"I love you." と5行目の主語は同じくダメ。あと、4行目5行目の後半の目的語がちゃんと特定できていない。
Puddingisdelicious.I love you.
Fruitjelly...is certainlydelicious.
Itisjuicy andhas afruity texture, and thepulp andseeds are init to reproduce the texture.
But ifyou haveraw fruitand a reallyfancy fruitjelly,you'llget some fruit, right?
Ifyou haveegg andmilk sets andpudding lined up,take themout.
"I love You." がダメなのと5行目の主語がyouになってしまっている以外は結構やるやん。
"deliciousisdelicious" はイマイチか。
Puddingisdelicious.I love You.
Fruitjellyis ...deliciousisdelicious.
Ithas afresh andfruityfeel and the textureis reproducedwith the flesh andseeds.
But ifyou haveraw fruit and superb fruitjelly lined up,you'llget the fruit, right?
Ifyou have eggs andmilkset andpudding sideby side,take thepudding.