Thegreen environmental protectionbattery is topoint to in recent yearshas been put into use or are development, the development of kind of high performance, no pollution batteries.At present already use large nickel metal hydridebattery, thelithiumionbattery and is expanded use of mercury free alkalinebattery manganese zinc and rechargeable batteries and is research and development oflithium orlithiumion plastic pack andfuelcells belong to this category. In addition,it is widely used and use of solar energy for photoelectric convert solarcell (also called photovoltaicpower generation), can also be included in this category.
Nickel metal hydridebattery (Ni-MH) and nickel cadmiumbattery (Ni-Cd) have the same working voltage (1.2 V), due to the adoption of rareearthalloy or TiNialloy anode materials for the activity of hydrogen storage material, replacing the carcinogen cadmium,which notonlymakes thisbattery became a kind ofgreen environmental protectionbattery, andmake abattery of energy than increased nearly 40%, to 80-60Wh/kg and 210-240Wh/L. Thebattery is 90 s graduallyrealize industrializationPANASONIC VW-VBK360 Battery, and the first to use inthe cell phonebattery.At present althoughiton their dominance of the gradually belithiumionbattery replaced, but mobile phoneapplications inEuropeand America, andits marketshare isstillat about 50%.
Thelithiumionbattery (Li-ion) isby canmake thelithiumion embedding andtake off thecarbon embeddedasnegative, reversible intercalated-li metal oxideas the positive (LiCoO2, LiNiO2 or LiMn2O4) and organic electrolyte constitute, the working voltage of 3.6 V, so alithium-ionbattery is equivalent to three cadmium nickel metal hydridebattery or nickel. Thus the batteries than energy is theover 100Wh/kg and 280Wh/L, and considerablymore than the nickel metal hydridebattery than energy. Inview of the above advantages, since the 1993-2000 in just a few years,its production and usage with extremely high speed growth.
Alkaline manganese zincdry (alkaline) compared with ordinarydrycell sizehas higher capacityPANASONIC CGA-S005E Battery, and have high discharge current ability. In recent yearshas been usedon mercury zincpowder, thereforemake thebattery become agreenbattery, and become the mainstreambattery products,at present the alkaline xinmengdrycell isstillBPmachine use mostpower supply.At the sametime,the world is thebattery chargedon thesex, an American companyhas launched a chargedbattery alkali manganese, productand application of slow growth. Such batteries keep thebattery discharge characteristics, but also can be recharged using a dozentimes to hundreds oftimes (deep recharge cycleslife of about 25times).
Lithium plasticbattery (LIP) is forlithium metal anode, conductive polymers of electrolyte for newbattery, the energy thanhas reached 170Wh/kg and 350Wh/L. Thelithiumionbattery iswill present plastic of organiclithiumionbattery electrolyte stored in a polymer membrane, or use conductive polymeras electrolyte,make abattery in no free the electrolyte. Such batteries can use aluminum plasticcomposite membranerealize hot pressing encapsulation, withlight weight, shape can be arbitrarychange, safety better characteristics.
Fuelcells (FC) is a kind of use offuel (suchas hydrogen or containfuel)and antioxidant (suchas pure oxygen or the oxygen inair) forpower generation device directly, because avoided the carnot cycle limit, thispower unit is notonly high efficiency (electrochemical reactions conversion efficiency can beas highas 40% ormore), and no pollution dischargegas, so is the future of efficient andcleanpower generation method. Many companiesathomeand abroad areengaged in development for mobilephones, notebook computers, the PEMfuelcell,once put intoapplication, andits economybenefit greatly.
Seallead-acidbattery is a kind oflead-acid batteries.
The following newgreenbattery technology and related industry development is rapid.
1. Hydrogen storage material and nickel metal hydrideBattery-thenimh batteries (PANASONIC CGA-S101E/1B Battery)
2.Lithiumion embedded material and liquid electrolyte oflithiumionbattery
3. Polymer electrolyte oflithiumbattery orlithiumionbattery
4. Zincairbattery and PEMfuelcell
In addition to the above, inview of the communication industry growth,China'sbattery industry is with extremely high speed to promote environmental protection mercury-free alkali manganese zinc original pool and rechargeable batteries andseallead-acidbattery technology developmentand application expansion market.
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