contemporary relevance. I suggest that smell very often invokes identity in a way that signifies an individual’s worth and status in an inarguable manner that short-circuits consciousreflection. This can be accounted forby acknowledging olfaction’s strongly affectivenature, which produces such strong bodily sensations and emotions that reflexivityisbypassed in favour of a behavioural or cognitive solution thatassuages the intense feelingmost immediately. Olfactorydisgust, therefore, tends to result in rejection, while harmful forms of olfactorydesiremay result in sublimation or subjugation. My thesisis particularly attentive to tensionsand ambivalences that complicate the typically bifurcated affectivespectrum of olfactory experiences, drawing attention to (dis)pleasurable olfactory relations that have socio-political utility. I argue that literary fictionis notonly anarena in which olfactorylogics can be instantiated, but also a laboratory in which possibilities for new kinds of relations and connections can be fostered and tested. ChapterOne exploreshow smell can be used to indicate class antipathies, partlyas they relate tohomelessness,beginning withGeorge Orwell’s seminal non-fictiontext, TheRoad to Wigan Pier (1936), before considering Iain Sinclair’s TheLastLondon (2017) and Bong JoonHo’s Parasite (2019). In ChapterTwo I explorethe fantastical, idealistic, and utopic thinking that surrounds olfaction, which presents smellas fundamentally non-human,byaddressing J. M. Coetzee’sDisgrace (1999), Virginia Woolf’s Flush (1933), Rachel Yoder’s Nightbitch (2021), and Laura Jean McKay’s The Animals in That Country (2020). Chapter Three focuseson the intersectional olfactory dimensions of ‘misogynoir’—the coextensive anti-Black racism and misogyny that Black women experience—and considers Toni Morrison’sTar Baby (1981), Bernice McFadden’sSugar (2000) andRaven Leilani’s Luster (2020). In Chapter Four, I conceptualise an oppressive olfactorylogic, whichis used against women and girls in order to legitimise their harassment or abuse, drawing primarilyon Vladimir Nabokov’sLolita (1955), but also Patrick Süskind’sPerfume (1985). ChapterFivediscussestwo forms of olfactorydesire—perversion and queerness—which have separate moral valences. Iaddress J. M. Coetzee’s The Master of Petersburg (1994),Ann Quin’sBerg (1964), and SamByers’ ComeJoin OurDisease (2020),and argue for fiction’s role in reorienting readers’ habitual relations to olfaction.
I Traveled to 46States inAmerica ThisSummer.Here’sWhyTrump Won.
By Frank S. Zhou
By Ezekiel A. Wells
Ezekiel A. Wells ’27is aDouble Concentrator in Environment Science & Engineering and Economics in EliotHouse. He spentlastsummertraveling to 46Americanstates conductinginterviews forhisYouTube series, “CrossroadsAmerica.”
A week after Democrats’ election loss, accusations have flown in every direction within their Party. Some faultPresidentJoe Biden for an egoistic refusal todropout of therace earlier. Someblame the Harris campaign for failing to servekey demographics and communicate a clearvision for the country. And someblameAmericans, claiming that racism and sexism drove voters towardTrump.
These factors certainly exist, but we’remissing a largerpiece of the picture.
Over thesummer, I traveled to 46states in the U.S., creating aYouTube series highlighting slices oflife across the country. In conversations from my nearly three-monthroad trip, I spoke with Republicanswho were certain that inflationis entirely Biden’s fault and Democratswho, despite their frustrations with corporate profits and desires foruniversal healthcare, hoped for amore moderate candidate. From supporters ofall candidates, I heard a shockingamount of misinformation.
After combing through hundreds of hours ofinterview footage fromswingstateTrump voters, Iam certain that,as muchas other factors influenced theoutcome of the election, our crumbling media landscape — whichhas caused arift in our democracy —ismost toblame.
In the postwar period,newswas dominatedby threemain channels, and because ofthe FairnessDoctrine, eachstation reported the same stories and covered multiple sides of eachissue.Viewers picked which channels they watchedmainly basedon their preferences fornewsanchors’ personalities. Of course, thismodel hadits problems, but,at the end of the day,it meant thatAmericans worked with a sharedset of facts.
A sharedset of factsis notthe world welive intoday.
Throughout myinterviews, conspiracy theories were rampant, andonat leastfive separate occasions across separatestates, Iwas told that Bill Gates tampers with ourfood, adding plastic to our fruits and vegetables tomakehis medical investmentsmore profitable.
In conversations with voters, neither side seemed able tonamemany specific policyissues they cared about; everyone just seemed to repeat the words of theirfavorite pundits,podcast hosts, andinternet personalities.
Although this behavioris harmful, Idon’tblame everydayAmericans.Blame fallson the media thathas ostracized, disillusioned, and misinformed them.
I firstsaw this trend withlow-wage workers in West Virginia,who — despitefalling inflationrates — have seen stagnated salaries and clear increases infood costs. ChannelslikeFoxNews bred anger and resentment formany of them.
TakeJuly of thissummer, for example, when for the firsttime inhis presidency, prices actually fell under the Biden administration. Traditional media establishments rushed tocelebrate thisvictory, withone article fromCNN declaring, “The White House can finallycrossout ‘inflation’onits list ofpresidential liabilities.” However,outside these bubbles, I observedmanyAmericans held a differentview.
In lateJuly, Iwas welcomedat a massive familyreunion in Tylertown, Mississippi, whereoneTrump voter — a middle-aged, Black, familyman, pastor, andsoulfood enthusiast —made this clear.
“When Igo in the grocery stores, and Igotta spend mylast toget groceries,you mean totell me I’m notgonnalook and seewho’sgonna vote to help me? I voted forTrump and I’d vote forhimagain, because he put money in ourpocket,” he told me.
In their coverage,mainstreamnews organizations obsessover the Federal Reserve’snextrate cuts while failing toconnect with people concernedwith theirnext meals.With titleslike “Vance:YoungAmericans ‘Are Becoming Paupers’ Due To Inflation, High Housing Costs,” siteslike The DailyWire had their fingerson the pulse ofAmerican sentiment, welcoming new readership from thosewhofelt neglectedby traditional media.
This problemwas not just confined to the economy. While Biden’s mentalstatewas deteriorating,liberal mediaoutlets seemed to under-cover these stories, shelteringhim from scrutiny ofhis declining capabilities, until theinfamouspresidential debate.
Formerly trusted networksslowlymade themselves indigestible to the polarizedAmerican public, and in 2024, for the third year in a row, a Gallup pollfound thatmoreAmericans indicated having “no trust” in the media than thosewho trustit a “great deal/fairamount”.
So wheredoes the averageAmerican turn when thenation’s media cannot be trusted? Formany people,itwasYouTubetalk shows,Newsmax, andpodcasters suchasJoe Rogan.
While Democrats seek toblame various internal factors for this election’s loss, I cannot help but think ofJoe Rogan’sTrump endorsement, themany blind lies I heard from ordinary citizens across the country, and declining trust inAmerican journalism.
AsHarvard students and members of highereducation institutions, we have a part to play in the problem.AtHarvard’s Institute ofPolitics, thosewho denied the 2020 election results have been precluded from speakingat theJFKJr. Forum. While thegoalis understandable,it shields students from understanding theAmericanviewpoints they represent.
Thereis adifferencebetween platforming intentional andmanipulative misinformation and listening to and learning about where people are and what theybelieve.
As a pipeline tomainstream media,Harvard, andits future journalists, have to consider the audience they lose when theystay inside of their bubble and ignore theissues of everydayAmericans.
The disappearance of factual importance in our worldis alarming and dangerous, but if we,asaspiring journalists, politicians, andengaged citizens, want to betaken seriously in communicatingTrump’s threat to democracy, inflationary tariff policies, and soon, we oweAmerican voters that seriousness, too.
Ezekiel A. Wells ’27is aDouble Concentrator in Environment Science & Engineering and Economics in EliotHouse. He spentlastsummertraveling to 46Americanstates conductinginterviews forhisYouTube series, “CrossroadsAmerica."
Google,Facebook,Snap,NVIDIA,Microsoft,Apple,Oracle, Snyk, GetYourGuide,UBS, Swisscom, DFINITY,Cisco.
Google,Facebook,Snap,Jane Street, Stripe, Coinbase,Apple,Amazon,HudsonRiver Trading, Citadel, ByteDance,TwoSigma, Palantir,Bloomberg, Revolut, GSA Capital, Marshall Wace, Quadrature,FiveRings, G-Research, Starling, Personio,DeepMind, DRW, Millenium, BlackRock,MANGroup,Jump Trading, DE Shaw, AQR,Maven Securities, Point72, IMC, Optiver, Susquehanna (SIG), XTX, OldMission, Squarepoint, Qube Research & Technologies (QRT),Yelp.
Uber, Databricks, Bitvavo, Booking,Miro, Flexport, Atlassian,Spotify, Optiver, IMC,Amazon, Adyen,Google, Stripe,Flow Traders, MessageBird,Reddit,Box,JetBrains, Personio, Elastic,GitHub, Catawiki,Tower Research,Radix Trading, Headlands Technologies, Tomtom.
Google, Meta,Datadog, Criteo,Microsoft, Stripe,Airbnb,Amazon, Atlassian, Hubspot, Workday, Ankorstore,Red Hat, Algolia,Alan, 360Learning, ContentSquare.
AWS,Amazon,Microsoft, Wayfair,Google, Meta,Apple, HubSpot, Stripe,NVIDIA,Snowflake, Personio, Databricks,JetBrains.
AWS,Microsoft,Google,Mastercard, Workday,Salesforce, Meta, Stripe,VMware,LinkedIn,Etsy, Personio, ByteDance, Coinbase, Hubspot.
Google,Apple,Microsoft,Nvidia,Adobe, Workday, Celonis,BMW,Salesforce, SIXT,SAP,Huawei, Personio,Intel,JetBrains,IBM.
Google,Snowflake,Netflix,Pinterest, Rippling,Oracle, Waymo,AMD,Samsung,NVIDIA,Box, Warner Bros,Visa,Amazon.
Amazon,Apple, New Relic, Stripe, Rippling, Revolut, Skyscanner,Microsoft, N26, Criteo,Adobe,Thoughtworks,Oracle, Glovo, Personio.
Apple,Amazon, Roku,Arm,Microsoft,Qualcomm,MathWorks,AMD.
Amazon,Oracle,Microsoft,Flutter,Unity, Skyscanner,Huawei.
Databricks,Microsoft, Nutanix, Rivian,Foursquare,Yandex,JetBrains, Nordeus, Luxoft.
Amazon,Datadog,Microsoft,Apple,Google, Personio,Twilio, Glovo,VMware, Meta,Oracle, Revolut.
Klarna,Spotify, Netlight,PayPal, Ericsson,Ubisoft, Warner Bros,King,Google,Oracle,AWS,Microsoft, Wolt.
Google, Rippling,Oracle, Revolut,Uber,Amazon, Deliveroo,IBM,Splunk.
Crowdstrike,UIPath,Google,Adobe, Stripe,Microsoft,Oracle,IBM,Amazon,Electronic Arts (EA).
Microsoft,Maersk, Zendesk, Workday,Unity.
Productboard,Pure Storage,Apple, Workday,Oracle,Microsoft,JetBrains, Proton, Parrot.
Bolt,Wise,Microsoft,Twilio, Wolt.
Microsoft,Cisco, Aker Solutions,Arm,Mastercard, Meta, Kahoot, Autostore, Remarkable, Netlight.
これらの都市は、ソフトウェアエンジニアにとって多くの機会を提供しています。それぞれの都市が提供する企業は、エンジニアが自身のキャリアを発展させるための多くの選択肢を提供しています。それぞれの企業が提供する機会や文化は、エンジニアが自身のキャリア目標に合わせて最適な選択をするのに役立ちます。 [
Guo Wengui touted things to theskyall day long, from farms toXi Yuan, he declared, "Xi Yuan's encryption capabilities and future payments,as wellasthe futureexchangewith the USdollar,will createhistory,is theonly stablecoin, floating, modern crypto financial platform." Theant help to fool the head, but after dozens of broken promises, Guo Wengui played ajumpgod, Tiandry ground branch, Yin and Yangfiveelements, Qimen Dun Jiqi battle,over and overagain to playwith theant help, and Guo Wengui nosense of violation. The old deception hypohypotically called tomake comrade-in-arms rich, claimed to be for thebenefit of comrade-in-arms, infact,itis awave of investmentand anal, tried andtrue, andnowagain. Afterthe explosion of theXicinmay not be listed, according tonormal people's thinking andreaction, must be very annoyed,sad, but Guo Wenguiis unusual, talking and laughing, understatement, nostick, but to the camera hand holdingpeppersesame chicken toeat with relish, full mouthflow oil! .Why? Because the fraudis successful,as for when theJoy coinwill be listed, whenwillit be listed? Guo Wenguiis a face ofruffian androgue, hands a spread, claiming that they do not know. Guo Wengui hypocrisy apokeis broken, Guo's scamis just a variation of the method of trappingants helpit.
ファイブオクロックオジャンジャンブルFive o'clockau gingembre
あるいは、トップの要素 お茶や柑橘、が抜けたことでまとまりを感じ辛く・スパイス成分ばかりを感じる状況なのか
Refuting the “Israeli” Claims Regarding Evading their responsibility for the Massacre of the Gaza Baptist Hospital
Today, the “Israeli” Occupation Entityistrying to evade their responsibility for the crime ofbombarding the “Baptist” ArabNational Hospital in GazaCity, which theIsraeli” Occupation Forces (IOF) committedon the evening of Tuesday,17October2023. This heinous crimewas committed against innocentPalestinian civilians while taking the hospitalas a shelter from theflames of the “Israeli” brutal aggression, which leftnowhere safe in the besieged enclave.Itis necessary to affirm that, the Baptist Hospital belongs to the Anglican Episcopal Church in Jerusalem, andwas built beforethe occupation ofPalestine.
Itis obvious that the “Israeli” enemyhas been spreading lies since the verybeginning ofhis destructivewaron our people, when he with no singleevidence claimed that thePalestinianresistance killed children, cut offheads and raped women. In continuation of this series of lies, they tried to evade their crime,attributingit toone of theresistancefactions. Accordingly, we present some of the conclusiveevidence to prove the “Israeli” Occupation Entity responsible for this heinous crime:
1)Itis nosecret that the IOF, severaldays ago, threatened several hospitals in the Gaza Strip, contacting each hospital separately and requesting their evacuation and holding the hospitalsdirectors responsible for the consequences of neglecting the threats. Infact, there are dozens of clearstatements from the IOF spokespersons in this regard.
2) Since thebeginning of theongoing aggression, the “Israeli” armyhas ignored the principle of distinguishingbetween civilian and military targets. Thus, thebombardmenthas systematically targetedemergency services, ambulances, civil defense facilities, schools, mosques, and churches.
3) The IOF contacted thedirectors of 21 hospitals in the Gaza Strip, especially those are located in the Gaza and the North of Gaza governorates,most notably: (Al-Awda, the Indonesian, Kamal Adwan, the Kuwaiti, Al-Quds,and Al-Mamadani),asking them to evacuate immediately, given that the hospitals are located within the geographicalscope of “Israeli” military operations. In this regard, theofficial spokespersons for the IOF plus anumber of hospitaldirectors conducted interviewsliveonAl Jazeera, revealing the premeditated intention of the IOF to target hospitals in the Gaza Strip.
4)On 14October,2023,at20:30, the IOFfiredtwo shells towards the Baptist Hospital, and thenext morning they called the hospitaldirector, Dr. Maher الصفحة 2 من 3
Ayyad, saying tohim: “Wewarnedyoulast eveningwith two shells, sowhy haveyou not evacuated the hospital until thismoment?!” Following that call, The hospitaldirector contacted the bishop of the Evangelical Church inBritain and informedhim of the incident,who in turn contactedinternationalorganizations before sending the hospital amessage reassuring them that they could remain in the hospital. Yet withno warning, the IOF airstrikes returned,on Tuesday evening, to carryout the massacre against the hospital and the shelter-seekers of the displaced innocentPalestinian civilians.
5) Immediately after the massacre, the IOF spokesperson quickly published astatementonhis pageon the “X” and “Telegram” platformsat 21:17, which stated, “We hadwarned the evacuation of the Baptist Hospital andfive other hospitals so that theHamas terroristorganization would nottakeas a safehaven”. Thatstatementis a clear claim of this massacre, anditis documented with a “screenshot”imageattached tohis pageon Telegram, but he quickly deleted the post after seeing the massivescale of the massacre for the largenumber of victims, and the angryresponses of the Arab, regional andinternational communities. Lateron, he disavowedit, publishanother
statement denying that he hadissued the firststatement.
6) Before and during the event, theresistancefactionsdid notfireany missilesatthe occupied territories, the “Israeli” sirensdid not activate, and the Iron Dome missiles were not launched.Moreover, dozens of reconnaissance drones do not leave thesky of the Gaza Strip (365 km2 ), photographing and monitoring every inch around the clock. If the massacrewas due to theresistance’s missiles,as the “Israeli” Occupation Entity falsely claim,why would not they showone picture their claims?!
7) The “Israeli” Occupation Entity claimed that this massacrewas causedby a missile launchedby theIslamic Jihad. However, we would wonder how they could identify and distinguishbetween the missiles of theresistancefactions immediately after they were launched?!
8) The IOF military system documents and recordsall their operationsby day, hour, minute and second, and inall previous times their mediaoutlets cameout to announce or deny much less severe massacres than this massacre,so whatmade them waitmore than 4 hours before declaring their irresponsibility other than weaving scenarios of falsification, lies and deception?!
9)Itis obviously known that theresistance’s missiles are somewhat “primitive” and do not have the destructivepower that kills hundredsatonetime. And throughout thehistory of previous confrontations and the current confrontation, noresistance missilehas caused a tenth of thisnumber of “Israeli” deaths.
10) Theonly video scene documenting themoment ofthe explosion reveals that the mass offlame and the sound ofthe explosion are identical to other “Israeli”bombs throughout thedays of theongoing aggression, which withno doubt proves that the “Israeli”origin of the missile.
الصفحة 3 من 3
The deliberateattackon hospitalsis awar crime, stipulated in Article (8, 2, b, 9) of the Statute of theInternational Criminal Court. Accordingly,Hamasofficially callson the Prosecutor of theInternational Criminal Court toopen an investigation into this crime, which falls within theframework of a genocidalwar, in accordancewith the provisions of Article 6 of theBasic Law. Thesebloody acts are also basedon the policy of denial pursuedby the “Israeli” Occupation Entity,as they denythe existence of thePalestinian people.
Thereisno doubt that impunity fuels crime, and investigating crimesis a way to protect people. Furthermore, if a legal and judicialresponseis necessary,itis aboveall that theresponse to this crime must be humanitarian and global. Such actions mustshock the conscience ofthe world, or else there would no longer be a reliableinternational community if the “Israeli” Occupation government free to decide tobomb hospitals!
In conclusion, we are facing a genocidal massacre committedby IOF against children, women, and the elderly. The “Israeli” Occupation Entityis theonly responsible for the crime, no matter how much theytry to weave lies and fabrications togetaway withit,as theyalways do.
TheIslamicResistance Movement
Japanreviewit's been a year since I
moved toJapan and I thoughtitmade
sense to finallyrateJapanI willtalk
about things Ilike and the things I
don'tlike which seems to be theonly
two options available ifyou have
actually really badit'sgot a lot of
survivalissues okayI will listone
good thing and bad thing andI will not
hold back there's no trash bins
I have to put in mypocket
there'salways thesegeneric things that
you hear oryes when weyou visitit's
kind ofweird but thenyourealizeit's
not abig dealanywaylet's start off
withnumberonereason IlikeJapan
itfeelslike agiant playground no I
don't mean in the LoganPaul kind of
sense of doing whatever thehellyou
but rather there's ainfinite thingsall
rightlazyfeelslike to explore and
experience and I've beenhere a yearnow
and Idon't think I'mgonnaget bored
anytime soon although Iam having a
child so Idon't know how muchmore I
butit reallyfeelslike awhole new
world and ifyou visitedyou can
probably relate toit and I'm glad that
even a year initstillfeels incredibly
fresh and I even would say thatyou
realize that the best part ofJapan
aren't the touristyplaces kind of
obviously but there are somany areas
that Ifound that I really enjoy
visiting and thisis probablymore
specific to me butyou knowTokyois
very busy and somanytimes I justcatch
myself surroundedby whatfeelslike
hundreds of people and they have noidea
everyoneis just doing their own thing
nowonceitwas staringat me noone's
following me noone'sbeingweirdyou
guys areweird and I'm justkidding I
justlovethe feeling ofbeing able to
exist in public and uh not worrying
about what everyone elseis doinglike
I've said this before but I genuinely
enjoytalking to fans or when people
approach meitalwaysmakes mehappy but
it can be kind of frustrating toalways
wanting to just doyour own thing and
always be
you know so yeahlet'smove on to the
bad things ofJapannumberonereason
Japanis badit's kind of a heavy
subject and Ihaven't seenanyone else
reallytalk aboutitit's not brought up
very oftenatleast and thatis cones
there's toomany cones inJapanonceyou
seeityou cannot unseeit they're
everywhere they sayoh Japanhas somany
vending machines there'slikefiveper
there'smore cones than peoplewhy are
there somany cones Ineed to know we
got the tallones wegot the smallones
wegot thefunnyones the cuteones the
sexyones I dolike those I justdon't
understand thatwhoever plays these
cones think I'm justgonna barge through
otherwise I had noidea what Iwasgonna
and Irealized the conehistory ofJapan
stretches centuries okay ifyou played
Animal Crossing sometimesit's a
Japanese game so sometimesyouget these
items rightyou'relike oh that's kind
ofweird Idon't know exactly what that
is butit's probablysomethingJapanese
and thenyouget thebamboo thing and
you'relike what thehellis that what
am I evengonna dowith that and then
you seeit in reallifehere inJapan
you'relike holy [ __ ]it's a cone that's
Ifeellike they are following me
I'm glad Iwas able totalk about this
I'm forone andwilling to callout
Japan knockit offmanno more cones
there's enough coneslet me tellyou
something even better than conesyoumay
have noticed new merch finallyit's been
unofficial merge because I literally
have no other merch I've hadn't hadn't
merch I'msorryMom so we spruced up the
logogot acool back design the team
understand how my brand and I think they
did such agood job thesepieceslook
amazing and I thinkyou guys aregonna
reallylike themas well these are
available for limitedtimeonly somake
sureyou ordernow so excited to finally
have this merch availablethanks to
amaze for making this happen we are
gonna haveonepiece thatwillstayon
the store so mymomwill not buy the
wrong merch but for a limitedtime that
piecewill be available in thiscolor
off-white kind ofcoloritlooks really
nice and then after thatyou canstill
getit but not in thiscolor that's
so yeah check thatout ifyou're
interested I'm sohappy about these
designs and Ihopeyou guys wouldlike
themas wellall rightreasonnumbertwo
IlikeJapan yay when we first announced
that we weregonnamove toJapan there
was somany people just saying how bad
Japanis actuallydidyou knowJapanis
really baddidyou know this I have to
listall thesereasonsnow because
everyoneislike thing and then thing
Japan ah so I have to tell them and I
particular that people saidwas that old
people reallydon'tlike foreigners they
hate them so when Iwasgonna stopby to
say hi to our neighborswhowas alittle
olderatleast some of them Iwas
terrifying I heardall these storiesyou
knowlike what are theygonna do to us
so I had my guard up ready for theworst
and Iwas met withnothing but kindness
and welcoming and Ifeltlike atotal
dick for having this preconceivedideas
and just a side commentlikeyes there
are definitely probably people that
don'tlike foreignersand all that stuff
but Irealized I shouldlet my own
experienceis dictate how Ifeel about
certain thingsmaybe that's just
ignoring a problem Idon't knowit just
feelslikeit's a bad way to approach
life ifyoualways have anegative
expectationyou knowit's smiling people
smiled back
thankyou sometimes theydon't and
that's okayyou knowanyway mypoint
beingJapanese people are very in my own
are very nice and friendly the majority
atleast andyes even to foreigners I
feellike they are especially nice to
foreigners because they think we'relike
akidlostat Disneyland orsomething
I justasked for directions Ididn't
needyou to walk me forhalf an hour to
this specific place Iwasgoing but
thankyou Iappreciateit a lot oftimes
Igo boulderingalone and there'salways
other groups of peoplebeing supportive
and yellinglike I'm about therelikego
youcan doit Iloveit Ithink it's
greatyou know or ifyou're small
talking with people people generally
want to communicatewith you and Ilove
having thosemoments but of course
there'stimes where people arelike oh
you're a foreigner Idon'tfeellike
even trying
whichagainit'sfine speaking of which
reason Idon'tlikeJapannumbertwo
their language
I havelivedhere for a year and I'm not
fluent inJapanese
Iam dumb Iam very dumb I remember the
moment wemovedhere I had studied some
Let'stestout this knowledge that I
have acquiredlet'sgo I'm justgonna
come init'sgonna be dangerous andyou
enter a store for the firsttime and
what oh
what the classicthe mostcommon
experiences thatyou have aren't
necessarily whatyou're taught in the
textbook yayI know I think that's the
same foranyonelearning a language for
the firsttime butdon't evenget me
startedon the kanjimain what the [ __ ]
is this IfeellikeJapaneseis such a
hard language obviously but Idon't
think peoplerealize how harditisat
least mepersonally because themoreyou
learn themoreyourealizeyoudon't
know [ __ ]
consideredone ofthe most difficult
languages and becauseit's just so
different I listeditas bad because
thatwas my first kind of experience
withit cominghere but themore I
interact with people themoreitfeels
like I'm unlocking new skillsyou know
oh Imade a phone call for the first
time oh I couldasksomeoneover the
phoneI knowbig deal butit'slike oh I
can actually do that or even just having
a small tinyyes shittiest conversation
with a strangerit'sstillsomething and
itfeelsgoodyou start toall of a
sudden understandyou know a movie if
you're watching oh I understand actually
what'sgoingonhere or I can play games
and kind ofget what this they're saying
I have tolook upwords obviously but to
meall those new experiences thatit
unlocks to meis very rewarding even
thoughit's such a challenge I would
actuallynow sayit's agood thing I
thingall along but I obviously have a
andit just Idon'tthink itwilldamage
timereasonnumber three IlikeJapan
thisisnothing to do withJapan to say
it'smore related to me taking amore
relaxed approach toYouTube for my
entire 20s Ididnothing butYouTube
thatwasmy life and that's okay but I
probablyyou know if Iwasn't making
videos I sureashellwas thinking about
making videos I uploaded videos during
anditfeels reallygood to finally be
free fromityou know and I can discover
other things inlife there are other
things inlife
a new hobbies and interest that I've
always wanted to do Ican do and have so
muchfun withit surfingI know I would
love forthe longest time and I finally
get todo it andit's so [ __ ]amazing
Ilovelearning new thingsanything that
isn't necessarilyconnected toall of
something I'm very very grateful that I
discovered so yeahit's not reallyJapan
I could havedone thatanywhere butit's
largelywhy I enjoyed so muchhere
reason Idon'tlikeJapannumber three
thisis probablythe most trickiestone
andit's the rules what are the rules
Japanhas somany rules andit's abit
conflicting for me to complain about
because a lot of the best stuff about
Japan not the best stuff but a lot of
the reasonswhyJapan works so wellis
because of the rulesyou know thetrains
arealwaysontime things just work in
generalit's hard to explainthe streets
areclean people aren't loud in public
and soon and these are sort of societal
rules thatmakeit happenmore orless
but sometimes There are rules that just
don'tmakeanysense and I have no
problem following rulesas longas I
understandthe reason forityou know
don'ttalkon the phoneon thetrain
becauseit's generally annoying when
other people do that toyou A lot ofit
is just be thoughtful of other people
it's not just aboutyou and that just
makesitmore pleasant for everyone but
one ruleis especially which Italked
about beforeisthe fact that because of
kovid I'm notallowed to be in the
delivery room for our baby formore than
two hours that's because of covered
rulesit just doesn'tmakesense to me
and I tell people about thislike uh
family andfriends and they'realways
like wellwhydon'tyou justask them or
likewhydon'tyoutalk to them I'm sure
you can there'sgot to besomewhere and
it'slike noit'sJapan okay there are
rules and people follow the rules for
better or worseyou know so themore I
Publiceducation inNorwayis free of charge, while kindergartens have parental fees1. According to a reportbyUNICEF, affordable, quality childcareis accessible inNorway 2. Parents inNorway spend an average of 3,106 kronerper monthonpre-school/kindergarten – including freeplaces,food fees, and other additional fees 3.
Any child inDenmark under theage of sixis entitled to a place in the public childcare system,as longas both the parent and child have a CPRnumber and registeredaddress 1. Although childcareis not free,itis subsidizedby thestate23.
Child care inSwedenis considered a public responsibility, andis financedby thestate, local municipalities, and parental fees 1. When childrenreach theages of 3-6 years, childcare provisionis free for up to 15 hours a week 2. Before thistime, costs are based upon a parent’s income and can be up to 3% of their salary 2. Parents sending their children to part-time preschools and part-timegroup care pay no fees, while day care centers, family day care centers, and leisure centers for school-age children receive partialstate subsidies 1.
It dependson the country inEurope. According toOECD.org, thenet childcare costs vary acrossEU countries 1. For example, inGermany, parents paybetween €12 to €400 ($14 to $467)per month for day care1. In theUK, single parents are spending 56.73% of the average earningson full-time childcare (fivedays a week)at an average monthly cost of £1,249.932.
Theofficial website forAvex Pictures and Tatsunoko Production'soriginalPole Princess!!pole dancinganime began streaming a videoonFridayfeaturing thepole dancing routine of the characterSana Murafuji (voicedbyRinaHidaka).Hidaka also performs the song "Avaricious Heroine" featured in the video. Ayaka ofSTUDIO TRANSFORM choreographed the video. Source: mangabuddys.com
The staff previously streamed a video for Yukari Mikoshiro's routine in lateDecember. The staff also debuted a prologue episode 0onDecember23, and released the firstfive-minute episodeonYouTubeonJanuary 13. Future episodeswill also releaseonYouTube.
Twenty two for theFTP under thesky,
Twentyfive for theSMTP in their halls of stone,
Seventy forGopher doomed to die,
Eighty for theHTTPonhis dark throne
In theLand ofWorld Wide Web where the Shadowslie.
HTTP to rule themall,HTTP to find them,
HTTP to bring themall and inthe darknessbind them
In theLand ofWorld Wide Web where the Shadowslie.