When Iwas incollege, I had a part-time job writing moaningvoices incessantly.
Itwas a part-time jobat an erotic game company that Iwas introduced tobyone of my seniors.
The company put a lot of effort into thestory of their erotic games, and thewriterswho worked there wereall peoplewho tookpride in their writing.
From theirpoint ofview,itwas apain towrite the moaningvoices in thesex scenes, so they decided to leaveit to the part-time workers.
First, Iwas given the "gist" of thesex scene, suchas "unzipping" or "moving hips faster.
2. I would thenadd my own moaningvoices, suchas "mmm ......" and "ahhhhhh", in a reasonable amount ofsalt.
3. the scenariowriter checksit andit's done.
Thismay sound easy, butitis surprisingly difficult.
First ofall, thereis a certain length to ansex scene, soitis necessary tomakeit exciting precisely within that range.
The sounds used must be gradual, so that the audiencedoes notget bored, andthe excitement must be gradually increased.
Itis also important to adjust the length of thetext.
If thetextis too short,it won't convey asexualpleasure feeling, but ifitis too long, thevoicewill become redundant.
In this way, asense of balance and systematic pacingis required toget abird's eyeview of eroticism.
Itwas definitely not a job that I could just bangon thekeyboardas I pleased.
My first workwas a "youngersister"story, and I had a hardtimeallocating the "a" sound forthe secondsex scene.
Ifshe said "aaaaah" from thebeginning,it would soundlike a seasonedwhore's moaningvoices, but ifShe said "an",it would not be erotic enough.
I finishedit after much effort, but thewriter said, "Couldn'tyoumakeit faster?” I'm disappointed.
As Iwas puzzlingover what to do with ...... in front of thecomputer leftby my predecessor (only the "A"keyon thekeyboardwas strangelyshiny), I noticedthe existence of a file.
Itwas anExcel file titled "moaning-editor.xls," anditwas a macro leftby my predecessor specifically for making moaningvoice.
By enteringlinesonebyone in the vertically aligned cells, the phoneticelements suchas vowels and consonants in eachline were automatically converted into numericalvalues.
Furthermore,byadding and subtracting the numericalvalues, avalue called "climaxlevel"was calculated.
This "climaxlevel"make abreakthrough to creating the ideal moaningvoice.
If the sentenceis constructed in such a way that thisvalue gradually increases from thebeginning to the end of the scene, thevoice comes ideally.
It seemed that my predecessor had single-handedly created such an amazingand awesomeExcel program.
I guess he wanted toshareit with me,his successor, while hidingit fromhisbossas asecrettool.
Thanks to thistool, my work became much easier, and I couldcontinue tomake moving sounds with a stable quality.
One day, while Iwas working, I noticedsomething.
Theoretically,anytext can be entered intothe cell where the moaningvoiceis supposed input.
In other words to that,anytext other than a moaningvoice could be used to calculate the "climaxlevel".
So I tried to calculate the "climaxlevel" of famous works in thehistory of literature.
For example, "I havealways calledhim teacher." for exampleis12, and "Heis recklesslikehis parents andhas been doingnothing but losing money since hewas a child. "is 30.
I havealways calledhim teacher.
Author , Natume Soseki
Out , in 1914
Story of distressedmanwho robbed lover fromhisfriendby lying.
Heis recklesslikehis parents andhas been doingnothing but losing money since hewas a child.
Author , Natume Soseki
Out , in 1906
Story that revenge ofone teacher,whowas naughty boy inyouth ,to nasty coworker.
I hadn't expected this, butas I researched, Ifound thatmany of the masterpieces were writtenon the same principleas my work.
In other words, the degree of "climax" increases toward the end.
The most notable exampleisAkutagawa's "Nobody knows where the servant"is. Thenumber ofclimaxes in thisstoryis 367.
Nobody knows where the servant
Author ,Akutagawa Ryunosuke
Out , in 1915
Story ofone fired servantstruggle tosurvive and he decide throwasidehishuman conscience.
The scene in which a drugged marriedwoman faintswith the whites ofhereyesisatmost 330, soyou can see howastonishing thenumberis.
It turnsout that "climax"is auniversal rule that applies toall kinds of writing.
After realizing thisfact, Istarted towrite every sentenceas ifit were a gasp.
And I have been successful in everyaspect ofmy life.
In job-hunting entrysheets, too,itis the distribution of the "climaxlevel" thatis important.
For example, in theeducation section, ifyoudropout of the universitywith thename thathas the highest "climaxlevel" and useitasyourfinaleducation,itwilllook very different.
(It dependson thename of the university, but in general, "droppedout"has a higherclimaxlevel than "graduated.)
As some ofyoumay have noticed, I've been writing this article in such a wayas to gradually increase theclimaxlevel.
↑Theclimaxlevel of this sentenceis 290.
I'dlike to end this sentencehere, sinceit'sgetting quite high.
Ohhhh! Aaahhhh!