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Your Most Favourite Key/Visual Art`s Animation

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Which is your most favourite Key/Visual Art`s Animation?

Air (Series + Movie)
Clannad / AS (Series + Movie)
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post #1 byhiroki86 on 17.12.2009 01:42

Fellow Key Fans,

As suggested by biggrospif * and in line with Ohara post, pls do vote for your most favourite Key/Visual Art's Animation.

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post #2 byhiroki86 on 17.12.2009 01:48

For me, very though to choose because all of their works are consider to be very great.. but i would choose Clannad bec of the characters..

Banzai Key!!!

* Hope they can also do the Animation for Little Busters!, Rewrite, Planetarian.. For now, looking forward to their up coming release of Angel Beats

Banzai Key!! Banzai!!
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post #3 byOhara on 17.12.2009 02:31

Clannad AS > Kanon > Clannad, for me.
And I haven't seen Air yet... Clannad gets my vote.
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post #4 bybiggrospif on 17.12.2009 03:15

Planetarian ... hahaha, there isn't much story so I don't think they can do it.

As for me, I loved Clannad and After Story WAY better than Air and Kanon. I would class Clannad first, being one of my favorite anime of all time, still wondering if it's the best. At least, it's the best in his category. The first season was heartwarming, yet still funny and entertaining at moment. The first season was excellent but a typical love story. The second season was, oh wow, amazing. I never thought something like this could be made.
They got married and started to live together. I was All I had seed in anime was ~ they finally love each other END. but in Clannad, it was in the middle of the second season, not the end, and there was still a story with Ushio :nosebleed::nosebleed::nosebleed: when I saw it.

Clannad is the only anime that made me cry, not a small tear, cry. That why it's a MASTERPIECE

Air would come second. It had a good and developed story and I enjoyed it a lot many years ago.

As for Kanon, I did not like it. I don't really know why but it did not affected me. I was like rock from the beginning to the end. Rather disappointed from key. Maybe I was the problem because I wasn't in the mood at the time.

Clannad is a MASTERPIECE. I will remember it a looooong time.
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post #5 byOhara on 17.12.2009 06:10

Kanon didn't have as much of an impact on me as Clannad AS did (and I doubt anything else ever will - Clannad AS had me downright depressed up until it ended), but it was a magnificent show IMO. Especially Mai's arc, which was simply fantastic. It's currently second on my favorites list.
Given how you love Clannad so much, I find it hard to understand why you wouldn't have at least enjoyed Kanon.

But yes, Clannad AS is a masterpiece - it's the best show I've ever seen. I'm glad you think so, too.
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post #6 byzevs on 24.12.2009 00:49

Clannad is superior, especially AS.
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post #7 byferian on 24.12.2009 22:56

Damn... I'm still the only one who prefers Kanon... Clannad (esp. AS) seemed somewhat unbalanced, if for the sake of realism. Air too, though for different reasons.
Also, Kanon has Mai.
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post #8 byOhara on 25.12.2009 08:29

Also, Kanon has Mai.

QFT. Mai is freaking awesome.
...only slightly less awesome then Nagisa.
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post #9 byjaguar5 on 29.12.2009 11:40

Fuckin every time ushio starts crying I bawl. Damn my lack of manliness against crying children.
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post #10 byOhara on 29.12.2009 11:48

You're not alone.
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post #11 bybiggrospif on 29.12.2009 14:15

Ushio ...
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post #12 bynekokami on 29.12.2009 19:11

Gotta go with Clannad + AS. It is simply wonderful. xpecially AS, all the way till the end. Never have I cried as much as watching AS. And yes, Ushio really is lovely. Made me cry too.

Haven't really seen the movie versions, as for the record, and I'm quite sure I'm not going to. (Fearing they might ruin something, as if that would really be possible, but still)

I liked Kanon and Air too. Actually, Air was my fave till I watched Clannad. It's still moving as ever to hear Tori no Uta. Gotta love tha song too.
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post #13 byOhara on 29.12.2009 23:33

Haven't really seen the movie versions, as for the record, and I'm quite sure I'm not going to. (Fearing they might ruin something, as if that would really be possible, but still

The movie version isn't half as good as the series. The emotional impact isn't there, the humor is bland and the animation is frustrating compared to KyoAni's. Only see it if you want to be able to say "Yeah, I watched it."
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post #14 byferian on 30.12.2009 00:11

I stopped around 15 minutes into it, as soon as I understood what was going on. It was before AS aired.
Just once was I more furious about spoiling something (Archer's identity in Fate/Stay Night).
I haven't returned to it since then. Its alternate character interpretation and art style didn't appeal to me, neither did the non-linear timeline, thus, I wouldn't recommend it.
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post #15 bynekokami on 30.12.2009 10:12

@Ohara: Glad I didn't watch it. Seems like it's the same thing which plagued the movie version of Air too. It was just nothing compared to the series... Shows how bad idea it is to tell such a long story in such short time. Especially Clannad..
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post #16 bybiggrospif on 30.12.2009 22:29

The Air movie is different from the series. Yes the graphic are not as cute as the series and the story is faster but don't forget that the movie is not intended to be a clone of the series. I watched it yesterday a second time and I must say that the movie version made me think a lot more that the series. It was more psychological (not too much but more) and the story was a little bit different too. Maybe the story presented in the movie is a more accurate version from the original visual novel that the series where Misuzu say Gao Gao.......
I even learned from the movie about the different character relationship in the story. The parallel between the girl with wings and Misuzu is also explained more clearly.
Of course if you watch this movie right after the series, it's not gonna be as good. You need to think differently.
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post #17 bynordlys on 18.01.2010 10:43

I saw Clannad first and thought it was an okay show. Heard there would be a second season and started watching it as Eclipse picked it up (I tend to check out most of what they sub). After Story was simply amazing. I really felt a connection with the characters on certain points, and while some tend to think it's stupid to form such a relationship with fictional characters, I am sure that many others felt it too. Empathic and thoughtful people, I'd say.

I saw Kanon (2006) per recommendation a few weeks after AS, and expected it to be much more than what it was. I guess I was ultimately just a bit disappointed, even though it was a decent show. As with Ohara, it just didn't leave much of an impact on me - perhaps because its story was overall more abstract than Clannad. I felt it was ultimately more of a melancholic fairytale than what Clannad was, which felt more realistic or plausible.

I've heard good things about Air, but nowhere near the same level as Clannad and Kanon, so I haven't taken the time to watch it yet. I find it hard to believe that it would beat Clannad AS for me.
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post #18 byOhara on 19.01.2010 00:17

I agree with your post pretty much entirely, only I didn't find Kanon disapponting, as such - I loved every bit of it. Though, as you say, it did feel more like a fairytale, which stopped it from being as... er... easy to relate to as Clannad was, or something, ultimately leaving it lacking in terms of emotional impact.
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post #19 bywhiic on 30.04.2010 20:08

My likening to franchises would be:
Clannad > Kanon > Air (Angel Beats not ranked, since I haven't seen it yet)

My likening based on series would be:
Clannad AS (TV2, KyoAni) > Clannad (TV, KyoAni) = Kanon (TV remake, KyoAni > Air (TV, KyoAni) = Air (movie, Toei) > Clannad (movie, Toei) > Kanon (TV, Toei) KyoAni are pretty much superior, despite the series, even to the extent that series that only decent are better made by KyoAni than series with much potential made by Toei. There is one exception: Air. Among KyoAni's adaptations, it's the worst, but also among Toei's it happens to be the best, being pretty close to a tie. For Kanon TV vs Kanon TV remake, the difference is HUGE. So is for Clannad movie and Clannad TV+TV2.

I might view it different if I rewatched Air or Kanon now. Especially Air. It's been a while...
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post #20 bycorva on 27.09.2011 23:38

ferian wrote:

Damn... I'm still the only one who prefers Kanon...

For me it's a pretty close call between Kanon (2006) and Clannad Afterstory but AF takes the cake. Even though Kanon kills the competition when it comes to music. Also the male lead was better at Kanon...

So my list basicly would be something like this.

1. Clannad Afterstory
2. Kanon (2006)
3. Clannad
4. Angel Beats
5. Air

The Clannad movie was so horrible that it shouldn't even be included with Clannad/Clannad AF at the poll.


Kanon has Mai.

Yes Mai... She was ok. i actually liked all the other main girls more. Mainly because she started to reviel her emotions at a late state of her arc. Other then that she was a fun comedic character. By far the best girl was Shiori! Well... IMO : D

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