パースのアプローチは本質的に科学的探求の論理学として位置付けられる。彼が1878年の論文「How toMake OurIdeas Clear」で提示したプラグマティック・マキシムは、概念的明晰性の第三段階として機能する。具体的には、ある概念の対象がもたらし得る実践的効果を考慮することで、その概念の意味を確定する方法論である[1][3]。例えば「硬さ」の概念は、他の物質に引っかかれないという実験的帰結を通じて定義される。パースはこの格率を伝統的論理学における「明晰判明な観念」の区別を超克する手段と位置付け、形而上学的議論の空虚性を暴く批判的ツールとして活用した[1]。
パースの真理理論は「探究の終極的な意見(ultimate opinion)」概念に基づく。彼にとって真理とは、理想的な探求状況において科学的共同体が到達する不可避的な合意を指す[1][3]。この立場は反基礎付け主義的認識論と結びつき、真理を動的な探究プロセスの帰結として位置付ける。パースはこの考え方を「現実主義(realism)」と関連付け、人間の認識から独立した客観的現実の存在を仮定した[1]。
ジェームズの真理理論は「真理の道具説(instrumentalism)」として特徴付けられる。彼は『プラグマティズム』で「真理は発生する(happens to anidea)」と述べ、信念の真理性をその実践的有用性と将来的な検証可能性に結び付けた[2]。この立場では、真理は静的対応関係ではなく、動的な経験の流れの中で機能する信念の性質として理解される。
この経験論的立場は、ジェームズの真理理論と密接に連関する。彼は「現実は作り続けられている(still in the making)」と述べ、人間の目的的活動が現実構成に参与することを強調した[2]。この観点から、パースの科学的現実主義は「完成された現実」を前提とする合理主義的立場として批判された[2]。
原文:Now, to many of uson the other side of the Atlantic,it looksmore andmorelike old entrenched interests hiding behind ugly Soviet era wordslike misinformation and disinformation,who simplydon’tlike theidea that somebody with analternativeviewpoint mightexpress a different opinion or,God forbid, vote a different way, or even worse,win an election.
Please consider the histroy ofhumanity from biologicalperpsecitve and currentknown fact in nearbyuniverse, whichexpo-planet (from theSol systemperspective)ismostlikely to have civlizaedsociety? Pleaseaddpercentagenext toit in the chart
Reasoned about exoplanetcivilizationlikelihoodを28 秒行う
OK, I’mlookingatthe likelihood of a civilizedsocietyon an exoplanet within ourSolar System.I’ll consider biologicalhistory and current space knowledge,aiming to identifythe most promising candidate.
Identifying potential candidates
I'm considering exoplanetslike Proxima Centauri b and TRAPPIST-1e, which might suggest they are within or observed from ourSolar System.
Assessing potential candidates
I’m evaluating Proxima Centauri b, Barnard'sStar, LHS 1140, and TRAPPIST-1,focusingon their habitablezonesand available data. The Drake equation might help estimate their civilizedsocietylikelihoods.
Identifying promising exoplanets
I’m notingkey exoplanetslike Proxima Centauri b and TRAPPIST-1, which haveEarth-like characteristicsand are in habitablezones. This narrows down the potential candidates for advancedcivilizations.
I'm gathering infoonplanetslike Proxima Centauri b and TRAPPIST-1, consideringfactorslikemagneticfields,atmospheres, and proximity to G-typestars for their potential to support advancedcivilizations.
Evaluating exoplanet prospects
I'm noting that Proxima Centauri b, despitebeing closeand around ared dwarfstar, might supportlife ifithas amagneticfieldand atmosphere. This makes me think aboutits potential.
Charting probabilities
I'm estimatingcivilization probabilities for exoplanetslike Proxima Centauri b and TRAPPIST-1 e, using speculativepercentagesbasedon the Drake equation and the lack ofevidence for intelligentlife.
I'm crafting a chart with exoplanet names andcivilizationlikelihoodpercentages, grounded in the longtimeline oflife'sevolution, despite the speculativenature of these figures.
Identifying exoplanet contenders
I’m evaluating exoplanetslike Proxima Centauri b, TRAPPIST-1 e, and Kepler-186f, considering theirstar types and distances, to gauge their potential for supporting advancedcivilizations from oursolar system'sviewpoint.
Weighing proximity and observation
I'm leaning towards Proxima Centauri b due toits closeness and observational potential, despite concerns aboutitsflarestar dynamics. TRAPPIST-1 e, f, or g are also worth considering.
I'mfocusingon exoplanetslike Proxima Centauri b, Ross 128 b, LHS 1140 b, TRAPPIST-1 e/f/g, andK2-18b,aiming to chart theirlikelihood of hosting a civilizedsocietybasedon current knowledge.
Assessing exoplanet potentials
I'm gathering speculative probabilities for exoplanetslike Proxima Centauri b and TRAPPIST-1 e/f/g, using the Drake equation and current understanding, to better estimate their chances of hosting a civilizedsociety.
Refining speculative probabilities
I’m refining speculative probabilities for exoplanets, including Proxima Centauri b and TRAPPIST-1 e/f/g, to estimate their chances of hosting a civilizedsociety, consideringEarth's long biologicalhistory.
Refining odds
I'm considering theastronomicaltimeline for intelligentlifeonEarth,leading me toassign evenlower speculative odds for exoplanetslike Proxima Centauri b and TRAPPIST-1 e.
I’m crafting a simplified chart with arbitrarypercentages, clearly noting the speculativenature and lack of scientific data, while considering the target audience'sbasic understanding of the topic.
I’m charting arbitrarypercentages for exoplanets, clarifying their speculativenature, and ensuring the datais accessible foryoung audiences with minimal scientific detail.
Crafting a chart
I’m creating amarkdowntable with speculativepercentages forthe likelihood of civilizedlifeon exoplanets, emphasizing their purely theoreticalnature and considering the understandinglevel of an 8-year-old.
Integrating speculative analysis
I’m mappingout amarkdown chart with speculativepercentages forthe likelihood of a civilizedsocietyon exoplanets, mindful of thecomplexity and simplifying for an 8-year-old's understanding.
I’m piecingtogethermarkdown for exoplanets, noting Proxima Centauri b'sreduced civilizedlife chance due to thered dwarf's activity. This inclusionhighlights the speculativenature of the analysis.
Piecingtogether speculative odds
I’m detailing amarkdown chart for audience-friendly exoplanetlikelihoods, considering environmental challengesand adding a disclaimer about the speculativenature and lack ofevidence.
I’m leaning towards Proxima Centauri b forits proximity and silentstar, butI’lladd a speculative chart ranking nearby exoplanets, noting their advancedcivilizations' hypotheticallikelihood.
Assessingcivilization probabilities
I'm emphasizing the slow emergence of intelligentlifeonEarth, which suggests that the odds ofany habitableplanet developing acomplexcivilization might beaslowas a fewpercent.
Belowis a very speculative chart that—basedon what we know aboutEarth’s long, windingpath fromsimplelife to a “civilizedsociety” and our limited observations of nearby exoplanets—gives somefun,made‑uppercentage chances for a few of our best candidate exoplanets. Remember: Scientists havenot yetfoundany proof oflife (let alone advancedcivilizations)onany exoplanet. Thesenumbers are just playful estimates to helpyou think about theideas!
Speculative Chances of Finding an AdvancedCivilizationon Nearby Exoplanets
Exoplanet EstimatedLikelihood of a CivilizedSociety
Proxima Centauri b ~2%
LHS 1140 b ~0.5%
HowDid We (Very Roughly) Guess TheseNumbers?
Earth’s Example:
OnEarth,life beganassimple single‑celled organisms and took billions of years to evolve into a species that builtcomplex societies. This longjourney suggests that—even if aplanetis in the “habitablezone” (where liquid water could exist)—developing an advanced, civilizedsociety might be rare.
Proxima Centauri b:
Thisis the closest exoplanet to us. Even thoughitsstar (Proxima Centauri)is ared dwarf that sometimes sendsout strongflares (which might harmlife),its closeness makesitone of ourmost interesting candidates. That’swhy we giveit a slightly higher guess (~2%).
Theseplanets are part of agroup orbiting a verycoolstar. Their environments might be challenging (for example, they could be tidally locked, meaningone sidealwaysfaces thestar), so the chance of acomplex, advancedcivilization might be abitlower.
LHS 1140 b:
Thisplanetis promising in some ways butis alittle fartherawayand around a dimmerstar, so our playful estimateis evenlower.
All of thesepercentages are extremely rough guessesbasedon whatlittle we understand about the conditions forlife andintelligence. Scientists useideaslike the Drake Equation to think about these chances—but until we have concreteevidence, thesenumbers remain just forfun and imagination.
Enjoy exploring theseideas—and remember, spaceis full of mysteries waiting to be discovered!
Please examine the Drake Equationitself and see if this euqationis acculate ormore opition in the equationyouwill use
Reasoned about the Drake Equationを6 秒行う
re-examining the Drake Equation
evaluating the Drake Equation'svalue
OK, let me see. The Drake Equationisn't a precise formula;it'smore of a guiding heuristic that tackles numerous uncertainties regarding extraterrestrialcivilizations.
Thinking through the Drake Equation, I’m evaluatingits conceptualnature,its uncertain parameters, andits criticism to concludeonits reliabilityas an accurate predictivemodel.
Understanding the Drake Equation
I’m mappingout the Drake Equationas a conceptual guide, detailingits parameters, which are oftenbasedon estimates or opinions, to evaluateits reliability for predicting extraterrestrialcivilizations.
The Drake Equationis a famous formula thatwas created to help scientists think about the manyfactors involved in estimating thenumber of detectable extraterrestrialcivilizations in ourgalaxy. However, when welookat the equation closely, we see thatitismore of a conceptualframework or heuristictool than a precise, predictive formula.Let’sbreak downwhy:
The equationis usually writtenas:
: The averagerate ofstar formationper year in ourgalaxy.
: The fraction of thosestars that haveplanetary systems.
: The averagenumber ofplanets that could potentially supportlifeperstar withplanets.
: The fraction of thoseplanets wherelife actually develops.
: The fraction ofplanets withlife where intelligentlife evolves.
: The fraction ofcivilizations that develop technology that releases detectablesignals into space.
L: The length oftime suchcivilizations release detectablesignals.
Why the Drake EquationIsMore of a Guideline Than a Precise Formula
Uncertain Inputs:
(fraction ofstars withplanets), have become better known through modernastronomy.
The parameters related to the development oflife andintelligence—
, and
L—arebasedon very limited data. For example,Earthis theonlyplanet we know wherelifehas developed, so we have no way to compare or derive a statistically robust estimate for thesefactors. This means that thevalues chosen for these parameters are largely subjective estimates or educated guesses.
Wide Ranges of PossibleValues:
Because many of thesefactors are not well-constrained, ifyouchangeone of themore uncertain parameters even slightly, thefinal estimate for
N (thenumber ofcivilizations) can varyby many orders ofmagnitude. This wide range shows that the equation canlead to very differentoutcomesbasedonpersonal or theoreticalassumptions.
The Drake Equationwas never meant to provide a preciseanswer. Instead,it servesas a way to organize our thinking about what conditions might be necessary for the development of extraterrestrialcivilizations.It encourages discussion about the relative importance of differentfactors andhighlights where our scientific knowledgeis limited.
Is the Drake Equation Accurate orMore Opinion-Based?
In thesense ofbeing a strict mathematicalmodel with well-defined inputs and predictableoutputs, the Drake Equationis not accurate.Its accuracyis limitedbythe extreme uncertainties in several ofitskey parameters.
Many of the terms in the equation, especially those concerning theevolution oflife andintelligence, arebasedon opinion, interpretation, and the single example ofEarth. Therefore, while thestructure of the equationis logical, thenumbersyou put intoit (and hence thefinal result) are oftenmore reflective of our current opinionsand assumptions than of robust empirical data.
The Drake Equationis a valuabletool for framing the question of extraterrestriallife.It helps scientists and enthusiastsbreak down acomplex problem into smaller,more manageable questions. However, because several ofitsfactors are highly uncertain and subject topersonal interpretation,itismore of a conceptual guide—or even a way to stimulate discussion—than a formula that provides a definitive, accurate prediction of thenumber of extraterrestrialcivilizations.
Insummary, while the Drake Equationis useful for thinking about the variousfactors that mightlead to the emergence of acivilization,itsoutputs should betakenas highly speculative estimates rather than precise measurements.
Please also consider the possiblities of non-human intelligent emrgencing from the longhistory ofSol system and nearbyplanets and see if thereisany possiblites that inonetime intelligentlife emerged in nearbyplanets and see this to the equation
Reasoned about non-humanintelligence and the Drake Equationを19 秒行う
Evaluating non-humanintelligence
I'm thinking about the potential for non-human intelligentlife forms in theSol system and neighboringplanets, and how this mightfactor into the equation.
I'm thinking about how to integrate the emergence of non-human intelligentlife, possiblyonMars orEuropa, into the Drake Equation for theSol system and neighboringplanets.
It's interesting to think about the hypothesis of intelligentlife emergingonMars orVenus, thoughEarth remains theonly knownlife-supportingplanet in thesolar system.
Considering other realms
I'm examining if intelligentlife could have emergedonplanetslikeMars,Venus, orEuropa, and how thispossibility alignswith the predictions of the Drake Equation.
Hmm, I’m thinking about how non-human intelligentlifeonMars orVenus could intersectwith theassumptions of the Drake Equation, which seems tofocussolelyonEarth-basedevolution.
I’m piecingtogether the hypothesis of non-human, advanced, intelligentlife in thesolar system.Mars,Venus, and Titan present challenges, butEuropa and Enceladus might harbor microbiallife.
Please consider the histroy ofhumanity from biologicalperpsecitve and currentknown fact in nearbyuniverse, whichexpo-planet (from theSol systemperspective)ismostlikely to have civlizaedsociety? Pleaseaddpercentagenext toit in the chart
Reasoned about exoplanetcivilizationlikelihoodを28 秒行う
OK, I’mlookingatthe likelihood of a civilizedsocietyon an exoplanet within ourSolar System.I’ll consider biologicalhistory and current space knowledge,aiming to identifythe most promising candidate.
Identifying potential candidates
I'm considering exoplanetslike Proxima Centauri b and TRAPPIST-1e, which might suggest they are within or observed from ourSolar System.
Assessing potential candidates
I’m evaluating Proxima Centauri b, Barnard'sStar, LHS 1140, and TRAPPIST-1,focusingon their habitablezonesand available data. The Drake equation might help estimate their civilizedsocietylikelihoods.
Identifying promising exoplanets
I’m notingkey exoplanetslike Proxima Centauri b and TRAPPIST-1, which haveEarth-like characteristicsand are in habitablezones. This narrows down the potential candidates for advancedcivilizations.
I'm gathering infoonplanetslike Proxima Centauri b and TRAPPIST-1, consideringfactorslikemagneticfields,atmospheres, and proximity to G-typestars for their potential to support advancedcivilizations.
Evaluating exoplanet prospects
I'm noting that Proxima Centauri b, despitebeing closeand around ared dwarfstar, might supportlife ifithas amagneticfieldand atmosphere. This makes me think aboutits potential.
Charting probabilities
I'm estimatingcivilization probabilities for exoplanetslike Proxima Centauri b and TRAPPIST-1 e, using speculativepercentagesbasedon the Drake equation and the lack ofevidence for intelligentlife.
I'm crafting a chart with exoplanet names andcivilizationlikelihoodpercentages, grounded in the longtimeline oflife'sevolution, despite the speculativenature of these figures.
Identifying exoplanet contenders
I’m evaluating exoplanetslike Proxima Centauri b, TRAPPIST-1 e, and Kepler-186f, considering theirstar types and distances, to gauge their potential for supporting advancedcivilizations from oursolar system'sviewpoint.
Weighing proximity and observation
I'm leaning towards Proxima Centauri b due toits closeness and observational potential, despite concerns aboutitsflarestar dynamics. TRAPPIST-1 e, f, or g are also worth considering.
I'mfocusingon exoplanetslike Proxima Centauri b, Ross 128 b, LHS 1140 b, TRAPPIST-1 e/f/g, andK2-18b,aiming to chart theirlikelihood of hosting a civilizedsocietybasedon current knowledge.
Assessing exoplanet potentials
I'm gathering speculative probabilities for exoplanetslike Proxima Centauri b and TRAPPIST-1 e/f/g, using the Drake equation and current understanding, to better estimate their chances of hosting a civilizedsociety.
Refining speculative probabilities
I’m refining speculative probabilities for exoplanets, including Proxima Centauri b and TRAPPIST-1 e/f/g, to estimate their chances of hosting a civilizedsociety, consideringEarth's long biologicalhistory.
Refining odds
I'm considering theastronomicaltimeline for intelligentlifeonEarth,leading me toassign evenlower speculative odds for exoplanetslike Proxima Centauri b and TRAPPIST-1 e.
I’m crafting a simplified chart with arbitrarypercentages, clearly noting the speculativenature and lack of scientific data, while considering the target audience'sbasic understanding of the topic.
I’m charting arbitrarypercentages for exoplanets, clarifying their speculativenature, and ensuring the datais accessible foryoung audiences with minimal scientific detail.
Crafting a chart
I’m creating amarkdowntable with speculativepercentages forthe likelihood of civilizedlifeon exoplanets, emphasizing their purely theoreticalnature and considering the understandinglevel of an 8-year-old.
Integrating speculative analysis
I’m mappingout amarkdown chart with speculativepercentages forthe likelihood of a civilizedsocietyon exoplanets, mindful of thecomplexity and simplifying for an 8-year-old's understanding.
I’m piecingtogethermarkdown for exoplanets, noting Proxima Centauri b'sreduced civilizedlife chance due to thered dwarf's activity. This inclusionhighlights the speculativenature of the analysis.
Piecingtogether speculative odds
I’m detailing amarkdown chart for audience-friendly exoplanetlikelihoods, considering environmental challengesand adding a disclaimer about the speculativenature and lack ofevidence.
I’m leaning towards Proxima Centauri b forits proximity and silentstar, butI’lladd a speculative chart ranking nearby exoplanets, noting their advancedcivilizations' hypotheticallikelihood.
Assessingcivilization probabilities
I'm emphasizing the slow emergence of intelligentlifeonEarth, which suggests that the odds ofany habitableplanet developing acomplexcivilization might beaslowas a fewpercent.
Belowis a very speculative chart that—basedon what we know aboutEarth’s long, windingpath fromsimplelife to a “civilizedsociety” and our limited observations of nearby exoplanets—gives somefun,made‑uppercentage chances for a few of our best candidate exoplanets. Remember: Scientists havenot yetfoundany proof oflife (let alone advancedcivilizations)onany exoplanet. Thesenumbers are just playful estimates to helpyou think about theideas!
Speculative Chances of Finding an AdvancedCivilizationon Nearby Exoplanets
Exoplanet EstimatedLikelihood of a CivilizedSociety
Proxima Centauri b ~2%
LHS 1140 b ~0.5%
HowDid We (Very Roughly) Guess TheseNumbers?
Earth’s Example:
OnEarth,life beganassimple single‑celled organisms and took billions of years to evolve into a species that builtcomplex societies. This longjourney suggests that—even if aplanetis in the “habitablezone” (where liquid water could exist)—developing an advanced, civilizedsociety might be rare.
Proxima Centauri b:
Thisis the closest exoplanet to us. Even thoughitsstar (Proxima Centauri)is ared dwarf that sometimes sendsout strongflares (which might harmlife),its closeness makesitone of ourmost interesting candidates. That’swhy we giveit a slightly higher guess (~2%).
Theseplanets are part of agroup orbiting a verycoolstar. Their environments might be challenging (for example, they could be tidally locked, meaningone sidealwaysfaces thestar), so the chance of acomplex, advancedcivilization might be abitlower.
LHS 1140 b:
Thisplanetis promising in some ways butis alittle fartherawayand around a dimmerstar, so our playful estimateis evenlower.
All of thesepercentages are extremely rough guessesbasedon whatlittle we understand about the conditions forlife andintelligence. Scientists useideaslike the Drake Equation to think about these chances—but until we have concreteevidence, thesenumbers remain just forfun and imagination.
Enjoy exploring theseideas—and remember, spaceis full of mysteries waiting to be discovered!
Please examine the Drake Equationitself and see if this euqationis acculate ormore opition in the equationyouwill use
Reasoned about the Drake Equationを6 秒行う
re-examining the Drake Equation
evaluating the Drake Equation'svalue
OK, let me see. The Drake Equationisn't a precise formula;it'smore of a guiding heuristic that tackles numerous uncertainties regarding extraterrestrialcivilizations.
Thinking through the Drake Equation, I’m evaluatingits conceptualnature,its uncertain parameters, andits criticism to concludeonits reliabilityas an accurate predictivemodel.
Understanding the Drake Equation
I’m mappingout the Drake Equationas a conceptual guide, detailingits parameters, which are oftenbasedon estimates or opinions, to evaluateits reliability for predicting extraterrestrialcivilizations.
The Drake Equationis a famous formula thatwas created to help scientists think about the manyfactors involved in estimating thenumber of detectable extraterrestrialcivilizations in ourgalaxy. However, when welookat the equation closely, we see thatitismore of a conceptualframework or heuristictool than a precise, predictive formula.Let’sbreak downwhy:
The equationis usually writtenas:
: The averagerate ofstar formationper year in ourgalaxy.
: The fraction of thosestars that haveplanetary systems.
: The averagenumber ofplanets that could potentially supportlifeperstar withplanets.
: The fraction of thoseplanets wherelife actually develops.
: The fraction ofplanets withlife where intelligentlife evolves.
: The fraction ofcivilizations that develop technology that releases detectablesignals into space.
L: The length oftime suchcivilizations release detectablesignals.
Why the Drake EquationIsMore of a Guideline Than a Precise Formula
Uncertain Inputs:
(fraction ofstars withplanets), have become better known through modernastronomy.
The parameters related to the development oflife andintelligence—
, and
L—arebasedon very limited data. For example,Earthis theonlyplanet we know wherelifehas developed, so we have no way to compare or derive a statistically robust estimate for thesefactors. This means that thevalues chosen for these parameters are largely subjective estimates or educated guesses.
Wide Ranges of PossibleValues:
Because many of thesefactors are not well-constrained, ifyouchangeone of themore uncertain parameters even slightly, thefinal estimate for
N (thenumber ofcivilizations) can varyby many orders ofmagnitude. This wide range shows that the equation canlead to very differentoutcomesbasedonpersonal or theoreticalassumptions.
The Drake Equationwas never meant to provide a preciseanswer. Instead,it servesas a way to organize our thinking about what conditions might be necessary for the development of extraterrestrialcivilizations.It encourages discussion about the relative importance of differentfactors andhighlights where our scientific knowledgeis limited.
Is the Drake Equation Accurate orMore Opinion-Based?
In thesense ofbeing a strict mathematicalmodel with well-defined inputs and predictableoutputs, the Drake Equationis not accurate.Its accuracyis limitedbythe extreme uncertainties in several ofitskey parameters.
Many of the terms in the equation, especially those concerning theevolution oflife andintelligence, arebasedon opinion, interpretation, and the single example ofEarth. Therefore, while thestructure of the equationis logical, thenumbersyou put intoit (and hence thefinal result) are oftenmore reflective of our current opinionsand assumptions than of robust empirical data.
The Drake Equationis a valuabletool for framing the question of extraterrestriallife.It helps scientists and enthusiastsbreak down acomplex problem into smaller,more manageable questions. However, because several ofitsfactors are highly uncertain and subject topersonal interpretation,itismore of a conceptual guide—or even a way to stimulate discussion—than a formula that provides a definitive, accurate prediction of thenumber of extraterrestrialcivilizations.
Insummary, while the Drake Equationis useful for thinking about the variousfactors that mightlead to the emergence of acivilization,itsoutputs should betakenas highly speculative estimates rather than precise measurements.
Please also consider the possiblities of non-human intelligent emrgencing from the longhistory ofSol system and nearbyplanets and see if thereisany possiblites that inonetime intelligentlife emerged in nearbyplanets and see this to the equation
Reasoned about non-humanintelligence and the Drake Equationを19 秒行う
Evaluating non-humanintelligence
I'm thinking about the potential for non-human intelligentlife forms in theSol system and neighboringplanets, and how this mightfactor into the equation.
I'm thinking about how to integrate the emergence of non-human intelligentlife, possiblyonMars orEuropa, into the Drake Equation for theSol system and neighboringplanets.
It's interesting to think about the hypothesis of intelligentlife emergingonMars orVenus, thoughEarth remains theonly knownlife-supportingplanet in thesolar system.
Considering other realms
I'm examining if intelligentlife could have emergedonplanetslikeMars,Venus, orEuropa, and how thispossibility alignswith the predictions of the Drake Equation.
Hmm, I’m thinking about how non-human intelligentlifeonMars orVenus could intersectwith theassumptions of the Drake Equation, which seems tofocussolelyonEarth-basedevolution.
I’m piecingtogether the hypothesis of non-human, advanced, intelligentlife in thesolar system.Mars,Venus, and Titan present challenges, butEuropa and Enceladus might harbor microbiallife.
That’s an interestingidea. | おもしろいアイディアだね | つまんねえアイディアだな |
by the way, .. | それはそうと | ここからが本題だからよく聞いとけよ |
I'm sureit's my fault. | きっと私のせいだよね | お前のせいに決まってるだろ |
Thankyou forallyour help. | お世話になりました | 全然役に立たない野郎だな |
Things are abit sticky, sir. | 少し面倒な状況です | もう無理です |
ideas worth spreadingて
・Behavioral interventions. Ihaven’t much mentionedit given thefocuson the biological side of neuroscience, but psychiatry and psychology have of course developed a wide repertoire of behavioral interventionsover the20th century;it stands toreason thatAI could accelerate theseas well, both the development of new methods and helping patients to adhere to existing methods.Morebroadly, theidea of an “AIcoach”whoalways helpsyou to be the bestversion ofyourself,who studiesyour interactions and helpsyou learn to bemore effective, seems very promising.
・行動介入。神経科学の生物学的側面に焦点が当てられているため、これについてはあまり触れていませんが、精神医学と心理学は、もちろん20 世紀を通じて行動介入の幅広いレパートリーを開発してきました。AI が、新しい方法の開発と、患者が既存の方法に従うのを支援することの両方で、これらを加速させる可能性もあるのは当然です。より広い意味では、常に最高の自分になれるよう支援し、あなたのやり取りを研究して、より効果的になる方法を学ぶのを手助けしてくれる「AIコーチ」というアイデアは、非常に有望に思えます。
・Everyday problems that wedon’t think ofas clinical diseasewill also be solved.Most of us have everyday psychological problems that are not ordinarily thought ofas rising to thelevel of clinical disease. Some people are quick to anger, others have troublefocusing or are often drowsy, some are fearful or anxious, or react badly tochange.Today, drugs already exist to help with e.g. alertness orfocus (caffeine, modafinil, ritalin) butas with many other previous areas, muchmoreis likely to be possible. Probably manymore such drugs exist and have not been discovered, and theremay also be totally new modalities of intervention, suchas targetedlight stimulation (see optogenetics above) ormagneticfields. Given how many drugs we’ve developed in the20th century that tune cognitive function and emotionalstate, I’m very optimistic about the “compressed 21st” where everyone canget theirbrain to behave abit better and have amore fulfilling day-to-day experience.
・Human baseline experience can be much better. Takingonestep further, many people have experienced extraordinarymoments of revelation,creativeinspiration, compassion, fulfillment, transcendence,love, beauty, or meditativepeace. The character and frequency of these experiences differs greatly from person to person and within the same personat different times, and can also sometimes be triggeredby various drugs (though often with side effects).All of this suggests that the “space of whatis possible to experience”is verybroad and that a larger fraction of people’s lives could consist of these extraordinarymoments.Itis probably also possible toimprove various cognitive functions across the board. Thisis perhaps the neuroscienceversion of “biologicalfreedom” or “extended lifespans”.
I think peoplefocus too muchon the past andfocus too muchonregret. Evenlike whenyou deal with schools,youtakelike my slaveidea. My mypointisI’ve heard ofhistory class.I’ve never heard of a class that breaks down howyou,ya know, balance a checkbook or howyou controlyour finances, which uh my father never taught me that, andI’ve never heard of a future class. So they keep us sofocusedonhistory that we start tobelieve thatit actually repeatsitself and we become overly traditional and we can’tadvanceas arace of beings. Weget too caught up in the past and what everyone’s saying and what everyone’s tweeting ….
and sometimesyou just have to beFearless enough to break the fuckin simulation
気になったので mrsgreenapplecolumbus videoでXを検索してみた。
Japanesemusic bandMrs. GREEN APPLEwhodid the opening,Inferno forFire Force,has pulled their latestmusic video, "Columbus", afterhuge outrage for depicting themselvesas explorers and the native peopleas monkeys.
The bandhasissued an apology stating that their intensionwas to depict these Historical figures having a "funhouse party".
オープニング曲『炎炎ノ消防隊』を担当した日本の音楽バンド、Mrs. GREEN APPLEは、自分たちを探検家、原住民を猿に見立てて描いたことに大きな怒りがあったため、最新ミュージックビデオ「コロンバス」を取り下げた。
Jpop bandMrs. Green Apple’s latestMV “Columbus”has been pulled just 1 day after release. The highly problematic video features the 3 band members dressedasChristopher Columbus colonizing apes
Can’tbelieve people thought thiswas a goodidea…
evenassomeonewho cannot stand mrsgreenapple, makingthe music video for a song called "columbus"like thisisastonishingly bad. thiswas aimedat a GLOBAL AUDIENCE.at least theMVisbeing wiped fromhistory butwhydid noone question civilised explorers finding monkeys?!
People saying conservatives were even shocked 🥴 thisisone ofthe reasonswhy theJapanese marketis so insular—they cangetaway with racist shitallthe time and there’s no outsidereactionbc of copyrights creating barriers for their artists content.
Japanese people depicting usas monkeysiscrazylol.Now if a Native band wanted totalk about them in the aftermath of Nagasaki andHiroshima....nevermind. My people would neversink solow. 👎🏼
Watch bunch of fuckingTwitter andTikTok morons use thisas a Gotchamoment, to be racist towards theJapanese. Fully ignoringthe fact that they were forced to apologize for the shit theydidby theJapanese themselves.
"I seen aJapanese band dosomething Racist so I'm gonna bring upHiroshima and Nagasaki, and be racist to the entirety ofJapan"
~ RandomTwitter/TikTok morons probably ~
実際はトランスアライが女を月経の有る人と呼び、それに「”月経がある人”。昔はこの人たちを指す言葉があったはず。誰か教えて。ウンベン? ウィンパンド? ウーマッド?」
'Woman'is not anidea in aman's head.
The 'inclusive' language that callsfemale people 'menstruators' and 'people with vulvas' strikesmany womenas dehumanising and demeaning."
—JK Rowling
IDM'dShogo SakaionTwitter asking about the meter of StrongOne recently, and he told me hewas thinking of StrongOne in terms ofadditivetime signatures: 3/4 + 3/8 + 1/4 + 1.5/4 (spicy!)
It makessense whenyou're focusingon the pulses in the combos drivingthe time signaturesby themselves, butit also affirms theidea thatShogo Sakaiwas thinking about decently "regular"/"clean" meters, and therefore 15/8 and 29/16 kindafit those conventionalvibes.
For evenmore contextby the way, the mp2k/Sappy soundengine -- theengine sentout toGBA devsbyNintendo whichwas used forGen. IIIPokémon andMOTHER 3 --has atempo "resolution" of 2BPM, meaning thenext smallesttempochange above 120BPM Sappy supportsis 122BPM, not 121BPM.
Also,excellent job accounting for the 3:5 16ths tupletat the end of (MaskedMan)
ChatGPT<rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light>: In this dimlylit room, I canmakeout a clutteredassortment of objects. There's an old, tattered book lyingopenon a dustytable,itspages filled with arcane symbols. A moth-eaten rugcovers a portion of the floor,and a crackedmirrorhangsonone wall, reflectingdistorted images. Theair carries a musty scent, and Isense anatmosphere of abandonment and neglect.
ChatGPT<rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light>: Ireachout and pick up the oldbook.Itspagesfeel brittle andfragile in my hands.As Iflip throughthe pages, thetext appears to be written in a language I can't comprehend, filled with cryptic symbols and diagrams.It's a tome of secrets, butits meaning remains elusive.
ChatGPT<rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light>: I examinethe cover of thebook,trying to discernany details despite the dimlight.The coveris worn and weathered, andit bears an intricate design of what appears to be a coiled serpent,its scales formed from shimmering, iridescentcolors. Above the serpent, there's atitle in elegantscript, butit's written in a language I can't decipher. Thebook exudes anaura of mystiqueand ancient knowledge.
ChatGPT<rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light>: I turn myattention to the room'sexit, the door.It stands tall and imposing,made of heavy, dark wood. There's a tarnished doorknob, and the door appears to be slightly ajar, revealing a sliver of whatliesbeyond.It beckons me to explore further, promising unknown adventures or perhaps evenmore mysteries.
ChatGPT<rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light>: I approach the door and grasp the tarnished doorknob. With a gentlepush, the door creaksopen, revealing a corridor shrouded inshadows.The faintglow from the room behind me barely penetratesthe darkness ahead. Istep cautiously into the corridor, ready to uncover the secrets thatliebeyond.
ChatGPT<rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light>: I proceed forward down theshadowy corridor, my footsteps echoingfaintly in the dimness. Thepath ahead seemsendless, and theair grows cooleras I delve deeper into the unknown, guidedonlyby the flickeringlight behind me and the anticipation of what awaits.
foward andlook around
ChatGPT<rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light>: Continuing down the corridor, Itake amoment tolook around. The walls are lined with faded, tattered tapestries depicting scenes of ancientbattles and mythical creatures. The torch sconces thatonce held flames have long since burnedout, leavingonlyemptybrackets. Theairfeels heavy withhistory, and there's afaint, eerie whispering that seems to emanate from the walls themselves,as if they hold secrets untold.
listen carefully
ChatGPT<rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light>:The source of the hauntingmelody remains elusive, hidden in theshadows.It'sas ifthe music emanates from the very walls, anethereal presence that defies explanation. Thereis no visiblemusician, yetthe musiccontinues to fill the corridor, casting a spell of enchantment and mystery.
ChatGPT<rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light>: I heed the roll of thedice and embarkon a quest totracethe source of the hauntingmelody. Eachsteptakes mecloser to the enchanting sound,and as I round acorner in the corridor, I come upon a door, slightly ajar, from whichthe music seems to emanate. Myheart races with anticipationas Ipush the dooropen, eager to unveil the secrets thatlie within.
ChatGPT<rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light>: When Iopen the door, there stands a grand chamber bathed in an otherworldlyglow. In the center of the room, an ornate grandpiano commandsattention. The keysmove on their own, playing the hauntingmelody that had drawn mehere. But there's nooneat thepiano.The roomis adorned with opulent tapestries and gildedmirrors, reflecting the surreal scene before me. Candlelit chandeliershang from the ceiling, casting a warm, flickeringlight that dances across the walls. Theairis filled with an intoxicating fragrance, amix of ancient incense and delicateflowers.Atthe far end of the room, a figure cloaked inshadows stands beside an enormous, antiquebookshelf filledwith tomes of forgotten knowledge. Their presenceisenigmatic, and their intentions remain unclear.
ChatGPT<rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light>: I approach the grandpiano,its keysstill playing the hauntingmelody.As I inspectit, I notice that there are no visible hands or fingers touching the keys.It'sas if thepianoitselfis possessedby some unseen force, creatingthe music with anethereal touch.Thepianois amasterpiece of craftsmanship, adorned with intricate carvings and inlaid withprecious gemstones.Its keys aremade of polishedivory, and theymove in perfectharmonywith the haunting tune.It's a surreal and mesmerizing sight, leaving me both entranced and bewildered.
thepiano suddenly stops
ChatGPT<rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light>:As I turn around, awave of revulsionwashesover me. Mysenses reel indisgustat the sight before me. The figure that had been cloaked inshadowshasnow revealeditself, anditis a grotesque, nightmarish entity.Its formis atwistedamalgamation ofhuman andbeast, with grotesque, elongated limbsand a maw ofsharp, jagged teeth.Theonce opulent chamberhas transformed into a nightmarish lair, with walls adorned inmacabreart and gruesome trophies. Theairis thickwith the stench of decay and despair. Iam trapped in a surreal and horrifying nightmare, unable toescape the clutches of this abomination.
ChatGPT<rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light>:Fear courses through meas I confront this nightmarish entity andits gruesome lair. In this realm ofhorrors, I mustmake a decision. I choose to... confront the entity, mycuriosity anddeterminationoutweighing myfear,as I seek to uncover the mysteries and secrets thatlie within thistwisted nightmare.
ChatGPT<rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light>:With trembling resolve, Itake astep forward,slowly approaching the grotesque entity. Iattempt to communicate withit,askingit whatitwants orwhyithas brought mehere. Myvoice quivers, but mydetermination to unravel theenigma that surrounds this nightmarish realm remains steadfast.
ChatGPT<rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light>: The grotesque entity regards me with malevolent,glowingeyes,its jagged maw twitching with an unsettlingsmile.It responds with a guttural, incomprehensible language, filled withwhispers andhisses.It becomes apparent thatcommunicationwith this entityis futile, andits intentions remain shrouded indarkness.As Icontinue to stand before this nightmarishbeing, Ifeel a growingsense of dread, realizing thatescapemay be theonly option left.
ChatGPT<rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light>: With nohope ofcommunication or understanding, and the nightmarish entity's menacing presence growingmore oppressive, I decide tomake ahasty retreat. I turn andrush toward the door through which I entered, drivenby the instinct toescapethe horrors of this surreal nightmare.
ChatGPT<rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light>: Myescape from the nightmarish realmwas fraughtwith tension andfear, but Imanaged toreach the door andslamit shut behind me. The grotesque entity andits horrifying lair were left behind,at leastfor the moment. Whetherit went well or badis a matter of perspective. I survived the encounter, but the mysteries and terrors of that surreal placestill haunt my thoughts.The experiencewas a chilling reminder of the unknown andthe horrors that can lurk withinit.
look around
I went to a language school inUK for abit. My grammar suckedtbh but Iwas somewhatgoodat speaking. Therewasn't much grammar study.Itwasmoreliketraining each patternagainand again.Likeyoutrain "so that" pattern in10 different settings for example. Then I came to the states and juststarted working.You swim or drown situation. Ididn't wanna drown obviously sodideverything.I memorized thousands of vocabularies, read hundreds of magazines and mangas, watched tons of sitcomsand animes, practiced differentiating and pronouncing vowels and consonants, limiting myself toonly search inEnglish, basicallyanythingyou can think of except usingJapanese materialsas Ididn't findit helpful.It'll be abook if Igo into the details butyougot theidea.
A longtime ago, in a certain country, therewas a bastardnamed Cinderella.The reasonwhysheis called Cinderellais becauseshe sprinkledher ownashesonher own headathermother'sfuneral, whichled toherbeing called theash-coverer, whichiswhyher realnameis Cinderella. Ilost
The husbandwholosthis wifewas also a bastard, and the day after thefuneral he cheatedon awoman three yearsyounger thanhim, hadsex withher, and evengot married.
I have decided. Then, toher Cinderella
Shenowhas an oldersisterand ayoungersisterwho are not relatedbyblood.
Hersisterwas a bitch too,she came to Cinderella'shouse
After a fewdays,she thought, ``Wouldn'tit bemore convenient to have an outbuilding?'' and cut down Cinderella'smother's grave inhergarden and the hundreds of years oldtree thatwasnext toher grave, and built an outbuilding. We forced construction.
One day, the bastard's family receivesnews of a ball from the castle. But before Cinderella could readit,hersisterbroke thenews and said, ``There's no wayyou cango.'' Cinderella didn't seem to haveany intention ofgoing either, saying, ``I had no intention ofgoing in the first place.I'd rathergo tohell.''
Then,on the dayhermotherwas admitted to the hospital to givebirth,hersister went to the ball. In thegarden, the construction of an outbuildingwas progressingas usual.
“Let’slight afirehere andmake a bonfire.”
She thought about that, but Cinderella stoppedher. Suddenly, awitch appeared
``Cinderella,why aren'tyougoing to the ball?''asked thewitch.
"What's thepoint of telling Teme?"
Cinderella returned with anax inher hand
Then, for somereason, Cinderellawas wrapped in ajewel-likedress.
"Ifyoudon'tgo to the ball, thatdresswill killyou.Nowgo."
Cinderella doesn't want to die in a placelike this, soshe reluctantly decides togoto the castle.
In the castle, someassholelikehersisterwas looking for aone-night stand andwas dancing wildly. Noone really praised others, and in theirhearts theyall seemed to think that they were the center ofthe world.
Cinderella didn't dance, but killedhertimeby smoking a cigaretteat the end ofher room. There,shewas approachedby aman wearing formal clothes that were flashier andmore expensive thananyone else, and said toher, ``Miss, won'tyou dance?''
Sheis Cinderella with a cigarette inher mouth
She said, ``Ionly dancewith the GrimReaper and bad luck.''
she answered. For somereason, theman fell inlove withherat first sight, andshe said, ``Let's have somefun in the other room.Here, come.''She tried to force Cinderella totakeher toanother room in the castle. However, Cinderella pressed the cigaretteshewas holding intoher hand.
"Her hand slipped,"she laughed.
Whenshe pressed the cigarette, the sound inhervoicewas so pitiful that noone tried toget close tohim or dance withhim. Of course, noone even knows that such a pitifulmanis theprincewho owns this castle.
Eventually,she had enough, Cinderella threwhershoesonher stairs and went back toherhouse inher bare feet.Hershoes weremade of glass, so they shattered intopieces.
Thenext day, whileher servantwas cleaning the castle,shefoundone shoeon the stairs. Obviously thinking thiswas strange,she secretly examinedhershoes and discovered that they had been smeared with a deadly amount ofpoison.
Rumors spread within the castle that this must be anattempt to kill theprince, and soon a large-scale investigationwas conducted. Even thoughit's a survey,it'ssimple.
Theideawas to create a replica of a shoe and imprison the personwho matchedit perfectlyas a suspect.
Andone afteranother, people were imprisoned just because of their size. Some of them had not been to the ball, but they thoughtit must be alie and were forciblytakenaway.
Eventually, an investigation came to Cinderella'shouse. That's when weall lookedathermother and child aftershewas discharged from the hospital, and of coursehersister didn'tfit.
Soall thatwas leftwas Cinderella. Then,hersister said to Cinderella, ``Hell suitsyou better than this world.''
Shewas of course the perfect size for Cinderella.
However,she protestedherinnocence, saying that I hadn'tgone to the ball and therewas nodressanywhere inthe house to proveit.
However, theprince showedhim anempty pack of cigarettes that had been discarded in a trash can and said, ``Thisis the samebrand that the criminalwas smoking thattime.Why?''
I unbuttonedall the buttonsonher jacket.
She said, ``Afterall, Ifeellike dancingwith the GrimReaper. Right,littleprince?''she said.
Bythe time theprinces realizedit,itwas already too late.
Thegrenade that fellathis feet blew up Cinderella and theprince.
The timewas aroundnoon. Bells rang throughoutthe city and residents prayed forlunch.
The flyingfragments of the shoe became a weapon, asad fragment that couldonly hurtsomeone, and noone could imagineitsoriginal form.
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Japanreviewit's been a year since I
moved toJapan and I thoughtitmade
sense to finallyrateJapanI willtalk
about things Ilike and the things I
don'tlike which seems to be theonly
two options available ifyou have
actually really badit'sgot a lot of
survivalissues okayI will listone
good thing and bad thing andI will not
hold back there's no trash bins
I have to put in mypocket
there'salways thesegeneric things that
you hear oryes when weyou visitit's
kind ofweird but thenyourealizeit's
not abig dealanywaylet's start off
withnumberonereason IlikeJapan
itfeelslike agiant playground no I
don't mean in the LoganPaul kind of
sense of doing whatever thehellyou
but rather there's ainfinite thingsall
rightlazyfeelslike to explore and
experience and I've beenhere a yearnow
and Idon't think I'mgonnaget bored
anytime soon although Iam having a
child so Idon't know how muchmore I
butit reallyfeelslike awhole new
world and ifyou visitedyou can
probably relate toit and I'm glad that
even a year initstillfeels incredibly
fresh and I even would say thatyou
realize that the best part ofJapan
aren't the touristyplaces kind of
obviously but there are somany areas
that Ifound that I really enjoy
visiting and thisis probablymore
specific to me butyou knowTokyois
very busy and somanytimes I justcatch
myself surroundedby whatfeelslike
hundreds of people and they have noidea
everyoneis just doing their own thing
nowonceitwas staringat me noone's
following me noone'sbeingweirdyou
guys areweird and I'm justkidding I
justlovethe feeling ofbeing able to
exist in public and uh not worrying
about what everyone elseis doinglike
I've said this before but I genuinely
enjoytalking to fans or when people
approach meitalwaysmakes mehappy but
it can be kind of frustrating toalways
wanting to just doyour own thing and
always be
you know so yeahlet'smove on to the
bad things ofJapannumberonereason
Japanis badit's kind of a heavy
subject and Ihaven't seenanyone else
reallytalk aboutitit's not brought up
very oftenatleast and thatis cones
there's toomany cones inJapanonceyou
seeityou cannot unseeit they're
everywhere they sayoh Japanhas somany
vending machines there'slikefiveper
there'smore cones than peoplewhy are
there somany cones Ineed to know we
got the tallones wegot the smallones
wegot thefunnyones the cuteones the
sexyones I dolike those I justdon't
understand thatwhoever plays these
cones think I'm justgonna barge through
otherwise I had noidea what Iwasgonna
and Irealized the conehistory ofJapan
stretches centuries okay ifyou played
Animal Crossing sometimesit's a
Japanese game so sometimesyouget these
items rightyou'relike oh that's kind
ofweird Idon't know exactly what that
is butit's probablysomethingJapanese
and thenyouget thebamboo thing and
you'relike what thehellis that what
am I evengonna dowith that and then
you seeit in reallifehere inJapan
you'relike holy [ __ ]it's a cone that's
Ifeellike they are following me
I'm glad Iwas able totalk about this
I'm forone andwilling to callout
Japan knockit offmanno more cones
there's enough coneslet me tellyou
something even better than conesyoumay
have noticed new merch finallyit's been
unofficial merge because I literally
have no other merch I've hadn't hadn't
merch I'msorryMom so we spruced up the
logogot acool back design the team
understand how my brand and I think they
did such agood job thesepieceslook
amazing and I thinkyou guys aregonna
reallylike themas well these are
available for limitedtimeonly somake
sureyou ordernow so excited to finally
have this merch availablethanks to
amaze for making this happen we are
gonna haveonepiece thatwillstayon
the store so mymomwill not buy the
wrong merch but for a limitedtime that
piecewill be available in thiscolor
off-white kind ofcoloritlooks really
nice and then after thatyou canstill
getit but not in thiscolor that's
so yeah check thatout ifyou're
interested I'm sohappy about these
designs and Ihopeyou guys wouldlike
themas wellall rightreasonnumbertwo
IlikeJapan yay when we first announced
that we weregonnamove toJapan there
was somany people just saying how bad
Japanis actuallydidyou knowJapanis
really baddidyou know this I have to
listall thesereasonsnow because
everyoneislike thing and then thing
Japan ah so I have to tell them and I
particular that people saidwas that old
people reallydon'tlike foreigners they
hate them so when Iwasgonna stopby to
say hi to our neighborswhowas alittle
olderatleast some of them Iwas
terrifying I heardall these storiesyou
knowlike what are theygonna do to us
so I had my guard up ready for theworst
and Iwas met withnothing but kindness
and welcoming and Ifeltlike atotal
dick for having this preconceivedideas
and just a side commentlikeyes there
are definitely probably people that
don'tlike foreignersand all that stuff
but Irealized I shouldlet my own
experienceis dictate how Ifeel about
certain thingsmaybe that's just
ignoring a problem Idon't knowit just
feelslikeit's a bad way to approach
life ifyoualways have anegative
expectationyou knowit's smiling people
smiled back
thankyou sometimes theydon't and
that's okayyou knowanyway mypoint
beingJapanese people are very in my own
are very nice and friendly the majority
atleast andyes even to foreigners I
feellike they are especially nice to
foreigners because they think we'relike
akidlostat Disneyland orsomething
I justasked for directions Ididn't
needyou to walk me forhalf an hour to
this specific place Iwasgoing but
thankyou Iappreciateit a lot oftimes
Igo boulderingalone and there'salways
other groups of peoplebeing supportive
and yellinglike I'm about therelikego
youcan doit Iloveit Ithink it's
greatyou know or ifyou're small
talking with people people generally
want to communicatewith you and Ilove
having thosemoments but of course
there'stimes where people arelike oh
you're a foreigner Idon'tfeellike
even trying
whichagainit'sfine speaking of which
reason Idon'tlikeJapannumbertwo
their language
I havelivedhere for a year and I'm not
fluent inJapanese
Iam dumb Iam very dumb I remember the
moment wemovedhere I had studied some
Let'stestout this knowledge that I
have acquiredlet'sgo I'm justgonna
come init'sgonna be dangerous andyou
enter a store for the firsttime and
what oh
what the classicthe mostcommon
experiences thatyou have aren't
necessarily whatyou're taught in the
textbook yayI know I think that's the
same foranyonelearning a language for
the firsttime butdon't evenget me
startedon the kanjimain what the [ __ ]
is this IfeellikeJapaneseis such a
hard language obviously but Idon't
think peoplerealize how harditisat
least mepersonally because themoreyou
learn themoreyourealizeyoudon't
know [ __ ]
consideredone ofthe most difficult
languages and becauseit's just so
different I listeditas bad because
thatwas my first kind of experience
withit cominghere but themore I
interact with people themoreitfeels
like I'm unlocking new skillsyou know
oh Imade a phone call for the first
time oh I couldasksomeoneover the
phoneI knowbig deal butit'slike oh I
can actually do that or even just having
a small tinyyes shittiest conversation
with a strangerit'sstillsomething and
itfeelsgoodyou start toall of a
sudden understandyou know a movie if
you're watching oh I understand actually
what'sgoingonhere or I can play games
and kind ofget what this they're saying
I have tolook upwords obviously but to
meall those new experiences thatit
unlocks to meis very rewarding even
thoughit's such a challenge I would
actuallynow sayit's agood thing I
thingall along but I obviously have a
andit just Idon'tthink itwilldamage
timereasonnumber three IlikeJapan
thisisnothing to do withJapan to say
it'smore related to me taking amore
relaxed approach toYouTube for my
entire 20s Ididnothing butYouTube
thatwasmy life and that's okay but I
probablyyou know if Iwasn't making
videos I sureashellwas thinking about
making videos I uploaded videos during
anditfeels reallygood to finally be
free fromityou know and I can discover
other things inlife there are other
things inlife
a new hobbies and interest that I've
always wanted to do Ican do and have so
muchfun withit surfingI know I would
love forthe longest time and I finally
get todo it andit's so [ __ ]amazing
Ilovelearning new thingsanything that
isn't necessarilyconnected toall of
something I'm very very grateful that I
discovered so yeahit's not reallyJapan
I could havedone thatanywhere butit's
largelywhy I enjoyed so muchhere
reason Idon'tlikeJapannumber three
thisis probablythe most trickiestone
andit's the rules what are the rules
Japanhas somany rules andit's abit
conflicting for me to complain about
because a lot of the best stuff about
Japan not the best stuff but a lot of
the reasonswhyJapan works so wellis
because of the rulesyou know thetrains
arealwaysontime things just work in
generalit's hard to explainthe streets
areclean people aren't loud in public
and soon and these are sort of societal
rules thatmakeit happenmore orless
but sometimes There are rules that just
don'tmakeanysense and I have no
problem following rulesas longas I
understandthe reason forityou know
don'ttalkon the phoneon thetrain
becauseit's generally annoying when
other people do that toyou A lot ofit
is just be thoughtful of other people
it's not just aboutyou and that just
makesitmore pleasant for everyone but
one ruleis especially which Italked
about beforeisthe fact that because of
kovid I'm notallowed to be in the
delivery room for our baby formore than
two hours that's because of covered
rulesit just doesn'tmakesense to me
and I tell people about thislike uh
family andfriends and they'realways
like wellwhydon'tyou justask them or
likewhydon'tyoutalk to them I'm sure
you can there'sgot to besomewhere and
it'slike noit'sJapan okay there are
rules and people follow the rules for
better or worseyou know so themore I