・Behavioral interventions. Ihaven’t much mentionedit given thefocuson the biological side of neuroscience, but psychiatry and psychology have of course developed a wide repertoire of behavioral interventionsover the20th century;it stands toreason thatAI could accelerate theseas well, both the development of new methods and helping patients to adhere to existing methods.Morebroadly, theidea of an “AIcoach”whoalways helpsyou to be the bestversion ofyourself,who studiesyour interactions and helpsyou learn to bemore effective, seems very promising.
・行動介入。神経科学の生物学的側面に焦点が当てられているため、これについてはあまり触れていませんが、精神医学と心理学は、もちろん20 世紀を通じて行動介入の幅広いレパートリーを開発してきました。AI が、新しい方法の開発と、患者が既存の方法に従うのを支援することの両方で、これらを加速させる可能性もあるのは当然です。より広い意味では、常に最高の自分になれるよう支援し、あなたのやり取りを研究して、より効果的になる方法を学ぶのを手助けしてくれる「AIコーチ」というアイデアは、非常に有望に思えます。
・Everyday problems that wedon’t think ofas clinical diseasewill also be solved.Most of us have everyday psychological problems that are not ordinarily thought ofas rising to thelevel of clinical disease. Some people are quick to anger, others have troublefocusing or are often drowsy, some are fearful or anxious, or react badly tochange.Today, drugs already exist to help with e.g. alertness orfocus (caffeine, modafinil, ritalin) butas with many other previous areas, muchmoreis likely to be possible. Probably manymore such drugs exist and have not been discovered, and theremay also be totally new modalities of intervention, suchas targetedlight stimulation (see optogenetics above) ormagneticfields. Given how many drugs we’ve developed in the20th century that tune cognitive function and emotionalstate, I’m very optimistic about the “compressed 21st” where everyone canget theirbrain to behave abit better and have amore fulfilling day-to-day experience.
・Human baseline experience can be much better. Takingonestep further, many people have experienced extraordinarymoments of revelation,creativeinspiration, compassion, fulfillment, transcendence,love, beauty, or meditativepeace. The character and frequency of these experiences differs greatly from person to person and within the same personat different times, and can also sometimes be triggeredby various drugs (though often with side effects).All of this suggests that the “space of whatis possible to experience”is verybroad and that a larger fraction of people’s lives could consist of these extraordinarymoments.Itis probably also possible toimprove various cognitive functions across the board. Thisis perhaps the neuroscienceversion of “biologicalfreedom” or “extended lifespans”.
元増田やで 結構伸びてて嬉しい (↓ブクマより) pseudomeme ハーモニーやな 伊藤計劃の小説のことかな ディストピアものでよく名前上がるから今度読んでみるかな