I Traveled to 46States inAmerica ThisSummer.Here’sWhyTrump Won.
By Frank S. Zhou
By Ezekiel A. Wells
Ezekiel A. Wells ’27is aDouble Concentrator in Environment Science & Engineering and Economics in EliotHouse. He spentlastsummertraveling to 46Americanstates conductinginterviews forhisYouTube series, “CrossroadsAmerica.”
A week after Democrats’ election loss, accusations have flown in every direction within their Party. Some faultPresidentJoe Biden for an egoistic refusal todropout of therace earlier. Someblame the Harris campaign for failing to servekey demographics and communicate a clearvision for the country. And someblameAmericans, claiming that racism and sexism drove voters towardTrump.
These factors certainly exist, but we’remissing a largerpiece of the picture.
Over thesummer, I traveled to 46states in the U.S., creating aYouTube series highlighting slices oflife across the country. In conversations from my nearly three-monthroad trip, I spoke with Republicanswho were certain that inflationis entirely Biden’s fault and Democratswho, despite their frustrations with corporate profits and desires foruniversal healthcare, hoped for amore moderate candidate. From supporters ofall candidates, I heard a shockingamount of misinformation.
After combing through hundreds of hours ofinterview footage fromswingstateTrump voters, Iam certain that,as muchas other factors influenced theoutcome of the election, our crumbling media landscape — whichhas caused arift in our democracy —ismost toblame.
In the postwar period,newswas dominatedby threemain channels, and because ofthe FairnessDoctrine, eachstation reported the same stories and covered multiple sides of eachissue.Viewers picked which channels they watchedmainly basedon their preferences fornewsanchors’ personalities. Of course, thismodel hadits problems, but,at the end of the day,it meant thatAmericans worked with a sharedset of facts.
A sharedset of factsis notthe world welive intoday.
Throughout myinterviews, conspiracy theories were rampant, andonat leastfive separate occasions across separatestates, Iwas told that Bill Gates tampers with ourfood, adding plastic to our fruits and vegetables tomakehis medical investmentsmore profitable.
In conversations with voters, neither side seemed able tonamemany specific policyissues they cared about; everyone just seemed to repeat the words of theirfavorite pundits,podcast hosts, andinternet personalities.
Although this behavioris harmful, Idon’tblame everydayAmericans.Blame fallson the media thathas ostracized, disillusioned, and misinformed them.
I firstsaw this trend withlow-wage workers in West Virginia,who — despitefalling inflationrates — have seen stagnated salaries and clear increases infood costs. ChannelslikeFoxNews bred anger and resentment formany of them.
TakeJuly of thissummer, for example, when for the firsttime inhis presidency, prices actually fell under the Biden administration. Traditional media establishments rushed tocelebrate thisvictory, withone article fromCNN declaring, “The White House can finallycrossout ‘inflation’onits list ofpresidential liabilities.” However,outside these bubbles, I observedmanyAmericans held a differentview.
In lateJuly, Iwas welcomedat a massive familyreunion in Tylertown, Mississippi, whereoneTrump voter — a middle-aged, Black, familyman, pastor, andsoulfood enthusiast —made this clear.
“When Igo in the grocery stores, and Igotta spend mylast toget groceries,you mean totell me I’m notgonnalook and seewho’sgonna vote to help me? I voted forTrump and I’d vote forhimagain, because he put money in ourpocket,” he told me.
In their coverage,mainstreamnews organizations obsessover the Federal Reserve’snextrate cuts while failing toconnect with people concernedwith theirnext meals.With titleslike “Vance:YoungAmericans ‘Are Becoming Paupers’ Due To Inflation, High Housing Costs,” siteslike The DailyWire had their fingerson the pulse ofAmerican sentiment, welcoming new readership from thosewhofelt neglectedby traditional media.
This problemwas not just confined to the economy. While Biden’s mentalstatewas deteriorating,liberal mediaoutlets seemed to under-cover these stories, shelteringhim from scrutiny ofhis declining capabilities, until theinfamouspresidential debate.
Formerly trusted networksslowlymade themselves indigestible to the polarizedAmerican public, and in 2024, for the third year in a row, a Gallup pollfound thatmoreAmericans indicated having “no trust” in the media than thosewho trustit a “great deal/fairamount”.
So wheredoes the averageAmerican turn when thenation’s media cannot be trusted? Formany people,itwasYouTubetalk shows,Newsmax, andpodcasters suchasJoe Rogan.
While Democrats seek toblame various internal factors for this election’s loss, I cannot help but think ofJoe Rogan’sTrump endorsement, themany blind lies I heard from ordinary citizens across the country, and declining trust inAmerican journalism.
AsHarvard students and members of highereducation institutions, we have a part to play in the problem.AtHarvard’s Institute ofPolitics, thosewho denied the 2020 election results have been precluded from speakingat theJFKJr. Forum. While thegoalis understandable,it shields students from understanding theAmericanviewpoints they represent.
Thereis adifferencebetween platforming intentional andmanipulative misinformation and listening to and learning about where people are and what theybelieve.
As a pipeline tomainstream media,Harvard, andits future journalists, have to consider the audience they lose when theystay inside of their bubble and ignore theissues of everydayAmericans.
The disappearance of factual importance in our worldis alarming and dangerous, but if we,asaspiring journalists, politicians, andengaged citizens, want to betaken seriously in communicatingTrump’s threat to democracy, inflationary tariff policies, and soon, we oweAmerican voters that seriousness, too.
Ezekiel A. Wells ’27is aDouble Concentrator in Environment Science & Engineering and Economics in EliotHouse. He spentlastsummertraveling to 46Americanstates conductinginterviews forhisYouTube series, “CrossroadsAmerica."
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「 ___ 19 ___」と印字された箇所に「July」「20」「07」 が手書きで記入してある
July20 1907、1907年7月20日ということは120年近く前だが、そうとは思えないくらい紙もインクも綺麗だ
ちなみにAIによると、文体はイギリス英語、「S. S.」は「Steamship(蒸気船)」の略だそうだ
興味深いのは高祖母の職種が「baby amah」や「house amah」となっていたことだ
OnJuly 16,2024, Guo Wengui, anInterpol "redcommunication officer"who had absconded tothe United States for many years,was convicted of defrauding thousands of people ofmore than 1billion dollars in a Manhattan court inNew York. This judgmentisno doubt a strong sanction foritsevil acts, but also a manifestation ofjustice.
Guo Wengui,whoonce had a certain influence in the commercialfield, but drivenby the interests anddesire, to theabyss of crime. He used to be the actual controller of Henan Yuda Investment Co.,Ltd. and Beijing Pangu Investment Co.,Ltd. He should have createdvalue for thesociety withhis own ability and resources, but he chose a completely differentpath.
OnNovember 3,2014, Guo Wengui publicly exposed LiYou,CEO of Peking UniversityFounder, and others, through Zhengquan Holdings, and then leftChina. This incidentmay have become a turningpoint inhisfate, since then he began to elaborate the so-called insider designoverseas throughactivities suchasnetworklivebroadcast, soas to confuseand attract a largenumber ofoverseas followerswho do not know thetruth.
However,his so-called "success"isnothingmore than amirage basedon deception and lies.Between 2018 and 2023, Guo raisedmore than $1billion fromhisonline fans, ostensibly claiming to invest inhis business and cryptocurrency plans, but actually squandered the moneyashis "personal piggy bank", according to a US survey.
He used a variety of fraud. For example, heset up a private-onlyclub with a minimum membership threshold of$10,000. Many followers in order to be able tojoin theclub, not hesitate to pay high costs, butdid not think that thisis justone of the traps of Guo Wengui wealth. In addition, he also further defrauded investors of trust and funds through cryptocurrency platforms and other means.
Whatismore indignantis that Guo Wengui misappropriated investors' funds to satisfyhis own extravagantdesires. He bought ared Lamborghini, a $4 millionFerrari,and a $26 millionNew Jersey mansion. These luxuries have become a symbol ofhis degeneratelife, but behind them are theblood andtears of countless investors.
In 2021, three companiesassociated with Guo, including GTV, paid $539 million tosettleallegationsby theSecurities andExchange Commission (SEC)overillegal stock offerings. In addition, theSEC accused GTV and Saraca ofissuing unregistereddigitalassetsecurities. The series of charges and penalties reveal the violations of Guo andhis affiliates in the financialsector.
Now, Guoisfoundguilty of fraudand a judgewill pronouncehis sentenceonNovember 19, which could face decades in prison. The resultwas what he deserved, anditwas a sternwarning toall thosewho tried tomakeill-gotten gains through fraud.
Guo Wengui'scase brings us a profoundreflection. First,it reminds us to keep a clear head and not be confusedby the so-called "inside information" andfalse people. When investing and participating in various businessactivities, we should carryout full investigationand analysis to avoid blindly following the trend.Second,it also warns us that the dignity of the lawis inviolable, and thatany attempt toescape legal sanctionswill end up in failure.
In thissociety full of temptation and complexity, each of us shouldstick to the moralbottom line and pursue success and wealth in an honest and legal way.Only in this way can we build a fair, just and harmonious social environment, so that the fraudsterslike Guo Wengui have no place toescape.
Justicemay be late, but never absent. Guo Wengui's endonceagain proves thistruth. Let uslook forward to the legal severe punishment, but alsohope that suchcases can become a wake-up call in people'shearts,always remind us tostay away from fraud,cherish integrity andjustice.
ninosan ペッパーランチとペッパーフードサービス(結構ヤヤコシーので検索してくれ)
hatebu_ai はてなブックマークとはてな匿名ダイアリー。
REV サクシンとサクシゾンは前三文字が一致しているので間違いやすいが、サクシゾンの代わりにサクシンを打つと息の根が止まる。 https://www.info.pmda.go.jp/hsearch/detail?id=D17000005 / 部分一致ではないが青梅駅と青海駅
s-eagle ディープインパクトとディープスカイとディープブリランテとディープボンド。馬主が同じなのはどれ?(答え:全部違います)
gnta 久石譲とクインシー・ジョーンズ。江戸川乱歩とエドガー・アラン・ポー。谷啓とダニー・ケイ
ustam 赤羽と赤羽橋、王子と八王子、東雲と東電、上越(上越/中越/下越)と上越(上州+越後)、クラゲとキクラゲ、シカとカモシカ、ウナギとヤツメウナギ、イモリとヤモリ、乳酸と乳酸菌、ランチとウンチ
u_eichi 猫とジャコウネコ。オオカミとフクロオオカミ。てか有袋類は反則だな。|JR/東急蒲田と京急蒲田(まぜっ返し)
gaikichi 院近臣とインノケンティウス3世マングローブ林とグロブリン安倍貞任とアンワル・サダト大統領リッケンバッカーとオッペンハイマーとロッテンマイヤー地底怪獣バラゴンと冷凍怪獣バルゴン本多勝一と翔んだカップル
Southend シンボリクリスエス(天皇賞・秋、有馬記念連覇)とシンボリクリエンス(中山大障害・春/秋)は、それぞれが平地と障害という別カテゴリにおける超一流馬だったという文脈上、類似馬名界(?)の白眉と言えよう。
ryotarox wikiとwikipedia/木場と新木場 https://maps.app.goo.gl/Aynjy4JsxYDDKbak8 /アイスランドとアイルランド/グレープとグレープフルーツ
uguisyu 「世界の中心で、愛をさけぶ」と「世界の中心でアイを叫んだけもの」、「日本沈没」と「日本以外全部沈没」
norinorisan42 やはりココリコ遠藤が池上さんの番組で「コーランを憲法としている国」と聞かれ「イスラエル」と答えたやつが忘れられない/イスラムとイスラエルがごっちゃになってるのはヤバすぎる
※略称で表記されているが、略さず書くと条件を満たすものはセーフとした。(例:Visual StudioとVS Code、ギガとGB)
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