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Nopain, no chiyahoya

Permalink |記事への反応(0) | 23:01





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backpain、middle backpain の部類だと思うが、和文ウィキペディアすらないし


Permalink |記事への反応(0) | 21:18





Yo,yo, listen up,it's Kimigayotime,

Gonnadrop thesebeats, gonnamakeit rhyme.

Our reign’sgoin’ strong,like arockit stands,

Spreadin’peace andlove across these lands.

Your ruleiseternal,like stones in thesea,

Unchanging, unyielding, foreveritllbe.

Likepebbles inthe ocean, stackin' up high,

Our future's lookin'bright, reachin' for thesky.

Mayyour reigngo on for a thousand years,

Through thejoy and thepain, through the laughter andtears.

From the depths of ourhearts, weall proclaim,

Longlive the Emperor, in thenation’sname.

Permalink |記事への反応(0) | 15:39




Doesit nottake a lot of effort to not be astonished how these blissfully ignorant insufferablepos cancontinue to suffer theirpain for eternity, no end or help in sight but just doing and doingpos thing

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Basically, awoman's vaginais 8cm, so 8cmis enough for a dick whenshegets an erection.

Rather, thicknessis easier toget afeeling of insertion than length. And this also doesn't have to be above average.

Rather, 20cm dicksdon'tfitall ofJapanese people'sbody shape, and they just hurt because they force them topoke the vaginal wall instead of stimulating them.

I'm 16cm and 5cm thick, but ifyou insert this completely,most peoplefeel a differentpain,

People withlittleexperience and people with narrow vaginas quicklyrub andfeelpain.

Anyway, ifit's 8cm,you won't be able to enjoy the stiffness of the uterine mouth, and ifit's about average thickness,most womenwillfeelloose.

You won'tgetthe feeling ofrubbing thehole, so to be honest, Ifeelsorry for people with average dick.

Ifeelsorry becauseI will "update my dick" even if I have anex-boyfriend. In thatsense, I'm jealous of 20cm dicks.

It's just that I can't put a long and thin dick completely,it justhurts, and Ifeelsorry forit.

Permalink |記事への反応(0) | 04:36



英訳 about the #Berbenheimer issue




Various things that reallyneed to be said about the #Berbenheimerissue


In a discussion about thecase,someone raised an objection to "someonewhowas not a party to the incident,whowas not from Nagasaki, andwhowas not fromHiroshima, complaining aboutit. Seeing that opinionmade me aware of my position, soI will say what I must say.


Iwas born in Nagasakiand am a third-generation A-bombsurvivor.

I say this because I grew up hearing the stories of the A-bombdamage directly from thosewho suffered from theatomicbombings.


Ifeel thatitis unacceptable forsomeonelike me to speak about the A-bombdamage.

However, there are few A-bombsurvivors left, soI will speak up.


In Nagasaki, children grow up hearing stories about theatomicbombing. We weremade tosit in the gymnasium of an elementary school in the middle ofsummer, where therewas not even anair conditioner or a fan, and for nearly an hour we weremade to listen to stories about theatomicbombing.Itwas hard for meanyway.


Ithink itwas evenmorepainful for the elderly peoplewho told the stories. But Idon't think an elementary schoolkid could have imagined that. I, too, have forgottenmost of the stories Iwas told. I canonly rememberone ortwoatmost.


Another thingis thatat thistime of year, pictures of the victims of theatomicbombing are pasted up in the hallways.

In other parts of the country, these are grotesque images that would cause a fuss from the parentswho arealways nagging about them.

Recently, even the A-bombmuseumhas becomemore gentle inits exhibits, andmost of the radical and horrifying exhibits that would have traumatized visitors have been removed.

Idon't know how elementary schoolsnow teach about the A-bombdamage. But when Iwas in elementary school, there werephotoson display.


Therewasonephoto that I just couldn't faceas an elementary school student.Itwas a picture of Taniguchi Sumiteru(谷口稜曄). Ifyou search forit,you can findit.Itis a shocking picture, but I wouldstilllikeyou to seeit.

I couldn't pass through the hallway where thephotowas displayed, so Ialways took the long way around toanother floor to avoid seeing thephoto.

My grandfatherwas under thebomb and went to the burntruins of thebomb tolook forhissister. I can understandnow that he couldn't turnaway orgoanother way.

There would have been a mountain of peoplestillalive and moaning in theruins of the burntruins. There would have beenmanymorewho would have diedout in agony.

My grandfather walked for miles and miles, towing a rear wheelchair, through the narrow streets of rubble-strewn Nagasaki in search ofhissister.

My grandfatherwas not a child then. But of course there were elementary school childrenwhodid the same thing hedid. Iam not speculating that there were. There were. I heard thestory fromhim, and Istill rememberit.

Ayoungbrother andsisterfound their father's corpse in theruins of thefire and burnedit themselves. Theydidn't have enough wood to burnhimalive, and when theysawhisbrain spillingout, they ranaway, and thatwas thelasttime they eversawhimagain.


I cannever forget thatstory I heard when Iwas akid, and evennowit'spainful andpainful, my hands are shaking and I'm crying.


I keep wondering how that oldmanwho ranaway fromhis father'sbrainwas able toexpose to the public the unimaginably horrible trauma, the scar thatwill never heal, even afterall these years.


Now I think I understand alittle.


Why I can't help buttalk about my grandfather and the oldmannow, evenas I remember my own trauma.

Because thislevel of sufferingisnothing compared to their wordsbeing forgotten.

It'snothing compared to the tremendous suffering thatonce existed thatwill be forgotten,like my hands shaking, myheart palpitating, mynose running with vertigo, and soon.


Somaybeit's the same thing.


My grandfather,who went through an unimaginablehell,lived to seehis grandchildren born, and methissister'sdeath in theruins of thefire.


In other words, my grandfatherwasone of the happiest people in theruins of thefire.


My grandfather and that oldman were, afterall, just people wading in the depths ofhell.


I think that the suffering that even peoplewho had experienced unimaginablepain could not imaginewas lyinglikepebbleson the ground in Nagasaki 78 years ago, and noone paidanyattention toit.


Their suffering, which I can't even imagine,isnothing compared to the countless, unimaginable suffering they witnessed, which they pretend never happened.


Memories fade inexorably with each passinghuman mouth. Thememories that those people could neverallow to be forgotten are almost forgotten.


The tremendous suffering of 78 years agoismostlygone, never to be recounted.


Thosewho sufferedthe most from theatomicbombing died rotting in theruins of thefire withoutbeing able to tellanyone aboutit.


Many of thosewhosawitwith their owneyes kept their mouths shut and tookitwith them to their graves.Most of thosewho spoke a few words arestill in their graves.


Compared to the words of the old men, my own words are solight. I would rather keep my mouth shut than speak in suchlight words.


Butstill,someonehas totakeover. Irealize that even my words, which are solight, areonly thetop of the voices that are left in this world to carryon thestory of theatomicbombing.


I know howitfeels to think that Iam theonlyone.Still, Ihope thatyouwill not shutyour mouth.I know that I have closed my mouth because I thought I shouldn'ttalk aboutit, and thatis the result.


Sometimes I almost choose to stop imagining the unimaginable suffering andlivemy life consuming other people's suffering forfun.

Iam writing this while Istill have some imagination of the suffering of the old peoplewhose voices,faces, and even words I can no longer recall.

Permalink |記事への反応(0) | 20:00






I have seen some posts asking if they shouldtalk about "thecase" even though they were not involved init and were not born in Nagasaki orHiroshima, and Iam abit aware ofit, so I have to say what I have to say. I say this because Iwas born in Nagasaki,am a third generationatomicbombsurvivor, and grew up hearing the stories of thosewho experienced theatomicbombing firsthand.I knowit's alittlebit too much for me, but I'm going to say this because there are very fewsurvivors left.

In Nagasaki, children grow up hearing stories about theatomicbombing. They were stuffed into sushi for nearly an hour in the gymnasium of an elementary school in the middle ofsummer, with noair conditioner or fan, and told stories about theatomicbombing. Thatwas a hardtime for me. Ithink it must have been even harder for the old peoplewho told the stories, but therewas no way an elementary schoolkid could imagine such a thing, and I had forgottenmost of the stories I had been told for a longtime. I have forgottenmost of the stories Iwas told. I canonly rememberone ortwoatmost. Thereisonemore hard thing. Every year around thistime, a row of grotesque images that woulddrive thePTAcrazy in other areas are prominently displayed in the hallways. Thesedays, I hear that theatomicbombmuseumhas been bleachedout andmany of the radical and horrifying exhibits that traumatized visitors have beentaken down. Idon't know if they arestill there, but they were there when Iwas in elementary school.

Therewasonephoto that I just couldn't face when Iwas in elementary school.Itis a picture of Sumiteru Taniguchi. Ifyou search forit,you can findit.Itis a shocking picture, but I wouldlikeyou totake alookatit. I couldn't pass through the hallway where thephotowas posted, so Ialways took the long way around toanother floor of the schoolbuilding to avoid seeing thephoto.

Now I'm thinking that my grandfather,who headed into the burntruins tolook forhissister, couldn't have turnedaway ortaken a differentpath. There would have been a mountain of peoplestillalive and moaning, not just pictures,and a mountainmorewho would have given upat the end of their suffering. He walked for miles and miles, towinghis handcart through the narrow streets of rubble-strewn Nagasaki in search ofhissister. My grandfatherwas not a childatthe time, but of course there were childrenwhodid similar things. Not that there wouldn't have been. There were. I heard thestory fromhim, and Istill rememberit. Ayoungbrother andsisterfound their father'sbody in theruins of afire and they burnedit. Theydidn't have enough wood to burnhisbody, and when theysaw theraw brain that spilledout, they ranaway and thatwas thelasttime they eversawhimanymore.

I cannever forget thestory I heard when Iwas akid, and evennowitispainful andpainful, my hands are shaking and Iam crying. I keep wondering how the oldmanwho escaped from that father's brain could have been able to unravelthe most horrible trauma imaginable andexposeit to the public with scars thatwill never heal.

Now I think I can understand alittle.

The reason I can't help buttalk about my grandfather and that oldman, even if I have to rehash my own trauma,is that thislevel of sufferingisnothing compared tothe fact that their wordswill be forgotten. My hands shaking, myheart palpitating and dizzy, mynose runningwith tears,it'snothing compared to the tremendous suffering thatwasonce there andwill be forgotten.

Somaybeit's the same thing.

My grandfather,who went through an unimaginablehell,lived to seehis grandchildren born, and methissister'sdeath in theruins of thefire. In other words, my grandfatherwasone of the happiest people in theruins of thefire. My grandfather and that oldman were, afterall, just people wading in the depths ofhell. I think that the suffering that even peoplewho had experienced unimaginablepain could not imaginewas lyinglikepebbles in Nagasaki 78 years ago, and noone paidanyattention toit. Their suffering, which I can't even imagine,isnothing compared to the countless, tremendous suffering they witnessed, which they pretend never happened.

Memories fade inexorably everytime peopletalk about them. Thememories that those people could notallow to be forgotten arenow largely forgotten; the tremendous suffering of 78 years agoismostly gone, never to be recountedagain. Thosewho sufferedthe most from theatomicbombing died rotting in theruins of thefire, unable to tellanyone aboutit.Many of thosewhosawitwith their owneyes kept their mouths shut and tookitwith them to their graves.Most of thosewho spoke a few words arenow under the grave.

Compared to the words of the old men, my own words are solight. I would rather keep my mouth shut than speak in suchlight words. Butstill,someonehas totakeover. Irealize that even my words, which are solight, areonly thetop of the voices that are left in this world to carryon thestory of theatomicbombing.I know howit feels to wonder ifsomeonelike myselfisallowed to speak about this.Still, Ihope thatyouwill not shutyour mouth. Thisis the result of our silence.

Sometimes I almost choose to stop imagining the unimaginable suffering andlivemy life consuming other people's suffering for thefun ofit. Iam writing this while Istill have some imagination of the suffering of the old peoplewhose voices,faces, and even words I can no longer recall.

Translator'snote:The original post inJapaneseis aresponse to a postby aJapanese contributorwho wondered if hewas qualified to speakouton the subject of the A-bomb when hewas not fromHiroshima and Nagasaki, butstill spokeout about Barbie and the A-bomb. I translatedithere because Ithink it deserves to be readbythe world.

Permalink |記事への反応(1) | 23:26




I musttalk about various things regarding the Barbie incident.

Isaw a post aboutit fromsomeonewhois neither directly involvednor from Nagasaki orHiroshima, anditmade merealize that there are things I must say.

Iwas born in Nagasaki and grew up listening to stories from thesurvivors,being a third-generationsurvivor myself.Mostsurvivors are no longer with us, so Ifeel compelled to speak up.

In Nagasaki,kids grow up hearing about theatomicbomb. We were packedlike sushi in a gymnasium withoutair conditioning or even fans during the scorchingsummer, and we listened to stories about thebomb.Itwas incredibly tough for me.

I imagineitwas even harder for the elderlywho spoke about their experiences.As a child, I couldn't fully comprehend theirpain, andnow, I can hardly remembermost of the stories I heard. I canonly recallone ortwo.

Every year during thistime, gruesomeimages that wouldmakePTA elsewheregocrazy were displayed in the hallways. I heard that many of the horrifying exhibits that used to traumatize visitorsat theAtomicBombMuseum have been removed, andthe museumhas been considerably sanitized. I'm not sure about the current situation, but that's howitwas when Iwas there.

Therewasonephotograph that I could never bear tolookatas a child – a picture of Tadashi Taniguchi.You can findit ifyou search, butit's a shockingimage with a viewer discretionwarning.Still, I want people to seeit.

I couldn't walk down the hallway where thatphotowas displayed, and Ialways took a different route, avoidingit so I wouldn't have to seeit.

Now, I think of my grandpawho went to theruins to search for mysister. He couldn'tlookaway ortake a differentpath. Thepain must have been unimaginable.

Besidesphotographs, there were many living people moaning inpain back then, and there must have been evenmorewho succumbed to suffering.

My grandpa walked for miles, pulling a handcart through the debris-laden streets of Nagasaki, searching for mysister.

Even though my grandpawas not a child, I'm sure there were elementary schoolkidswhodid similar things. Idon't just think they might have been there; they were there. I heard the stories from the people themselves, and Istill remember them.

I can't forget the stories I heardas a child, suchas theyoung siblings finding their father's burnt corpse in theruins and crematinghim. Theydidn't have enough firewood, and their father ended uphalf-burnt. They ranaway after seeing the brain tissue oozingout, and that became theirfinal farewell.

I cannever forget those stories I heardas a child, and evennow, theystill bringpain and suffering, making my hands tremble andtearsflow.

I wonder how my grandpa,who ranaway from that father's brain tissue, couldexposehis unimaginable trauma and everlasting scars tothe world.

Now, Ifeellike I understand alittle.

Evensomeonelike me,who experienced such unimaginable trauma,hasgone throughpain that I can't even imaginebeing compared tobeing discarded, forgotten, and ignored. Compared to what those people experienced, my suffering meansnothing.

My trembling hands and the palpitations and dizziness I experienced arenothing compared to the tremendouspain that many others went through.

Memories fade irreversibly everytime they pass through people'slips. Thememories that I couldn't bear to be forgotten are almost forgottennow.

The unimaginablepain that existed 78 years agohasmostly disappeared, and we can no longer passiton.

The peoplewho sufferedthe most from theatomicbomb perished in theruins, rottingaway withoutbeing able to conveyit to anyone.

Even thosewhosawitwith their owneyesmostly took thememorieswith them to their graves.Most of them arenow under the tombstones.

Compared to the words of the elderly, my words seem solight. I think that speaking with suchlight words would be better than keeping silent,as silencehasled to this result.

Ifeellike I might occasionally choose to stop imagining the unimaginablepain and consume the suffering of others in an amusing way toliveon.

Before I forget thepain and suffering of those elderly people,whosefaces and voices I can no longer recall,I will leave thishere.

Permalink |記事への反応(0) | 19:14



nopain no gainって痴漢みたいな発想だから嫌だ


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Yo,it's Miffy andKittyon the mic

And we'rehere totalk about a topic that's tight

It's about the menwhofeel weak inside

But theydon't showit, they justtry tohide


It'stime tobreak down that toxic mold

Where mengotta be tough, and never fold

Butvulnerabilityis not a flaw

It's a strength, andit'stime wesaw


So toall the menout therefeeling small

Don't be afraid to let down the wall

It's okay toask for help and support

You're notalone, we'll beyour escort


We'll listen toyour stories andyour fears

We'll holdyou up, we'lldryyourtears

Youdon't have togo throughitalone

We'rehere foryou, untilyou're grown


So let'sbreak down the stigma and theshame

That says men can't show theirpain

It'stime toopen up and letitout

And letthe world know whatyou'reall about


So toall the vulnerable menout there

We seeyou, we hearyou, and we care

You're not weak,you're strongas can be

And we'll behere foryou, for eternity.

Permalink |記事への反応(2) | 11:26




The Sacrament—and the Sacrifice

By ElderDavid B. Haight

Of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles

Ipray foryourfaith andprayers that my utteranceswill be received and understood “by theSpirit oftruth” and that myexpressionswill be given “by theSpirit oftruth” so that we mightall be “edified and rejoicetogether.” (See D&C 50:21–22.)

As I standheretoday—a wellmanwords of gratitudeand acknowledgment ofdivine intervention are so very inadequate inexpressingthe feelings in mysoul.

Six months agoat theApril general conference, Iwas excused from speakingas Iwas convalescing from a serious operation.My lifehas been spared, and Inow have the pleasant opportunity of acknowledging the blessings,comfort, and readyaid of my Brethren in the First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve, and other wonderfulassociates andfriends towhom I owe so much andwho surrounded mydear wife,Ruby, and my familywith theirtime,attention, andprayers. For the inspireddoctors and thoughtful nurses Iexpress my deepest gratitude, and for the thoughtful letters and messages offaith andhope received frommanyplaces inthe world,manyexpressing, “You have been in ourprayers” or “We have beenasking ourHeavenly Father to spareyourlife.”Yourprayers andmine, thankfully, have beenanswered.

One unusual card caused me to ponder upon themajesty ofitall.Itis anoriginalpaintingbyArta Romney Ballif of theheavensat night withits myriadgoldenstars.Her caption,taken fromPsalms, reads:

“Praise ye theLord: …

“He healeth the broken inheart, and bindeth up their wounds.

“He telleth thenumber ofthe stars; he calleth themallby theirnames.

“…His understandingisinfinite.” (Ps. 147:1, 3–5.)

As I lay in the hospitalbed,I meditatedonall that had happened to me and studied the contemplativepaintingbyPresident Marion G. Romney’ssister and the lines fromPsalms: “He telleth thenumber ofthe stars; he calleth themallby theirnames.” Iwas then—andcontinue to be—awedby the goodness andmajesty of theCreator,who knows notonly thenames ofthe stars but knowsyourname and myname—each of usasHis sons and daughters.

Thepsalmist,David, wrote:

“When I consider thyheavens, the work of thy fingers, themoon andthe stars, which thouhast ordained;

“Whatisman, that thouart mindful ofhim? …

“For thouhastmadehim alittle lower than theangels, andhast crownedhim withglory and honour.” (Ps. 8:3–5.)

To be rememberedis a wonderful thing.

Theevening of my health crisis, I knewsomething very serious had happened to me.Events happened so swiftly—thepain striking with suchintensity, mydearRuby phoning the doctor and our family, and Ion myknees leaningover the bathtub for support and somecomfort andhoped relief from thepain. Iwas pleading to myHeavenly Father to sparemy life a while longer to give me alittlemoretime to doHis work, ifitwasHiswill.

Whilestillpraying, I began to lose consciousness. Thesiren of the paramedic truckwas thelast that I remembered before unconsciousnessovertook me, which wouldlast for thenext severaldays.

The terriblepain and commotion of people ceased. Iwasnow in acalm,peaceful setting;allwas serene and quiet. Iwas conscious oftwo persons in thedistanceon a hillside,one standingon a higherlevel than the other. Detailed features were not discernible. The personon the higherlevelwas pointing tosomething I could not see.

I heard no voices butwas conscious ofbeing in a holy presenceand atmosphere. During the hours anddays that followed, therewas impressedagainand again upon my mind theeternalmission and exalted position of the Son ofMan. I witness toyou that Heis Jesus the Christ, the Son ofGod,Savior toall, Redeemer ofallmankind, Bestower ofinfinitelove, mercy, and forgiveness, theLight andLife ofthe world. I knew thistruth before—I hadnever doubtednor wondered. Butnow I knew, because of the impressions of theSpirit upon myheart andsoul, these divinetruths in amost unusual way.

Iwas shown a panoramicview ofHisearthly ministry:His baptism,His teaching,His healing the sick andlame, the mocktrial,His crucifixion,His resurrectionand ascension. There followed scenes ofHisearthly ministry to my mind inimpressive detail, confirming scriptural eyewitness accounts. Iwasbeing taught, and theeyes of my understanding were openedby the HolySpirit ofGod soas to beholdmany things.

The first scenewas of theSavior andHis Apostles in the upper chamberon theeve ofHis betrayal. Following the Passover supper, He instructed and prepared the sacrament of theLord’s Supper forHisdearestfriendsas a remembrance ofHis coming sacrifice.Itwas soimpressively portrayed to me—theoverwhelminglove of theSavior for each. I witnessedHis thoughtfulconcern for significant details—thewashing of the dusty feet of each Apostle,His breaking and blessing of the loaf of dark bread and blessing of thewine, thenHis dreadful disclosure thatone would betrayHim.

He explainedJudas’s departure and told the others of theevents soon totake place.

Then followed theSavior’s solemn discourse when He said to theEleven: “These things I have spoken untoyou, that in me ye might havepeace. Inthe world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I haveovercomethe world.” (John 16:33.)

OurSaviorprayed toHis Fatherand acknowledgedthe Fatherasthe source ofHisauthority andpowereven tothe extending ofeternallife toallwho are worthy.

Heprayed, “And thisislifeeternal, that they might know thee theonlytrueGod, and Jesus Christ,whom thouhast sent.”

Jesus then reverently added:

“I have glorified theeon theearth: I have finished the work which thou gavest me to do.

“Andnow, O Father, glorify thou mewith thine own selfwith theglory which I hadwith thee beforethe worldwas.” (John17:3–5.)

He pled notonly for the disciples calledout fromthe worldwho had beentrue to their testimony ofHim, “but for them also which shallbelieveon me through theirword.” (John17:20.)

When they had sung a hymn, Jesus and theEleven wentout to the Mount of Olives. There, in thegarden, in somemannerbeyond our comprehension, theSavior took uponHimself the burden of thesins ofmankind from Adam to the end ofthe world.His agony in thegarden,Luke tells us,was so intense “his sweatwasas … greatdrops ofbloodfalling … to the ground.” (Luke 22:44.) He suffered an agonyand a burdenthe like of which nohuman person would be able to bear. In that hour of anguish ourSaviorovercameallthe power of Satan.

The glorifiedLord revealed toJoseph Smith this admonition toallmankind:

“Therefore Icommandyou to repent …

“For … I,God, … suffered … forall, that they might not suffer if they would repent; …

“Which suffering caused myself,evenGod,the greatest ofall, to tremble because ofpain, and to bleedatevery pore, …

“Wherefore, Icommandyouagain to repent, lest I humbleyou with my almightypower; and thatyou confessyoursins, lestyou suffer these punishments.” (D&C 19:15–16, 18,20.)

During thosedays of unconsciousness Iwas given,by thegift andpower of the HolyGhost, amore perfect knowledge ofHismission. Iwas also given amore complete understanding of whatit means to exercise, inHisname, theauthority to unlock the mysteries of the kingdom ofheaven for the salvation ofallwho arefaithful. Mysoulwas taughtover andoveragain theevents of the betrayal, the mocktrial, the scourging of the flesh ofevenone of theGodhead. I witnessedHis struggling up the hill inHis weakened condition carrying thecross andHisbeing stretched uponitasit layon the ground, that the crude spikes could be driven with a mallet intoHis hands and wrists and feet to secureHisbodyasit hungon thecross for public display.

Crucifixion—the horrible andpainfuldeath which He suffered—was chosen from thebeginning.By that excruciatingdeath, He descended belowall things,asis recorded, that throughHis resurrection He wouldascend aboveall things. (See D&C 88:6.)

Jesus Christ died in the literalsense in which wewillall die.Hisbody lay in the tomb. The immortalspirit of Jesus, chosenas theSavior ofmankind, went to those myriads ofspiritswho had departed mortallife with varying degrees of righteousness toGod’slaws. He taught them the “glorious tidings of redemption from the bondage ofdeath, and of possible salvation, … [whichwas] part of [our]Savior’s foreappointed and unique service to thehuman family.” (James E. Talmage, Jesus the Christ,Salt Lake City: DeseretBook Co., 1977, p. 671.)

I cannotbegin to convey toyou thedeep impact that these scenes have confirmed upon mysoul. Isense theireternal meaning andrealize thatnothing in the entire plan of salvation compares inany way in importancewith thatmost transcendent ofallevents, theatoning sacrifice of ourLord.Itisthe most importantsingle thing thathasever occurred in the entirehistory of created things;itis therock foundation upon which the gospeland all other thingsrest,”ashas been declared. (Bruce R. McConkie, MormonDoctrine,Salt Lake City:Bookcraft, 1966, p. 60.)

Father Lehi taughthis son Jacob and ustoday:

“Wherefore, redemption cometh in and through the Holy Messiah; for heis full ofgrace andtruth.

“Behold, he offerethhimself a sacrifice forsin, toanswer theends of the law, untoall thosewho have a brokenheartand a contritespirit; and unto none else can theends of the law beanswered.

“Wherefore, how great the importance tomake these things known unto the inhabitants of theearth, that theymay know that thereis no flesh that can dwell in the presence ofGod, saveit be through the merits, and mercy, andgrace of the Holy Messiah,who layeth downhislife according to the flesh, andtakethitagainbythe power of theSpirit, that hemay bring to pass the resurrection of the dead,being the first that shouldrise.

“Wherefore, heis the firstfruits untoGod, inasmuchas he shallmake intercession forall the children of men; and they thatbelieve inhim shall be saved.” (2Ne. 2:6–9.)

Ourmost valuable worship experience in the sacrament meetingis the sacred ordinance of the sacrament, forit provides the opportunity tofocus our minds andhearts upon theSavior andHis sacrifice.

The ApostlePaul warned the earlySaintsagainst eating this bread and drinking thiscup of theLord unworthily. (See 1 Cor.11:27–30.)

OurSaviorHimself instructed theNephites, “Whoso eateth and drinketh my flesh andblood unworthily [brings] damnation tohissoul.” (3Ne. 18:29.)

Worthy partakers of the sacrament are inharmonywith theLord and put themselves under covenant withHim toalways rememberHis sacrifice for thesins ofthe world, totake upon them thename of Christ and toalways rememberHim, and to keepHiscommandments. TheSavior covenants that wewho do so shall haveHisspirit to be with us and that, iffaithful to the end, wemay inheriteternallife.

OurLord revealed toJoseph Smith that “thereis nogift greater than thegift of salvation,” which plan includes the ordinance of the sacramentas a continuous reminder of theSavior’satoning sacrifice. He gave instructions thatitis expedient that the church meettogether often to partake of bread andwine in the remembrance of theLord Jesus.” (D&C 6:13; D&C20:75.)

Immortality comes to usallas a freegiftby thegrace ofGodalone, without works of righteousness.Eternallife, however,is the reward for obedience to thelaws and ordinances ofHis gospel.

I testify toall ofyou that ourHeavenly Fatherdoesanswer our righteous pleadings. The added knowledge whichhas come to mehasmade a greatimpact uponmy life. Thegift of the HolyGhostis a priceless possession and opens the door to ourongoing knowledge ofGod andeternaljoy. Of this I bear witness, in the holyname of Jesus Christ, amen.

Permalink |記事への反応(0) | 00:25




Gigazine記事でbackpain という単語を一貫して「背中の痛み」と訳しているが、通常backpain といえば「腰痛」だと思うが。


Permalink |記事への反応(0) | 21:17




















私が子供に教えてやれたのはDENTALPAIN、HELP MEという英語だけ。他に役に立つことは教えてあげられなかった。











Permalink |記事への反応(0) | 19:09





















Permalink |記事への反応(0) | 07:23






No,Lifeis "Painau croissant".


Permalink |記事への反応(0) | 17:07




















私が子供に教えてやれたのはDENTALPAIN、HELP MEという英語だけ。他に役に立つことは教えてあげられなかった。











Permalink |記事への反応(1) | 14:36



















私が子供に教えてやれたのはDENTALPAIN、HELP MEという英語だけ。他に役に立つことは教えてあげられなかった。











Permalink |記事への反応(0) | 02:43



Why areallpc created for Enguser?

SwitchingbetweenEnglish andJapanese for documentpain to me.

andVSCode doesn'tchange toJa,,,

should I use engalltime?

Permalink |記事への反応(0) | 10:15




nopain no gain

Permalink |記事への反応(0) | 18:39




Look to thesky, way upon high

There in the nightstars arenow right

Eons have passed:now thenatlast

Prison walls break, OldOnesawake!

Theywill return: mankindwill learn

New kinds offear when they arehere

Theywill reclaimall in theirname;

Hopes turn to black when they come back

Ignorant fools, mankindnow rules

Where they ruled then:it's theirsagain

Stars brightly burning, boiling and churning

Bode a returningseason ofdoom

Scary scary scary scary solstice

Very very very scary solstice

Up from thesea, from underground

Down from thesky, they'reall around

Theywill return: mankindwill learn

New kinds offear when they arehere

Look to thesky, way upon high

There in the nightstars arenow right

Eons have passed:now thenatlast

Prison walls break, OldOnesawake!

Madnesswill reign, terror andpain

Woes without end where theyextend

Ignorant fools, mankindnow rules

Where they ruled then:it's theirsagain

Stars brightly burning, boiling and churning

Bode a returningseason ofdoom

Scary scary scary scary solstice

Very very very scary solstice

Up from thesea, from underground

Down from thesky, they'reall around


(Look to thesky, way upon high

There in the nightstarsnow are right)

Theywill return

Permalink |記事への反応(1) | 17:28









例えば、PAINANALというジャンルがある。文字通り、PAINFULなANALプレイ外人さんのクソでか性器をNO MERCYでがんがんシリアナにごりごりやるんだけど、女優はイヤとかノーとかいわないんよ。オゥイエスッオーファッキンイエスって喜んでるんよ。あんなん痛いだけに決まってるのに。それ以外にも、顔が赤紫になるまで首しめたり、足を口につっこんだり、足で顔を踏んだり、口が裂けそうなイラ◯したり、間接技きめられてるみたいな体位や、、とにかくただ痛いだけのプレイでも、ファッキンイエスって微笑んだりノリノリよってな感じの態度で臨んでるんよ。




Permalink |記事への反応(3) | 23:29






増 "Well… doyou havesomethingyou want to tell toJapanese people?"

B "yes, "Konnichiwa!" "

B "well, I would saysomething notonly to theJapanese, but to many other people. how should I put this?

"Most people began tohateRussiansby default. But thiswarwasstartedby our government, notby us. Of course, wedon't want thiswar, nobodywantsit. And Iassureyou, our people have repeatedly gone to rallies against the government. Butalways peoplewho participate in such events are sent to prison. Even peopleon theInternetwhoexpress apoint ofview that the governmentdoes notlike are jailed for misinformation.

AndI will not deny that someRussians have succumbed to the propaganda of our governmentand areexpressing support for this "military operation". But many people in other countries are actually the same. They hypocritically pretend that they are concerned aboutthe fate ofUkraine, although infact they haveonly recently learned that this country even exists.In reality, ifyouask them "What do they think about theDNR and LNR?", theywill have absolutely noidea what areyou talking about.

It's good ifyou sincerely worry about Uraina. But the majority worry about Ukrina andhateRussiansonly andonly becauseit's a trend that their governmenthasset. In otherwords, thisis the same propaganda.

Well, to summarize, I just wanna say "let's just be friendly to each other." Even if our governments are not friendly to each other, thisdoesn't mean that we should be the same." "



•what doyou think about zelenskii

•doyou know other politicians excepthim

•how futureisyou predict, how futureisyou want (i mean politically and concretely)

•What doyou think about ukranians language law

•howDNR and LNR peoplelifeis?

didyou see people whichchanged after starting thiswar

•what doyou think thatRussian army kidnap ukranians

•what doyou think about thatRussian language uses «в» forany country but «он» foryours?

and anythingyou want to say toJapanese


  • Что вы думаете о Зеленском?
  • Знаете ли вы других политиков, кроме него?
  • Какое будущее вы предсказываете для себя? Какого будущего хотите сами? (политически и вообще)
  • Что вы думаете о законе об украинском языке?
  • Как, по-вашему, живут люди в ЛНР и ДНР?
  • Видели ли вы людей, которые изменились после начала войны?
  • Что вы думаете о том, что русская армия похищает украинцев? и зачем?
  • Как по-вашему, как в русском языке правильно писать - "на Украину" или "в Украину"?
  • Хотите ли вы что-нибудь сказать японцам?


  • Зеленский это человек с Большой буквы, который с приходом обратил внимание на народ и его потребности, Украина менялась и меняться в лучшую сторону, благодаря Народу и его культуре
  • По поводу других политиков, в Украине каждый Украинец знает всех, так как каждый Украинец в Украине интересуется и переживает за свою страну
  • О будущем скажу только одно, Все будет хорошо, и будет ещё лучше... Одно только не вернуть это жизни других людей, детей, а также детей которые потеряли своих родителей.

О своем будущем скажу только одно, что после войны усыноввлю и удочерю детей которые потеряли своих родителей

  • По поводу закона об Украинском языке, так это у каждого государства приемлемо. Но люди не правильно трактуют его. Я только за него, но сам как видите пишу Вам на русском, и в Украине никто не запрещает говорить на русском, а гос. Учреждениях просят говорить на Украинском.
  • по поводу ЛНР и ДНР, то это колония где люди не имеют свободы слова, того слова которое они имели находясь под юрисдикцией Украинского законодательства
  • По поводу изменений людей - Мы стали ещё дружней и сплаченней, люди думают не только о себе...
  • По поводу русской армии: то у меня просто нету слов... (Это варварство)
  • правильно писать "в Україну"
  • Японцам хочу сказать огромное спасибо за поддержку, понимание, и за то что видят правду и не скрывают то что творится в Украине


About my future, I'll say that after thewar I'll adopt childrenwholost their parents in this bloodshed.



1. Что ты думаешь на счёт Зеленского?

Моё мнение, что Зеленский является лучшим президентом, который не бросил Украину и народ во время войны, как сделал это Янукович. Зеленский, его команда и наш народ делают всё возможное и невозможное для сохранения нашей страны.

2. Знаешь ли ты других политиков кроме Зеленского?

Знаю многих.

3. Какое будущее ты видишь для своей страны?

Хотелось бы чтобы территории Украины вернулись в полном составе, так как это было признано международным правом.

4. Что ты думаешь о законе про украинский язык?

Я поддерживаю этот закон, хотя в нашей стране люди общаются на разных языках, в том числе и на русском, но я ни разу не слышал информации о преследовании или конфликтах на этой почве.

5. Видишь ли ты как люди сменились после начала войны?

Наш народ очень сплотился, каждый старается помочь друг другу, война наложила отпечаток на всех, это бесконечные переживания и боль.

6. Что ты думаешь по поводу того, что российская армия похищает украинцев?

Это является ужасным преступлениям.

7. Что ты думаешь о том, что русские для любой страны говорят "в", но в случае с Украиной говорят "на"?

Я считаю что это очень не красиво по отношению к украинскому государству и людям которые там живут.

8. Что ты хочешь сказать японцам?

Хочу поблагодарить за поддержку нашей страны, пожелать мира, добра и процветания.

9. Что ты хочешь меня спросить?

Почему тебя так детально интересует ситуация в моей стране?

Надеюсь всё правильно понял


•what doyou think about zelenskii?

I belive Zelenskyis the bestpresidentwhodid not abandonUkraine and the people during thewar,as Yanukovychdid. Zelensky,histeam and our people are doingeverything possible and impossible.

•doyou know other politicians excepthim?

I know many of them.

•how futureisyou predict, how futureisyou want (i mean politically and concretely)?

I wouldlike the territories ofUkraine to return in full force, because thisis whatwas recognizedbyinternational law.

•What doyou think about ukranians language law?

I support this law. Despitethe fact that in our country people communicate in different languages, includingRussian, I have never heard information about persecution or conflictson this basis.

•howDNR and LNR peoplelifeis?


didyou see people whichchanged after starting thiswar?

Our people are very united, everyoneis trying to help each other, thewar leftitsmarkon everyone in the form ofendless experiences andpain.

•what doyou think thatRussian army kidnap ukranians?

Thisis a terrible crime.

•what doyou think about thatRussian language uses "в" forany country but "на" foryours?

I think thisis very discourteous in relation to the Ukrainianstate and the peoplewholive there.

and anythingyou want to say toJapanese?

I want to thankyou for the support of our country.I wishyoupeace, kindness and prosperity.


増 "Ah, turkestan banRussian language?"

D "Not really "ban" but "limitation". This soundsmore suitable in thiscase.itis thenatural phenomenon for the mononationalstates. And multinational, actually. Using theone languageasofficial. To strengthen thestatehood. Same thing withUkraine.Moreseparation from the "bigbrother". Thatis thepoint, I guess.

By the way, they strengthened muchmore after these 8 years. Ithink itis too late to start an invasionnow than these 8 years ago back then inanycase. Thatdoes not mean that I supportit, of course.You knew mypoint. We talked aboutit earlier. 🙂 I think thatitis just "balls to the wall" (like thetitle from theone ofAccept's albums). Recklessly in aword.Itis naive tobelieve that they have stagnatedall thistime and have not developed or strengthened.


1)Another Ukranianpresident that just had "the luck" toget thewar. Looks funny and trustworthy. Though he sometimes lacksthe experience.

2)Yes I do.

3) I predictOK future forUkraine, bad future forRussia.Russialostany trust and contacts thatitmade forover 30 years. Dark decades ahead. I want good future, with nowars and with everyone helping each other.

4) Ukrainian language law? Well,it's their country. Let them speak what they want to speak. Besides,most Ukrainians speakRussian, and they even havemostlyRussian cities,like Khar'kiv. Isaw no oppression ofRussian.

5)DNR and LNR are basically bufferstates forRussialike NorthKoreawith the same amount offreedom.It'shellonearth.

6) Had no information about that, but I had info about killing civilians and looting their homes.It's horrible. Those soldiers aremonsters and they do not representRussia. Idon't count themselvesas my fellowRussians. They'remonsters. Barbarians. Putin's orcs. NotRussians.

7) I say let us use whatever we want. I use "на Украину" simply because I spokeitlike thatover20 years andit's the correctone.

8) Ilove Japan andits people.I wish we could achievepeace and could worktogether. Pleasedon't think bad ofRussian people, wedon't support thiswar. We're the same victims,like Ukrainians. Victims of Putin andhis policestate.


Permalink |記事への反応(1) | 00:02




\Nopain, no gain/💩モウスグアエルヨ

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