The smell of paint and buzzing of bees. Iwasmade to paint the fenceas punishment.By meis Ben, theneighbor boy.
"Havingfun?" heasks, mocking. I won't lethimmakefun of me!
"I could do thisall day!" I replied. And guess what? Ben begged for thebrush totryit, offering anapple in return. Otherkids lined up, too. offering me their valuables.Now that'sadventure!
The fencewas painted,and adventure awaited! But then, I spotted anangel! In an instant, Amy left myheart, making room for thisgirl. Naturally, I flipped, jumped, and showed off, justwinher admiration.At first,she paid me no mind, but thenshe threw aflowerat me.
"It's asign!" I thought to myself. Isaton the fence and waited until evening, hoping to seeheragain.