時間 | 記事数 | 文字数 | 文字数平均 | 文字数中央値 |
00 | 101 | 13294 | 131.6 | 44 |
01 | 55 | 8110 | 147.5 | 60 |
02 | 32 | 9278 | 289.9 | 55.5 |
03 | 17 | 2803 | 164.9 | 121 |
04 | 12 | 1438 | 119.8 | 40.5 |
05 | 9 | 1698 | 188.7 | 159 |
06 | 13 | 1078 | 82.9 | 47 |
07 | 28 | 3484 | 124.4 | 55.5 |
08 | 41 | 5481 | 133.7 | 52 |
09 | 138 | 10695 | 77.5 | 34.5 |
10 | 156 | 16768 | 107.5 | 52 |
11 | 149 | 11204 | 75.2 | 50 |
12 | 206 | 23059 | 111.9 | 46.5 |
13 | 162 | 10862 | 67.0 | 43 |
14 | 113 | 7242 | 64.1 | 38 |
15 | 42 | 9636 | 229.4 | 56 |
16 | 75 | 6792 | 90.6 | 44 |
17 | 67 | 10832 | 161.7 | 37 |
18 | 151 | 37171 | 246.2 | 76 |
19 | 239 | 63681 | 266.4 | 150 |
20 | 347 | 112788 | 325.0 | 152 |
21 | 296 | 72192 | 243.9 | 144 |
22 | 550 | 126518 | 230.0 | 142 |
23 | 872 | 232183 | 266.3 | 149 |
1日 | 3871 | 798287 | 206.2 | 132 |
kaze(3),合同葬(3),メル友(3), 大鎌(3),ning(3), prijenos(3),koto(3),円陣(3),分子生物学(3), wind(3),feel(3), 記(9),スパム(26),チンコ(17), 滅(13), page(7),学術(8),心療内科(6),ブレーキ(5),dis(5), ガン(6), 乳(10), でかい(22),バリバリ(7),非正規(7),流通(6),起業(8), 鬼(13), 胸(30),巨乳(17),教授(13), 大き(14),サイズ(14),AI(15),会議(12),メンバー(10),お腹(9)
■、はてな匿名ダイアリーをご利用いただきたいと考えております。普段お使いいただいているアカウント /20201015221310(38), ■ /20201014215206(10), ■悪くはないんだけど正直20年遅かったという印象 /20201014120048(8), ■嫁にプログラミング教えるの辛い /20201015012446(8), ■なんで妊娠出産は自費診療なの?? /20201012095539(8), ■クラスの民度がクソ /20201015105325(8), ■彼氏ってどこでできるの? /20201015185514(8), ■ルールに明記されているのに実際に実行すると叩かれる行為 /20201015124531(7), ■お金の仕組みがわからない /20201014234053(7), ■小心者のストレス発散 /20201015170526(7), ■はてブで評論家気取りのコメントをつけるのはやめる /20201015000833(7), ■ /20201015125053(7), ■基本的に数学で覚えなければいけないことは無い /20200610155327(7), ■40歳代男性(うんこ属性)になったけど /20201014224757(6), ■人工知能は虚構だ! /20201014195113(6), ■悟りとか涅槃とかそういうの /20201014153508(6), ■35歳KKO、異性と出会うには? /20201015122932(5), ■ /20201015092933(5), ■anond:20201014235558 /20201015001235(5), ■結婚してる人ってどうやってマス回転の? /20201015144532(5), ■おそ松さん好きだったけど3期に全く食指が動かない。 /20201015155419(5), ■anond:20201014234700 /20201015000645(5), ■付き合った彼女をキモいと思ってしまう /20201015172402(5), ■anond:20201015092948 /20201015093338(5), ■鎌あるじゃん /20201011121357(5)
時間 | 記事数 | 文字数 | 文字数平均 | 文字数中央値 |
00 | 48 | 10692 | 222.8 | 44 |
01 | 28 | 7498 | 267.8 | 36.5 |
02 | 20 | 1846 | 92.3 | 60 |
03 | 26 | 7362 | 283.2 | 60 |
04 | 5 | 5589 | 1117.8 | 30 |
05 | 7 | 519 | 74.1 | 55 |
06 | 90 | 1238 | 13.8 | 10 |
07 | 16 | 1846 | 115.4 | 74.5 |
08 | 37 | 4736 | 128.0 | 45 |
09 | 118 | 7691 | 65.2 | 28.5 |
10 | 125 | 10869 | 87.0 | 43 |
11 | 156 | 22652 | 145.2 | 59.5 |
12 | 196 | 19831 | 101.2 | 51.5 |
13 | 147 | 14343 | 97.6 | 53 |
14 | 102 | 11656 | 114.3 | 59 |
15 | 125 | 17401 | 139.2 | 55 |
16 | 125 | 10379 | 83.0 | 51 |
17 | 187 | 18712 | 100.1 | 36 |
18 | 157 | 12937 | 82.4 | 33 |
19 | 254 | 30837 | 121.4 | 104.5 |
20 | 617 | 93362 | 151.3 | 132 |
21 | 969 | 191174 | 197.3 | 138 |
22 | 1120 | 154071 | 137.6 | 128 |
23 | 1398 | 303915 | 217.4 | 135 |
1日 | 6073 | 961156 | 158.3 | 128 |
SKINS(8),気象衛星(6),靭帯(11), kohyo(5),緑内障(13), FORTNITE(8), 球速(5),ning(4), GENERATOR(8), caribbeanfever(3), surf(3),学術(24),スパム(41), 記(8),こんにちは(9),スウェーデン(8),ガンダム(17),バズる(8),会議(29),池袋(6), 欠陥(9),パスタ(10),学者(12), .s(14), 馬(7),機関(7),モチベーション(8),go(13), 成果(16), 書(14),スタイル(13),原作(15),http://(21),解釈(23),非モテ(16),はてな(34),天才(11)
■「その作品はファン全員が嫌っている」という暗黙ルール /20201012142538(37), ■解釈違い二次創作が増えると何が嫌なのかという話 /20201012014337(23), ■婚活Vtuberのセクハラが酷い /20201011224100(21), ■人間の赤ちゃんてマジで欠陥クソ生物だろ /20201012110525(18), ■鬱病の夫を支えてたつもりが離婚を切り出され慰謝料を請求された話 /20201012035107(14), ■居酒屋バイトとかいう底辺の労働でイキるなクソが /20201012084152(14), ■ /20201012171836(12), ■学術会議ってどんな成果あるの? /20201012161410(11), ■睡眠薬で軽くラリった話 /20201011231825(10), ■人間って本質的には女の姿になりたいんか? /20201007152600(10), ■男は軽い気持ちで告白なんかすんなよ /20201011185728(9), ■玄関でマックを食べる家族 /20201012191504(8), ■「行けたら行く」って、来ることの方が多くない? /20201012091805(8), ■増田のヤベー奴番付けの人見てる? /20201012095929(8), ■一人暮らしの自炊はパスタが最強 /20201012125859(8), ■増田法務部のみんな教えてくれ /20201012131725(7), ■実際未だに新コロに恐怖してる奴いるの? /20201012110428(7), ■痴漢にあったことのない女、というマイノリティー /20201012174007(7), ■コンドームありのセックスこそ本当に愛のあるセックス /20201012170514(6), ■なんだかんだでスウェーデン方式は成功したじゃん /20201012103354(6)
Youwill not be able tostayhome,brother
Youwill not be able to plug in, turnon and copout
Youwill not be able to loseyourselfon skag andskipout for beer during commercials
Because therevolutionwill not be televised.
Therevolutionwill not be televised.
Therevolutionwill not bebrought toyoubyXerox in 4 parts without commercial interruptions
Therevolutionwill not showyou pictures ofNixon blowing a bugle and leading a chargeby John Mitchell, General Abrams and Mendel Rivers toeathog maws confiscated from aHarlemsanctuary
Therevolutionwill not be televised.
Therevolutionwill not bebrought toyouby the Schaefer Award Theatre andwill notstarNatalie Woods and Steve McQueen or Bullwinkle and Julia
Therevolutionwill not giveyour mouthsexappeal
Therevolutionwill notget rid of the nubs
Therevolutionwill notmakeyoulookfive pounds thinner
Because therevolutionwill not be televised,brother.
Therewill be no pictures ofyou andWillieMae pushing that shoppingcart down the blockon the deadrun
Or trying toslide thatcolorTV into a stolen ambulance
NBCwill not be able predict thewinnerat 8:32on reports from 29 districts
Therevolutionwill not be televised.
Therewill be no pictures ofpigs shooting downbrothers in the instant replay
Therewill be no pictures of WhitneyYoungbeingrunout ofHarlemon a rail withbrand new process
Therewill be no slowmotion orstilllife of Roy Wilkens strolling through Watts in aRed, Black andGreen liberation jumpsuit that he had been saving for just the proper occasion.
Therevolutionwill not be televised.
Green Acres, TheBeverly Hillbillies and Hooterville Junctionwill no longer be sogoddamned relevant
And womenwill not care if Dick finally screwedJaneon Search forTomorrow
Because Black peoplewill be in the streetlooking for abrighter day
Therevolutionwill not be televised.
Therewill be no highlightson theeleven o'clocknews
And no pictures of hairy armed women liberationists and JackieOnassis blowinghernose
The theme songwill not be writtenby Jim Webb or Francis Scott Keys,nor sungby Glen Campbell, Tom Jones,JohnnyCash or Englebert Humperdink
Therevolutionwill not be televised.
Therevolutionwill not be right back after amessage about awhite tornado,white lightning, orwhite people
Youwill not have to worry about a dove inyour bedroom, atiger inyour tank, or thegiant inyour toilet bowl
Therevolutionwill notgo better with Coke
Therevolutionwill notfight the germs thatmay cause badbreath
Therevolutionwill putyou in the driver's seat.
Therevolutionwill not be televised
Will not be televised
Will not be televised
Will not be televised
Therevolutionwill be nore-run,brothers
Therevolutionwill belive.
Youwill not be able tostayhome,brother
Youwill not be able to plug in, turnon and copout
Youwill not be able to loseyourselfon skag andskipout for beer during commercials
Because therevolutionwill not be televised.
Therevolutionwill not be televised.
Therevolutionwill not be brought toyoubyXerox in 4 parts without commercial interruptions
Therevolutionwill not showyou pictures ofNixon blowing a bugle and leading a chargeby John Mitchell, General Abrams and Mendel Rivers toeathog maws confiscated from aHarlemsanctuary
Therevolutionwill not be televised.
Therevolutionwill not be brought toyouby the Schaefer Award Theatre andwill notstarNatalie Woods and Steve McQueen or Bullwinkle and Julia
Therevolutionwill not giveyour mouthsexappeal
Therevolutionwill notget rid of the nubs
Therevolutionwill notmakeyoulookfive pounds thinner
Because therevolutionwill not be televised,brother.
Therewill be no pictures ofyou andWillieMae pushing that shoppingcart down the blockon the deadrun
Or trying toslide thatcolorTV into a stolen ambulance
NBCwill not be able predict thewinnerat 8:32on reports from 29 districts
Therevolutionwill not be televised.
Therewill be no pictures ofpigs shooting downbrothers in the instant replay
Therewill be no pictures of WhitneyYoungbeingrunout ofHarlemon a rail with brand new process
Therewill be no slowmotion orstilllife of Roy Wilkens strolling through Watts in aRed, Black andGreen liberation jumpsuit that he had been saving for just the proper occasion.
Therevolutionwill not be televised.
Green Acres, TheBeverly Hillbillies and Hooterville Junctionwill no longer be sogoddamned relevant
And womenwill not care if Dick finally screwedJaneon Search forTomorrow
Because Black peoplewill be in the streetlooking for a brighter day
Therevolutionwill not be televised.
Therewill be no highlightson theeleven o'clocknews
And no pictures of hairy armed women liberationists and JackieOnassis blowinghernose
The theme songwill not be writtenby Jim Webb or Francis Scott Keys,nor sungby Glen Campbell, Tom Jones,JohnnyCash or Englebert Humperdink
Therevolutionwill not be televised.
Therevolutionwill not be right back after amessage about awhite tornado,white lightning, orwhite people
Youwill not have to worry about a dove inyour bedroom, atiger inyour tank, or thegiant inyour toilet bowl
Therevolutionwill notgo better with Coke
Therevolutionwill notfight the germs thatmay cause badbreath
Therevolutionwill putyou in the driver's seat.
Therevolutionwill not be televised
Will not be televised
Will not be televised
Will not be televised
Therevolutionwill be nore-run,brothers
Therevolutionwill belive.
Hong Kong(香港)に代表される発音されない"g"が2つ続く単語って、日本語でも意外と多いんじゃないか。
ちなみに、ホンコンは"Hong Kong"なのに、ワンタンは"Wonton"表記になるそうで大陸由来の単語でもggワードにならない語もある。