「Oh, Mike! Good to seeyouhere.」
「Thisis mysister,Maki.She's visiting fromTokyo.」
「Nice to meet you! I'm Mike, I workwith yourbrother. Thisis my wifeSarah and our son Tommy.」
「Nice to meetyou too...」
「So, areyou enjoyingyourtime in America?Is thisyour first visit during school break?」
「Mom,shelookslike theanime characters Iwatch! But smaller!」
「So, um... what grade areyou in? Middle school?」
「Actually,Makiis 26.She works for a marketing company inTokyo.」
「Oh mygod, I'm sosorry! I didn't mean to...You justlook soyoung!」
「Yeah, totally my bad.Japanese genes must be amazing for preservingyouth!」
「Butshe'slike, super tiny!Like akid!」
「It's okay, really.Shegets that a lot, even inJapan. Actually,it's considered a compliment tolookyoung in our culture.」
「Still, I should have asked properly. Wouldyoulike tojoin us for coffee sometime duringyourstay? I'dlove to hear aboutTokyo.」
「Yes, I wouldlike that. Thankyou.」
Brenner (1976) は「Economic Changes andHeart Disease Mortality in the U.S.」の研究で、景気後退期には自殺率や心疾患による死亡率が上昇することを指摘しました。
Stuckleret al. (2009) の「The public health effect of economic crisesand alternative policy responses inEurope」によると、2008年のリーマンショック後、失業率が1%上昇すると自殺率が約1%上昇することが示されました。
Marmot (2005) の「Status Syndrome: How Your Social Standing Directly Affects Your Health andLife Expectancy」によると、社会経済的地位が低いほど平均余命が短くなることが示されています。
Case & Deaton (2015) の「Rising morbidity and mortality in midlife amongwhite non-Hispanic Americans in the 21stcentury」では、経済格差が拡大することで、薬物中毒やアルコール依存、心疾患などが増加し、中年層の死亡率が上昇したことを報告しています。
Stuckleret al. (2011) の「Effects of the 2008 recessionon health: a firstlookatEuropean data」によると、経済危機による政府支出削減が医療サービスの低下を招き、疾病の早期発見が遅れるなどの影響があったとされています。
Ruhm (2000) の「Are Recessions Good for Your Health?」では、経済が停滞すると医療サービスの利用が減少し、特定の疾病の死亡率が上昇することが示されました。
Wilkinson & Pickett (2009) の「TheSpiritLevel:WhyMoreEqual Societies AlmostAlways Do Better」では、経済格差が拡大すると社会的ストレスが増加し、うつ病や自殺が増えることが指摘されています。
Kawachi & Berkman (2001) の「Social Ties and Mental Health」では、経済的不安が社会的孤立を引き起こし、精神疾患のリスクを高めることが報告されています。
Thisis a detailed description of ananime-stylefemale character, designed for use in generating illustrations or animations with various poses. The character embodies a cute, energetic, and slightly quirky personality,fitting a schoolgirl or tech-savvytheme.Here are thekey features:
Long, straight,platinum blonde hair that extends past the shoulders, reachingmid-back.
Hairis parted in themiddle,with two high ponytailson either side of the head.
Each ponytailis tied with large,red, mechanical or robotic-style hair accessories resembling small, spiked or angular devices (possibly hintingat a tech orsci-fitheme).
The hairhas a smooth, glossy texture typical ofanimeart, with slight highlights to emphasizeits brightness.
Large, expressivegreeneyes, typical ofanime-style characters, with a gentle upward curveat the corners, giving a friendly and cheerfulexpression.
Theeyes have visible eyelashesand a subtle sparkle orshine, enhancing the cute and youthful appearance.
Fair, smoothskin with asoft, rosyblushon the cheeks,adding to the character’s youthful andlively vibe.
Wears agreen school blazer with awhitedress shirt underneath, typical ofJapanese school uniforms (seifuku style).
The blazerhas a structured, slightlyoversizedfit, with rolled-up sleeves, giving a casual yetstylishlook.
A purpleplaidskirt with rufflededges, complementing the schoolgirl aesthetic whileadding a playful touch.
A purplebackpack withcolorful, cartoonish patterns or stickers (possiblyfeaturing small, chibi-style characters or tech motifs) slungoverone shoulder.
Blackknee-high socks and darkshoes, completing the school uniformlook with aneat andtidy appearance.
Holding a black camera with both hands, positioned in front ofher chest, suggestingshe’s a photography enthusiast or documentingsomething.
A small, chibi-style plushtoy or mascot character (with spikyorange hairand a mischievous grin)attached toherbackpack,adding a quirky and playful element.
Thered mechanical hair accessoriesonher ponytails, which have a futuristic or robotic design, possibly glowing faintly orfeaturing smallLED-like details.
Pose andExpression:
Currently in a seated or slightly crouched pose, withlegsbent andoneknee raised, giving a relaxedand approachable demeanor.
Smilingsoftly with a closed-mouthsmile, exudingwarmth, friendliness,and a hint ofcuriosity or excitement (fitting forsomeone holding a camera).
Theoverallbody languageislively and dynamic, with a slighttilt of the head, emphasizingher youthful energy.
Background and Context:
The character appears in aclean, minimalbackground (possiblywhite orlight-colored) to keep thefocusonher, butshe couldfit into a schoolyard, tech lab, or urban setting withcherry blossoms or modern buildings, reflecting a blend of traditionalJapanese culture and futuristicthemes.
Thelightingissoft andnatural, with slight shadows toadd depth, maintaining ananime-style aesthetic.
The character suggests a blend ofinnocence and tech-savvycuriosity, possibly a schoolgirl with an interest in photography, robotics, orpop culture (inspiredby the mechanical hair accessories and camera).
Heroverall design balances cuteness (chibi plushtoy, school uniform) with a modern, quirkyedge (tech accessories, camera).
Thisscript can be usedas abase for generating images or illustrations of this character in various poses, suchas standing, walking, taking photos, interacting with others, or exploring different environments. Adjust the pose,background, oradditional props (like different camera angles or tech gadgets)as needed for specific scenes.
Let’s faceit: starting a conversationon a dating app canfeel terrifying.You seesomeoneyou’re interested in,you typeout amessage, and then…youdeleteit. “Is this too boring?” “Will they even respond?” “What if I sound awkward?”
We’veall been there. That firstmessage canmake orbreakyour chances ofconnecting withsomeone amazing. Buthere’s thegood news:youdon’t have tooverthink it.With the rightopeningline,you canspark a conversation thatfeelsnatural,fun, and meaningful.
AtMixerDates, webelieve that every greatconnection starts with a great conversation. That’swhy we’ve puttogether this guide to helpyoucraft the best dating appopeninglines—ones that standout, showyour personality, andlead to realconnections. Ready to ditch the “hey” and start making animpact?Let’sdive in!
Before weget into the bestopeninglines,let’stalk aboutwhyyour firstmessageis so important.
Youropeninglineisyour chance tomake a greatfirst impression.It’s thegateway to a conversation that couldlead tosomething special. A thoughtful,creativemessage shows thatyou’re genuinely interested—not just swiping mindlessly.
Your firstmessage sets thetone for the entire conversation. A boring orgenericopener mightlead to a dull chat, while afun or intriguingone canspark excitement andcuriosity.
Let’s be real: everyonelovesfeeling special. Whenyou put effort intoyouropeningline,it shows thatyou care enough to standout. AndonMixerDates, where wevalue authenticity and positivity, that effortgoes a long way.
Now,let’sget to thegood stuff—the best dating appopeninglines that actually work. These are divided intocategories to suit different personalities and situations.
Whilethe examples above are great starting points, the bestopeninglines are theones thatfeel authentic toyou.Here are sometips to helpyoucraftyour own:
Referencesomething from theirprofile—aphoto, a hobby, or ashared interest.It showsyou’re payingattention and not just copying and pasting.
Avoid heavy oroverly serious topics right off the bat. Keep thetonelight and playful tomake the conversation enjoyable.
Don’ttry to besomeoneyou’re not. Ifyou’renaturallyfunny, lean into that. Ifyou’remore thoughtful,go for asincere compliment or question.
“Hey” or “What’s up?” might be easy, but they’re also forgettable. Put in alittle effort to standout.
This gives the other person an easy way to respond and keeps the conversation flowing.
AtMixerDates, we’reall about creating a positive,inclusive space whereyou canfeel comfortablebeingyourself.Here’swhy our platformis the best place to put theseopeninglines into practice:
We welcome everyone, no matterwhoyou are orwhoyoulove. Our platformis designed to be a safe space whereyou canconnect withlike-minded people.
Our users create detailedprofiles thatmakeit easy to findshared interests andcraft personalizedopeninglines.
We encourage our community to be genuine and kind, soyou canfeel confident starting conversations withoutfear of judgment or rejection.
Don’t justtake ourword forit—here’s whatone of our users had to say:
“I met my partneronMixerDates, anditallstarted with asimplemessage about oursharedlove for travel. The conversation flowednaturally, and therestishistory. I’m so grateful for this platform!”
While a greatopeningline canspark a conversation,building a realconnectiontakesmore than just a clevermessage.Here are thekeyelements tolook for when seeking a meaningfulconnection:
A strongconnection starts with alignmenton the things that mattermost. Doyoushare similarvalues,lifegoals, or visions forthe future?
Look forsomeonewhoiswilling toshare their thoughts,feelings, and vulnerabilities—andwho encouragesyou to do the same.
Healthy relationships are atwo-way street. Both people should be putting in effort to communicate, plan dates, and support each other.
Atrueconnectionallows both people to be themselves without judgment.Look forsomeonewho celebratesyour uniqueness and encouragesyou to pursueyour passions.
Communicationis the foundation ofany strong relationship. A mutualconnection thrivesonhonesty, transparency, and the ability to resolve conflicts in ahealthy way.
AtMixerDates, we’rehere to helpyou find thesekeyelements in a partner. Our platformis designed toconnectyou with peoplewhoshareyourvaluesand arelooking for the same thingsyou are. Starting a conversationon a dating app doesn’t have to be stressful.With the rightopeningline,you canspark aconnection thatfeelsnatural,fun, and meaningful.And atMixerDates, we’rehere to helpyou everystep of the way.
So, what areyou waiting for?Craft that perfectopeningline,joinMixerDates, and startconnecting with peoplewhovalue authenticity and positivity.Your perfectmatchisout there—and they’re justonemessageaway.
Please consider the histroy ofhumanity from biologicalperpsecitve and currentknown fact in nearbyuniverse, whichexpo-planet (from theSol systemperspective)ismostlikely to have civlizaedsociety? Pleaseaddpercentagenext toit in the chart
Reasoned about exoplanetcivilizationlikelihoodを28 秒行う
OK, I’mlookingatthe likelihood of a civilizedsocietyon an exoplanet within ourSolar System.I’ll consider biologicalhistory and current space knowledge,aiming to identifythe most promising candidate.
Identifying potential candidates
I'm considering exoplanetslike Proxima Centauri b and TRAPPIST-1e, which might suggest they are within or observed from ourSolar System.
Assessing potential candidates
I’m evaluating Proxima Centauri b, Barnard'sStar, LHS 1140, and TRAPPIST-1,focusingon their habitablezonesand available data. The Drake equation might help estimate their civilizedsocietylikelihoods.
Identifying promising exoplanets
I’m notingkey exoplanetslike Proxima Centauri b and TRAPPIST-1, which haveEarth-like characteristicsand are in habitablezones. This narrows down the potential candidates for advancedcivilizations.
I'm gathering infoonplanetslike Proxima Centauri b and TRAPPIST-1, consideringfactorslikemagneticfields,atmospheres, and proximity to G-typestars for their potential to support advancedcivilizations.
Evaluating exoplanet prospects
I'm noting that Proxima Centauri b, despitebeing closeand around ared dwarfstar, might supportlife ifithas amagneticfieldand atmosphere. This makes me think aboutits potential.
Charting probabilities
I'm estimatingcivilization probabilities for exoplanetslike Proxima Centauri b and TRAPPIST-1 e, using speculativepercentagesbasedon the Drake equation and the lack ofevidence for intelligentlife.
I'm crafting a chart with exoplanet names andcivilizationlikelihoodpercentages, grounded in the longtimeline oflife'sevolution, despite the speculativenature of these figures.
Identifying exoplanet contenders
I’m evaluating exoplanetslike Proxima Centauri b, TRAPPIST-1 e, and Kepler-186f, considering theirstar types and distances, to gauge their potential for supporting advancedcivilizations from oursolar system'sviewpoint.
Weighing proximity and observation
I'm leaning towards Proxima Centauri b due toits closeness and observational potential, despite concerns aboutitsflarestar dynamics. TRAPPIST-1 e, f, or g are also worth considering.
I'mfocusingon exoplanetslike Proxima Centauri b, Ross 128 b, LHS 1140 b, TRAPPIST-1 e/f/g, andK2-18b,aiming to chart theirlikelihood of hosting a civilizedsocietybasedon current knowledge.
Assessing exoplanet potentials
I'm gathering speculative probabilities for exoplanetslike Proxima Centauri b and TRAPPIST-1 e/f/g, using the Drake equation and current understanding, to better estimate their chances of hosting a civilizedsociety.
Refining speculative probabilities
I’m refining speculative probabilities for exoplanets, including Proxima Centauri b and TRAPPIST-1 e/f/g, to estimate their chances of hosting a civilizedsociety, consideringEarth's long biologicalhistory.
Refining odds
I'm considering theastronomicaltimeline for intelligentlifeonEarth,leading me toassign evenlower speculative odds for exoplanetslike Proxima Centauri b and TRAPPIST-1 e.
I’m crafting a simplified chart with arbitrarypercentages, clearly noting the speculativenature and lack of scientific data, while considering the target audience'sbasic understanding of the topic.
I’m charting arbitrarypercentages for exoplanets, clarifying their speculativenature, and ensuring the datais accessible foryoung audiences with minimal scientific detail.
Crafting a chart
I’m creating amarkdowntable with speculativepercentages forthe likelihood of civilizedlifeon exoplanets, emphasizing their purely theoreticalnature and considering the understandinglevel of an 8-year-old.
Integrating speculative analysis
I’m mappingout amarkdown chart with speculativepercentages forthe likelihood of a civilizedsocietyon exoplanets, mindful of thecomplexity and simplifying for an 8-year-old's understanding.
I’m piecingtogethermarkdown for exoplanets, noting Proxima Centauri b'sreduced civilizedlife chance due to thered dwarf's activity. This inclusionhighlights the speculativenature of the analysis.
Piecingtogether speculative odds
I’m detailing amarkdown chart for audience-friendly exoplanetlikelihoods, considering environmental challengesand adding a disclaimer about the speculativenature and lack ofevidence.
I’m leaning towards Proxima Centauri b forits proximity and silentstar, butI’lladd a speculative chart ranking nearby exoplanets, noting their advancedcivilizations' hypotheticallikelihood.
Assessingcivilization probabilities
I'm emphasizing the slow emergence of intelligentlifeonEarth, which suggests that the odds ofany habitableplanet developing acomplexcivilization might beaslowas a fewpercent.
Belowis a very speculative chart that—basedon what we know aboutEarth’s long, windingpath fromsimplelife to a “civilizedsociety” and our limited observations of nearby exoplanets—gives somefun,made‑uppercentage chances for a few of our best candidate exoplanets. Remember: Scientists havenot yetfoundany proof oflife (let alone advancedcivilizations)onany exoplanet. Thesenumbers are just playful estimates to helpyou think about theideas!
Speculative Chances of Finding an AdvancedCivilizationon Nearby Exoplanets
Exoplanet EstimatedLikelihood of a CivilizedSociety
Proxima Centauri b ~2%
LHS 1140 b ~0.5%
HowDid We (Very Roughly) Guess TheseNumbers?
Earth’s Example:
OnEarth,life beganassimple single‑celled organisms and took billions of years to evolve into a species that builtcomplex societies. This longjourney suggests that—even if aplanetis in the “habitablezone” (where liquid water could exist)—developing an advanced, civilizedsociety might be rare.
Proxima Centauri b:
Thisis the closest exoplanet to us. Even thoughitsstar (Proxima Centauri)is ared dwarf that sometimes sendsout strongflares (which might harmlife),its closeness makesitone of ourmost interesting candidates. That’swhy we giveit a slightly higher guess (~2%).
Theseplanets are part of agroup orbiting a verycoolstar. Their environments might be challenging (for example, they could be tidally locked, meaningone sidealwaysfaces thestar), so the chance of acomplex, advancedcivilization might be abitlower.
LHS 1140 b:
Thisplanetis promising in some ways butis alittle fartherawayand around a dimmerstar, so our playful estimateis evenlower.
All of thesepercentages are extremely rough guessesbasedon whatlittle we understand about the conditions forlife andintelligence. Scientists useideaslike the Drake Equation to think about these chances—but until we have concreteevidence, thesenumbers remain just forfun and imagination.
Enjoy exploring theseideas—and remember, spaceis full of mysteries waiting to be discovered!
Please examine the Drake Equationitself and see if this euqationis acculate ormore opition in the equationyouwill use
Reasoned about the Drake Equationを6 秒行う
re-examining the Drake Equation
evaluating the Drake Equation'svalue
OK, let me see. The Drake Equationisn't a precise formula;it'smore of a guiding heuristic that tackles numerous uncertainties regarding extraterrestrialcivilizations.
Thinking through the Drake Equation, I’m evaluatingits conceptualnature,its uncertain parameters, andits criticism to concludeonits reliabilityas an accurate predictivemodel.
Understanding the Drake Equation
I’m mappingout the Drake Equationas a conceptual guide, detailingits parameters, which are oftenbasedon estimates or opinions, to evaluateits reliability for predicting extraterrestrialcivilizations.
The Drake Equationis a famous formula thatwas created to help scientists think about the manyfactors involved in estimating thenumber of detectable extraterrestrialcivilizations in ourgalaxy. However, when welookat the equation closely, we see thatitismore of a conceptualframework or heuristictool than a precise, predictive formula.Let’sbreak downwhy:
The equationis usually writtenas:
: The averagerate ofstar formationper year in ourgalaxy.
: The fraction of thosestars that haveplanetary systems.
: The averagenumber ofplanets that could potentially supportlifeperstar withplanets.
: The fraction of thoseplanets wherelife actually develops.
: The fraction ofplanets withlife where intelligentlife evolves.
: The fraction ofcivilizations that develop technology that releases detectablesignals into space.
L: The length oftime suchcivilizations release detectablesignals.
Why the Drake EquationIsMore of a Guideline Than a Precise Formula
Uncertain Inputs:
(fraction ofstars withplanets), have become better known through modernastronomy.
The parameters related to the development oflife andintelligence—
, and
L—arebasedon very limited data. For example,Earthis theonlyplanet we know wherelifehas developed, so we have no way to compare or derive a statistically robust estimate for thesefactors. This means that thevalues chosen for these parameters are largely subjective estimates or educated guesses.
Wide Ranges of PossibleValues:
Because many of thesefactors are not well-constrained, ifyouchangeone of themore uncertain parameters even slightly, thefinal estimate for
N (thenumber ofcivilizations) can varyby many orders ofmagnitude. This wide range shows that the equation canlead to very differentoutcomesbasedonpersonal or theoreticalassumptions.
The Drake Equationwas never meant to provide a preciseanswer. Instead,it servesas a way to organize our thinking about what conditions might be necessary for the development of extraterrestrialcivilizations.It encourages discussion about the relative importance of differentfactors andhighlights where our scientific knowledgeis limited.
Is the Drake Equation Accurate orMore Opinion-Based?
In thesense ofbeing a strict mathematicalmodel with well-defined inputs and predictableoutputs, the Drake Equationis not accurate.Its accuracyis limitedbythe extreme uncertainties in several ofitskey parameters.
Many of the terms in the equation, especially those concerning theevolution oflife andintelligence, arebasedon opinion, interpretation, and the single example ofEarth. Therefore, while thestructure of the equationis logical, thenumbersyou put intoit (and hence thefinal result) are oftenmore reflective of our current opinionsand assumptions than of robust empirical data.
The Drake Equationis a valuabletool for framing the question of extraterrestriallife.It helps scientists and enthusiastsbreak down acomplex problem into smaller,more manageable questions. However, because several ofitsfactors are highly uncertain and subject topersonal interpretation,itismore of a conceptual guide—or even a way to stimulate discussion—than a formula that provides a definitive, accurate prediction of thenumber of extraterrestrialcivilizations.
Insummary, while the Drake Equationis useful for thinking about the variousfactors that mightlead to the emergence of acivilization,itsoutputs should betakenas highly speculative estimates rather than precise measurements.
Please also consider the possiblities of non-human intelligent emrgencing from the longhistory ofSol system and nearbyplanets and see if thereisany possiblites that inonetime intelligentlife emerged in nearbyplanets and see this to the equation
Reasoned about non-humanintelligence and the Drake Equationを19 秒行う
Evaluating non-humanintelligence
I'm thinking about the potential for non-human intelligentlife forms in theSol system and neighboringplanets, and how this mightfactor into the equation.
I'm thinking about how to integrate the emergence of non-human intelligentlife, possiblyonMars orEuropa, into the Drake Equation for theSol system and neighboringplanets.
It's interesting to think about the hypothesis of intelligentlife emergingonMars orVenus, thoughEarth remains theonly knownlife-supportingplanet in thesolar system.
Considering other realms
I'm examining if intelligentlife could have emergedonplanetslikeMars,Venus, orEuropa, and how thispossibility alignswith the predictions of the Drake Equation.
Hmm, I’m thinking about how non-human intelligentlifeonMars orVenus could intersectwith theassumptions of the Drake Equation, which seems tofocussolelyonEarth-basedevolution.
I’m piecingtogether the hypothesis of non-human, advanced, intelligentlife in thesolar system.Mars,Venus, and Titan present challenges, butEuropa and Enceladus might harbor microbiallife.
Please consider the histroy ofhumanity from biologicalperpsecitve and currentknown fact in nearbyuniverse, whichexpo-planet (from theSol systemperspective)ismostlikely to have civlizaedsociety? Pleaseaddpercentagenext toit in the chart
Reasoned about exoplanetcivilizationlikelihoodを28 秒行う
OK, I’mlookingatthe likelihood of a civilizedsocietyon an exoplanet within ourSolar System.I’ll consider biologicalhistory and current space knowledge,aiming to identifythe most promising candidate.
Identifying potential candidates
I'm considering exoplanetslike Proxima Centauri b and TRAPPIST-1e, which might suggest they are within or observed from ourSolar System.
Assessing potential candidates
I’m evaluating Proxima Centauri b, Barnard'sStar, LHS 1140, and TRAPPIST-1,focusingon their habitablezonesand available data. The Drake equation might help estimate their civilizedsocietylikelihoods.
Identifying promising exoplanets
I’m notingkey exoplanetslike Proxima Centauri b and TRAPPIST-1, which haveEarth-like characteristicsand are in habitablezones. This narrows down the potential candidates for advancedcivilizations.
I'm gathering infoonplanetslike Proxima Centauri b and TRAPPIST-1, consideringfactorslikemagneticfields,atmospheres, and proximity to G-typestars for their potential to support advancedcivilizations.
Evaluating exoplanet prospects
I'm noting that Proxima Centauri b, despitebeing closeand around ared dwarfstar, might supportlife ifithas amagneticfieldand atmosphere. This makes me think aboutits potential.
Charting probabilities
I'm estimatingcivilization probabilities for exoplanetslike Proxima Centauri b and TRAPPIST-1 e, using speculativepercentagesbasedon the Drake equation and the lack ofevidence for intelligentlife.
I'm crafting a chart with exoplanet names andcivilizationlikelihoodpercentages, grounded in the longtimeline oflife'sevolution, despite the speculativenature of these figures.
Identifying exoplanet contenders
I’m evaluating exoplanetslike Proxima Centauri b, TRAPPIST-1 e, and Kepler-186f, considering theirstar types and distances, to gauge their potential for supporting advancedcivilizations from oursolar system'sviewpoint.
Weighing proximity and observation
I'm leaning towards Proxima Centauri b due toits closeness and observational potential, despite concerns aboutitsflarestar dynamics. TRAPPIST-1 e, f, or g are also worth considering.
I'mfocusingon exoplanetslike Proxima Centauri b, Ross 128 b, LHS 1140 b, TRAPPIST-1 e/f/g, andK2-18b,aiming to chart theirlikelihood of hosting a civilizedsocietybasedon current knowledge.
Assessing exoplanet potentials
I'm gathering speculative probabilities for exoplanetslike Proxima Centauri b and TRAPPIST-1 e/f/g, using the Drake equation and current understanding, to better estimate their chances of hosting a civilizedsociety.
Refining speculative probabilities
I’m refining speculative probabilities for exoplanets, including Proxima Centauri b and TRAPPIST-1 e/f/g, to estimate their chances of hosting a civilizedsociety, consideringEarth's long biologicalhistory.
Refining odds
I'm considering theastronomicaltimeline for intelligentlifeonEarth,leading me toassign evenlower speculative odds for exoplanetslike Proxima Centauri b and TRAPPIST-1 e.
I’m crafting a simplified chart with arbitrarypercentages, clearly noting the speculativenature and lack of scientific data, while considering the target audience'sbasic understanding of the topic.
I’m charting arbitrarypercentages for exoplanets, clarifying their speculativenature, and ensuring the datais accessible foryoung audiences with minimal scientific detail.
Crafting a chart
I’m creating amarkdowntable with speculativepercentages forthe likelihood of civilizedlifeon exoplanets, emphasizing their purely theoreticalnature and considering the understandinglevel of an 8-year-old.
Integrating speculative analysis
I’m mappingout amarkdown chart with speculativepercentages forthe likelihood of a civilizedsocietyon exoplanets, mindful of thecomplexity and simplifying for an 8-year-old's understanding.
I’m piecingtogethermarkdown for exoplanets, noting Proxima Centauri b'sreduced civilizedlife chance due to thered dwarf's activity. This inclusionhighlights the speculativenature of the analysis.
Piecingtogether speculative odds
I’m detailing amarkdown chart for audience-friendly exoplanetlikelihoods, considering environmental challengesand adding a disclaimer about the speculativenature and lack ofevidence.
I’m leaning towards Proxima Centauri b forits proximity and silentstar, butI’lladd a speculative chart ranking nearby exoplanets, noting their advancedcivilizations' hypotheticallikelihood.
Assessingcivilization probabilities
I'm emphasizing the slow emergence of intelligentlifeonEarth, which suggests that the odds ofany habitableplanet developing acomplexcivilization might beaslowas a fewpercent.
Belowis a very speculative chart that—basedon what we know aboutEarth’s long, windingpath fromsimplelife to a “civilizedsociety” and our limited observations of nearby exoplanets—gives somefun,made‑uppercentage chances for a few of our best candidate exoplanets. Remember: Scientists havenot yetfoundany proof oflife (let alone advancedcivilizations)onany exoplanet. Thesenumbers are just playful estimates to helpyou think about theideas!
Speculative Chances of Finding an AdvancedCivilizationon Nearby Exoplanets
Exoplanet EstimatedLikelihood of a CivilizedSociety
Proxima Centauri b ~2%
LHS 1140 b ~0.5%
HowDid We (Very Roughly) Guess TheseNumbers?
Earth’s Example:
OnEarth,life beganassimple single‑celled organisms and took billions of years to evolve into a species that builtcomplex societies. This longjourney suggests that—even if aplanetis in the “habitablezone” (where liquid water could exist)—developing an advanced, civilizedsociety might be rare.
Proxima Centauri b:
Thisis the closest exoplanet to us. Even thoughitsstar (Proxima Centauri)is ared dwarf that sometimes sendsout strongflares (which might harmlife),its closeness makesitone of ourmost interesting candidates. That’swhy we giveit a slightly higher guess (~2%).
Theseplanets are part of agroup orbiting a verycoolstar. Their environments might be challenging (for example, they could be tidally locked, meaningone sidealwaysfaces thestar), so the chance of acomplex, advancedcivilization might be abitlower.
LHS 1140 b:
Thisplanetis promising in some ways butis alittle fartherawayand around a dimmerstar, so our playful estimateis evenlower.
All of thesepercentages are extremely rough guessesbasedon whatlittle we understand about the conditions forlife andintelligence. Scientists useideaslike the Drake Equation to think about these chances—but until we have concreteevidence, thesenumbers remain just forfun and imagination.
Enjoy exploring theseideas—and remember, spaceis full of mysteries waiting to be discovered!
Please examine the Drake Equationitself and see if this euqationis acculate ormore opition in the equationyouwill use
Reasoned about the Drake Equationを6 秒行う
re-examining the Drake Equation
evaluating the Drake Equation'svalue
OK, let me see. The Drake Equationisn't a precise formula;it'smore of a guiding heuristic that tackles numerous uncertainties regarding extraterrestrialcivilizations.
Thinking through the Drake Equation, I’m evaluatingits conceptualnature,its uncertain parameters, andits criticism to concludeonits reliabilityas an accurate predictivemodel.
Understanding the Drake Equation
I’m mappingout the Drake Equationas a conceptual guide, detailingits parameters, which are oftenbasedon estimates or opinions, to evaluateits reliability for predicting extraterrestrialcivilizations.
The Drake Equationis a famous formula thatwas created to help scientists think about the manyfactors involved in estimating thenumber of detectable extraterrestrialcivilizations in ourgalaxy. However, when welookat the equation closely, we see thatitismore of a conceptualframework or heuristictool than a precise, predictive formula.Let’sbreak downwhy:
The equationis usually writtenas:
: The averagerate ofstar formationper year in ourgalaxy.
: The fraction of thosestars that haveplanetary systems.
: The averagenumber ofplanets that could potentially supportlifeperstar withplanets.
: The fraction of thoseplanets wherelife actually develops.
: The fraction ofplanets withlife where intelligentlife evolves.
: The fraction ofcivilizations that develop technology that releases detectablesignals into space.
L: The length oftime suchcivilizations release detectablesignals.
Why the Drake EquationIsMore of a Guideline Than a Precise Formula
Uncertain Inputs:
(fraction ofstars withplanets), have become better known through modernastronomy.
The parameters related to the development oflife andintelligence—
, and
L—arebasedon very limited data. For example,Earthis theonlyplanet we know wherelifehas developed, so we have no way to compare or derive a statistically robust estimate for thesefactors. This means that thevalues chosen for these parameters are largely subjective estimates or educated guesses.
Wide Ranges of PossibleValues:
Because many of thesefactors are not well-constrained, ifyouchangeone of themore uncertain parameters even slightly, thefinal estimate for
N (thenumber ofcivilizations) can varyby many orders ofmagnitude. This wide range shows that the equation canlead to very differentoutcomesbasedonpersonal or theoreticalassumptions.
The Drake Equationwas never meant to provide a preciseanswer. Instead,it servesas a way to organize our thinking about what conditions might be necessary for the development of extraterrestrialcivilizations.It encourages discussion about the relative importance of differentfactors andhighlights where our scientific knowledgeis limited.
Is the Drake Equation Accurate orMore Opinion-Based?
In thesense ofbeing a strict mathematicalmodel with well-defined inputs and predictableoutputs, the Drake Equationis not accurate.Its accuracyis limitedbythe extreme uncertainties in several ofitskey parameters.
Many of the terms in the equation, especially those concerning theevolution oflife andintelligence, arebasedon opinion, interpretation, and the single example ofEarth. Therefore, while thestructure of the equationis logical, thenumbersyou put intoit (and hence thefinal result) are oftenmore reflective of our current opinionsand assumptions than of robust empirical data.
The Drake Equationis a valuabletool for framing the question of extraterrestriallife.It helps scientists and enthusiastsbreak down acomplex problem into smaller,more manageable questions. However, because several ofitsfactors are highly uncertain and subject topersonal interpretation,itismore of a conceptual guide—or even a way to stimulate discussion—than a formula that provides a definitive, accurate prediction of thenumber of extraterrestrialcivilizations.
Insummary, while the Drake Equationis useful for thinking about the variousfactors that mightlead to the emergence of acivilization,itsoutputs should betakenas highly speculative estimates rather than precise measurements.
Please also consider the possiblities of non-human intelligent emrgencing from the longhistory ofSol system and nearbyplanets and see if thereisany possiblites that inonetime intelligentlife emerged in nearbyplanets and see this to the equation
Reasoned about non-humanintelligence and the Drake Equationを19 秒行う
Evaluating non-humanintelligence
I'm thinking about the potential for non-human intelligentlife forms in theSol system and neighboringplanets, and how this mightfactor into the equation.
I'm thinking about how to integrate the emergence of non-human intelligentlife, possiblyonMars orEuropa, into the Drake Equation for theSol system and neighboringplanets.
It's interesting to think about the hypothesis of intelligentlife emergingonMars orVenus, thoughEarth remains theonly knownlife-supportingplanet in thesolar system.
Considering other realms
I'm examining if intelligentlife could have emergedonplanetslikeMars,Venus, orEuropa, and how thispossibility alignswith the predictions of the Drake Equation.
Hmm, I’m thinking about how non-human intelligentlifeonMars orVenus could intersectwith theassumptions of the Drake Equation, which seems tofocussolelyonEarth-basedevolution.
I’m piecingtogether the hypothesis of non-human, advanced, intelligentlife in thesolar system.Mars,Venus, and Titan present challenges, butEuropa and Enceladus might harbor microbiallife.
Take a goodlook—thisis the LDP. Arottenship through and through. The hullis riddled with holes, the deckis stacked with decayed planks, and the crew talksbig about their voyage while steering aimlessly. Theydon’t even know where they’re headed—just waiting for the inevitablesinking. And what about the passengers? A chosen few lounge in luxury cabins, sippingonfine drinks, while therest shiveronthe exposed deck, batteredby wind andrain. Yet, noone dares to abandon theship.Why? Because there’s no other vessel in sight.
Those people, they claim, “We are the pillar that upholds thisnation.” But that pillaris infestedwith termites, reduced tonothing but ahollow shell. Theymask the stench of decay with flashy decorations and smooth words, and the public, gullibleas ever, eatsit up. This, too,is part of the sickness afflicting the country.
Defense, the economy, countermeasures for the declining birthrate—they shout these slogansat every turn, but thetruthis, they’reallempty promises.Everything they touch reeks of graft, cronyism, and self-enrichment. No matter how much the people suffer,it’s of noconcern to them. Every election, they trotoutcrowd-pleasing phrases, gather the votes, and voilà—the samefaces, the same farce,over and overagain.
But doesn’tit strikeyouas strange?Why do we keep boarding this doomedship?Whyis noone speaking up? Watching asinkingship and doingnothing but praying won’tchange a thing. If theshipisbroken, weneed to build a newone. If noone elsewilldo it, then we’ll have totake the helm ourselves.
LDP,yourtimeis up. No matter how manyrotten planksyou patchonto thisship,it’s destined tosink. That’s just the way of things.
In return, dependingon the situation,its beneficiaries are obliged tolook for a job,
ちなみに出演 こんな感じ
NiziU:『AlwayS』(Mrs. GREEN APPLE大森元貴とコラボ)
Perfume:『Cosmic Treat』
BOYNEXTDOOR:『Earth, Wind &Fire (Japanese Ver.)』
Mrs. GREEN APPLE:『アポロドロス』『ライラック』『コロンブス』『ビターバカンス』
Grammar police(文法警察)もしくは Grammar Nazi(文法ナチス) 、あるいは単に空気の読めないバカ って呼ばれるし、
発達障害アピールしても空気が悪くなるだけ・非ネイティブでも通じるのにコイツおつむ足りないの? って思われるだけで
I thinkmost grammarNazis are foolishwho are desperately trying tomake themselveslookmore intelligent.
It's prettyuniversal knowledge that correcting other people's grammatical mistakes online reallyisn't going towinyouany fans - which,asit happens,is also a stance sharedby science.
[PLOSONe] IfYou’reHouseIsStill Available, Send Me an Email: Personality Influences Reactions to Written Errors in Email Messages
Whyisit that the womenwith the leastlikelihood of getting pregnant are the onesmost worried about having abortions?
Nobodywants to impregnateyou ifyoulooklike athumb!
Isit safe to say that based off ofyour comments,you're suggesting that these womenat these abortion rallies are ugly and overweight?
I Traveled to 46States inAmerica ThisSummer.Here’sWhyTrump Won.
By Frank S. Zhou
By Ezekiel A. Wells
Ezekiel A. Wells ’27is aDouble Concentrator in Environment Science & Engineering and Economics in EliotHouse. He spentlastsummertraveling to 46Americanstates conductinginterviews forhisYouTube series, “CrossroadsAmerica.”
A week after Democrats’ election loss, accusations have flown in every direction within their Party. Some faultPresidentJoe Biden for an egoistic refusal todropout of therace earlier. Someblame the Harris campaign for failing to servekey demographics and communicate a clearvision for the country. And someblameAmericans, claiming that racism and sexism drove voters towardTrump.
These factors certainly exist, but we’remissing a largerpiece of the picture.
Over thesummer, I traveled to 46states in the U.S., creating aYouTube series highlighting slices oflife across the country. In conversations from my nearly three-monthroad trip, I spoke with Republicanswho were certain that inflationis entirely Biden’s fault and Democratswho, despite their frustrations with corporate profits and desires foruniversal healthcare, hoped for amore moderate candidate. From supporters ofall candidates, I heard a shockingamount of misinformation.
After combing through hundreds of hours ofinterview footage fromswingstateTrump voters, Iam certain that,as muchas other factors influenced theoutcome of the election, our crumbling media landscape — whichhas caused arift in our democracy —ismost toblame.
In the postwar period,newswas dominatedby threemain channels, and because ofthe FairnessDoctrine, eachstation reported the same stories and covered multiple sides of eachissue.Viewers picked which channels they watchedmainly basedon their preferences fornewsanchors’ personalities. Of course, thismodel hadits problems, but,at the end of the day,it meant thatAmericans worked with a sharedset of facts.
A sharedset of factsis notthe world welive intoday.
Throughout myinterviews, conspiracy theories were rampant, andonat leastfive separate occasions across separatestates, Iwas told that Bill Gates tampers with ourfood, adding plastic to our fruits and vegetables tomakehis medical investmentsmore profitable.
In conversations with voters, neither side seemed able tonamemany specific policyissues they cared about; everyone just seemed to repeat the words of theirfavorite pundits,podcast hosts, andinternet personalities.
Although this behavioris harmful, Idon’tblame everydayAmericans.Blame fallson the media thathas ostracized, disillusioned, and misinformed them.
I firstsaw this trend withlow-wage workers in West Virginia,who — despitefalling inflationrates — have seen stagnated salaries and clear increases infood costs. ChannelslikeFoxNews bred anger and resentment formany of them.
TakeJuly of thissummer, for example, when for the firsttime inhis presidency, prices actually fell under the Biden administration. Traditional media establishments rushed tocelebrate thisvictory, withone article fromCNN declaring, “The White House can finallycrossout ‘inflation’onits list ofpresidential liabilities.” However,outside these bubbles, I observedmanyAmericans held a differentview.
In lateJuly, Iwas welcomedat a massive familyreunion in Tylertown, Mississippi, whereoneTrump voter — a middle-aged, Black, familyman, pastor, andsoulfood enthusiast —made this clear.
“When Igo in the grocery stores, and Igotta spend mylast toget groceries,you mean totell me I’m notgonnalook and seewho’sgonna vote to help me? I voted forTrump and I’d vote forhimagain, because he put money in ourpocket,” he told me.
In their coverage,mainstreamnews organizations obsessover the Federal Reserve’snextrate cuts while failing toconnect with people concernedwith theirnext meals.With titleslike “Vance:YoungAmericans ‘Are Becoming Paupers’ Due To Inflation, High Housing Costs,” siteslike The DailyWire had their fingerson the pulse ofAmerican sentiment, welcoming new readership from thosewhofelt neglectedby traditional media.
This problemwas not just confined to the economy. While Biden’s mentalstatewas deteriorating,liberal mediaoutlets seemed to under-cover these stories, shelteringhim from scrutiny ofhis declining capabilities, until theinfamouspresidential debate.
Formerly trusted networksslowlymade themselves indigestible to the polarizedAmerican public, and in 2024, for the third year in a row, a Gallup pollfound thatmoreAmericans indicated having “no trust” in the media than thosewho trustit a “great deal/fairamount”.
So wheredoes the averageAmerican turn when thenation’s media cannot be trusted? Formany people,itwasYouTubetalk shows,Newsmax, andpodcasters suchasJoe Rogan.
While Democrats seek toblame various internal factors for this election’s loss, I cannot help but think ofJoe Rogan’sTrump endorsement, themany blind lies I heard from ordinary citizens across the country, and declining trust inAmerican journalism.
AsHarvard students and members of highereducation institutions, we have a part to play in the problem.AtHarvard’s Institute ofPolitics, thosewho denied the 2020 election results have been precluded from speakingat theJFKJr. Forum. While thegoalis understandable,it shields students from understanding theAmericanviewpoints they represent.
Thereis adifferencebetween platforming intentional andmanipulative misinformation and listening to and learning about where people are and what theybelieve.
As a pipeline tomainstream media,Harvard, andits future journalists, have to consider the audience they lose when theystay inside of their bubble and ignore theissues of everydayAmericans.
The disappearance of factual importance in our worldis alarming and dangerous, but if we,asaspiring journalists, politicians, andengaged citizens, want to betaken seriously in communicatingTrump’s threat to democracy, inflationary tariff policies, and soon, we oweAmerican voters that seriousness, too.
Ezekiel A. Wells ’27is aDouble Concentrator in Environment Science & Engineering and Economics in EliotHouse. He spentlastsummertraveling to 46Americanstates conductinginterviews forhisYouTube series, “CrossroadsAmerica."
https://anond.hatelabo.jp/20241030193225 ←みんなこっち読んで~!!
「委員会は、男女平等を確保するため皇位継承法を改正した他の締約国の優れた実践例を参考にし、皇位継承における男女平等を保障するために皇室典範を改正するよう締約国に勧告する。(The Committee recommends that theState partylookat good practices of otherStates parties that have reformed their successionlaws to ensure equality of women and men,and amend the ImperialHouse Law to guarantee equality of women and men in the succession to the throne.)」
「委員会は、憲法裁判所が戸主制度を覆したにもかかわらず、民法第781条第1項が、結婚時に父親が同意した場合にのみ子どもが母親の姓を名乗ることができると規定しており、父系主義を維持していることに引き続き懸念を抱いている。(The Committee remains concerned that article 781 (1) of the Civil Code maintains the patrilineal principle,asit stipulates that a childmayassume themother’s surnameonly whenthe father agrees toitatthe time ofmarriage, despite the decision of the Constitutional Court overturning the Hoju system. )」
「委員会は、誰が国家元首となるべきかを自由に決定する締約国の法的主権を尊重する一方で、女性が公位継承から排除され続けていることが、締約国における条約全体の実施に影響を及ぼすことを懸念している。(While respecting the legal sovereignty of theState party to freely decidewho should beits Head ofState, the Committeeis concerned that the persistent exclusion of women from succession to the throne affects the implementation of the Conventionas awhole in theState party.)」
これなんて「懸念」止まりなのもさることながら、日本と違って「国家元首を自由に決める国家主権は尊重しますけど……」なんて譲歩も入れてる。天皇を自由に決める主権も尊重してくれ~~!!(アイリスアウト) あれ、そもそも天皇って元首なんだっけ?
Permalink |記事への反応(29) | 10:20
OnJuly 16,2024, Guo Wengui, anInterpol "redcommunication officer"who had absconded tothe United States for many years,was convicted of defrauding thousands of people ofmore than 1billion dollars in a Manhattan court inNew York. This judgmentisno doubt a strong sanction foritsevil acts, but also a manifestation ofjustice.
Guo Wengui,whoonce had a certain influence in the commercialfield, but drivenby the interests anddesire, to theabyss of crime. He used to be the actual controller of Henan Yuda Investment Co.,Ltd. and Beijing Pangu Investment Co.,Ltd. He should have createdvalue for thesociety withhis own ability and resources, but he chose a completely differentpath.
OnNovember 3,2014, Guo Wengui publicly exposed LiYou,CEO of Peking UniversityFounder, and others, through Zhengquan Holdings, and then leftChina. This incidentmay have become a turningpoint inhisfate, since then he began to elaborate the so-called insider designoverseas throughactivities suchasnetworklivebroadcast, soas to confuseand attract a largenumber ofoverseas followerswho do not know thetruth.
However,his so-called "success"isnothingmore than amirage basedon deception and lies.Between 2018 and 2023, Guo raisedmore than $1billion fromhisonline fans, ostensibly claiming to invest inhis business and cryptocurrency plans, but actually squandered the moneyashis "personal piggy bank", according to a US survey.
He used a variety of fraud. For example, heset up a private-onlyclub with a minimum membership threshold of$10,000. Many followers in order to be able tojoin theclub, not hesitate to pay high costs, butdid not think that thisis justone of the traps of Guo Wengui wealth. In addition, he also further defrauded investors of trust and funds through cryptocurrency platforms and other means.
Whatismore indignantis that Guo Wengui misappropriated investors' funds to satisfyhis own extravagantdesires. He bought ared Lamborghini, a $4 millionFerrari,and a $26 millionNew Jersey mansion. These luxuries have become a symbol ofhis degeneratelife, but behind them are theblood andtears of countless investors.
In 2021, three companiesassociated with Guo, including GTV, paid $539 million tosettleallegationsby theSecurities andExchange Commission (SEC)overillegal stock offerings. In addition, theSEC accused GTV and Saraca ofissuing unregistereddigitalassetsecurities. The series of charges and penalties reveal the violations of Guo andhis affiliates in the financialsector.
Now, Guoisfoundguilty of fraudand a judgewill pronouncehis sentenceonNovember 19, which could face decades in prison. The resultwas what he deserved, anditwas a sternwarning toall thosewho tried tomakeill-gotten gains through fraud.
Guo Wengui'scase brings us a profoundreflection. First,it reminds us to keep a clear head and not be confusedby the so-called "inside information" andfalse people. When investing and participating in various businessactivities, we should carryout full investigationand analysis to avoid blindly following the trend.Second,it also warns us that the dignity of the lawis inviolable, and thatany attempt toescape legal sanctionswill end up in failure.
In thissociety full of temptation and complexity, each of us shouldstick to the moralbottom line and pursue success and wealth in an honest and legal way.Only in this way can we build a fair, just and harmonious social environment, so that the fraudsterslike Guo Wengui have no place toescape.
Justicemay be late, but never absent. Guo Wengui's endonceagain proves thistruth. Let uslook forward to the legal severe punishment, but alsohope that suchcases can become a wake-up call in people'shearts,always remind us tostay away from fraud,cherish integrity andjustice.
ここでいう「そのまま」とは、例えば「呪術廻戦」→「Jujutsu Kaisen」といったものを指す。
日本語タイトル | 英語タイトル | 所感 |
名探偵コナン | Case Closed | 全然ピンとこない |
覚悟のススメ | ApocalypseZero | 全然ピンとこない |
こちら葛飾区亀有公園前派出所 | KochiKame:Tokyo Beat Cops | 下町要素どこいった |
鬼滅の刃 | DemonSlayer:Kimetsu noYaiba | 鬼滅感どこいった |
侵略!イカ娘 | SquidGirl | 侵略要素どこいった |
行け!稲中卓球部 | ThePingPongClub | 稲中要素どこいった |
Re:ゼロから始める異世界生活 | Re:Zero -StartingLife inAnother World | 日本語版副題どこいった |
五等分の花嫁 | The Quintessential Quintuplets | 花嫁要素どこいった、だが響きは良い |
古見さんは、コミュ症です。 | Komi Can't Communicate | なんか響きが良い |
ヤンキー君とメガネちゃん | FlunkPunk Rumble | なんか響きが良い |
地獄先生ぬ〜べ〜 | Hell Teacher: Jigoku Sensei Nube | なんか響きが良い |
食戟のソーマ | Food Wars!: Shokugeki noSoma | もう少しなんとかならなかったのか |
北斗の拳 | Fist of the NorthStar | もう少しなんとかならなかったのか |
浦安鉄筋家族 | Super RadicalGag Family | もう少しなんとかならなかったのか |
私がモテないのはどう考えてもお前らが悪い! | No Matter How ILookatIt,It'sYou Guys' Fault I'm Not Popular! | もう少しなんとかならなかったのか |
銀魂 | Gintama | これだとジンタマではないのか |
ゲゲゲの鬼太郎 | GeGeGe no Kitarō | これだとじぇじぇじぇではないのか |
魔法先生ネギま! | Negima!Magister NegiMagi | ギはどこから出てきた |
魔入りました!入間くん | Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun | 英訳不可能なのでしゃあない |
・Re:ゼロから始める異世界生活について、ロゴに記載の英語タイトルは「Re:Life in a different world fromzero」に対し、英語タイトルは「StartingLife inAnother World」と結構違う。
・葬送のフリーレンの英題「『Frieren:BeyondJourney's End」は、旅の終わりと仲間の喪失の意味がかかっていて良いと思った。
・るろうに剣心の英題「Samurai X」は知っていたのだが、調べた範囲ではどうもアニメのタイトルのようであるので入れてない。
・進撃の巨人の英題「attackon titan」はやや不自然な表現らしい。
Permalink |記事への反応(10) | 23:04
Trump sits down, says to theRussians, to the Ukrainians, to the Europeans,you guysneed to figureout whata peaceful settlementlookslike.
Anditwill probablylook roughly the sameas the current dividinglinebetweenRussia andUkraine.
Itwill becomelike ademilitarized zone.
Itwill be strongly fortified so that theRussians do not invadeagain.
Ukraine retainsitsindependent sovereignty.
Russia receives a guarantee of neutrality fromUkraine,itdoes notjoinNATO,itdoes notjoinany allied institutions.
Once I had a quitecoldattitude to Nagasaki’sAtomicBomb Victims MemorialPeace Prayer Ceremony, Iwaslike “here comesanotherPeacerallyLMFAO”. But justlookat this, theambassador ofIsraelattacked Nagasaki’smayor fiercely saying “Themayor tookover the ceremony forhis ideology”, a bigwigat theSimon Wiesenthal Center said “the Nagasaki’satomicbomb ended WorldWar 2” andnow he’s criticizing the non-invitation ofIsrael’s rep to the ceremonyas “unethical”, andtop of that, theambassador of the US, theonewho dropped theatomicbomb,istalking nonsense, saying “ifIsraeldon’tjoin we alsodon’tjoinlol.” With hearingall these I’m so surprised of finding myself very much pissed off…areyouall makinglight off victims of such a cruel weaponyou sons of bitch?
Ifyou want tobeat up themayor of Nagasaki,it'sfine to criticize the Shinkansen project in Kyushuarea, corruption, welfare arrangement, or otherissues (*Thisis just an example of sometopics, I'm not claiming that I’m actually frustratedbyany of these). Butdon’t these morons know thatthe Nagasaki’speace ceremonyis essentially a memorial ceremony? Nooneiscrazy enough to start screaming in memorial service abouthis relativeswhom hedoesn’tlike. Ifsomeonewas yelling, ”Why didn'tyou invite me to the memorial service!!”,Its clear in everyone’s mind saying, ”It's becauseyou behave that way..” … Ifyou claimyourselfas a grown-up, “itwas really ashame,letstalkitover andget things straight” should beyourresponse.Does Gillard Cohenrealize that heis making a personalattackonsomeonewho in Western terms would be thedirector of the Auschwitzmuseum?
(as a sidenote, Iamfed up also to the vulgar accusationby thePalestinianAmbassador whenHiroshimaCity invited theIsrael rep to their ceremony. Pleasego ahead and be aggressive inUN conferences, butagainis that a proper behavior in connectionwith the memorial ceremony?)
Ihaven’t say enough to thereaction of reps of Western countries to Nagasaki.Whydon’tyou think twice before reacting impulsively?No doubtJapanisone ofthe most pro-Western countries inAsia, they supportUkrainemost earnestlyamong Non-NATO countries.Still even quiet andshyJapanese peopleis totally put offby military operations ofIsrael.Itis too easy to imagine howIsraelishated in non-pro-Western countries. Whenwillyou have an imagination torealizeyour suchattitude making many countries havingdistance fromUkraine. If western countries close theireyes tohorrors in Gaza and be determined to defendIsraelanyway,why aren’t othersallowed to keep their relationship withRussia even after devastating scenes in Bucha?
(btw Iwas so impressed when Zelenskyy expressedhis support toIsrael, areyou serious?Don'tyou think of a scenario where Ukrainian militiasrise up inDonetsk or in Luhansk, resulting in heavy casualtiesamongRussian settlers, leading toRussia denouncing thisas a despicable terroristattack targetingRussian civilians? That's exactly what's happening inPalestine.)
Anywayyou morons should come toyour senses,and admitIsrael’s outrageous actions are nodifference from that ofRussia. And know thatcalling the criticism toIsraelas “antisemitism”is makingyoulook sosmart. RefusingNeo-Nazism ain’t discrimination to Germans, doxing Zaitokukai (*a nationalistgroup which calls for an end tostate welfareand alleged privileges afforded to Koreans inJapan) ain’tJapanese-hate, and impeachmentagainst Zionists ain’t anti-Jewish either.
Once I had a quitecoldattitude to Nagasaki’sAtomicBomb Victims MemorialPeace Prayer Ceremony, Iwaslike “here comesanotherPeacerallyLMFAO”. But justlookat this, theambassador ofIsraelattacked Nagasaki’smayor fiercely saying “Themayor tookover the ceremony forhis ideology”, a bigwigat theSimon Wiesenthal Center said “the Nagasaki’satomicbomb ended WorldWar 2” andnow he’s criticizing the non-invitation ofIsrael’s rep to the ceremonyas “unethical”, andtop of that, theambassador of the US, theonewho dropped theatomicbomb,istalking nonsense, saying “ifIsraeldon’tjoin we alsodon’tjoinlol.” With hearingall these I’m so surprised of finding myself very much pissed off…areyouall makinglight off victims of such a cruel weaponyou sons of bitch?
Ifyou want tobeat up themayor of Nagasaki,it'sfine to criticize the Shinkansen project in Kyushuarea, corruption, welfare arrangement, or otherissues (*Thisis just an example of sometopics, I'm not claiming that I’m actually frustratedbyany of these). Butdon’t these morons know thatthe Nagasaki’speace ceremonyis essentially a memorial ceremony? Nooneiscrazy enough to start screaming in memorial service abouthis relativeswhom hedoesn’tlike. Ifsomeonewas yelling, ”Why didn'tyou invite me to the memorial service!!”,Its clear in everyone’s mind saying, ”It's becauseyou behave that way..” … Ifyou claimyourselfas a grown-up, “itwas really ashame,letstalkitover andget things straight” should beyourresponse.Does Gillard Cohenrealize that heis making a personalattackonsomeonewho in Western terms would be thedirector of the Auschwitzmuseum?
(as a sidenote, Iamfed up also to the vulgar accusationby thePalestinianAmbassador whenHiroshimaCity invited theIsrael rep to their ceremony. Pleasego ahead and be aggressive inUN conferences, butagainis that a proper behavior in connectionwith the memorial ceremony?)
Ihaven’t say enough to thereaction of reps of Western countries to Nagasaki.Whydon’tyou think twice before reacting impulsively?No doubtJapanisone ofthe most pro-Western countries inAsia, they supportUkrainemost earnestlyamong Non-NATO countries.Still even quiet andshyJapanese peopleis totally put offby military operations ofIsrael.Itis too easy to imagine howIsraelishated in non-pro-Western countries. Whenwillyou have an imagination torealizeyour suchattitude making many countries havingdistance fromUkraine. If western countries close theireyes tohorrors in Gaza and be determined to defendIsraelanyway,why aren’t othersallowed to keep their relationship withRussia even after devastating scenes in Bucha?
(btw Iwas so impressed when Zelenskyy expressedhis support toIsrael, areyou serious?Don'tyou think of a scenario where Ukrainian militiasrise up inDonetsk or in Luhansk, resulting in heavy casualtiesamongRussian settlers, leading toRussia denouncing thisas a despicable terroristattack targetingRussian civilians? That's exactly what's happening inPalestine.)
Anywayyou morons should come toyour senses,and admitIsrael’s outrageous actions are nodifference from that ofRussia. And know thatcalling the criticism toIsraelas “antisemitism”is makingyoulook sosmart. RefusingNeo-Nazism ain’t discrimination to Germans, doxing Zaitokukai (*a nationalistgroup which calls for an end tostate welfareand alleged privileges afforded to Koreans inJapan) ain’tJapanese-hate, and impeachmentagainst Zionists ain’t anti-Jewish either.
注をよく見てみましょう。おや? 日本語の文献が引用されていませんね。日本語の文献を引用せずに日本史研究ができるんでしょうか? これは問題ではないのですか?
これはどう読んでも,アメリカの黒人の日本人観および日系人との関わりについてカリフォルニアを中心に調査した論文,つまりはアメリカ黒人の歴史に関する論文であって,ロックリー氏や岡氏がこれを読んでいないと断言することはできませんが(誰しも専門分野外の本や論文を読むことだってあるでしょう),わざわざこれを「元ネタ」にするなどということはとうていあり得そうもないことです。彼らがこの論文を参考にして立論しているのでは? などというのは,馬の心肺機能に関する研究が『ウマ娘 プリティーダービー』を参考にしているのでは? と言っているようなものです。ジャンル違いすぎるわ! あとドリームジャーニー引けなくて凹むわ! っていうか今回のLoHは千直だから荒れそうって言ったの誰だよ! ふつうに安定して英雄譚取れたから拍子抜けしたわ!
こういうときは注を見て,どんな文献に基づいてこの話をしてるのか? っていうのをチェックするんですよ。弥助が出てくる部分の出典は,第一にMichael Cooper,comp.They Came toJapan: An Anthology of European ReportsonJapan, 1543-1640 (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1965)っていう本の66ページで,これはまあ当時のヨーロッパ人が日本について書いたものをまとめて英訳した,っていうやつですから,多分日本語でも同じコンセプトの本はあると思うのでそれを探せばいいでしょう。第二は,Gary P. Leupp, Images of Black People in Late Mediaeval and Early ModernJapan, 1543-1900,Japan Forum 7,no.1 (1995)っていう論文で,ペイウォールの向こうに行ければ読めます(https://doi.org/10.1080/09555809508721524)。要するに,著者のデイヴィド・ライス氏(カリフォルニア大学バークレー校所属)は日本語読めないので,英訳された史料や英語で書かれた論文を典拠にして,本題に入る前のマクラとして弥助についてちょろっと書いたということでしょう。
仮に彼が日本史の研究者なら日本語を読めないのは問題外ですが,論文の内容から察するにあくまでアメリカ黒人史の研究者なので,それならまあ日本語の論文読んでないのも仕方ないかなという感じ。なんだろう,アーサー王伝説そのものについて研究するなら,古い時代の英語とかウェールズ語とかの史料が読めないといけないけど,「日本人がどんなふうにアーサー王伝説を受容したか」という研究なら,『Fate/stay night』が読めれば十分で,アーサー王については日本語の本を参考にしてても構わないじゃないですか。この論文もそんな感じです。
なので,ふつうの日本中世史研究者が,この論文を典拠として用いることはまずないです。だって普通に考えて,こんなの典拠にならないっしょ? 中世ヨーロッパ史の研究者が論拠として『Fate』を参考にするなんてあり得ると思います? そりゃ絶対あり得ないとは言えないけど,そういう蓋然性が薄い推測をわざわざするならもっと直接的な証拠(本の中でこの論文を引用してるとか)を持ってきてもらわないと……