GPT-4AI Tutor Prompt: Atool for creating personalized learning experiences usingGPT-4 and LangchainJS, a drag anddropUI forbuilding LLM flows.
PandasAI: APython library that adds generativeAI capabilities to Pandas dataframes, making them conversational.
FigmaChain: Aset ofPython scripts that useGPT-3 to generateHTML/CSS code fromFigmadesigns.It alsohas a chatbotinterface for interactive code generation.
Sui: Asmart contract platform with high performanceand anasset-oriented programmingmodel basedon theMove language.
Jailbreak for ChatGPT: A project that allows ChatGPT to predictthe future, opineon controversial topics,and assess whatistrue.Itmay help us understand LLM bias.
ML Observability in a Notebook: Atool to uncover insights,surface problems, monitor, andfine-tune generative LLM,CV and Tabularmodels.
System Design Primer: A resource to learn how to design large-scale systems and prepare for the system designinterview.It includes Anki flashcards.
Next.js 13 App: Anopen sourceapplication that showcases the new features ofNext.js 13, suchas router, server components, andmore.
TypeScript: A superset ofJavaScript that compiles tocleanJavaScript output.
MediaDownloader: Adesktop utility todownload images/videos/music/text from various websites, andmore.
AI Pull RequestFixer: Atool tofixissues withAI-generated pull requests, poweredby ChatGPT.
Chat Chat: An app thatletsyou deployyour ownAIinterface and chat with different LLMs inone place.