutit fromsomeonewhois neither directly involvednor from Nagasaki orHiroshima, anditmade merealize that there are things I must say.
Iwas born in Nagasaki and grew up listening to stories from thesurvivors,being a third-generationsurvivor myself.Mostsurvivors are no longer with us, so Ifeel compelled to speak up.
In Nagasaki,kids grow up hearing about theatomicbomb. We were packedlike sushi in a gymnasium withoutair conditioning or even fans during the scorchingsummer, and we listened to stories about thebomb.Itwas incredibly tough for me.
I imagineitwas even harder for the elderlywho spoke about their experiences.As a child, I couldn't fully comprehend theirpain, andnow, I can hardly remembermost of the stories I heard. I canonly recallone ortwo.
Every year during thistime, gruesomeimages that wouldmakePTA elsewheregocrazy were displayed in the hallways. I heard that many of the horrifying exhibits that used to traumatize visitorsat theAtomicBombMuseum have been removed, andthe museumhas been considerably sanitized. I'm not sure about the current situation, but that's howitwas when Iwas there.
Therewasonephotograph that I could never bear tolookatas a child – a picture of Tadashi Taniguchi.You can findit ifyou search, butit's a shockingimage with a viewer discretionwarning.Still, I want people to seeit.
I couldn't walk down the hallway where thatphotowas displayed, and Ialways took a different route, avoidingit so I wouldn't have to seeit.
Now, I think of my grandpawho went to theruins to search for mysister. He couldn'tlookaway ortake a differentpath. Thepain must have been unimaginable.
Besidesphotographs, there were many living people moaning inpain back then, and there must have been evenmorewho succumbed to suffering.
My grandpa walked for miles, pulling a handcart through the debris-laden streets of Nagasaki, searching for mysister.
Even though my grandpawas not a child, I'm sure there were elementary schoolkidswhodid similar things. Idon't just think they might have been there; they were there. I heard the stories from the people themselves, and Istill remember them.
I can't forget the stories I heardas a child, suchas theyoung siblings finding their father's burnt corpse in theruins and crematinghim. Theydidn't have enough firewood, and their father ended uphalf-burnt. They ranaway after seeing the brain tissue oozingout, and that became theirfinal farewell.
I cannever forget those stories I heardas a child, and evennow, theystill bringpain and suffering, making my hands tremble andtearsflow.
I wonder how my grandpa,who ranaway from that father's brain tissue, couldexposehis unimaginable trauma and everlasting scars tothe world.
Now, Ifeellike I understand alittle.
Evensomeonelike me,who experienced such unimaginable trauma,hasgone throughpain that I can't even imaginebeing compared tobeing discarded, forgotten, and ignored. Compared to what those people experienced, my suffering meansnothing.
My trembling hands and the palpitations and dizziness I experienced arenothing compared to the tremendouspain that many others went through.
Memories fade irreversibly everytime they pass through people'slips. Thememories that I couldn't bear to be forgotten are almost forgottennow.
The unimaginablepain that existed 78 years agohasmostly disappeared, and we can no longer passiton.
The peoplewho sufferedthe most from theatomicbomb perished in theruins, rottingaway withoutbeing able to conveyit to anyone.
Even thosewhosawitwith their owneyesmostly took thememorieswith them to their graves.Most of them arenow under the tombstones.
Compared to the words of the elderly, my words seem solight. I think that speaking with suchlight words would be better than keeping silent,as silencehasled to this result.
Ifeellike I might occasionally choose to stop imagining the unimaginablepain and consume the suffering of others in an amusing way toliveon.
Before I forget thepain and suffering of those elderly people,whosefaces and voices I can no longer recall,I will leave thishere.