北京より 愛を込めて
みなさんも一度やってみた方がいいですよ、Make America GreatAgainオナニーは。
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このゲームは、アメリカの過去の栄光を取り戻すことを目的とした人生ゲーム風のボードゲームです。プレイヤーは「トランプゴールドカード」を駆使しながら、アメリカ史を背景にしたイベントを乗り越え、最終的に「MAGA(Make America GreatAgain)」を達成することを目指します。
1. **プレイヤー人数:** 2~4人
2. **ボード:**アメリカの歴史をベースにしたマスが配置されたゲームボード
3. **目的:** ゴール(MAGA達成)を目指し、途中で歴史的な試練を乗り越える
4. **行動:**サイコロを振り、マスの指示に従う
5. **トランプゴールドカード:** 強力な効果を持つ特別カードで、一発逆転や戦略的な行動を可能にする
① **スタート**
③ **MAGAチャレンジ(終盤)**
① **「交渉」フェーズ(他プレイヤーの妨害 or 協力)**
##***①「交渉」フェーズ(他プレイヤーの妨害 or 協力)**
* 例:「FakeNewsで洗脳」:プレイヤーが選びたくない選択肢を強制させる
* 例:「ディープステートの圧力」:一定の資産を払わないと不利な選択肢を選ばざるを得なくなる
2. **「チームプレイ要素」**
* 一部のマスでは、**複数プレイヤーが協力**しなければならない状況を作る(例:世界大戦、貿易戦争など)
* 一部のイベント(大統領選挙、憲法改正など)では、全員で投票を行い、多数決で結果を決める
* 「影響力ポイント」を多く持っているプレイヤーは、投票で有利に進める
#***4\. 具体的な例(南北戦争マスのプレイイメージ)**
*プレイヤーA:「ちょっと待った!私は ‘トランプゴールドカード(国家統一)’ を使う!」
✅ **手持ちカードや資産を使って回避や戦略的プレイができる!**
#***① 各プレイヤーにランダムで「支援国」カードを配る**
* 例:「共産主義を嫌う行動」を取るとアメリカ国内で評価が上がる
国 | 特徴 | 支援の内容(条件を満たすと獲得) |
--- | --- | --- |
**ロシア** | 選挙やフェイクニュースを操る | \- 「フェイクニュースカード」を獲得(他プレイヤーを混乱させる) |
**中国** | 経済と技術戦争 | \- 他プレイヤーが「貿易戦争」マスに止まると、資金提供を受ける |
**イギリス** | 歴史的盟友だが腹黒い | \- 「外交カード」を1枚引ける(有利な交渉ができる) |
**フランス** | 革命と自由の国 | \- 「影響力ポイント+1」(投票で優位に立てる) |
**ドイツ** | 工業力と軍事力 | \-軍事力ポイントを1つ追加できる(戦争時に有利) |
**日本** | 経済パートナー | \- 「技術革新カード」を引ける(宇宙開発や経済発展で有利) |
**中東某国** | 石油マネー | \-資産+5000ドル(ただし戦争になるリスクあり) |
❌ **デメリット:** 他プレイヤーに怪しまれ、影響力が下がる(投票で不利)
2. ここで「フェイクニュースカード」が欲しいが、自分の支援国がロシアだと知られると不利になる…。
3. **選択肢:**
* **①支援を受ける(フェイクニュースカード獲得) → でもロシア支援がバレる可能性あり!**
* **②支援を受けない → でも他プレイヤーのフェイクニュース妨害に対抗できない!**
4. 結局プレイヤーAは支援を受ける → その瞬間、「お前ロシアのスパイか?」と疑われる!
6. 他プレイヤーたちはプレイヤーAを「反米」として妨害し始める…。
✅ **他プレイヤーの支援国が分からないことで心理戦が発生!**
✅ **支援を受けるたびにリスクとリターンを天秤にかける必要あり!**
✅ **特定の行動をするとバレるので、嘘をつくことも重要!**
✅ **支援国ごとの能力を活かして、有利な展開に持ち込める!**
1. **プレイヤー人数:** 2~4人
2. **目的:** ゴール地点「MAGA」に到達すること
3. **進行:**サイコロを振って進むが、イベントマスで選択・妨害・交渉が発生
4. **トランプゴールドカード:**ゲームを有利に進める強力カード
5. **支援国システム:** バレるまでは秘密、バレた後は影響が変化
6. **妨害要素:** 他プレイヤーに選択を強制したり、足止めしたりできる
支援国 | 秘密支援(バレる前) | 公然支援(バレた後) |
--- | --- | --- |
**ロシア** | フェイクニュースカード1枚獲得 | 毎ターン妨害を受けやすくなる(他プレイヤーの攻撃コストが半減) |
**中国** | 貿易戦争時にお金+1000 | 資産2倍になるが、強制的に「共 |
パースのアプローチは本質的に科学的探求の論理学として位置付けられる。彼が1878年の論文「How toMake OurIdeas Clear」で提示したプラグマティック・マキシムは、概念的明晰性の第三段階として機能する。具体的には、ある概念の対象がもたらし得る実践的効果を考慮することで、その概念の意味を確定する方法論である[1][3]。例えば「硬さ」の概念は、他の物質に引っかかれないという実験的帰結を通じて定義される。パースはこの格率を伝統的論理学における「明晰判明な観念」の区別を超克する手段と位置付け、形而上学的議論の空虚性を暴く批判的ツールとして活用した[1]。
パースの真理理論は「探究の終極的な意見(ultimate opinion)」概念に基づく。彼にとって真理とは、理想的な探求状況において科学的共同体が到達する不可避的な合意を指す[1][3]。この立場は反基礎付け主義的認識論と結びつき、真理を動的な探究プロセスの帰結として位置付ける。パースはこの考え方を「現実主義(realism)」と関連付け、人間の認識から独立した客観的現実の存在を仮定した[1]。
ジェームズの真理理論は「真理の道具説(instrumentalism)」として特徴付けられる。彼は『プラグマティズム』で「真理は発生する(happens to anidea)」と述べ、信念の真理性をその実践的有用性と将来的な検証可能性に結び付けた[2]。この立場では、真理は静的対応関係ではなく、動的な経験の流れの中で機能する信念の性質として理解される。
この経験論的立場は、ジェームズの真理理論と密接に連関する。彼は「現実は作り続けられている(still in the making)」と述べ、人間の目的的活動が現実構成に参与することを強調した[2]。この観点から、パースの科学的現実主義は「完成された現実」を前提とする合理主義的立場として批判された[2]。
Consider investing inheated clothing, suchasheated gloves, vests, or insoles. They can provide extrawarmth during frigid commutes.
Keep disposable or rechargeable hand warmers inyour pockets. They’re great for providing instantwarmth when needed.
Moisture can quicklymakeyoufeelcold.Make sureyourouter layers are waterproof to keepsnow andrainout. Ifyou doget wet,change intodry clothesas soonas possible.
Use a windproof jacketand accessorieslike a balaclava or facemask toshieldyourself from bitingwinds.
Ifyou’re standing or waiting for transportation,try tomove around periodically to keepyourblood circulating andstay warm.
Portableheat packs can be tucked into pockets or clothing to provide additionalwarmth.
これらの戦略は、最も寒い冬の日でも暖かく快適に過ごすのに役立ちます。暖かく安全に過ごしましょう!❄️ 他にご質問がある場合や、さらにヒントが必要な場合は、お気軽にお問い合わせください。
こんな風に"Make America GreatAgain"の"America"の部分が何を指しているかは聞き手によって大幅なブレがあって、生まれてから一度も州を出たことのない人とか、白人だけど貧困に喘いで被害者意識を募らせている人とか、いろんな人の脳内アメリカがある。唯一共通しているのは自分達を代表してくれる人がいないという欠落感であり、トランプの凄みとは即ち知ってか知らずかその最大公約数っぽいところに自身を位置付けることに成功している点にあると思うのだ。ようは国としての整合を持たないアメリカで生まれたグリッチがバナナリパブリカンなんだよ。
メタルを聞こう! Kim Dracula 「Make Me Famous」 https://youtu.be/X6o7RtOHpVc?si=m_T9DtoJvqEQ9dQv
Let’s faceit: starting a conversationon a dating app canfeel terrifying.You seesomeoneyou’re interested in,you typeout amessage, and then…youdeleteit. “Is this too boring?” “Will they even respond?” “What if I sound awkward?”
We’veall been there. That firstmessage canmake orbreakyour chances ofconnecting withsomeone amazing. Buthere’s thegood news:youdon’t have tooverthink it.With the rightopeningline,you canspark a conversation thatfeelsnatural,fun, and meaningful.
AtMixerDates, webelieve that every greatconnection starts with a great conversation. That’swhy we’ve puttogether this guide to helpyoucraft the best dating appopeninglines—ones that standout, showyour personality, andlead to realconnections. Ready to ditch the “hey” and start making animpact?Let’sdive in!
Before weget into the bestopeninglines,let’stalk aboutwhyyour firstmessageis so important.
Youropeninglineisyour chance tomake a greatfirst impression.It’s thegateway to a conversation that couldlead tosomething special. A thoughtful,creativemessage shows thatyou’re genuinely interested—not just swiping mindlessly.
Your firstmessage sets thetone for the entire conversation. A boring orgenericopener mightlead to a dull chat, while afun or intriguingone canspark excitement andcuriosity.
Let’s be real: everyonelovesfeeling special. Whenyou put effort intoyouropeningline,it shows thatyou care enough to standout. AndonMixerDates, where wevalue authenticity and positivity, that effortgoes a long way.
Now,let’sget to thegood stuff—the best dating appopeninglines that actually work. These are divided intocategories to suit different personalities and situations.
Whilethe examples above are great starting points, the bestopeninglines are theones thatfeel authentic toyou.Here are sometips to helpyoucraftyour own:
Referencesomething from theirprofile—aphoto, a hobby, or ashared interest.It showsyou’re payingattention and not just copying and pasting.
Avoid heavy oroverly serious topics right off the bat. Keep thetonelight and playful tomake the conversation enjoyable.
Don’ttry to besomeoneyou’re not. Ifyou’renaturallyfunny, lean into that. Ifyou’remore thoughtful,go for asincere compliment or question.
“Hey” or “What’s up?” might be easy, but they’re also forgettable. Put in alittle effort to standout.
This gives the other person an easy way to respond and keeps the conversation flowing.
AtMixerDates, we’reall about creating a positive,inclusive space whereyou canfeel comfortablebeingyourself.Here’swhy our platformis the best place to put theseopeninglines into practice:
We welcome everyone, no matterwhoyou are orwhoyoulove. Our platformis designed to be a safe space whereyou canconnect withlike-minded people.
Our users create detailedprofiles thatmakeit easy to findshared interests andcraft personalizedopeninglines.
We encourage our community to be genuine and kind, soyou canfeel confident starting conversations withoutfear of judgment or rejection.
Don’t justtake ourword forit—here’s whatone of our users had to say:
“I met my partneronMixerDates, anditallstarted with asimplemessage about oursharedlove for travel. The conversation flowednaturally, and therestishistory. I’m so grateful for this platform!”
While a greatopeningline canspark a conversation,building a realconnectiontakesmore than just a clevermessage.Here are thekeyelements tolook for when seeking a meaningfulconnection:
A strongconnection starts with alignmenton the things that mattermost. Doyoushare similarvalues,lifegoals, or visions forthe future?
Look forsomeonewhoiswilling toshare their thoughts,feelings, and vulnerabilities—andwho encouragesyou to do the same.
Healthy relationships are atwo-way street. Both people should be putting in effort to communicate, plan dates, and support each other.
Atrueconnectionallows both people to be themselves without judgment.Look forsomeonewho celebratesyour uniqueness and encouragesyou to pursueyour passions.
Communicationis the foundation ofany strong relationship. A mutualconnection thrivesonhonesty, transparency, and the ability to resolve conflicts in ahealthy way.
AtMixerDates, we’rehere to helpyou find thesekeyelements in a partner. Our platformis designed toconnectyou with peoplewhoshareyourvaluesand arelooking for the same thingsyou are. Starting a conversationon a dating app doesn’t have to be stressful.With the rightopeningline,you canspark aconnection thatfeelsnatural,fun, and meaningful.And atMixerDates, we’rehere to helpyou everystep of the way.
So, what areyou waiting for?Craft that perfectopeningline,joinMixerDates, and startconnecting with peoplewhovalue authenticity and positivity.Your perfectmatchisout there—and they’re justonemessageaway.
Firstdates can be exciting and nerve-wrackingallatonce.You’re meetingsomeone new, learning about their interests, and trying to figureout if there’schemistrybetweenyou. And then there’s flirting, that delicate dance of showingsomeoneyou’re interested withoutbeing too forward or awkward.
Flirtingdoesn’t have to be a high-pressuresituation. Infact,it can bethe mostfun part ofgetting to knowsomeone. Whetheryou're meetingsomeoneonMixerDates orany other platform,the most important thingis to be genuine,staycalm, and let theconnection developnaturally.
Ifyou’ve everfoundyourself wondering how to flirton a firstdate withoutfeeling uncomfortable,you’re notalone. Everyonehas their awkwardmoments, but themoreyou understand theart of flirting, the easierit becomes. In thisarticle, we’llbreak down how to flirt in a way thatfeelsnatural, exciting,and authentic towhoyou are. So, let'sdive in and learn how tomakethe most ofyour firstdate experience—withoutoverthinkingit.
Whenit comes to flirting, confidenceiskey. But whatdoesit really mean to be confidenton a firstdate? Confidencedoesn’t meanyouneed to be perfect, or evenoutgoing—it simply meansbeing comfortable inyour ownskin and showing upasyour authentic self.
Haveyou ever noticed how people are drawn to thosewho radiate self-assurance?It’s not aboutbragging or dominating the conversation—it’s about presentingyourself with ease. Ifyoufeelgood aboutyourself,itwillnaturally show. A greatsmile,good posture, and eye contact cango a long way in making agoodfirst impression.
For instance, think about thelasttimesomeone walked into a room and immediately caughtyourattention—not because they werethe mostattractive person in the room, but because of their energy. They were confident, they were present, and theymadeyoufeelat ease. That’s the kind of confidenceyou want to projectonyourdate.
Whenyou're confident,you're not worried about saying the perfect thing. Instead,youfocuson enjoying themoment, making the other personfeel comfortable, and letting theconnection happennaturally. That’s themagic of confidence—itallowsyou to be present,fun, and,most importantly,yourself.
Let’s faceit—noonewants tofeellike they’rebeing “worked” or put through a game. That’swhy subtletyis such a powerfultool whenit comes to flirting.It'sall about showing interest withoutbeingover-the-top or too obvious.
Flirtingdoesn’talways mean complimentingsomeone non-stop or using cheesy pickup lines. Infact,the most successful flirtingis the kind that happens behind the scenes—subtle, playful, andlighthearted. Think about thelittlemoments,like a teasing comment about how theyalways order the same thingat a restaurant or the wayyou laughat a silly joke theymake.
Thekeyis to find a balance. Asimplesmile or a playful comment can convey interest withoutbeing too much. For example, ifyourdate tellsyou theylove hiking but theytend togetlost easily,you could saysomethinglike, “So,you’re telling meyouneed a personal guide? I couldget behind that!”It’slighthearted, humorous, andmost importantly,it keeps the conversationfun without putting too much pressureon thesituation.
By keepingit subtle,youallowyourdate tofeelat ease.Ittakes the pressure off them to be perfectand allows both ofyou to enjoy the interactionmorenaturally. Flirtingdoesn’tneed to be a performance—it’s about creating an environment where both ofyou canfeel comfortableand authentic.
Now,let’stalk aboutsomething incredibly important in the flirting game:active listening. When we’reon adate, we oftenget caught up in thinking about what to saynext, how we’re coming across, or if we’rebeing interesting enough. But the best way tomake animpression? Truly listening toyourdate.
Active listening meansyou’re fullyengaged in the conversation, givingyourdateyour fullattention and responding thoughtfully.It’s about showing thatyou care about what they’re saying and thatyou’re genuinely interested ingetting to know them better. Whenyou listenactively,you’re also giving them space toopen up, and that can create an immediateconnection.
For example, ifyourdate mentions they recently traveled toJapan, instead of simply saying, “That’scool!”you could follow up withsomethinglike, “Whatwasthe most memorable experienceyou had there?” This shows thatyou’re not just hearing their words but are genuinely curious and invested in their experiences.It’s a great way to build rapport and let them knowyou’re not just there toimpress them—you’re there toconnect.
Whileyour words are important,body language often speaks louder thananythingyou can say. Whetheryourealizeit or not,yourbodyis constantly communicating howyoufeel. Howyousit, stand, andmove tellsyourdate whetheryou’rerelaxed,engaged, or distracted.
Small gestures cango a long way in flirting. Alight touchon thearm, a subtle lean in when they’re speaking, or maintaininggood eye contact—all thesebody language cues helpsignalyour interest. Andthe great thingis, whendonenaturally, these cues can be justas effectiveas words.
For example, ifyou’resittingat a caféonyourdate andyou lean in slightly when they’re sharing afunnystory,you’re not just showing thatyou’re interested—you’re inviting them intoyour space.It’s aninvitation toconnect further. And when they respondby leaning in too, that’s when themagic happens—the unspokenconnection that tellsyou both that there’s potential formore.
Flirting throughbody languagedoesn’t mean making grand gestures orbeingoverly touchy.It’s aboutbeing present and showing thatyou’reengagedwith yourdate in a subtle, but meaningful way.
It’s easy toget caught up inoverthinking how to flirt or trying to figureout ifyourdateis intoyou. Buthere’s asecret—whenyou letgo of the pressureand allowyourself to havefun,everything flows muchmorenaturally. Flirtingon a firstdatedoesn’tneed tofeellike atest or anassignment.It’s supposed to be afun,lighthearted experience that sets the stage formore greatdates ahead.
Whenwas thelasttimeyou had a genuinelyfundate?Wasit whenyou were trying too hard toimpress, or whenyou were both laughing, chatting, and enjoying each other's company? Flirting becomes effortless whenyou're present, enjoying themoment, and letting theconnection grownaturally.
Sometimes,it's the smallmoments—like sharing a laugh or swapping embarrassing stories—thatmake a firstdate truly special. Whenyoufocuson havingfun,you create an environment where both ofyou canrelax, flirt, and let thechemistry grow. That’s thesecret to a greatdate.
One of the best things about using a platformlikeMixerDatesis thatittakes the guessworkout of the equation.Byconnecting withsomeonewho already sharesyour interests and values,you’vegot a head starton making a realconnection.No more swiping through countless profiles hoping for aspark—onMixerDates,you already know there’ssomething incommon.
Whenyou’re alreadyon the same pagewith yourdate, flirting comesmore easily. There’s less of that awkward, “Are we evenon the same wavelength?”feeling, andmore of thefun, “Wow, we reallyclick!” vibe. Whetheryou’retalking aboutfavorite hobbies, movies, orlifegoals, the conversation flowsnaturally, making the flirtingfeel effortless.
Ifyou're looking for a place to meetlike-minded people and build genuineconnections,MixerDatesis the perfect platform.It's a great place to findsomeonewho appreciatesyou forwhoyou are andwhoyou cannaturally flirt with, without the stress.
Flirtingon a firstdateisall about confidence,connection, andfun. Whenyou letgo of the pressure andfocuson enjoyingthe experience, thechemistrywillnaturally follow. Remember, the best way to flirtisbybeingyourself—letyour personalityshine through, listen with intention, and embrace themoment.
And ifyou’re ready to meetsomeone new,who’s justas interested in making aconnectionasyou are,MixerDatesis the perfect place to start. Sogo ahead,take theleap, and see whereit leads.Who knows?Yournext greatconnection might be just aclickaway.
Sign up forMixerDatestoday and startyourjourney to exciting firstdates and meaningfulconnections!