なにせTR-808は「ラムのラブソング /松谷祐子」で利用されているのだ!
なんなら結構前に一斉を風靡した「PPAP /ピコ太郎」でもTR-808は使われているんだけど、PPAPのリズムである「ズチャズチャ(コーン)ズチャズチャ(コーン)」のコーンがTR-808だ。
Windows、Mac、iOS、Android(Chrome OS)に対応のリズムゲーム風鍵盤楽器練習アプリで、MIDI規格に対応した鍵盤ガジェットを使ってピアノの練習が出来ちまうもんなんだよ。
まず最初に挙げるとしたらコレだろというKORG microKEYAir-49。
続いてKORG microKEYAir-49と比較されがちなM-AUDIO Keystation 49 MK3。
鍵盤数はこちらも49鍵で、KORG microKEYAir-49との違いが鍵盤サイズがフルサイズ鍵盤で実際のピアノと幅が同じで、シンセキーボードではありがちなセミウェイトと呼ばれる重さになっている。ただしその分デカイ。
KORG microKEYAir-49とは違ってBluetooth無線接続は出来ないがUSB有線接続ではもちろんバスパワー駆動する。ホイールもペダル端子もあり実売価格は10,000円前後でKORGよりちょっと安いのが悩ましい。
MIDIキーボードの弾き心地という話題では必ず出てくるRoland A500PRO-R 49。
価格は50,000円前後だが電子ピアノ系ではコスパ高すぎと言われる 人気機種。ネット上の相談で電子ピアノ選びに悩んでいたらコレ買っとけとか言われちゃうやつ。何ならよく売り切れる。
実売価格は8万円前後だが、この価格帯では同等の機能性を持った電子ピアノは存在しない。注意点として近々に後継機のCASIO PriviaPX-S3100がリリース予定なので検討する場合は後継機の登場を待ったほうが良いだろう。
Heilung | LIFA - Krigsgaldr
Wardruna feat.AURORA - Helvegen +multi-language Lyrics/Subtitles (liveat TraenaFestival2017)HD
Wolcensmen - The Fyre-Bough
Phurpa – Boiler Room InStereo
Permalink |記事への反応(11) | 10:42
このソフトで唯一マトモに出力できる高解像度動画形式のwmvを3つ(vid1.wmv, vid2.wmv, vid3.wmv)連結して、最後に「ありがとうございました」画像image.jpgをくっつけ、NSTC形式のDVDで16:9にしてそのままオーサリングソフトで焼けるようにするためのffmpegのオプションの設定の仕方がとうとうわかった!
ffmpeg -i vid1.wmv -i vid2.wmv -i vid3.wmv -loop 1 -t 5 -iimage.jpg -f lavfi -t 5 -i anullsrc=channel_layout=stereo:sample_rate=48000 -filter_complex "[3:0]scale=1280x720,setsar=1:1[v2],[0:1][0:0][1:1][1:0][2:1][2:0][v2][4:0]concat=n=4:v=1:a=1[v3][a3]" -map '[v3]' -map '[a3]' -shortest -targetntsc-dvd output.mpg
イ)concat filterがv=1,a=1を設定した時、[vid1のvideostream][vid1のaudiostream][vid2のvideostream][vid2のaudiostream]という形でビデオと音声のstreamを交互に並べていけないといかないところ
ロ)concat filterが必ずaudiostreamも指定して動く形になっているため、無音のaudiostreamをanullsrcで作ってやらないといけないところ
ハ)anullsrcは無限時間無音声を生成し続けるので、通常は-shortestを指定して時間制限するのだが、anullsrcとconcat filterを組み合わせる時は、-shortestを指定しても無限時間音声生成が止まらないところ。なぜかわからないが、-t 5で直接5秒間指定して音声を切ったわ。
Digital cameras are made in a wide range of sizes, prices andcapabilities. Themajority are cameraphones, operatedas a mobileapplication throughthe cellphone menu. Professionalphotographers and many amateurs use larger,more expensivedigital single-lens reflex cameras (DSLR) for their greater versatility. Between these extremesliedigital compact cameras andbridgedigital cameras that "bridge" thegap between amateur and professional cameras.Specialized cameras including multispectral imaging equipmentand astrographscontinue to serve the scientific, military, medical and other special purposes for whichdigitalphotographywas invented.
Subcompact with lensassembly retracted
Compact cameras are designed to be tiny andportableand are particularly suitable for casual and "snapshot" uses. Hence, they are also calledpoint-and-shoot cameras. The smallest, generally less than20mm thick, are describedas subcompacts or "ultra-compacts" and some are nearly credit card size.[2]
Most, apart fromruggedized or water-resistantmodels, incorporate a retractable lensassemblyallowing a thin camera to have a moderately long focal length and thus fullyexploit animage sensor larger than thaton a camera phone,and a mechanized lenscap to cover the lens when retracted. The retracted andcapped lens is protected from keys,coins and other hard objects, thus makingit a thin, pocketable package. Subcompacts commonly haveone lugand a short wrist strap whichaids extraction from a pocket, while thicker compactsmay havetwo lugs forattaching a neck strap.
Compact cameras are usually designed to be easy to use, sacrificing advanced features and picture quality for compactness and simplicity;images can usuallyonly be stored using lossy compression (JPEG). Most have a built-inflash usually oflowpower, sufficient for nearby subjects.Live preview is almostalways used to frame thephoto. Most have limitedmotion picturecapability. Compacts often have macrocapability andzoom lenses but thezoom range is usually less than forbridge and DSLR cameras. Generally a contrast-detect autofocus system, using theimage data from thelive preview feed of the mainimager,focuses the lens.
Typically, these cameras incorporate a nearly silentleaf shutter into their lenses.
Forlower cost and smaller size, these cameras typically useimage sensors with a diagonal of approximately 6mm, corresponding to a cropfactor around 6. This gives them weakerlow-light performance, greater depth offield, generallycloserfocusing ability, and smaller components than cameras using larger sensors.
Starting in2011, some compactdigital cameras cantake3Dstillphotos. These3D compactstereo cameras cancapture3D panoramicphotos for play backon a3DTV.[3] Some of these arerugged and waterproof, and some haveGPS,compass, barometerand altimeter. [4]
Main article:Bridge camera
Bridge are higher-enddigital cameras that physically and ergonomically resemble DSLRs andshare with them some advanced features, butshare with compacts the use of a fixed lensand a small sensor. Like compacts, most uselive preview to frame theimage. Their autofocus uses the same contrast-detect mechanism, but manybridge cameras have amanualfocus mode, in some cases using a separatefocusring, for greater control. They originally "bridged" thegap between affordablepoint-and-shoot cameras andthe then unaffordable earlierdigitalSLRs.
Due to the combination ofbig physical size but a small sensor, many of these cameras have very highly specified lenses with largezoom range and fastaperture, partially compensating for the inability tochange lenses.On some, the lens qualifiesas superzoom. To compensate for the lesser sensitivity of their small sensors, these cameras almostalways include animage stabilization system toenable longer handheld exposures.
These cameras are sometimes marketedas and confused withdigitalSLR cameras since the appearance is similar.Bridge cameras lack the reflexviewing system of DSLRs, are usually fitted with fixed (non-interchangeable) lenses (although some have a lens thread toattachaccessory wide-angle or telephoto converters), and can usuallytake movies with sound. The scene is composedbyviewing either the liquid crystal display or the electronicviewfinder (EVF). Most have a longer shutter lag than a true dSLR, but they arecapable of goodimage quality (with sufficientlight) whilebeingmore compact andlighter than DSLRs. High-endmodels of this type have comparableresolutions tolow andmid-range DSLRs. Many of these cameras can storeimages in aRawimage format, or processed andJPEG compressed, or both. Themajority have a built-inflash similar to those found in DSLRs.
Inbrightsun, the quality difference between a good compact cameraand adigitalSLR is minimal butbridgecams aremoreportable, cost less and have a similarzoom ability to dSLR. Thus aBridge cameramay better suitoutdoor daytimeactivities, except when seeking professional-qualityphotos.[5]
Inlowlight conditions and/oratISO equivalents above 800, mostbridge cameras (or megazooms) lack inimage quality when compared to even entrylevel DSLRs. However, they do haveonemajor advantage: their much larger depth offield due to the small sensoras compared to a DSLR,allowing largerapertures with shorter exposure times.
A3DPhoto Modewas introduced in2011, whereby the camera automaticallytakes a secondimage from a slightly different perspective and provides a standard .MPO file forstereo display. [6]
[edit]Mirrorless interchangeable-lens camera
Main article:Mirrorless interchangeable-lens camera
In late2008, a new type of camera emerged, combining the larger sensors and interchangeable lenses of DSLRs with thelive-previewviewing system of compact cameras, either through an electronicviewfinder oron the rearLCD. These are simpler andmore compact than DSLRs due to the removal of themirrorbox, and typically emulate the handling and ergonomics of either DSLRs or compacts. The system is usedby Micro Four Thirds, borrowing components from the Four Thirds DSLR system.
[edit]Digital single lens reflex cameras
Main article:Digital single-lens reflex camera
Digital single-lens reflex cameras (DSLRs) aredigital camerasbasedon film single-lens reflex cameras (SLRs). Theytake theirname from their uniqueviewing system, in which amirror reflectslight from the lens through a separate opticalviewfinder.At themoment of exposure themirror flipsout of the way, making a distinctive "clack" soundand allowinglight to fallon theimager.
Since nolight reaches theimager during framing, autofocus is accomplished usingspecialized sensors in themirrorboxitself. Most 21stcentury DSLRs also have a "liveview" mode that emulates thelive preview system of compact cameras, whenselected.
These cameras have much larger sensors than the other types, typically 18mm to 36mmon the diagonal (cropfactor 2, 1.6, or 1). This gives them superiorlow-light performance, less depth offieldat a givenaperture,and a larger size.
Theymake use of interchangeable lenses; eachmajor DSLR manufacturer also sells aline of lenses specifically intended to be usedon their cameras. Thisallows theuser toselect a lens designed for theapplicationat hand: wide-angle, telephoto,low-light,etc. So each lensdoes notrequireits own shutter, DSLRs use a focal-plane shutter in front of theimager, behind themirror.
Main article: Rangefinder camera#Digital rangefinder
A rangefinder is auser-operated optical mechanism to measure subjectdistanceonce widely usedon film cameras. Mostdigital cameras measure subjectdistance automatically using electro-optical techniques, butit is not customary to say that they have a rangefinder.
[edit]Line-scan camera systems
Aline-scan camera is a camera device containing aline-scanimage sensorchip,and afocusing mechanism. These cameras are almost solely used in industrial settings tocapture animage of a constantstream of moving material. Unlike video cameras,line-scan cameras use a single row ofpixel sensors, instead of a matrix of them. Data coming from theline-scan camerahas a frequency, where the camerascans aline, waits, and repeats. The data coming from theline-scan camera is commonly processedby a computer, to collect theone-dimensionalline data and to create atwo-dimensionalimage. The collectedtwo-dimensionalimage data is then processedbyimage-processing methods for industrial purposes.
Further information: Rotatingline camera
Many devices includedigital cameras built into or integrated into them. For example, mobilephones often includedigital cameras; those that do are knownas cameraphones. Other small electronic devices (especially those used for communication) suchas PDAs, laptops andBlackBerry devices often contain an integraldigital camera, and most 21stcentury camcorders can alsomakestill pictures.
Due to the limited storagecapacity and general emphasisonconvenience rather thanimage quality, almostall these integrated or converged devices storeimages in the lossy but compactJPEG file format.
Mobilephones incorporatingdigital cameras were introduced inJapan in2001byJ-Phone. In2003 cameraphonesoutsold stand-alonedigital cameras, and in2006 theyoutsoldall film-based cameras anddigital cameras combined. These cameraphones reached a billion devices sold inonlyfive years, andby2007more than half of the installedbase ofall mobilephones were cameraphones. Sales of separate cameras peaked in2008. [7]
Integrated camerastend to beat the verylowest end of thescale ofdigital cameras in technical specifications, suchasresolution, optical quality,and ability to use accessories. With rapid development, however, thegap between mainstream compactdigital cameras and cameraphones is closing, and high-end cameraphones are competitive withlow-end stand-alonedigital cameras of the same generation.
ACanonWP-1 waterproof 35mm film camera
Waterproofdigital cameras aredigital cameras that canmake pictures underwater. Waterproof housings have long been made but they cost almostas the cameras. Many waterproofdigital cameras are shockproof and resistant tolow temperatures;one of them isCanonPowerShotD10,one of the first underwaterdigital cameras.
These cameras become very popular during the holiday season, because many people want to save the bestmoments from their holidaysat the seaside. Waterproof watches and mobilephones were produced earlier. Mostmakers ofdigital cameras also produce waterproofones and every year they launchat leastone newmodel, for exampleSony,Olympus,Canon, Fuji.
HealthwaysMako Shark, an early waterproof camera,[8]was launched in 1958 and cost around 25 dollars.Itwas ahuge camera and pictures were black andwhite.