I'mstill doing part-time work.
But that'sreality.
But, Even so,
I'm not selfless enough to give myon andonlylife to that shitty company.
Hindsightis20/20and all that, but there are people I've met because I quit.
I'm in a world I would never have experienced if I'd stayed.
I'm glad I quit that shitty company.
Was what I toldher really the right thing to say?
In reality, I couldn't grow up, and became aNEET.
And those awful bullies probablystill have theirjobs.
I know the realtruthis uglier.
It's whatyou really meant, soisn't that enough?
She'll remembersomeone yellingather, if notwho.
Of course I'drush things.
Yeah We're third years.
I'm not sure how to respond to this sudden attempt to mug me.
That's not. Fill in the blanks, please.
Basically,I mean,
I want to know your phonenumber.
I'm saying I want to be yourfriend.
I'm trying totake the firststep toward notbeing afriendless longer.
I want to defeat the me that's dragging this failure around. Idon't want to forget my failure. But if I carryit with meas a bad memory, and keep runningaway, I'll neverchange. I think there are thingsyou learn to do trough failing.Willyouget revenge with me?
I'm really glad for them. Thetruthis, I thought thatfalling inlove whenyou knewyou'd have to part seemed pointless.But when Isaw themtogether, Iwashappy from the bottom of myheart.Maybe worrying about future parting so much thatyou missoutonhappiness in the presentiswaste.
Yes, Someday, we'll part.Maybe be forgotten. But we're living in themoment in full throttle!
2008年秋「黒塚 KUROZUKA」「黒神 The Animation」
2018年春「イナズマイレブン アレスの天秤」「ニル・アドミラリの天秤」