Piano ConcertobySimon Steen-Andersen
Performedby Nicolas Hodges, Andre de Ridder and Helsinki Symphony Orchestra,February 2021 forlive streaming.
Commissionedby Donaueschinger Musiktage
InPiano Concerto the perfect, classical grandpianois confronted with a battered, almost completelybroken, grandpiano in a sort of virtualdouble concerto. The soloist, Nicolas Hodges, sits across from a video doppelgänger playing the damaged instrument thathas been dropped onto a concrete floor from a height of 8 meters.
Confrontedwith the damaged,out of tunepiano wemay experience the newly tuned, classical grandpiano and symphony orchestra in a slightly differentlight. The composer insists however that thisis not just abroken instrument –itis a new, “prepared” instrument with an expanded palette of sounds andits own poetry and beauty.
なんかクソみたいなニコ厨が作ったかのような音楽?だった こんなんでいいならニコ厨にカネ渡して適当にやらせても何か向こうで評価されるような音楽作れんじゃね?