こうして比較してみると、"radioactive water" はどちらかと言えば強い方の表現だなと思った。
contaminatedFukushima water, contaminated water
Japan saysitwill releasemore thanone million tonnes of contaminated water from the ruinedFukushima nuclearpower station back into thesea, in a decision that drewswift condemnation fromChina, SouthKorea and environmental groups andis likely to anger thefishing industry.
Fukushima radioactive water, contaminated water
Japan to announceFukushima radioactive water release intosea
Tokyo appearsset to formally announceitsfinal decisionon the release of contaminated water fromits wreckedFukushima nuclearpowerplant into thesea.
wastewater, contaminated water
Japanhas approved a plan to releasemore thanone million tonnes of contaminated water from the destroyedFukushima nuclearplant into thesea.
treatedFukushima water, contaminated water
Japan to release treatedFukushima water into thesea:PM Yoshihide Suga
TheJapanese government plans to releasemore than 1 million tonnes of contaminated water from the destroyedFukushima nuclearplant intothe ocean,Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga saidon Tuesday (Apr 13), in a controversial decision that follows years of debate.
Fukushima wastewater, radioactive water
Japan determined to releaseFukushima wastewater despite backlash
JapanesePrime Minister Yoshihide Suga saidonMonday that the disposal of radioactive water from the crippledFukushima nuclearpowerplant cannot bepostponed amid plans to rebuild theplant, despite the looming backlash from bothhomeand abroad,broadcasterNHK reported.
treatedFukushima water, treated radioactive water
Japan to start releasing treatedFukushima water intosea in 2 years
Japanwill start releasingmore than 1 million metric tons of treated radioactive water fromits destroyedFukushima nuclearplant intothe ocean intwo years, the government said Tuesday -- a plan thatfaces oppositionathome andhas raised "graveconcern" in neighboring countries.
radioactive water
Fukushima: SouthKorea summonsJapan'senvoyoverdumping decision
TheJapanese governmenthas approved a controversial plan to release radioactive water from the wreckedFukushima nuclearplant intothe ocean. SouthKorea expressed 'strongregret'over the decision.
Japan todump contaminated water fromFukushima nuclearstation intosea
Japan plans to release into theseamore than 1 million tonnes of contaminated water from the destroyedFukushima nuclearstation, the government saidon Tuesday.
Japan'sPrime Minister Suga Yoshihide says a decisionon how to dispose of treated water from theFukushimaDaiichi nuclearpowerplant should not be put off.
irradiated water, Contaminated wastewater
Japanese government saysitWILL release irradiated water fromFukushima nuclearplant into thesea
Contaminated wastewaterat theFukushimaDai-ichi nuclearplantwill be released intothe ocean “in aroundtwo years,” theJapanese governmenthas announced, despite calls fromChina and SouthKorea urging against themove.