We("developer") provides this app tousers("you").
While providing our services, we recognize the importance ofyour privacy and carryout ouractivities inlinewith the applicable data protection regulation including theEUGeneral Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) and other relatedlaws.
This Privacy Policyaims to specify how we collect, use and discloseyour personal data to provideyouwith the bestlevel of our service.
We collect and processyour personal data suchas:
identity information includingyourInstagramusername,Instagram fullname,userID,gender,
contact information includingyour phonenumber ande-mailaddress,
onlineidentifiers includingIdentifier for Vendors (IDFV),Identifier for Advertisers (IDFA) andIPaddress,
visual information includingyourphoto,
customer transaction information includingyour purchasehistory, payment details, subscriptionID, transactionID, subscription start and enddate,receipt of subscription,version of Follower Check +,
behavioural information includingyour usage activity, language preference, how muchtimeyou have spent andyourlastactivetime in the Follower Check +,
marketing information includingyourpush notification device token, information about the campaign (advertisement,Instagram phenomenonetc.)you come from, the adsyou see in Follower Check +.
Collection Method ofYour Personal Data
We collectyour personal data in anumber of ways, including:
directly fromyouviae-mail,telephone,mobileapplication,SMS, printed form and/or other electronic devices.
from publicly available sources of information,
from our own records of howyou use Follower Check + services.
We collect, hold, use and discloseyour personal data for the purposes including to:
provideyou with a better andmore personalizedlevel of service,
reviewyour requests, suggestions and complaints regarding our service,
fulfil contractual obligations toyouand anyone involved in the process,
monitor metrics suchastotalnumber of visitors, traffic and demographic patterns,
showyou ads that aremore tailored toyour interests.
identify and resolve errors, problems or bugs in our products and services,
meet legal and regulatory requirements includingcompliance with applicable law, respond to requests from public and government authorities, including authoritiesoutsideyour country of residence and to meetnational security or law enforcement requirements.
We collect and processyour personal dataon the following bases under theGDPR:
to comply with our contractual obligation (for example, providingyou with our service),
to comply with our legal obligations,
because of our company’s legitimate interests which include the provision of ourmobileapplication and/or relevant services, providedalways that our legitimate interests are notoutweighedbyany prejudice or harmyour rights and freedoms,
to establish, exercise or defend our legal claims before the courts, arbitrations,authorized data protection authorities or similar legal proceedings,
becauseyou have explicitly given usyour consent to processyour personal data in that manner.
Wewillonly provideyou with marketing related information afteryou have, where legally required to do so, opted in to receive those communications and having provided the opportunity foryou to optoutatanytime.
Disclosure ofYour Personal Data
with our employees, other Follower Check +users, company executives, representatives, suppliers, service providers, business partners and solution partners for the purposes specified in Section 3,
with government and regulatory authorities and otherorganizations to meet legal and regulatory requirements, or to protect or defend our rights or property in accordance with applicablelaws.
For thecompliancewith theGDPR, we ensure that our suppliers and business or solution partners whether they are locatedoutside the EEA or not,takes appropriate technical andorganizational security measures in accordance with applicable data protectionlaws and useit solely for the purposes specifiedby us.
Your Rights
Ifyou are from theEuropean EconomicArea or in certain countries,you are also entitled (with some exceptions and restrictions) to:
Access:You have the right to request information about how we processyour personal data and to obtain a copy of that personal data.
Rectification:You have the right to request the rectification of inaccurate personal data aboutyou and forany incomplete personal information aboutyou to be completed.
Objection:You have the right toobject to theprocessing ofyour personal information, whichis basedon our legitimate interests (as described above).
Deletion:You candeleteyour accountby using the correspondingfunctionality directlyon the service.
Automated decision-making:You have the right toobject a decisionmade aboutyou thatis based solelyonautomatedprocessing if that decision produces legal or similarly significant effects concerningyou.
Restriction:You have the right toask us to restrict ourprocessing ofyour personal data, so that we no longer process that personal data until the restrictionis lifted.
Portability:You have the right to receiveyour personal data, whichyou have provided to us, in a structured, commonly used andmachine-readable format and to have that personal data transmitted toanotherorganization in certain circumstances.
Complaint:You have a right tolodge a complaintwith theauthorized data protectionauthority ifyou have concerns about how we processyour personal data. The data protectionauthorityyou canlodge a complaint with notablymay be that ofyour habitual residence, whereyou work or where we are established.
Youmay,atanytime, exerciseany of the above rights,by contacting usvia info@followcheckx.comtogether with a proof ofyouridentity,i.e. a copy ofyourID card, orpassport, orany other valididentifying document.
In some cases, wemay not be able to giveyouaccess toyour personal data that we hold, if making such a disclosure wouldbreach our legal obligations to our other customers or if preventedbyany applicable law or regulation.
Ifyou have providedyour consent to the collection,processing and transfer ofyour personal data,you have the right to fully or partly withdrawyour consent. To withdrawyour consent please follow the opt-out linksonany marketingmessage sent toyou or contact usvia info@followcheckx.com.
Once we have received notification thatyou have withdrawnyour consent, wewill no longer processyour information for the purpose(s) to whichyou originally consented unless there are compelling legitimate grounds for furtherprocessing which overrideyour interests, rights and freedoms or for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims.
Collection of Children’s Personal Data
Weattach great importance of protecting children’s privacy. Therefore, wemake an effort to not collect personal data ofany children under theage of 13. Ifyou haveany concerns aboutyour child’s privacy withrespect to our services, or ifyoubelieve thatyour childmay have providedhis/her personal data to us, please contact us using the details provided below. We ensure todelete such personal data from our records immediately.
Wetake appropriate and reasonable technical andorganizational measures to protectyour personal data from loss, misuse, unauthorizedaccess, disclosure, alteration, and destruction, taking into account the risks involved in theprocessing and thenature of the personal data.
Retention ofYour Personal Data
Wewillonly retainyour personal data foras longas necessary to fulfil our collection purposes, including for the purposes of satisfyingany legal, accounting, or reporting requirements, and where required for our company to provide services, until the end of the relevant retention period.
To determine the appropriate retention period for personal data, we consider the amount,nature, and sensitivity of the personal data, the potential risk of harm from unauthorized use or disclosure ofyour personal data, the purposes for which we processyour personal data and whether we can achieve those purposes through other means, and the applicable legal requirements. Upon expiry of the applicable retention period, wewill securelydelete, destroy or anonymizeyour personal data in accordance with applicablelaws and regulations.
Links to Third Party Sites
Ourmobileapplication includes links to otherwebsites or apps whose privacy practicesmay differ from those of our companies. Ifyou submit personal information toany of those sites,your informationis governedby their Privacy Policies. We encourageyou to carefully read the Privacy Policy ofanywebsite or appyou visit.
Changes to our Privacy Policy
We reserve the right to update andchange this Policy fromtime totime in order to reflectanychanges to the way in which we processyour personal data or changing legal requirements.Anychanges wemaymake to our Policy inthe futurewill be postedon this page and, where appropriate, notified toyoubye-mail orpush notification. Please check back frequently to seeany updates orchanges to our Policy.
Contact us
Ifyou haveany questions or concerns about our privacy practices or wouldlike to exerciseany of the rights mentioned in this Privacy Policy, please contact usvia info@followcheckx.com.Youmay also contact usbypostalat ouraddress stated above.