単位を見ると、GDPper capita = $/1人年, work hours =時間/1人年,GDPper capita / work hours = $/時間
gdpper capita | work hours | CountryName | gdpper capita / work hours |
142214 | 1473.26 | Luxembourg | 96.5302 |
114899 | 1424.58 | Norway | 80.6543 |
126905 | 1657.47 | Ireland | 76.5657 |
83598.5 | 1528.66 | Switzerland | 54.6874 |
74005.5 | 1371.61 | Denmark | 53.9553 |
69577.4 | 1427.02 | Netherlands | 48.7573 |
69081.3 | 1449.22 | Iceland | 47.6679 |
63149.6 | 1340.86 | Germany | 47.0963 |
67935.8 | 1443.72 | Austria | 47.0561 |
64578.4 | 1440.46 | Sweden | 44.8318 |
65027.3 | 1525.82 | Belgium | 42.6181 |
76398.6 | 1810.94 | United States | 42.1872 |
59026.7 | 1498.07 | Finland | 39.4019 |
55492.6 | 1511.4 | France | 36.716 |
62625.4 | 1707.33 | Australia | 36.6804 |
54602.5 | 1531.71 | United Kingdom | 35.648 |
58399.5 | 1686 | Canada | 34.6379 |
50031.7 | 1619.01 | Slovenia | 30.9026 |
51865 | 1694.45 | Italy | 30.6087 |
48396.7 | 1624.16 | Lithuania | 29.7981 |
51966.9 | 1748 | New Zealand | 29.7293 |
55927.9 | 1881.93 | Malta | 29.7184 |
49945.5 | 1754.05 | Czechia | 28.4744 |
45572.7 | 1607 | Japan | 28.359 |
45825.2 | 1643.55 | Spain | 27.8819 |
49930.9 | 1837.1 | Cyprus | 27.1792 |
46697.4 | 1770.41 | Estonia | 26.3766 |
50069.8 | 1901 | Korea, Rep. | 26.3387 |
49509.1 | 1891.9 | Israel | 26.169 |
39956.2 | 1553.24 | Latvia | 25.7245 |
41451.6 | 1635.1 | Portugal | 25.3512 |
41906.7 | 1699.6 | Hungary | 24.6568 |
43268.5 | 1814.79 | Poland | 23.8421 |
41887.9 | 1808.23 | Romania | 23.1651 |
37459.5 | 1622.07 | Slovak Republic | 23.0937 |
40379.6 | 1810.5 | Croatia | 22.303 |
37273.7 | 1732.09 | Turkiye | 21.5195 |
33582.3 | 1618.73 | Bulgaria | 20.746 |
36834.9 | 1886.29 | Greece | 19.5276 |
36484.7 | 1874 | Russian Federation | 19.4689 |
30208.8 | 1962.8 | Chile | 15.3907 |
24922.7 | 2149 | Costa Rica | 11.5973 |
21512.3 | 2226.3 | Mexico | 9.66279 |
20287.4 | 2405.39 | Colombia | 8.43416 |
酒井 2022年の日本のジェンダー指数は、世界146ヵ国中116位。それを永田町のおじさんたちは、恥ずかしいとは思っていないんでしょうね。国際会議に出席する日本代表が男性だけでも平気でいられる。
酒井 出生率も落ちる一方。出生率が高いのは、共働きでケアの公共化がされている場合だと海外ではデータがはっきり出ているのに、なぜ変えようとしないのでしょう。
上野 おじさんたちが合理的選択をしないのは、ホモソーシャルな組織文化を守りたいからだとしか私には思えません。ホモソーシャルな集団のなかで、男として認められたい。そのためには自己犠牲もいとわない。
Fertilityrate,total (birthsperwoman) -World Bank Data
CountryName | GGIRank | GGIScore | Fertilityrate,total (birthsperwoman)2020 |
Iceland | 1 | 0.877 | 1.72 |
Norway | 2 | 0.842 | 1.48 |
Finland | 3 | 0.832 | 1.37 |
Sweden | 4 | 0.82 | 1.66 |
Nicaragua | 5 | 0.804 | 2.349 |
New Zealand | 6 | 0.799 | 1.61 |
Ireland | 7 | 0.798 | 1.63 |
Spain | 8 | 0.795 | 1.23 |
Rwanda | 9 | 0.791 | 3.873 |
Germany | 10 | 0.787 | 1.53 |
Latvia | 11 | 0.785 | 1.55 |
Namibia | 12 | 0.784 | 3.349 |
Costa Rica | 13 | 0.782 | 1.555 |
Denmark | 14 | 0.782 | 1.67 |
France | 15 | 0.781 | 1.83 |
Philippines | 16 | 0.781 | 2.777 |
South Africa | 17 | 0.78 | 2.401 |
Switzerland | 18 | 0.779 | 1.46 |
Canada | 19 | 0.772 | 1.4 |
Albania | 20 | 0.769 | 1.4 |
United Kingdom | 21 | 0.767 | 1.56 |
Colombia | 22 | 0.758 | 1.737 |
Moldova | 23 | 0.757 | 1.77 |
Trinidad and Tobago | 24 | 0.756 | 1.631 |
Mexico | 25 | 0.754 | 1.905 |
Estonia | 26 | 0.751 | 1.58 |
Belgium | 27 | 0.75 | 1.55 |
Barbados | 28 | 0.749 | 1.628 |
Belarus | 29 | 0.746 | 1.382 |
Argentina | 30 | 0.746 | 1.911 |
Cuba | 31 | 0.746 | 1.5 |
Burundi | 32 | 0.745 | 5.177 |
Lithuania | 33 | 0.745 | 1.48 |
Austria | 34 | 0.744 | 1.44 |
Portugal | 35 | 0.744 | 1.4 |
Slovenia | 36 | 0.743 | 1.6 |
Uruguay | 37 | 0.737 | 1.477 |
Netherlands | 38 | 0.736 | 1.55 |
Serbia | 39 | 0.736 | 1.48 |
Poland | 40 | 0.736 | 1.38 |
Jamaica | 41 | 0.735 | 1.358 |
Bolivia | 42 | 0.734 | 2.651 |
Lao PDR | 43 | 0.731 | 2.541 |
Australia | 44 | 0.731 | 1.581 |
Zambia | 45 | 0.731 | 4.379 |
Panama | 46 | 0.73 | 2.344 |
Zimbabwe | 47 | 0.73 | 3.545 |
Ecuador | 48 | 0.729 | 2.051 |
Bulgaria | 49 | 0.727 | 1.56 |
Bangladesh | 50 | 0.726 | 2.003 |
Luxembourg | 51 | 0.725 | 1.37 |
Cabo Verde | 52 | 0.725 | 1.908 |
United States | 53 | 0.724 | 1.6375 |
Singapore | 54 | 0.724 | 1.1 |
Romania | 55 | 0.724 | 1.6 |
Mozambique | 56 | 0.723 | 4.713 |
Chile | 57 | 0.723 | 1.537 |
Honduras | 58 | 0.722 | 2.394 |
Ukraine | 59 | 0.721 | 1.217 |
Croatia | 60 | 0.72 | 1.48 |
Bahamas, The | 61 | 0.72 | 1.394 |
Madagascar | 62 | 0.719 | 3.918 |
Slovak Republic | 63 | 0.718 | 1.57 |
Israel | 64 | 0.718 | 2.9 |
Uganda | 65 | 0.717 | 4.693 |
Peru | 66 | 0.714 | 2.216 |
Venezuela, RB | 67 | 0.713 | 2.23 |
Tanzania | 68 | 0.713 | 4.795 |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | 69 | 0.712 | 1.359 |
North Macedonia | 70 | 0.711 | 1.3 |
Montenegro | 71 | 0.71 | 1.75 |
Kazakhstan | 72 | 0.71 | 3.13 |
Botswana | 73 | 0.709 | 2.836 |
Georgia | 74 | 0.708 | 1.971 |
Thailand | 75 | 0.708 | 1.341 |
Italy | 76 | 0.707 | 1.24 |
Suriname | 77 | 0.707 | 2.371 |
Czechia | 78 | 0.706 | 1.71 |
Mongolia | 79 | 0.706 | 2.9 |
El Salvador | 80 | 0.706 | 1.819 |
Russian Federation | 81 | 0.706 | 1.505 |
Ethiopia | 82 | 0.705 | 4.243 |
Eswatini | 83 | 0.703 | 2.89 |
Greece | 84 | 0.701 | 1.34 |
Indonesia | 85 | 0.7 | 2.194 |
Dominican Republic | 86 | 0.7 | 2.303 |
Vietnam | 87 | 0.7 | 1.955 |
Lesotho | 88 | 0.695 | 3.049 |
Cambodia | 89 | 0.694 | 2.381 |
Malta | 90 | 0.693 | 1.13 |
Cyprus | 91 | 0.692 | 1.328 |
Brazil | 92 | 0.691 | 1.649 |
Kyrgyz Republic | 93 | 0.689 | 3 |
Azerbaijan | 94 | 0.687 | 1.7 |
Brunei Darussalam | 95 | 0.686 | 1.796 |
Cameroon | 96 | 0.686 | 4.543 |
Liberia | 97 | 0.685 | 4.174 |
Armenia | 98 | 0.684 | 1.575 |
Senegal | 99 | 0.684 | 4.454 |
Paraguay | 100 | 0.683 | 2.497 |
Nepal | 101 | 0.68 | 2.055 |
Sri Lanka | 102 | 0.68 | 2 |
Fiji | 103 | 0.678 | 2.495 |
Malaysia | 104 | 0.677 | 1.818 |
Hungary | 105 | 0.677 | 1.56 |
China | 106 | 0.676 | 1.281 |
Ghana | 107 | 0.673 | 3.623 |
Korea, Rep. | 108 | 0.672 | 0.837 |
Kenya | 109 | 0.671 | 3.397 |
Belize | 110 | 0.671 | 1.999 |
Sierra Leone | 111 | 0.668 | 4.08 |
India | 112 | 0.668 | 2.051 |
Guatemala | 113 | 0.666 | 2.484 |
Myanmar | 114 | 0.665 | 2.174 |
Mauritius | 115 | 0.665 | 1.44 |
Malawi | 116 | 0.664 | 3.995 |
Timor-Leste | 117 | 0.662 | 3.247 |
Angola | 118 | 0.66 | 5.371 |
Benin | 119 | 0.658 | 5.048 |
United Arab Emirates | 120 | 0.655 | 1.46 |
Japan | 121 | 0.652 | 1.34 |
Kuwait | 122 | 0.65 | 2.14 |
Maldives | 123 | 0.646 | 1.712 |
Tunisia | 124 | 0.644 | 2.114 |
Guinea | 125 | 0.642 | 4.489 |
Vanuatu | 126 | 0.638 | 3.778 |
Papua New Guinea | 127 | 0.635 | 3.274 |
Nigeria | 128 | 0.635 | 5.309 |
Burkina Faso | 129 | 0.635 | 4.869 |
Turkiye | 130 | 0.635 | 1.917 |
Bhutan | 131 | 0.635 | 1.433 |
Algeria | 132 | 0.634 | 2.942 |
Bahrain | 133 | 0.629 | 1.832 |
Egypt, Arab Rep. | 134 | 0.629 | 2.96 |
Qatar | 135 | 0.629 | 1.816 |
Gambia, The | 136 | 0.628 | 4.777 |
Tajikistan | 137 | 0.626 | 3.237 |
Jordan | 138 | 0.623 | 2.873 |
Mali | 139 | 0.621 | 6.035 |
Togo | 140 | 0.615 | 4.323 |
Mauritania | 141 | 0.614 | 4.455 |
Cote d'Ivoire | 142 | 0.606 | 4.472 |
Morocco | 143 | 0.605 | 2.353 |
Oman | 144 | 0.602 | 2.687 |
Lebanon | 145 | 0.599 | 2.103 |
Saudi Arabia | 146 | 0.599 | 2.465 |
Chad | 147 | 0.596 | 6.346 |
Iran, Islamic Rep. | 148 | 0.584 | 1.708 |
Congo,Dem. Rep. | 149 | 0.578 | 6.206 |
Syrian Arab Republic | 150 | 0.567 | 2.798 |
Pakistan | 151 | 0.564 | 3.555 |
Iraq | 152 | 0.53 | 3.551 |
Yemen, Rep. | 153 | 0.494 | 3.886 |
However,EU nations are spliton whether totake thisstep or not. SeniorEU sources have toldCNN that thereis a divide in the member statesbetween countrieslikePoland,Estonia,Latvia andLithuaniawho wantSWIFTas part of the sanctions package thatwill be announced latertoday, andthe likes ofGermany,Italy,Hungary andCyprus,who have stronger economic ties toRussia and do not wantSWIFT included in the new sanctions.
Allowed countries
AL -Albania
BE -Belgium
BG -Bulgaria
BI -Burundi
BM -Bermuda
BO -Bolivia (PlurinationalState of)
BZ -Belize
CD -Congo (Democratic Republic ofthe)
CH -Switzerland
CK -Cook Islands
CN -China
CO -Colombia
CY -Cyprus
CZ -Czech Republic
DE -Germany
EE -Estonia
EG -Egypt
FI -Finland
FK -Falkland Islands (Malvinas)
FM -Micronesia (FederatedStates of)
GB -United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
GG -Guernsey
GH -Ghana
GN -Guinea
GS - SouthGeorgia andthe SouthSandwichIslands
HK -Hong Kong
HM - HeardIsland andMcDonaldIslands
HT -Haiti
HU -Hungary
IN -India
IO -BritishIndianOcean Territory
IR -Iran (Islamic Republic of)
JE -Jersey
JO - Jordan
KE -Kenya
KI -Kiribati
KW -Kuwait
LA -Lao People's Democratic Republic
LB -Lebanon
LI -Liechtenstein
LK -Sri Lanka
LR -Liberia
LU -Luxembourg
LY -Libya
ME -Montenegro
NO -Norway
NU -Niue
OM -Oman
PE - Peru
PL -Poland
QA -Qatar
RE - Réunion
RS -Serbia
RW -Rwanda
SH -Saint Helena,Ascension and TristandaCunha
SK -Slovakia
SO -Somalia
SZ -Swaziland
TF -French Southern Territories
TJ -Tajikistan
TL -Timor-Leste
TN -Tunisia
TO -Tonga
TR -Turkey
TZ -Tanzania, United Republic of
UG -Uganda
UM -United States Minor OutlyingIslands
US -United States ofAmerica
UY -Uruguay
UZ -Uzbekistan
VC -SaintVincent andtheGrenadines
VE -Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)
VI -United StatesVirginIslands
VU -Vanuatu
YE -Yemen
ZA -South Africa
ZM -Zambia
ZW -Zimbabwe
wgethttps://raw.githubusercontent.com/lukes/ISO-3166-Countries-with-Regional-Codes/master/all/all.csvwgethttps://github.com/owid/covid-19-data/raw/master/public/data/owid-covid-data.csvSELECT country.nameas '国名', covid.populationAS '人口', covid.population_densityas '密度', covid.gdp_per_capitaas '一人あたりのGDP?',MAX(covid.total_cases)as '報告件数', ROUND(1.0 *MAX(covid.total_cases) /MAX(covid.population), 7)as '人口あたりの報告件数',MAX(covid.total_deaths)as '死者', ROUND(1.0 *MAX(covid.total_deaths) /MAX(covid.population), 9)as '人口あたりの死者件数', ROUND(1.0 *MAX(covid.total_deaths) /MAX(covid.total_cases) , 3)as '感染者死亡率'fromall.csvas countryinnerjoin owid-covid-data.csvas covidon covid.iso_code = country.\"alpha-3\"WHERE country.\"sub-region\" = 'EasternAsia'GROUPBY covid.iso_codeORDERBY 6 DESC"
国名 | 人口 | 密度 | 一人あたりのGDP? | 報告件数 | 人口あたりの報告件数 | 死者 | 人口あたりの死者件数 | 感染者死亡率 |
Korea, Republic of | 51269183.0 | 527.967 | 35938.374 | 11165 | 0.0002178 | 266 | 5.188e-06 | 0.024 |
Japan | 126476458.0 | 347.778 | 39002.223 | 16536 | 0.0001307 | 808 | 6.389e-06 | 0.049 |
China | 1439323774.0 | 147.674 | 15308.712 | 84081 | 5.84e-05 | 4638 | 3.222e-06 | 0.055 |
Mongolia | 3278292.0 | 1.98 | 11840.846 | 141 | 4.3e-05 | 0 | 0.0 | 0.0 |
Taiwan,Province ofChina | 23816775.0 | 441 | 1.85e-05 | 7 | 2.94e-07 | 0.016 | ||
Hong Kong | 7496988.0 | 7039.714 | 56054.92 | 0 | 0.0 | 00.0 |
国名 | 人口 | 密度 | 一人あたりのGDP? | 報告件数 | 人口あたりの報告件数 | 死者 | 人口あたりの死者件数 | 感染者死亡率 |
Turkey | 84339067.0 | 104.914 | 25129.341 | 154500 | 0.0018319 | 4276 | 5.07e-05 | 0.028 |
Iran (Islamic Republic of) | 83992953.0 | 49.831 | 19082.62 | 131652 | 0.0015674 | 7300 | 8.6912e-05 | 0.055 |
India | 1380004385.0 | 450.419 | 6426.674 | 125101 | 9.07e-05 | 3720 | 2.696e-06 | 0.03 |
China | 1439323774.0 | 147.674 | 15308.712 | 84081 | 5.84e-05 | 4638 | 3.222e-06 | 0.055 |
Saudi Arabia | 34813867.0 | 15.322 | 49045.411 | 67719 | 0.0019452 | 364 | 1.0456e-05 | 0.005 |
Pakistan | 220892331.0 | 255.573 | 5034.708 | 52437 | 0.0002374 | 1101 | 4.984e-06 | 0.021 |
Qatar | 2881060.0 | 227.322 | 116935.6 | 40481 | 0.0140507 | 19 | 6.595e-06 | 0.0 |
Singapore | 5850343.0 | 7915.731 | 85535.383 | 30426 | 0.0052007 | 23 | 3.931e-06 | 0.001 |
Bangladesh | 164689383.0 | 1265.036 | 3523.984 | 30205 | 0.0001834 | 432 | 2.623e-06 | 0.014 |
United Arab Emirates | 9890400.0 | 112.442 | 67293.483 | 27892 | 0.0028201 | 241 | 2.4367e-05 | 0.009 |
Indonesia | 273523621.0 | 145.725 | 11188.744 | 20796 | 7.6e-05 | 1326 | 4.848e-06 | 0.064 |
Kuwait | 4270563.0 | 232.128 | 65530.537 | 19564 | 0.0045811 | 138 | 3.2314e-05 | 0.007 |
Israel | 8655541.0 | 402.606 | 33132.32 | 16690 | 0.0019282 | 279 | 3.2234e-05 | 0.017 |
Japan | 126476458.0 | 347.778 | 39002.223 | 16536 | 0.0001307 | 808 | 6.389e-06 | 0.049 |
Philippines | 109581085.0 | 351.873 | 7599.188 | 13597 | 0.0001241 | 857 | 7.821e-06 | 0.063 |
Korea, Republic of | 51269183.0 | 527.967 | 35938.374 | 11165 | 0.0002178 | 266 | 5.188e-06 | 0.024 |
Afghanistan | 38928341.0 | 54.422 | 1803.987 | 9216 | 0.0002367 | 205 | 5.266e-06 | 0.022 |
Bahrain | 1701583.0 | 1935.907 | 43290.705 | 8414 | 0.0049448 | 12 | 7.052e-06 | 0.001 |
Kazakhstan | 18776707.0 | 6.681 | 24055.588 | 7919 | 0.0004217 | 35 | 1.864e-06 | 0.004 |
Malaysia | 32365998.0 | 96.254 | 26808.164 | 7137 | 0.0002205 | 115 | 3.553e-06 | 0.016 |
Oman | 5106622.0 | 14.98 | 37960.709 | 6794 | 0.0013304 | 32 | 6.266e-06 | 0.005 |
Armenia | 2963234.0 | 102.931 | 8787.58 | 5928 | 0.0020005 | 74 | 2.4973e-05 | 0.012 |
Iraq | 40222503.0 | 88.125 | 15663.986 | 3964 | 9.86e-05 | 147 | 3.655e-06 | 0.037 |
Azerbaijan | 10139175.0 | 119.309 | 15847.419 | 3855 | 0.0003802 | 46 | 4.537e-06 | 0.012 |
Uzbekistan | 33469199.0 | 76.134 | 6253.104 | 3078 | 9.2e-05 | 13 | 3.88e-07 | 0.004 |
Thailand | 69799978.0 | 135.132 | 16277.671 | 3040 | 4.36e-05 | 56 | 8.02e-07 | 0.018 |
Tajikistan | 9537642.0 | 64.281 | 2896.913 | 2350 | 0.0002464 | 44 | 4.613e-06 | 0.019 |
Kyrgyzstan | 6524191.0 | 32.333 | 3393.474 | 1364 | 0.0002091 | 14 | 2.146e-06 | 0.01 |
Maldives | 540542.0 | 1454.433 | 15183.616 | 1274 | 0.0023569 | 4 | 7.4e-06 | 0.003 |
Lebanon | 6825442.0 | 594.561 | 13367.565 | 1086 | 0.0001591 | 26 | 3.809e-06 | 0.024 |
Sri Lanka | 21413250.0 | 341.955 | 11669.077 | 1068 | 4.99e-05 | 9 | 4.2e-07 | 0.008 |
Cyprus | 875899.0 | 127.657 | 32415.132 | 927 | 0.0010583 | 17 | 1.9409e-05 | 0.018 |
Georgia | 3989175.0 | 65.032 | 9745.079 | 723 | 0.0001812 | 12 | 3.008e-06 | 0.017 |
Jordan | 10203140.0 | 109.285 | 8337.49 | 700 | 6.86e-05 | 9 | 8.82e-07 | 0.013 |
Palestine,State of | 5101416.0 | 778.202 | 4449.898 | 608 | 0.0001192 | 4 | 7.84e-07 | 0.007 |
Nepal | 29136808.0 | 204.43 | 2442.804 | 548 | 1.88e-05 | 3 | 1.03e-07 | 0.005 |
Taiwan,Province ofChina | 23816775.0 | 441 | 1.85e-05 | 7 | 2.94e-07 | 0.016 | ||
Viet Nam | 97338583.0 | 308.127 | 6171.884 | 324 | 3.3e-06 | 0 | 0.0 | 0.0 |
Yemen | 29825968.0 | 53.508 | 1479.147 | 205 | 6.9e-06 | 33 | 1.106e-06 | 0.161 |
Myanmar | 54409794.0 | 81.721 | 5591.597 | 201 | 3.7e-06 | 6 | 1.1e-07 | 0.03 |
Brunei Darussalam | 437483.0 | 81.347 | 71809.251 | 141 | 0.0003223 | 1 | 2.286e-06 | 0.007 |
Mongolia | 3278292.0 | 1.98 | 11840.846 | 141 | 4.3e-05 | 0 | 0.0 | 0.0 |
Cambodia | 16718971.0 | 90.672 | 3645.07 | 124 | 7.4e-06 | 0 | 0.0 | 0.0 |
Syrian Arab Republic | 17500657.0 | 59 | 3.4e-06 | 4 | 2.29e-07 | 0.068 | ||
Bhutan | 771612.0 | 21.188 | 8708.597 | 24 | 3.11e-05 | 0 | 0.0 | 0.0 |
Timor-Leste | 1318442.0 | 87.176 | 6570.102 | 24 | 1.82e-05 | 0 | 0.0 | 0.0 |
Lao People's Democratic Republic | 7275556.0 | 29.715 | 6397.36 | 19 | 2.6e-06 | 0 | 0.0 | 0.0 |
Hong Kong | 7496988.0 | 7039.714 | 56054.92 | 0 | 0.0 | 0 | 0.0 |
CountryName | DeathRate |
Latvia | 14.740 |
Lithuania | 13.910 |
Croatia | 13.206 |
Hungary | 12.697 |
Estonia | 11.835 |
Germany | 11.392 |
Greece | 11.035 |
Japan | 10.865 |
Portugal | 10.813 |
Italy | 10.658 |
Poland | 10.314 |
Slovenia | 10.148 |
Austria | 9.919 |
Finland | 9.862 |
Denmark | 9.848 |
Belgium | 9.784 |
Puerto Rico | 9.734 |
Uruguay | 9.474 |
United Kingdom | 9.413 |
France | 9.365 |
Aruba | 9.296 |
Spain | 9.213 |
Sweden | 9.145 |
Barbados | 9.105 |
Curacao | 9.018 |
Netherlands | 8.908 |
United States | 8.880 |
Trinidad and Tobago | 8.601 |
Malta | 8.530 |
Switzerland | 8.091 |
Norway | 7.960 |
Seychelles | 7.921 |
Channel Islands | 7.872 |
Canada | 7.803 |
Taiwan | 7.760 |
Argentina | 7.612 |
Cyprus | 7.159 |
Luxembourg | 7.114 |
New Zealand | 7.083 |
Bahamas | 6.920 |
Hong Kong | 6.828 |
Iceland | 6.773 |
Australia | 6.647 |
Antigua and Barbuda | 6.474 |
Chile | 6.311 |
SouthKorea | 6.305 |
Ireland | 6.229 |
New Caledonia | 5.894 |
French Polynesia | 5.806 |
Israel | 5.323 |
Guam | 5.320 |
Panama | 5.136 |
Singapore | 4.752 |
Macao | 4.087 |
Saudi Arabia | 3.557 |
Kuwait | 2.908 |
Oman | 2.451 |
Bahrain | 2.450 |
UAE | 1.586 |
Qatar | 1.298 |
AD -Andorra AE -United Arab EmiratesAF -AfghanistanAG -Antigua and BarbudaAI - Anguilla AL -AlbaniaAM -ArmeniaAO -Angola AQ - AntarcticaAR -ArgentinaAS -AmericanSamoaAT -AustriaAU -Australia AW -ArubaAX - ÅlandIslandsAZ -AzerbaijanBA -Bosnia and HerzegovinaBB -BarbadosBD -Bangladesh BE -BelgiumBF -Burkina Faso BG -BulgariaBH -Bahrain BI -BurundiBJ -BeninBL -SaintBarthélemy BM -Bermuda BN -BruneiDarussalamBO -Bolivia (PlurinationalState of)BR -BrazilBS -BahamasBT -Bhutan BV -Bouvetsland BW -BotswanaBY -Belarus BZ -BelizeCA -CanadaCC -Cocos (Keeling)IslandsCD -Congo (Democratic Republic ofthe)CF -Central African RepublicCG - Republic oftheCongo CH -SwitzerlandCI -Côte d'Ivoire CK -Cook IslandsCL -ChileCM -Cameroon CN -China CO -ColombiaCR -Costa RicaCU -CubaCV -Cabo VerdeCX -ChristmasIsland CY -Cyprus CZ -Czech Republic DE -GermanyDJ -DjiboutiDK -DenmarkDM - Dominica DO -Dominican RepublicDZ -AlgeriaEC -Ecuador EE -Estonia EG -EgyptEH - WesternSaharaER -EritreaES -SpainET -Ethiopia FI -FinlandFJ -FijiFK -Falkland Islands (Malvinas)FM -Micronesia (FederatedStates of)FO - FaroeIslandsFR -FranceGA -GabonGB -United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandGD -GrenadaGE -Georgia (country)GF -FrenchGuiana GG -Guernsey GH -GhanaGI -GibraltarGL -GreenlandGM -Gambia GN -GuineaGP -Guadeloupe GQ - EquatorialGuineaGR -GreeceGS - SouthGeorgia andthe SouthSandwichIslandsGT -GuatemalaGU -GuamGW -Guinea-Bissau GY -Guyana HK -Hong KongHM - HeardIsland andMcDonaldIslandsHN -HondurasHR -Croatia HT -Haiti HU -HungaryID -IndonesiaIE - Republic ofIrelandIL -IsraelIM -Isle ofMan IN -India IO -BritishIndianOcean TerritoryIQ -IraqIR -Iran (Islamic Republic of)IS -IcelandIT -Italy JE -JerseyJM -Jamaica JO - Jordan KE -KenyaKG -KyrgyzstanKH -Cambodia KI -KiribatiKM - Comoros KN -Saint Kitts andNevis KP - NorthKorea KR -Korea (Republic of) KW -KuwaitKY -CaymanIslandsKZ -KazakhstanLA -Lao People's Democratic Republic LB -LebanonLC -Saint Lucia LI -Liechtenstein LK -Sri Lanka LR -LiberiaLS -LesothoLT -Lithuania LU -LuxembourgLV -Latvia LY -LibyaMA -MoroccoMC -MonacoMD -Moldova (Republic of) ME -MontenegroMG -MadagascarMH -MarshallIslands MK - Republic ofMacedoniaML -MaliMM -MyanmarMN -MongoliaMO -MacaoMP - NorthernMarianaIslands MQ -MartiniqueMR -MauritaniaMS -MontserratMT -Malta MU -MauritiusMV -MaldivesMW -MalawiMX -Mexico MY -Malaysia MZ -MozambiqueNA -NamibiaNC -NewCaledoniaNE -NigerNF - NorfolkIslandNG -NigeriaNI -NicaraguaNL -Netherlands NO -NorwayNP -NepalNR -Nauru NU -NiueNZ -New Zealand OM -OmanPA -Panama PE - PeruPF -French PolynesiaPG -PapuaNewGuineaPH -PhilippinesPK -Pakistan PL -PolandPM -Saint Pierre and MiquelonPN - PitcairnPR -Puerto RicoPS -State ofPalestinePT -Portugal PW -Palau PY -Paraguay QA -Qatar RE - RéunionRO -Romania RS -Serbia RU -Russian Federation RW -RwandaSA -SaudiArabiaSB -Solomon IslandsSC -SeychellesSD -SudanSE -SwedenSG -SingaporeSH -Saint Helena,Ascension and TristandaCunhaSI -SloveniaSJ -Svalbard andJanMayen SK -SlovakiaSL -Sierra LeoneSM -SanMarino SN -Senegal SO -SomaliaSR -SurinameST -Sao Tome andPrincipeSV -El SalvadorSY -SyrianArab Republic SZ -SwazilandTC - Turks andCaicosIslandsTD -Chad TF -French Southern TerritoriesTG -TogoTH -Thailand TJ -TajikistanTK -Tokelau TL -Timor-LesteTM -Turkmenistan TN -Tunisia TO -Tonga TR -TurkeyTT -Trinidad and TobagoTV -TuvaluTW -Taiwan TZ -Tanzania, United Republic ofUA -Ukraine UG -Uganda UM -United States Minor OutlyingIslands US -United States ofAmerica UY -Uruguay UZ -Uzbekistan VA -VaticanCityStateVC -SaintVincent andtheGrenadines VE -Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) VG -BritishVirginIslandsVI -United StatesVirginIslands VN -VietNam VU -VanuatuWF - Wallis and FutunaWS -Samoa YE -Yemen YT -Mayotte ZA -South Africa ZM -Zambia ZW -Zimbabwe