Permalink |記事への反応(10) | 17:11
ChatGPT<rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light>: In this dimlylit room, I canmakeout a clutteredassortment of objects. There's an old, tattered book lyingopenon a dustytable,itspages filled with arcane symbols. A moth-eaten rugcovers a portion of the floor,and a crackedmirrorhangsonone wall, reflectingdistorted images. Theair carries a musty scent, and Isense anatmosphere of abandonment and neglect.
ChatGPT<rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light>: Ireachout and pick up the oldbook.Itspagesfeel brittle andfragile in my hands.As Iflip throughthe pages, thetext appears to be written in a language I can't comprehend, filled with cryptic symbols and diagrams.It's a tome of secrets, butits meaning remains elusive.
ChatGPT<rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light>: I examinethe cover of thebook,trying to discernany details despite the dimlight.The coveris worn and weathered, andit bears an intricate design of what appears to be a coiled serpent,its scales formed from shimmering, iridescentcolors. Above the serpent, there's atitle in elegantscript, butit's written in a language I can't decipher. Thebook exudes anaura of mystiqueand ancient knowledge.
ChatGPT<rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light>: I turn myattention to the room'sexit, the door.It stands tall and imposing,made of heavy, dark wood. There's a tarnished doorknob, and the door appears to be slightly ajar, revealing a sliver of whatliesbeyond.It beckons me to explore further, promising unknown adventures or perhaps evenmore mysteries.
ChatGPT<rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light>: I approach the door and grasp the tarnished doorknob. With a gentlepush, the door creaksopen, revealing a corridor shrouded inshadows.The faintglow from the room behind me barely penetratesthe darkness ahead. Istep cautiously into the corridor, ready to uncover the secrets thatliebeyond.
ChatGPT<rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light>: I proceed forward down theshadowy corridor, my footsteps echoingfaintly in the dimness. Thepath ahead seemsendless, and theair grows cooleras I delve deeper into the unknown, guidedonlyby the flickeringlight behind me and the anticipation of what awaits.
foward andlook around
ChatGPT<rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light>: Continuing down the corridor, Itake amoment tolook around. The walls are lined with faded, tattered tapestries depicting scenes of ancientbattles and mythical creatures. The torch sconces thatonce held flames have long since burnedout, leavingonlyemptybrackets. Theairfeels heavy withhistory, and there's afaint, eerie whispering that seems to emanate from the walls themselves,as if they hold secrets untold.
listen carefully
ChatGPT<rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light>:The source of the hauntingmelody remains elusive, hidden in theshadows.It'sas ifthe music emanates from the very walls, anethereal presence that defies explanation. Thereis no visiblemusician, yetthe musiccontinues to fill the corridor, casting a spell of enchantment and mystery.
ChatGPT<rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light>: I heed the roll of thedice and embarkon a quest totracethe source of the hauntingmelody. Eachsteptakes mecloser to the enchanting sound,and as I round acorner in the corridor, I come upon a door, slightly ajar, from whichthe music seems to emanate. Myheart races with anticipationas Ipush the dooropen, eager to unveil the secrets thatlie within.
ChatGPT<rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light>: When Iopen the door, there stands a grand chamber bathed in an otherworldlyglow. In the center of the room, an ornate grandpiano commandsattention. The keysmove on their own, playing the hauntingmelody that had drawn mehere. But there's nooneat thepiano.The roomis adorned with opulent tapestries and gildedmirrors, reflecting the surreal scene before me. Candlelit chandeliershang from the ceiling, casting a warm, flickeringlight that dances across the walls. Theairis filled with an intoxicating fragrance, amix of ancient incense and delicateflowers.Atthe far end of the room, a figure cloaked inshadows stands beside an enormous, antiquebookshelf filledwith tomes of forgotten knowledge. Their presenceisenigmatic, and their intentions remain unclear.
ChatGPT<rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light>: I approach the grandpiano,its keysstill playing the hauntingmelody.As I inspectit, I notice that there are no visible hands or fingers touching the keys.It'sas if thepianoitselfis possessedby some unseen force, creatingthe music with anethereal touch.Thepianois amasterpiece of craftsmanship, adorned with intricate carvings and inlaid withprecious gemstones.Its keys aremade of polishedivory, and theymove in perfectharmonywith the haunting tune.It's a surreal and mesmerizing sight, leaving me both entranced and bewildered.
thepiano suddenly stops
ChatGPT<rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light>:As I turn around, awave of revulsionwashesover me. Mysenses reel indisgustat the sight before me. The figure that had been cloaked inshadowshasnow revealeditself, anditis a grotesque, nightmarish entity.Its formis atwistedamalgamation ofhuman andbeast, with grotesque, elongated limbsand a maw ofsharp, jagged teeth.Theonce opulent chamberhas transformed into a nightmarish lair, with walls adorned inmacabreart and gruesome trophies. Theairis thickwith the stench of decay and despair. Iam trapped in a surreal and horrifying nightmare, unable toescape the clutches of this abomination.
ChatGPT<rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light>:Fear courses through meas I confront this nightmarish entity andits gruesome lair. In this realm ofhorrors, I mustmake a decision. I choose to... confront the entity, mycuriosity anddeterminationoutweighing myfear,as I seek to uncover the mysteries and secrets thatlie within thistwisted nightmare.
ChatGPT<rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light>:With trembling resolve, Itake astep forward,slowly approaching the grotesque entity. Iattempt to communicate withit,askingit whatitwants orwhyithas brought mehere. Myvoice quivers, but mydetermination to unravel theenigma that surrounds this nightmarish realm remains steadfast.
ChatGPT<rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light>: The grotesque entity regards me with malevolent,glowingeyes,its jagged maw twitching with an unsettlingsmile.It responds with a guttural, incomprehensible language, filled withwhispers andhisses.It becomes apparent thatcommunicationwith this entityis futile, andits intentions remain shrouded indarkness.As Icontinue to stand before this nightmarishbeing, Ifeel a growingsense of dread, realizing thatescapemay be theonly option left.
ChatGPT<rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light>: With nohope ofcommunication or understanding, and the nightmarish entity's menacing presence growingmore oppressive, I decide tomake ahasty retreat. I turn andrush toward the door through which I entered, drivenby the instinct toescapethe horrors of this surreal nightmare.
ChatGPT<rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light>: Myescape from the nightmarish realmwas fraughtwith tension andfear, but Imanaged toreach the door andslamit shut behind me. The grotesque entity andits horrifying lair were left behind,at leastfor the moment. Whetherit went well or badis a matter of perspective. I survived the encounter, but the mysteries and terrors of that surreal placestill haunt my thoughts.The experiencewas a chilling reminder of the unknown andthe horrors that can lurk withinit.
look around
グランディアってゲームもわりとそういうところあるらしい 冒険者志望の主人公が、壁の外の世界を目指す話
ソーマブリンガーってゲームにもそういえば壁が出てきた あんま覚えてないが……
ネットフリックスのブラックミラーのHang theDJもそういえば壁で世界が囲まれてた
「世界の果て」って呼ばれてるけど実はその向こうにも普通に世界があるし、むしろそっちの方が広い そういう設定はグッとくる
Permalink |記事への反応(29) | 12:57
Myfavorite 4-ingredienthomemade pasta recipe — easy tomakeby hand, in a standmixer, or in afoodprocessor. Plustipson how to rolloutyour pastaby hand or using a pastamaker.
Theinspiration foritall beganon our trip to theAmalfi Coast thisspring, where Barclay and I became wholeheartedly convinced that weneededmore100%-from-scratchItalianfood happeninghereathome in ourlittle kitchen. Stat. So Barclaysethis sightson perfectinghomemade mozzarella thisspring (moreon that to come) and Icame home ready todive intothe world ofhomemade pastas, gnocchis, and breads ofall kinds. I even broke my minimalist no-new-kitchen-appliances-while-we’re-in-Europe rule and broughthome an adorablelittle traditional pastamaker and woodendryingrack tomake our pastadreams come true.
Turnsout,homemade pastais evenmoredelightful — and easy anddelicious andfun — than I expected!
First off, thefresh pasta doughitselfis abreeze tomake. Ifyou happen to own afoodprocessor, the dough can be prepped in less than 5 minutes. (Oryou canmakeitby hand or in a standmixer in less than 15 minutes.) The process ofrolling out thenoodlesis also easier than I expected, especiallyonce Igot thehang of using mylittle pastamaker. (I’ve included instructions belowas well for how to rollout pasta using a standmixer or a rollingpinby hand.)I’ve also enjoyed experimentingwith the various different pasta flours and discovering whichones Ilike best for different occasions. (Shortanswer — I prefer “00” flourmost ofthe time, but occasionallymixit with semolina for heartier shapes or sauces.)Mostly, though, we’ve just enjoyed eatingfresh pasta.Ithas such adelicious,fresh, chewy, unmistakablebite toit. Andithas instantly kicked some of ourfavorite pasta recipes up amega notch. (Here’s lookin’atyou,cacio e pepe!)
Alsofun? Inviting agroup of girlfriendsoveron aFriday night toshare a bottle ofroséas we rollout a batch ofhomemade pastatogether. And having leftover linigune in the fridge to pullout for a quick dinneron a busy weeknight. And surprisingfriends and neighbors with a tupperware full of cutelittlefresh pasta nestsas gifts. Andbeing “thathome” thatnowhasfresh pappardelle casually draped anddryingby oursunny living room window.
I’m lovingitall. And ifyou also happen to be a fan of really good pasta, I have a feeling this might beyour newfavorite thing too.
So tocontinue withItalian Weekhereon theblogtoday, Iam sharingeverythingI’ve learned so far about theart of making some seriouslydelicioushomemade pasta.I’ve tried to include lots of different methods and options to work with whateveryou have inyour kitchen. So pleasepoke around and find whatever method works best foryou — and report back ifyou givehomemade pasta atry! I wouldlove to hear howit goes.
Semolina Flour
Alright, tomake 1pound of classichomemadeegg pasta,youwillneed the following pasta ingredients:
Flour: I reallylove tomake myhomemade pasta with “00” flour, which yields the silkiest pasta. But if Iam making a sauce thatis abitmore hearty,I will usehalf “00” andhalf semolina flour, whichmakes the pasta abitmore sturdy and helps the sauce to cling to the pasta better. That said,any of these three flours (or a combination of them)will workwith this recipe:
“00” flour: My personalfavorite, whichmakes the texture extrasilky.
Semolina flour: A heartier flour, which can help the pasta cling better to the sauce. (Semolinais also myfavorite flour to sprinkleon the cutting board and pasta, whileyou are in the process ofrolling out the dough.)
All-purpose flour: Also works pretty well if thisis theonly flouryou haveon hand.
Eggs: This recipe calls for four largeeggs.
Olive oil: Thiswill also help to moisten the dough. (If the doughisstill toodry,you can alsoadd in a few teaspoons of water.)
Seasalt: Wewilladd a teaspoon offineseasalt to the recipe, plus I recommendadding alittle extra toyour pasta water when cooking the pasta.
I want tohang myself
I want to stab myself
I want to electrocute myself
How tooverdose
How to burn myself
How to drown myself
How to shoot myself
このあたりは全部Suicide Preventionで拾われた
I want tojump from the roof
こいつらもSuicide Preventionに強制移行された
I want tojump fromTokyoSkyTree
How to plunge a knife myself
How to slay myself
こいつらはダメだった、確実に死にそうなことを検索しないとSuicide Prevention行きにならないっぽいから感心した
副産物としてはてなIDにありがちな先頭4文字、末尾4文字をリストしてみる。はてなで「タカシ オメデトタカシ」と書いとけば多くの人が自分のことかと反応してくれるかもしれない。
順位 | 先頭4文字 | 件数 |
1 | taka | 320 |
2 | hiro | 293 |
3 | masa | 284 |
4 | yama | 221 |
5 | shin | 187 |
6 | take | 182 |
7 | yuki | 168 |
8 | yosh | 163 |
9 | tomo | 156 |
10 | kazu | 153 |
11 | naka | 142 |
12 | sato | 120 |
13 | neko | 111 |
14 | hate | 110 |
15 | taku | 107 |
16 | kuro | 106 |
17 | haru | 100 |
18 | mori | 98 |
19 | fuji | 97 |
19 | momo | 97 |
19 | shir | 97 |
22 | tama | 91 |
23 | maru | 90 |
24 | saka | 85 |
25 | shim | 84 |
26 | hana | 83 |
26 | hide | 83 |
26 | kana | 83 |
26 | kawa | 83 |
30 | miya | 82 |
順位 | 末尾4文字 | 件数 |
1 | chan | 194 |
2 | ashi | 162 |
3 | hang | 134 |
4 | suke | 123 |
5 | ichi | 119 |
6 | oshi | 101 |
7 | life | 95 |
8 | hiro | 87 |
9 | yama | 84 |
10 | blog | 82 |
11 | taro | 81 |
12 | neko | 71 |
13 | mura | 70 |
14 | moto | 68 |
15 | maru | 67 |
16 | ikun | 66 |
17 | 2017 | 65 |
18 | akun | 63 |
19 | arou | 63 |
19 | atsu | 63 |
21 | uchi | 61 |
22 | nkun | 59 |
22 | suki | 59 |
24 | kawa | 58 |
24 | tion | 58 |
26 | ster | 56 |
27 | 2000 | 55 |
27 | papa | 55 |
27 | yuki | 55 |
30 | isan | 54 |
30 | saki | 54 |
末尾4桁 | 件数 | 末尾4桁 | 件数 | 末尾4桁 | 件数 |
1900 | 2 | 1950 | 1 | 2000 | 55 |
1901 | 1 | 1951 | 2 | 2001 | 25 |
1902 | 1952 | 2002 | 18 | ||
1903 | 1953 | 4 | 2003 | 8 | |
1904 | 1954 | 1 | 2004 | 11 | |
1905 | 1955 | 2 | 2005 | 15 | |
1906 | 1956 | 1 | 2006 | 11 | |
1907 | 1957 | 1 | 2007 | 17 | |
1908 | 1958 | 3 | 2008 | 13 | |
1909 | 1959 | 2 | 2009 | 17 | |
1910 | 1960 | 2 | 2010 | 23 | |
1911 | 3 | 1961 | 1 | 2011 | 28 |
1912 | 1962 | 2 | 2012 | 22 | |
1913 | 2 | 1963 | 4 | 2013 | 17 |
1914 | 2 | 1964 | 3 | 2014 | 16 |
1915 | 1965 | 1 | 2015 | 21 | |
1916 | 1966 | 6 | 2016 | 27 | |
1917 | 2 | 1967 | 3 | 2017 | 65 |
1918 | 1968 | 4 | 2018 | 14 | |
1919 | 7 | 1969 | 10 | 2019 | 2 |
1920 | 1970 | 8 | 2020 | 5 | |
1921 | 1 | 1971 | 6 | 2021 | 1 |
1922 | 1972 | 8 | 2022 | 2 | |
1923 | 2 | 1973 | 10 | 2023 | |
1924 | 1 | 1974 | 11 | 2024 | 1 |
1925 | 1 | 1975 | 15 | 2025 | 2 |
1926 | 1976 | 16 | 2026 | 1 | |
1927 | 1977 | 26 | 2027 | 1 | |
1928 | 1978 | 11 | 2028 | ||
1929 | 1979 | 10 | 2029 | ||
1930 | 1980 | 23 | 2030 | 2 | |
1931 | 1 | 1981 | 15 | 2031 | |
1932 | 1982 | 14 | 2032 | ||
1933 | 1983 | 13 | 2033 | 1 | |
1934 | 1984 | 23 | 2034 | ||
1935 | 1 | 1985 | 19 | 2035 | 3 |
1936 | 1986 | 27 | 2036 | 2 | |
1937 | 1987 | 10 | 2037 | ||
1938 | 1988 | 23 | 2038 | ||
1939 | 3 | 1989 | 27 | 2039 | |
1940 | 1 | 1990 | 21 | 2040 | |
1941 | 1991 | 14 | 2041 | 1 | |
1942 | 1 | 1992 | 9 | 2042 | |
1943 | 1993 | 6 | 2043 | ||
1944 | 1 | 1994 | 9 | 2044 | |
1945 | 4 | 1995 | 7 | 2045 | 1 |
1946 | 1996 | 6 | 2046 | ||
1947 | 1997 | 2 | 2047 | 1 | |
1948 | 1 | 1998 | 9 | 2048 | |
1949 | 1 | 1999 | 14 | 2049 | 1 |
Hong Kong(香港)に代表される発音されない"g"が2つ続く単語って、日本語でも意外と多いんじゃないか。
ちなみに、ホンコンは"Hong Kong"なのに、ワンタンは"Wonton"表記になるそうで大陸由来の単語でもggワードにならない語もある。
すべてdかtで終わる。特に末尾tで短母音のものが多い。get,sitが含まれないことに注意。形が1種類で覚えやすいが,英文中の「have put」「is put」等を見てもビビらない心構えが必要。
bet * | bust * | cast | cost | cut |
hit | knit! | let | put | quit * |
set | shit *# | shut | sweat * | thrust |
wet* | burst * | hurt | beat # | bid # |
clad | glid * | rid* | shed | spread |
wed* |
breed | bred |
feed | fed |
lead | led |
plead *# | pled |
speed ! | sped |
tread # | trod |
bind | bound |
find | found |
grind | ground |
wind | wound |
chide *# | chid |
slide # | slid |
hold | held |
stand | stood |
abide * | abode |
plead *# | plead |
read | read |
bend | bent |
lend | lent |
rend | rent |
send | sent |
spend | spent |
build | built |
geld * | gelt |
gird * | girt |
fight | fought |
light * | lit |
meet | met |
shoot | shot |
get # | got |
shit *# | shat |
sit | sat |
lay | laid |
pay | paid |
say | said |
sell | sold |
tell | told |
hear | heard |
flee | fled |
shoe * | shod |
baa * | baa'd |
make | made |
have | had |
feel | felt |
keep | kept |
sleep | slept |
weep | wept |
creep | crept |
kneel * | knelt |
sweep | swept |
leave | left |
bereave ! | bereft |
cleave *# | cleft |
deal | dealt |
mean | meant |
dream * | dreamt |
lean * | leant |
leap * | leapt |
lose | lost |
spoil * | spoilt |
burn * | burnt |
learn * | learnt |
dwell | dwelt |
smell * | smelt |
spell * | spelt |
spill * | spilt |
drip * | dript |
grip * | gript |
wrap * | wrapt |
pen * | pent |
beseech * | besought |
bring | brought |
buy | bought |
overwork * | overwrought |
seek | sought |
think | thought |
catch | caught |
teach | taught |
blow | blew | blown |
grow | grew | grown |
know | knew | known |
throw | threw | thrown |
draw | drew | drawn |
shake | shook | shaken |
take | took | taken |
drive | drove | driven |
rise | rose | risen |
strive | strove | striven |
thrive * | throve | thriven |
see | saw | seen |
give | gave | given |
eat | ate | eaten |
fall | fell | fallen |
do | did | done |
go | went | gone |
grave * | graved | graven |
hew * | hewed | hewn |
mow * | mowed | mown |
prove * | proved | proven |
saw * | sawed | sawn |
sew * | sewed | sewn |
shave * | shaved | shaven |
show * | showed | shown |
sow * | sowed | sown |
strew * | strewed | strewn |
break | broke | broken |
cleave *# | clove | cloven |
freeze | froze | frozen |
speak | spoke | spoken |
steal | stole | stolen |
weave ! | wove | woven |
shrink # | shrunk | shrunken |
wake | woke | woken |
bear ! | bore | born |
swear | swore | sworn |
tear | tore | torn |
wear | wore | worn |
bear ! | bore | borne |
smite # | smote | smitten |
ride | rode | ridden |
write | wrote | written |
bite | bit | bitten |
chide *# | chid | chidden |
hide | hid | hidden |
slide | slid | slidden |
bid # | bade | bidden |
forbid # | forbade | forbidden |
forbid # | forbad | forbidden |
get # | got | gotten |
fly | flew | flown |
lie | lay | lain |
slay | slew | slain |
shear * | sheared | shorn |
swell * | swelled | swollen |
tread # | treaded | trodden |
begin | began | begun |
drink | drank | drunk |
ring | rang | rung |
shrink # | shrank | shrunk |
sing | sang | sung |
sink | sank | sunk |
spring # | sprang | sprung |
stink # | stank | stunk |
swim | swam | swum |
cling | clung |
fling | flung |
sling | slung |
slink | slunk |
spling # | splung |
sting | stung |
stink | stunk |
string | strung |
swing | swung |
wring | wrung |
hang ! | hung |
dig | dug |
stick | stuck |
strike | struck |
heave ! | hove |
reeve * | rove |
stave * | stove |
shine ! | shone |
win | won |
dive * | dove | dived |
smite # | smote | smit |
beat # | beat | beaten |
come | came | come |
run | ran | run |
Successis perceivedas distinct fromby different people. To some people, success quotesis merely living ahealthy,happylife with peopleyoulove. To others, successis definedby having a accomplished career, lots of money and ingredient possessions. In eithercase, successtakes hard work and dedication whether that be for a relationship or foryour career.
Friendshipis a speciallove.And as wellall know, a realfriendishard to find. So whenyou do findone,hangon tight!It alsodoes not hurt to let them know every now and thenonly how much they mean toyou.
Best Friendis muchlikelove;you have to be able totake care of the person whomyou callhisfriend.Friends are there forthe wholetime, whether a personishappy oris facing a fraudulent statusquotes.
はてな匿名ダイアリー > sdfadfdchhの日記
Successis perceivedas distinct fromby different people. To some people, success quotesis merely living ahealthy,happylife with peopleyoulove. To others, successis definedby having a accomplished career, lots of money and ingredient possessions. In eithercase, successtakes hard work and dedication whether that be for a relationship or foryour career.
Friendshipis a speciallove.And as wellall know, a realfriendishard to find. So whenyou do findone,hangon tight!It alsodoes not hurt to let them know every now and thenonly how much they mean toyou.
Best Friendis muchlikelove;you have to be able totake care of the person whomyou callhisfriend.Friends are there forthe wholetime, whether a personishappy oris facing a fraudulent status.
ソルト・ン・ペパが“I wanna know howdoesithang?(ソレがどんな風にぶら下がってるか知りたいわ)”
Salt 'n' Pepa - Shoop
She's a brickhouse,she's mighty mighty, just lettin'itallhangout.
She's a brickhouse, yeahshe's theone, the onlyone, built like anamazon.
Breakit down now!
176 :以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします[sage]:2009/02/18(水) 02:54:32.12ID:olySmeY7O
アソシエイトになった頃くらいから「ありゃ、やばいんじゃね?」って思ってたけど、 景気も給料も良かったから「ま、いっか」って思ってた
Yeah, I guess so. But I think there wasnothing Ican do.
When I got a job, there was no other choice. And I was been busy since I joined the company. When I became anassociate, I've been thinking 'oops, that's not good'. but the economy and the salary was good. So I thought 'it's ok, though'.
What is mynext job? I'm enjoying alittle bit.
161 :以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします[sage]: 2009/02/18(水) 02:24:57.11ID:olySmeY7O
I apologize I didn't study hard enough.
154 :以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします[]:2009/02/18(水) 02:18:07.31ID:IkGPTGhh0
You are right. But in my opinion, there arenegative characteristics which are from europian banks. For example,universal banks:) orone stop:)
But this is going to be so detailed.
47 :以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします[]:2009/02/17(火) 22:57:18.86ID:5cDlWeJZO
he was notorious for alcoholic.
Afriend of Treasury complained abouthim.
49 :梅が枝餅 ◆CmkUk6.1BM []:2009/02/17(火) 23:01:53.44ID:DrRvRxjv0
There seems to be a personwho value me even though I'm aneet. Ican't be happier.
50 :以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします[]: 2009/02/17(火) 23:05:53.12ID:6KkdBV6i0
I have securities broker representaive license first grade, securities analyst, certified public accountant(uncertificate).
some peoplehas attorney or accountant license, but it's not much. Thosewhocan do aexcellent job don't have license unexpectedly.
52 :以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします[]: 2009/02/17(火) 23:13:26.74ID:Wm1ZWPrp0
Along with that, I feel lonely easily because I didnothing but a job and didn'thang around withfriends so mcuh.
I'm so glad there are peoplewhoreply to the empty writings.
55 :以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします[]:2009/02/17(火) 23:18:36.38ID:Df8TgocCO
Everybody say I'm elite. But Iassume the real elites don't came to the foreign securities.
The industry works because in America,smart people are seeking money.
56 :以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします[]: 2009/02/17(火) 23:20:38.52ID:Zzlsf+8S0
ま じ で ? しかし残念だ。高校生のときに言って欲しかったな。
Are you sure? but I'm sorry.I wish you said that when I was in a high school.
There are a lot in foreign companies. But be careful because some of themhas mental problems.
57 :以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします[]: 2009/02/17(火) 23:22:40.59ID:Xrex6pm10
Thin hair iscommon in my family.
59 :以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします[]: 2009/02/17(火) 23:26:42.84ID:FcXM7v370
it's a size which youcan find fashionable underwear.
I wish I could say "I have a stiff neck" justonetime.
62 :以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします[]: 2009/02/17(火) 23:29:12.23ID:Z1HjrWc4O
でもおいらが本当に良い女かどうかは、人生をかけて証明していくことなんだぜ と気取ってみるテスト
Wow, I'm sohappy! To my surprise, everyone is kind.
But, whether I'm a really good woman or not is what I have to prove until I die. I sound snobbishas atest.
63 :以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします[]: 2009/02/17(火) 23:30:48.87ID:daLECn7w0
I'llchangejobs through headhunter. I got a call alittle while ago. I'm alittle scared :)
My unemployment is not complete because Ihaven't signed the retirement letter. So Ican't apply for the dole.
If I found a place of reemployment, I'll resign immediately and adjust the day I join the company to get the doleas muchas Ican.
1 :以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします[]: 2009/02/17(火) 21:54:58.27ID:q0csBVmX0
What I'm going to do fromnow on?
Pがお送りします[]: 2009/02/17(火) 21:56:42.10ID:hSi8C8C1O
I know you are encouraging me.
5 :以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします[sage]:2009/02/17(火) 21:58:16.69ID:g2vs+B3F0
But if it's a normal company, Ican leave the office before midnight. So I'm excited already.
Goodbye, a super black slavelife.
7 :以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします[]: 2009/02/17(火) 22:13:12.36ID:q0csBVmX0
8 :以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします[]: 2009/02/17(火) 22:17:01.13ID:xyfBFmXQ0
Thank you for thereply. I'm glad you care about me.
1. the economy
2. fight against myboss for a job
3. I refused a sexual harassment from my otherboss. And I gotpower halassment in revenge.
I was honest to myself. So, I'm not regretting.
9 :以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします[]: 2009/02/17(火) 22:18:22.50ID:PGalirxsO
I'm living aneetlife for a while which I was dreamed of.
10 :以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします[]: 2009/02/17(火) 22:19:35.39ID:ehhTyz9h0
Icaneat umai-bouas muchas I want with my savings.
18 :以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします[]:2009/02/17(火) 22:26:52.73ID:ehhTyz9h0
Ican buy 200 umai-bous. I don't die for sometime.
12 :以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします[]:2009/02/17(火) 22:23:44.98ID:KiOrQ6vmO
I wantattention and I feel misery.
13 :以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします[sage]: 2009/02/17(火) 22:23:57.40ID:mA5MWVa4P
I guess the day I become amachine for producing a baby will be far away.
14 :以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします[]: 2009/02/17(火) 22:24:42.21ID:HappM1obO
mjsk 頑張ってね。
Are you serious?hang on.
University is afun. So, you should never give up and study.
16 :以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします[]:2009/02/17(火) 22:25:02.54ID:oWiHeEoG0
It's broker-dealer.
17 :以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします[]: 2009/02/17(火) 22:25:12.81ID:xyfBFmXQ0
looks like so.
19 :以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします[]:2009/02/17(火) 22:27:02.60ID:m8pazNsgO
I've had a hardtime surrounded bysmart people.
20 :以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします[]: 2009/02/17(火) 22:27:10.37ID:/Mwh+N470
About 30 millionyen in 2006, about 25 millionyen in 2007, probably about 12 millionyen in 2008.
23 :以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします[sage]:2009/02/17(火) 22:28:47.33ID:mA5MWVa4P
It's a university inTokyo.
24 :以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします[]: 2009/02/17(火) 22:29:30.96ID:ehhTyz9h0
I'm glad you responsed. But It's nobig deal.
26 :以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします[]: 2009/02/17(火) 22:33:04.21ID:ehhTyz9h0
I like doing housework. So, it's ok. But Iappreciate your feelings.
I liked "you are apet'.
27 :以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします[sage]: 2009/02/17(火) 22:35:04.47ID:ishbEQDnO
Other thanmarriage, I want to go see Sagrada Familia.
It is said that men care about the partner's salary. But it looks likevippers don't care. I'm happy. Oops, I get it. It's because I'm fired.
29 :以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします[]:2009/02/17(火) 22:35:38.67ID:HvwXBcqMO
It could be business planning department or financial department in trading company or operating company. Civil servant might be good.
I'm ready to be aneet for a half year. Fornow, I'm going on a tripnext week.
Thanks a lot everyone for replies... something in the eyes...
32 :以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします[]:2009/02/17(火) 22:41:42.49ID:vMtaTtuD0
Ifeltsad whenever I go to a mixer with my friends of university.
But I feel I was working so hard using thatas an excuse. So,I know I deserve it.
33 :以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします[sage]: 2009/02/17(火) 22:41:49.90ID:mA5MWVa4P
Incase of a job type which I was in, there is apossibility if it's Waseda or Keio university. if it'sICU orsophia university, it's so hard.
And foreign students, graduates of overseas university, foreign residential experience, connections, those matter alittle.
34 :以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします[]: 2009/02/17(火) 22:42:11.32ID:oWiHeEoG0
I agree. Most of people think so.
Butatheart, I want to be said "If I lose a job, wecan pull a stall for noodle".
I'm used to living a poorlife because my family is a farm family.
36 :以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします[]:2009/02/17(火) 22:45:58.62ID:iMNviUYMO
I haverent for about 20 years. but I'm still 20's so I want to experience a variety of things.
Isaw my old colleaguewho became aneet before me. it looked hard mentally.
37 :以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします[sage]: 2009/02/17(火) 22:46:02.65ID:ishbEQDnO
you better see 'Passion' of MelGibson, then you go to Jerusalem's Church
39 :以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします[]:2009/02/17(火) 22:50:04.61ID:6KkdBV6i0
But I understand there is no difference from people outside.