Thisis a detailed description of ananime-stylefemale character, designed for use in generating illustrations or animations with various poses. The character embodies a cute, energetic, and slightly quirky personality,fitting a schoolgirl or tech-savvytheme.Here are thekey features:
Long, straight,platinum blonde hair that extends past the shoulders, reachingmid-back.
Hairis parted in themiddle,with two high ponytailson either side of the head.
Each ponytailis tied with large,red, mechanical or robotic-style hair accessories resembling small, spiked or angular devices (possibly hintingat a tech orsci-fitheme).
The hairhas a smooth, glossy texture typical ofanimeart, with slight highlights to emphasizeits brightness.
Large, expressivegreeneyes, typical ofanime-style characters, with a gentle upward curveat the corners, giving a friendly and cheerfulexpression.
Theeyes have visible eyelashesand a subtle sparkle orshine, enhancing the cute and youthful appearance.
Fair, smoothskin with asoft, rosyblushon the cheeks,adding to the character’s youthful andlively vibe.
Wears agreen school blazer with awhitedress shirt underneath, typical ofJapanese school uniforms (seifuku style).
The blazerhas a structured, slightlyoversizedfit, with rolled-up sleeves, giving a casual yetstylishlook.
A purpleplaidskirt with rufflededges, complementing the schoolgirl aesthetic whileadding a playful touch.
A purplebackpack withcolorful, cartoonish patterns or stickers (possiblyfeaturing small, chibi-style characters or tech motifs) slungoverone shoulder.
Blackknee-high socks and darkshoes, completing the school uniformlook with aneat andtidy appearance.
Holding a black camera with both hands, positioned in front ofher chest, suggestingshe’s a photography enthusiast or documentingsomething.
A small, chibi-style plushtoy or mascot character (with spikyorange hairand a mischievous grin)attached toherbackpack,adding a quirky and playful element.
Thered mechanical hair accessoriesonher ponytails, which have a futuristic or robotic design, possibly glowing faintly orfeaturing smallLED-like details.
Pose andExpression:
Currently in a seated or slightly crouched pose, withlegsbent andoneknee raised, giving a relaxedand approachable demeanor.
Smilingsoftly with a closed-mouthsmile, exudingwarmth, friendliness,and a hint ofcuriosity or excitement (fitting forsomeone holding a camera).
Theoverallbody languageislively and dynamic, with a slighttilt of the head, emphasizingher youthful energy.
Background and Context:
The character appears in aclean, minimalbackground (possiblywhite orlight-colored) to keep thefocusonher, butshe couldfit into a schoolyard, tech lab, or urban setting withcherry blossoms or modern buildings, reflecting a blend of traditionalJapanese culture and futuristicthemes.
Thelightingissoft andnatural, with slight shadows toadd depth, maintaining ananime-style aesthetic.
The character suggests a blend ofinnocence and tech-savvycuriosity, possibly a schoolgirl with an interest in photography, robotics, orpop culture (inspiredby the mechanical hair accessories and camera).
Heroverall design balances cuteness (chibi plushtoy, school uniform) with a modern, quirkyedge (tech accessories, camera).
Thisscript can be usedas abase for generating images or illustrations of this character in various poses, suchas standing, walking, taking photos, interacting with others, or exploring different environments. Adjust the pose,background, oradditional props (like different camera angles or tech gadgets)as needed for specific scenes.
Erromango, Dillon's Bay.July 8th 1858. John Williams,Missionary, killed 1840by ThomasBent.jpg
座標 南緯18度48分50秒 東経169度7分22秒
州Flag of TafeaProvince.svg タフェア州
エロマンガ島(エロマンガとう; 英: Erromango)は、南太平洋、バヌアツのタフェア州最大の島。ニューヘブリディーズ諸島の一つ。「エロマンゴ島」、あるいは「イロマンゴ島」とも表記される。そのエロ漫画を連想させる名称から、日本では特に珍地名の一つとして紹介されることがある。
7 参考文献
8 関連項目
島の中心部に標高 837 mの火山がある小島で、周囲は珊瑚礁に覆われている。面積 887 km2、人口は2016年の国勢調査では2,109人[1]。主要な産業は牧畜業・農業で、肉牛を飼う大きな牧場が広がっている。西側のディロン湾に好錨地を持つ[2]。かつては全体が密林に覆われ上質な白檀が取れたが、乱伐によって現在はほとんど森がなくなり、白檀も取れなくなった。
すべてdかtで終わる。特に末尾tで短母音のものが多い。get,sitが含まれないことに注意。形が1種類で覚えやすいが,英文中の「have put」「is put」等を見てもビビらない心構えが必要。
bet * | bust * | cast | cost | cut |
hit | knit! | let | put | quit * |
set | shit *# | shut | sweat * | thrust |
wet* | burst * | hurt | beat # | bid # |
clad | glid * | rid* | shed | spread |
wed* |
breed | bred |
feed | fed |
lead | led |
plead *# | pled |
speed ! | sped |
tread # | trod |
bind | bound |
find | found |
grind | ground |
wind | wound |
chide *# | chid |
slide # | slid |
hold | held |
stand | stood |
abide * | abode |
plead *# | plead |
read | read |
bend | bent |
lend | lent |
rend | rent |
send | sent |
spend | spent |
build | built |
geld * | gelt |
gird * | girt |
fight | fought |
light * | lit |
meet | met |
shoot | shot |
get # | got |
shit *# | shat |
sit | sat |
lay | laid |
pay | paid |
say | said |
sell | sold |
tell | told |
hear | heard |
flee | fled |
shoe * | shod |
baa * | baa'd |
make | made |
have | had |
feel | felt |
keep | kept |
sleep | slept |
weep | wept |
creep | crept |
kneel * | knelt |
sweep | swept |
leave | left |
bereave ! | bereft |
cleave *# | cleft |
deal | dealt |
mean | meant |
dream * | dreamt |
lean * | leant |
leap * | leapt |
lose | lost |
spoil * | spoilt |
burn * | burnt |
learn * | learnt |
dwell | dwelt |
smell * | smelt |
spell * | spelt |
spill * | spilt |
drip * | dript |
grip * | gript |
wrap * | wrapt |
pen * | pent |
beseech * | besought |
bring | brought |
buy | bought |
overwork * | overwrought |
seek | sought |
think | thought |
catch | caught |
teach | taught |
blow | blew | blown |
grow | grew | grown |
know | knew | known |
throw | threw | thrown |
draw | drew | drawn |
shake | shook | shaken |
take | took | taken |
drive | drove | driven |
rise | rose | risen |
strive | strove | striven |
thrive * | throve | thriven |
see | saw | seen |
give | gave | given |
eat | ate | eaten |
fall | fell | fallen |
do | did | done |
go | went | gone |
grave * | graved | graven |
hew * | hewed | hewn |
mow * | mowed | mown |
prove * | proved | proven |
saw * | sawed | sawn |
sew * | sewed | sewn |
shave * | shaved | shaven |
show * | showed | shown |
sow * | sowed | sown |
strew * | strewed | strewn |
break | broke | broken |
cleave *# | clove | cloven |
freeze | froze | frozen |
speak | spoke | spoken |
steal | stole | stolen |
weave ! | wove | woven |
shrink # | shrunk | shrunken |
wake | woke | woken |
bear ! | bore | born |
swear | swore | sworn |
tear | tore | torn |
wear | wore | worn |
bear ! | bore | borne |
smite # | smote | smitten |
ride | rode | ridden |
write | wrote | written |
bite | bit | bitten |
chide *# | chid | chidden |
hide | hid | hidden |
slide | slid | slidden |
bid # | bade | bidden |
forbid # | forbade | forbidden |
forbid # | forbad | forbidden |
get # | got | gotten |
fly | flew | flown |
lie | lay | lain |
slay | slew | slain |
shear * | sheared | shorn |
swell * | swelled | swollen |
tread # | treaded | trodden |
begin | began | begun |
drink | drank | drunk |
ring | rang | rung |
shrink # | shrank | shrunk |
sing | sang | sung |
sink | sank | sunk |
spring # | sprang | sprung |
stink # | stank | stunk |
swim | swam | swum |
cling | clung |
fling | flung |
sling | slung |
slink | slunk |
spling # | splung |
sting | stung |
stink | stunk |
string | strung |
swing | swung |
wring | wrung |
hang ! | hung |
dig | dug |
stick | stuck |
strike | struck |
heave ! | hove |
reeve * | rove |
stave * | stove |
shine ! | shone |
win | won |
dive * | dove | dived |
smite # | smote | smit |
beat # | beat | beaten |
come | came | come |
run | ran | run |
Nights, downward the actual curtainon the darkish. Rather busy daytime people hurried towardshome, along withthe family unit. Daily belonging to thenoisy town also proceeds towards the an olddays or weeksall the tranquility.Youbent LengYuehas quietly hung in the shrubs, conceal behind the cloud towards relaxation daily belonging tothe famous actors equallyslowly awaken, start that rudimentsassociated with eyes, for the pulsating complete too stunninglight.
I'm keenon private, to be a personat dusk the actual quiet not to mentiondelightful roadway for anygo around. Additionally helpful to wanderby themselves from this peaceful tiny most people about the roadways ofskip anyone faraway. While, WEneed to knowyour location, alsoneed to know incaseyou have consider me personally, however Actually,i know that right now,AS I genuinelywish to, beneficial presume a person......
If a windpower blowing into my personalheart, a centeron instantly from the thoughts from films for hills. Because a vibrantmoonlighton when in front of me personally,AS Iview themoonhasyour ownshadow. After the very firstplanet that'sdelightful some blastingmusic artist presently of the nighttimesky, WE apparently read theyourwish andyour ideal. In the event themomentmeteor throughout from prior to me,as i similar my personal eyes, their hands collapsed for the shootingtake the leading role developed a smallamount, that is certainly, Iallowmeteor is actually my would like most people not to mention lose foryou, and even informyou about, Now iam that quiet night, not a soul, great issue around far-away place of a person......
Winter weather event really black, extended,moreover verycold,AS I nevertheless wandering in this particular lengthy long occasion, forthe reason that event WEsurround,allowicecold blowing wind blowing suchas me, WHEN I is not aware. My center will beas if from most people glow thinkings from the terminate, getting rid of, this steamy the actualfire. Thecontinue within boiling, the brain within rolling, the sensing stuffed, I adore floating within......
Guess what happens? So i'm scaredon the dark, though adore within the night. So i'm scaredon thecold, justwho dropped fond ofsnow. I adoreone, not sayingyou. WHEN I forget a person, though cannot explain. Sinceyou also containyour owndream,you could haveones owngoal,you could haveyour task,you could have muchmore the position and responsibilities. Well, i findit difficult to troubleyou, findit difficult to supplyyou with difficulty, alotmore cannot helpyou for WE distractions. Although I'm sureyour own with the mind evenwish to everybody, however Iam able toonly placeyou with thespirit. Silence from theheart belonging to the range to pass-up most people...