By Bill Gertz - TheWashington Times -Monday,September 30, 2024
Defense analystsat the Pentagonassess the new Zhou-classattack submarine that sank near Wuhanis “a new class of nuclear submarine thatis similar in size to PLAN conventionally powered submarines, but with a small nuclearreactor,” a U.S. defenseofficial said, speakingonbackground.
The new Zhou-class submarinewas confirmedby the Pentagonlast week afterone of theboatswas seen in satellite images partially submerged beside the pieras the result of an unknown mishap.
「partially submerged beside the pier」な衛星画像はない、存在するのは艀船の写った写真だけ
“As such, we do not know if the submarinereactorwas fueledatthe time of incident, or ifitis going to be relocated to a known nuclear-certified facility forits initial fueling, suchas Huludao shipyard, whichhas builtall previous PLA] navy nuclear submarine classes,” theofficial said.
本当にU.S. defenseofficialなの?
By J. Michael Dahm and Peter W. Singer -October 2, 2024 02:04PMET
TheICBMtest reminds us of a similar media frenzy sparkedby a dubious claim earlier this year. InJanuary, Western media aired claimsby unnamed U.S.officials that corrupt PLA officers had filled their missiles with water.
The reporting seemed to be unaware that theChinese term灌水 (guànshuǐ), whichdoes mean “to pour water into” but also references unscrupulous butchers adding water to meat to increaseits weight and price, used metaphorically to refer to corruption.
Yes, the PLA Rocket Forcehas experienced a crisis of corruption. No, they do not fill their missiles with water to cover up that corruption.
「ミサイルに燃料ではなく水注入? 汚職疑惑の中国ロケット軍 米報道」って
Thisstory also underlines a larger problem in Western media reportingonChina’s military in recent years: too often,it swingsbetweentwo extremes that portray the PLAas either comically inept or ten feet tall.
コイツの続きになります https://anond.hatelabo.jp/20240416183932
109,東京スカパラダイスオーケストラ/Pride OfLions
112, A ContratiempoSka-Jazz/Kamusari
115, Blechreiz,Memoria InsuficienteSka/BumbleBee
117, Desorden Público/Música deFiesta
119, EasternStandardTime/SeiPazzo
121, Fanfare Ciocarlia/Cruzzzandoel Compooo
122,Frau Doktor/Birks Works
123, GypsySka Orquestra/ElMajestuoso Imperio de Satanas
124, Karamelo Santo,Los Calzones/El Ritmo Indecente
128, Let'sGo Bowling/Hot-Buttered
129, Los Calzones/Caras y Caretas
130, Los Calzones/La Felicidad
133, Los De Abajo/DeMarcha
134, Los Tres Puntos/Perpetua
137, MoccaGarden/บรึ๋ย (กลัวนะครับOST ปอบหน้าปลวก)
138, MoccaGarden/ฮักสาวตาซัง
140, NancySkaJazz Orchestra/Laisse tomber less filles
141, NewLionSka/Quizas tu amor
142,New YorkSka-JazzEnsemble/Blowout
143, No Water Please/MA&PA
144, OffBeat Xperiment/Intentions
145,Oi-SKALL MATES/I can'tStaywith You
146,Oi-SKALL MATES/Enjoy yourself
148,Operation Ivy/Yellin' In My Ear
149,Out Of Control Army,Dr.Shenka/Al Fondo delMar
150,Out Of Control Army,The Locos/Quién devuelveel tiempo?
151,Out Of Control Army/Lilith
152, Plegue OfHappiness/REBELYOUTH
153, Plegue OfHappiness/TUNJAL
155, QuitSkaJazz/Cold DuckTime
156, Random Hand/Devil With aMicrophone
157, ReelBigFish/Don'tStopSkankin'
158, ROUTE85/Over the Limit
160, Russkaja/Rock'n RollToday
161, Russkaja/Zirk
162, Russkaja/LoveRevolution
164,Salon Victoria/Salome
165,Salon Victoria/Tumbao Fregao
166,Salon Victoria/Mr.Yamamoto
167,Save Ferris/Comeon Eileen
168, SessionesReggae/BarracasSkaTango
170, SHOW-SKA/ナオミの夢
171,SKA FREAKS/From This Room
175,SkaZka Orchestra/Bormental
181,St.PetersburgSka-JazzReview/Trip Back ToChildhood
182, The Autocratics/SolidStateSKA
183, TheDeterminations/TIPSY
184, TheDeterminations/New day
185, The Interrupters/Rumors andGossip
186, The Interrupters/Babylon
187, The Locos/Espacio Exterior
188, The Middle Volga SocialClub/Give Me the Way
190, The OLDTONES/Monopolistic
191, The RudeMonkeyBones/La persecución
192, The Scofflaws/Rudy's Back
194,The Specials/Nite Klub
196, Vallanzaska/Sisisi no no no
197,Voodoo Glow Skulls/FatRandy
198,Voodoo Glow Skulls/Left For Dead
199, Киоск/Маршрут 400
200, ผดุง ทรงแสง (แจ๊ส),ThepPhithak/ป๊าด 8
2,東京スカパラダイスオーケストラ/ DOWNBEATSTOMP
4,東京スカパラダイスオーケストラ/ ComeOn!
5,東京スカパラダイスオーケストラ/ スキャラバン(CARAVAN)
7,東京スカパラダイスオーケストラ/勇者の証~BraveEagle OfApache~
9,東京スカパラダイスオーケストラ/ 5days of TEQUILA
10,東京スカパラダイスオーケストラ/MONSTER ROCK
11,東京スカパラダイスオーケストラ/ Glorious
12,東京スカパラダイスオーケストラ,さかなクン/ ParadiseHasNo Border
16, Adhesivo/Skabullido
18, Adhesivo/Dia De Rutina
19, BadManners/ InnerLondonViolence
20, BrooklynFunk Essentials,Laço Tayfa/Ska Ka-Bop
21, Desorden Público/Allá Cayó
22, Desorden Público/TodoEstá MuyNormal
24,EGO-WRAPPIN’/ くちばしにチェリー
27, GypsySka Orquesta/ TostonSwing
31,HEY-SMITH/ We sing our song
32,KEMURI/ P.M.A(Positive MentalAttitude)
34,KEMURI/ O-zora
35,Kingston Rudieska/GiantMoment
36,Kingston Rudieska/ Captain J
38,Laurel Aitken/Jesse Jackson
40, Los Calzones/Todos Te Prometen
41, Los De Abajo,Diego Benlliure,José Grela /War 4Peace
43, Markscheider Kunst/ Ku
44, MelbourneSka Orchestra/GetSmart
45, MelbourneSka Orchestra/ LygonStreet Meltdown
46, NancySkaJazz Orchestra/ Hatcha!
47, NancySkaJazz Orchestra/ Démineur
48, NancySkaJazz Orchestra/ TomThumb
49,New YorkSka-JazzEnsemble/ BoogieStop Shuffle
50,New YorkSka-JazzEnsemble/Bopicana
51,Oi-SKALL MATES/ Bringon NuttyStomperfun
52,Oi-SKALL MATES/ Skinhead Running
53,Oi-SKALL MATES/Soulbrotherstomptogether
54,Oi-SKALL MATES/JusticeCalling 69
57,Out Of Control Army/ Global Ska
58,Out Of Control Army/ Dancing
59,Out Of Control Army/ElDiablo
60,Out Of Control Army/ Fuckthe police
61,Out Of Control Army/Skaloween-EnVivo
62,Out Of Control Army,Inspector/ Siempre Fingiste Amarme
63, PannoniaSka Orchestra/ Sahara
66, RotterdamSka-Jazz Foundation/ Backlash
67, RotterdamSka-Jazz Foundation/No MoreSorrow
68, RotterdamSka-Jazz Foundation/Tunisia
69,Save Ferris/The WorldIs New
70,SCAFULL KING/Strutting Bonin’
72, SHOW-SKA/ Scooted Scorpion
78,Skassapunka/Il piantodell'asino
79,St.PetersburgSka-JazzReview/ VolgaRiverBoatMan
80, The Busters/ScooterManiacs
81, The Fenicians/ Sac-O-Woe
82, The Locos,Bersuit Vergarabat/La Bolsa
83, The Mighty Mighty Bosstones/ The RascalKing
86,The Ska Flames/Tokyo Shot
87, TheSka Vengers/ Vampire
88, TheSka Vengers,RieOna,Shirish Malhotra/ManciniSkank
89, TheSkankaroos/ Expedition ToSka
91,The Specials/Little Bitch
92, The Super GlassesSkaEnsemble/ KeepSkanking
96, Tinez RootsClub/ Chimpanzee
98,TwoToneClub/ Beware Of TheTiger
99,TwoToneClub/ ThreeLittle Words
100, Киоск/ Чудеса
Permalink |記事への反応(21) | 18:39
Humpty Dumpty
Row Row Row YourBoat
Frère Jacques
「処女航海(maiden voyage)」「処女作(maiden work)」といった言葉に苦言を呈するフェミの方々が現れると、決まって「『船』や『ペン』が女性名詞だから『処女』が付くだけなのにそんなことも知らないのか」と得意げに反論をする人たちが出てくるのだが、はたしてこの「女性名詞説」は本当に正しいのだろうか。
From MiddleEnglish mayden, meiden, from OldEnglish mæġden (“maiden, virgin,girl, maid, servant”), diminutive of mæġþ, mæġeþ (“maiden, virgin,girl,woman, wife”)via diminutivesuffix -en, from Proto-West Germanic magaþ, from Proto-Germanic magaþs (“maid, virgin”). Equivalent to maid + -en.
中世英語の「mayden」「meiden」は、古英語「mæġden」(「未婚の若い女性」「処女」「少女」「女中」「召使い」)に由来し、それは「mæġþ」「mæġeþ」に指小語尾「-en」がついた指小辞であり、それは西ゲルマン祖語の「magaþ」に由来し、さらにはゲルマン祖語の「magaþs」にまで遡る。「maid + -en」に相当する。
maiden (adj.)
c. 1300, "virgin, unmarried," from maiden (n.). The figurativesense of "new,fresh, untried; first" (as in maiden voyage)isby 1550s. In horse-racing (1760)itdenotes young horses that have neverrun before.
これは古英語にあった文法性とは無関係です.乗り物や国名を女性代名詞で受ける英語の慣習は中英語期以降に発生した比較的新しい「擬人性」というべきものであり,古英語にあった「文法性」とは直接的な関係はありません.そもそも「船」を表わす古英語 scip (=ship) は女性名詞ではなく中性名詞でしたし,bāt (=boat) にしても男性名詞でした.古英語期の後に続く中英語期の文化的・文学的な伝統に基づく,新たな種類のジェンダー付与といってよいでしょう.
「OED によると船を受ける代名詞としてのshe の初例は1375年である」らしいが、最初にも述べたとおり、英語に男性名詞・女性名詞の区別が残っていたのは古英語(5世紀から12世紀ごろ)までである。また、これも先述のとおりだが「古英語 scip (=ship) は女性名詞ではなく中性名詞」というのだから、女性名詞説の人たちの主張はまったくの誤りということになるだろう。
2. その「新しい」「最初の」という形容詞としての用法が生まれたのは、英語から男性名詞・女性名詞の区別が失われた後のことである。
Ifyou couldonlyeatone meal for therest ofyourlife, what wouldit be?
Ifyou couldliveanywhere, where wouldit be?
Whatisyourfavorite familyvacation?
What wouldyouchange aboutyourself ifyou could?
What motivatesyou to work hard?
Whatisyour biggest complaint aboutyour job?
Whatisyourfavoritebook to read?
Whatwas thelast movieyou went to? Whatdidyou think?
Whatdidyou want to be whenyou were small?
Ifyou could choose to doanything for a day, what wouldit be?
What wouldyou singatKaraoke night?
How wouldyourfriends describeyou?
36. Whatis the bestgiftyou have been given?
37. Whatis theworstgiftyou have received?
40. Where doyou seeyourself infive years?
42. Ifyou were a super-hero, whatpowers wouldyou have?
43. What wouldyou do ifyou won the lottery?
44. What form of public transportation doyou prefer? (air,boat,train, bus,car,etc.)
45. What'syourfavoritezooanimal?
46. Ifyou couldgo back intime tochangeone thing, what wouldit be?
48. How many pillows doyou sleep with?
49. What's the longestyou'vegone without sleep (andwhy)?
52. How often doyou buy clothes?
53. Haveyou ever had asecret admirer?
54. What'syourfavorite holiday?
55. What'sthe most daring thingyou've ever done?
56. Whatwas thelast thingyou recordedonTV?
57. Whatwas thelastbookyou read?
58. What'syourfavorite type of foreignfood?
59. Areyou aclean ormessy person?
60.Who wouldyou want to playyou in a movie ofyourlife?
61. How longdoesittakeyou toget ready in the morning?
62. What kitchen appliance doyou use every day?
63. What'syourfavorite fastfoodchain?
64. What'syourfavorite family recipe?
65. Doyoulove orhate rollercoasters?
66. What'syourfavorite family tradition?
67. Whatisyourfavoritechildhood memory?
69. How old wereyou whenyou learnedSantawasn't real? Howdidyou findout?
70.Isyour glasshalf full orhalfempty?
71. What's the craziest thingyou’ve done in thename oflove?
72. What threeitems wouldyoutakewith youon a desertedisland?
73. Whatwasyourfavorite subject in school?
74. What'sthe most unusual thingyou've evereaten?
76.Is thereanythingyou wished would come back into fashion?
77. Areyou an introvert or an extrovert?
78. Which of thefive senses wouldyou sayisyour strongest?
79. Haveyou ever had a surprise party? (thatwas an actual surprise)
80. Areyou related or distantly related toanyone famous?
82.Doesyour family have a “motto” – spoken or unspoken?
83. Ifyou were ruler ofyour own country what would be the first lawyou would introduce?
84.Whowasyourfavorite teacher in school andwhy?
85. What three things doyou think ofthe most each day?
86. Ifyou had awarning label, what wouldyours say?
87. What song wouldyou say best sumsyou up?
88. What celebrity wouldyoulike to meetatStarbucks for acup of coffee?
time clocks alarms appointments schedulestansign up form team volunteers meeting black recruitment recruitingneedsign up form 5kmarathon runningracemarathongreenshoessign up form
90. What'sthe most interesting thingyou can seeout ofyour office or kitchen window?
91.On ascale of 1-10 how funny wouldyou sayyou are?
92. Where doyou seeyourself in10 years?
94. Ifyou couldjoinany past or currentmusicgroup which wouldyou want tojoin?
95. How many languages doyou speak?
96. Whatisyourfavorite family holiday tradition?
97.Whoisthe most intelligent personyou know?
98. Ifyou had to describeyourselfas ananimal, whichone wouldit be?
Iam workingas an engineer in theITarea, but Imanaged to holdit for some 2 years.
I do not have confidence yet, and Ifeel evenmore confident about my confidence for therest ofmy life,the excellence of my colleague.
If I do not desperatelydo it Iam working everyday withfeelings thatitis notamusing even if I receive a notification outside the fighting strength.
Still, inJapan, I think thatJapanhas much better skill thanCTO in thatarea.
Inthe future I thought that if I could return toJapan andcontribute to theJapanesesociety,Japan thatis visible from the outsideis bad.
Whatis bad, firstaspect ofpolitics.
Thepoint that democracyis not fully functioningagainstthe fact that there are stupid citizenswho blind the LDP, suchasAbe'sdescent.
That other partyis also notgood.Hope party? Whatis thatladylike that disciple of Ru Ooshiba? Rou Koike?
Themoreyou do not haveit, the stupidwill be clouded in katakana and psychology.You idiots,you guys say this. Ilove Katakanaanyway, Ilove psychology,100% I do not saybig things. Whatis Y's Spending. Do notfix whatyou normally call katakana.
Since the political systemisover in the first place, I think thatitis the cause of failure of not receiving popular people, especially elderly people,only short-term and useless policies absolutely. So wewill notattackonly the LDP.
Itis too fatal thatpoliticsis not rational anditis impossible to include the policy that should be done. Becauseitends with poppiness if I can not vote.
Unfortunately, the trend of changing the political system probablywill not happen ifit fails.
In recent decades, politicians have accelerated the declining birthrateand agingsociety to adistortion withoutlookon the preferential treatment for the elderly + measuresagainst the declining birthrate.
The decline inJapan's birthrate and birthrateis partly spontaneous, butthe world'slow birthrateand agingsocietyis not causedbynatural phenomena.
Thereis notany future that puttingall the energy to surrender the tax to the oldmanby tax freeover medical care.Itwas already late when we were discussing whether a largeamount of tax would be used due to politicians' old elderly votes or ten years ago, soitwas already late, we have not correctedthe orbitagain so far Iamgoing to politateon the same route.
An aged politiciandoes not think about a short-circuiting policy,the future. Citizens delight in the immediate economic policy.
Grass grows now,as thenation 's collapsehas become areality.
If the declining birthrate and the aging population advancedat this paceasitis, theJapaneseboatwillsink in20 years.Two years ago I thought I would have 30 years.
I gave up completely toJapan'spolitics. Defeatedentertainmentis not funny. I'm saying thatitisjapanese, but I do not dislikeit. To give up means toaccept failures.
Didyou have a businessanywhere other than bidding? I do not havepieces of creativity. Thereis no further ethics.
Whatisit, Mercari orDeNA or moral business orsomethingis a socialsin. I just confusedsociety,did not I? The country and the country came to know not ethics.
Ethics of theJapanese arelower than theJapanese think.
Although I derail for a while,accident happens in front of myeyes, the idiotswhotake pictures with smaho are not minoritiesatallNationalityis bad.
Even though thereis serviceonly where moneyis involved, do not say hospitalityas ifit were thenational character of theJapanese.
Itis not a minority to be a completely individualistsociety and people are troubled and help people.
At this time newcreative businessis born fromone to thenext.Itisat an unthinkable pace inJapan. Of course, there aremany doubtful businessesas to whetheritwill become money, butitis better thanJapanesesociety where thereis no brain except copying the business ofanother companyatall.
So almost no companywants to work inJapan.
Andthe fall of the company. Almost nointernational competitiveness. Even large corporationswill be crushed.
With this aging birthrate and declining birthrate,you can notcontribute even todomestic demandwith the elderlywho can not seethe future ifitis full of old people.
There are no people with a declining birthrate.It seems thatyoung people are supporting the LDPby thinking positivelyasbeing a seller's market completely.
Thereisonlyone personwhois not merely a policy of an aging population declining birthrate.Your futureis pitch dark.
Were I so stupidas towhom I thought ofgoing back toJapan? What?Itis certain thatat leastthe field of view and experiencehas been muchlower thanitwas now.
If I see myselftwo years ago, Ifeel mercyonly now.
Indeeditis visible thatitwill collapse inanother few decades Indeeditwill not be possible to return toJapan.
Why do I have to board asinkingship? Parents are theonly team to surrender,only you are to protectyourself.
Originally I decided not tomake children from the uncertain future ofsociety, not myself. I think that choicewas right.
Politician Now, ifyou are not stupid,it means thatyou are doing intentional bankruptcyactivities.
Itisgood thatyou areonly interested inbeing inspected. I do not knowanymore.
At the very least, pleasetry tomakeJapanese citizens work inthe world. If the hurdle of laborvisagoes down, thenyouwill be able todo it ifyou haveEnglish proficiency.
I had a lot of hardships. Althoughitis inferior to native, Iam working without problems.
まとめサイトであらすじと 米を読んだあとに 最終話 見てきた。
言うほど ひどくはないと感じた。
10分過ぎの コメントでevaって言われている「心理描写」と ひっくり返した料理がゴミ袋に入ったのを見たシーンが あったから 普通に理解できた。
首ちょんぱを見せるのは 映画「seven」をヨットでは 阿部定事件も思い出したり。
「なかにだれもいませんよ」はその前に「たしかめさせてください」って台詞があるから 行為としては残虐だけど 唐突ではない。
行為を表層的に見るのでなくて 意味を視てたら 僕みたいな微妙なオタクでも 楽しめた。