Assumingyou walked from TochigiStation
Walk towards thestation along theroad in front of the NewGingerMuseum,
andyouwill see ahugebuildingwith Tochigi Bank writtenonit.
Cross the trafficlight in front ofit andyouwill see a mysterioushouse with aCommunist Party posteronit calledHasegawa Makurasomething, then walk towardsYakinikuKing
Thenyouwill see abuildingwith TOBU writtenonit, andthe city hallisonthe second floorand above.
Whereis the tourist information centre?
Do notcross in front of Tochigi Bankas in the previous steps, but walk untilyoureach the diagonalroad. Thenyouwill see a really large parking lot and the tourist information centreisnext toit (they sometimes hold events in this large parking lot).
Thereis. Ifyou head towardsthe city hall,youwill definitelyget there. TheAshikaga Bankis diagonally opposite.
How do Iget to the UzumagawaRiver?
There arefishing equipment shops and clothing stores lined upnext toStarbucks.
Turn towards the shopping street andyouwill see abridge. That's KoraiBridge, and theriver that flows underneathis the UzumagawaRiver.
On the way fromthe museum to thestation, thereis aToyotarentalcar, soyou canrent acar there, orask the tourist information center whereyou canrent a bicycle.
Ifyou canget either of those,go straight to Nakazawa Seimen, then turn toward Yoshinoya. Ifyou keepgoing up the mountain,youwill findYamaoka-ya diagonally across fromAeon.
I want togo to Korakuen.
Go in the opposite direction from thestation (where the viaductis),
youwill findTSUTAYA. From there, pass Family Mart and thegasstation,cross thecrosswalk, andyouwill find Korakuen in the parking lot of a supermarket calledYaohan (there are a lot of old people there).
Whereis the pachinko parlor?
Drive pastTSUTAYA, andbeyond Korakuen thereis abridge, andbeyond thatis the pachinko parlor. After that,go pastYamaokaya andgo toAeon, and therewill be a pachinko parlor right in front ofyou (as anaside, that storehas disappearedonce)
I want to buysomething to drink
Go outside andgo to Kawachi, whichis just across thecrosswalk.Yesterday they were selling oolong tea for 60yen. Oh, insidethe museum thereis a vendingmachine that sellssomethinglikefreshgingerpowder, disguisedas a drink vendingmachine. Becareful
You can use theATMatthe Family Martnext toTSUTAYA, orgo to the 7-Eleven in front of thestation (next to Sukiya), or use theATMat theconvenience store inside thestation.
栃木駅から徒歩で来たと仮定して 市役所ってどこにあるの? 新生姜ミュージアムの前の道を駅の方へ歩くと、 栃木銀行と書かれた無駄にデカい建物があります そこの前の信号を渡ると...
Assuming you walked from Tochigi Station Where is the city hall? Walk towards the station along the road in front of the New Ginger Museum, and you will see a huge building with Tochigi Bank written on it. Cross the traffic light in front of it an...