イェール大学アシスタント・プロフェッサー成田悠輔 氏 「高齢者は集団自決を」
検索ワード:narita yusukeinternational criticism
2月15日朝、我が家に届いたNew York Times紙のInternational Edition2面に、紙面の8割を占める大きさで、例の「醜名高い」発言の記事、Yusuke Narita (Assistant Prof. of Yale) による「高齢者集団自決Proposal」事件の記事掲載。日本のメディアで愚言と問題発言繰り返す「人気者」もう1人の写真と。
古市憲寿 氏 (院は東大だが慶應義塾大学環境情報学部卒、慶應義塾大学SFC研究所上席所員)
→高齢者に「十年早く死んでくれ」と言うわけじゃなくて、「最後 の一ヶ月間の延命治療はやめませんか?」と提案すればいい。
→ [ホームレスと生活保護者に差別発言をしたDaiGo氏について]
Once I had a quitecoldattitude to Nagasaki’sAtomicBomb Victims MemorialPeace Prayer Ceremony, Iwaslike “here comesanotherPeacerallyLMFAO”. But justlookat this, theambassador ofIsraelattacked Nagasaki’smayor fiercely saying “Themayor tookover the ceremony forhis ideology”, a bigwigat theSimon Wiesenthal Center said “the Nagasaki’satomicbomb ended WorldWar 2” andnow he’s criticizing the non-invitation ofIsrael’s rep to the ceremonyas “unethical”, andtop of that, theambassador of the US, theonewho dropped theatomicbomb,istalking nonsense, saying “ifIsraeldon’tjoin we alsodon’tjoinlol.” With hearingall these I’m so surprised of finding myself very much pissed off…areyouall makinglight off victims of such a cruel weaponyou sons of bitch?
Ifyou want tobeat up themayor of Nagasaki,it'sfine to criticize the Shinkansen project in Kyushuarea, corruption, welfare arrangement, or otherissues (*Thisis just an example of sometopics, I'm not claiming that I’m actually frustratedbyany of these). Butdon’t these morons know thatthe Nagasaki’speace ceremonyis essentially a memorial ceremony? Nooneiscrazy enough to start screaming in memorial service abouthis relativeswhom hedoesn’tlike. Ifsomeonewas yelling, ”Why didn'tyou invite me to the memorial service!!”,Its clear in everyone’s mind saying, ”It's becauseyou behave that way..” … Ifyou claimyourselfas a grown-up, “itwas really ashame,letstalkitover andget things straight” should beyourresponse.Does Gillard Cohenrealize that heis making a personalattackonsomeonewho in Western terms would be thedirector of the Auschwitzmuseum?
(as a sidenote, Iamfed up also to the vulgar accusationby thePalestinianAmbassador whenHiroshimaCity invited theIsrael rep to their ceremony. Pleasego ahead and be aggressive inUN conferences, butagainis that a proper behavior in connectionwith the memorial ceremony?)
Ihaven’t say enough to thereaction of reps of Western countries to Nagasaki.Whydon’tyou think twice before reacting impulsively?No doubtJapanisone ofthe most pro-Western countries inAsia, they supportUkrainemost earnestlyamong Non-NATO countries.Still even quiet andshyJapanese peopleis totally put offby military operations ofIsrael.Itis too easy to imagine howIsraelishated in non-pro-Western countries. Whenwillyou have an imagination torealizeyour suchattitude making many countries havingdistance fromUkraine. If western countries close theireyes tohorrors in Gaza and be determined to defendIsraelanyway,why aren’t othersallowed to keep their relationship withRussia even after devastating scenes in Bucha?
(btw Iwas so impressed when Zelenskyy expressedhis support toIsrael, areyou serious?Don'tyou think of a scenario where Ukrainian militiasrise up inDonetsk or in Luhansk, resulting in heavy casualtiesamongRussian settlers, leading toRussia denouncing thisas a despicable terroristattack targetingRussian civilians? That's exactly what's happening inPalestine.)
Anywayyou morons should come toyour senses,and admitIsrael’s outrageous actions are nodifference from that ofRussia. And know thatcalling the criticism toIsraelas “antisemitism”is makingyoulook sosmart. RefusingNeo-Nazism ain’t discrimination to Germans, doxing Zaitokukai (*a nationalistgroup which calls for an end tostate welfareand alleged privileges afforded to Koreans inJapan) ain’tJapanese-hate, and impeachmentagainst Zionists ain’t anti-Jewish either.
Once I had a quitecoldattitude to Nagasaki’sAtomicBomb Victims MemorialPeace Prayer Ceremony, Iwaslike “here comesanotherPeacerallyLMFAO”. But justlookat this, theambassador ofIsraelattacked Nagasaki’smayor fiercely saying “Themayor tookover the ceremony forhis ideology”, a bigwigat theSimon Wiesenthal Center said “the Nagasaki’satomicbomb ended WorldWar 2” andnow he’s criticizing the non-invitation ofIsrael’s rep to the ceremonyas “unethical”, andtop of that, theambassador of the US, theonewho dropped theatomicbomb,istalking nonsense, saying “ifIsraeldon’tjoin we alsodon’tjoinlol.” With hearingall these I’m so surprised of finding myself very much pissed off…areyouall makinglight off victims of such a cruel weaponyou sons of bitch?
Ifyou want tobeat up themayor of Nagasaki,it'sfine to criticize the Shinkansen project in Kyushuarea, corruption, welfare arrangement, or otherissues (*Thisis just an example of sometopics, I'm not claiming that I’m actually frustratedbyany of these). Butdon’t these morons know thatthe Nagasaki’speace ceremonyis essentially a memorial ceremony? Nooneiscrazy enough to start screaming in memorial service abouthis relativeswhom hedoesn’tlike. Ifsomeonewas yelling, ”Why didn'tyou invite me to the memorial service!!”,Its clear in everyone’s mind saying, ”It's becauseyou behave that way..” … Ifyou claimyourselfas a grown-up, “itwas really ashame,letstalkitover andget things straight” should beyourresponse.Does Gillard Cohenrealize that heis making a personalattackonsomeonewho in Western terms would be thedirector of the Auschwitzmuseum?
(as a sidenote, Iamfed up also to the vulgar accusationby thePalestinianAmbassador whenHiroshimaCity invited theIsrael rep to their ceremony. Pleasego ahead and be aggressive inUN conferences, butagainis that a proper behavior in connectionwith the memorial ceremony?)
Ihaven’t say enough to thereaction of reps of Western countries to Nagasaki.Whydon’tyou think twice before reacting impulsively?No doubtJapanisone ofthe most pro-Western countries inAsia, they supportUkrainemost earnestlyamong Non-NATO countries.Still even quiet andshyJapanese peopleis totally put offby military operations ofIsrael.Itis too easy to imagine howIsraelishated in non-pro-Western countries. Whenwillyou have an imagination torealizeyour suchattitude making many countries havingdistance fromUkraine. If western countries close theireyes tohorrors in Gaza and be determined to defendIsraelanyway,why aren’t othersallowed to keep their relationship withRussia even after devastating scenes in Bucha?
(btw Iwas so impressed when Zelenskyy expressedhis support toIsrael, areyou serious?Don'tyou think of a scenario where Ukrainian militiasrise up inDonetsk or in Luhansk, resulting in heavy casualtiesamongRussian settlers, leading toRussia denouncing thisas a despicable terroristattack targetingRussian civilians? That's exactly what's happening inPalestine.)
Anywayyou morons should come toyour senses,and admitIsrael’s outrageous actions are nodifference from that ofRussia. And know thatcalling the criticism toIsraelas “antisemitism”is makingyoulook sosmart. RefusingNeo-Nazism ain’t discrimination to Germans, doxing Zaitokukai (*a nationalistgroup which calls for an end tostate welfareand alleged privileges afforded to Koreans inJapan) ain’tJapanese-hate, and impeachmentagainst Zionists ain’t anti-Jewish either.
TheSimon Wiesenthal Center denouncedBTS, an internationally popularKorean band whoselive performanceonJapanTVwas cancelled.
“Wearing a T-shirt inJapan mocking the victims ofthe Nagasaki A-bomb,is just the latest incident of this band mocking the past,” charged RabbiAbraham Cooper.Associate Dean andDirector of Global SocialAction of theSimon Wiesenthal Center, a leading JewishHuman RightsNGO.
Members ofthe band posed for aphoto shoot wearing hatswith the NaziSSDeath Headlogo. TheSSwas akey component of the Nazi mass murder of 6 million Jews during theWWII Holocaust. “Flags appearingon stageat their concert were eerily similar to the Nazi Swastika.It goes without saying that thisgroup, whichwas invited to speakat theUN, owes the people ofJapan and the victims of theNazism an apology.”
“But thatis not enough.Itis clear that those designing and promoting thisgroup’s career are too comfortable with denigrating the memory of the past. The resultis thaton younggenerations inKoreaand aroundthe world aremore likely to identify bigotry and intoleranceasbeing ‘cool’ and help erase the lessons ofhistory. The management of thisgroup, notonly the front performers, should publicly apologize,” Rabbi Cooper added.
この2点はかなり気になる――なぜなら日本人でも知らない「長崎と広島のキノコ雲の違い」を明らかにして非難していること、Mocking the victimsという表現を使って「被爆者を侮辱している」とSWCが認識していることを明らかにしていることから、決して「ナチの方は謝るけど、原爆部分は言いがかり」というメッセージを受け入れないという姿勢が伝わるからだ。はっきり言ってこのメッセージはナチ部分がかすむほどに反核的に読み取れる。謝罪すべき対象については「日本の人々(被爆者)とナチズムの犠牲者」と「日本の人々」を最初に置く念のいりようだ――これはそういう流儀なのかもしれないが。