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post #1 byhellfire51 on 22.06.2009 06:21

Feel free to suggest anime badasses, or dispute the ones I have added.

To add:
Afro, from Afro Samurai
Legato Bluesummers, from Trigun
Jubei, from Ninja Scroll

These don't have character pages (yet). Maybe if I get bored I will add them.
Indecisive Lead Character
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post #2 byhellfire51 on 22.06.2009 06:25

also, suggestions for club picture. I am trying to avoid a picture of a specific badass, and badassness is an intangible idea, so its difficult to convey.
Indecisive Lead Character
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post #3 byindignious on 22.06.2009 06:55

how about Van from Gun X Sword?
is esoteric enough to be really cool, and obviously, he is a badass.
hopes this helps.

lol, dude, el Major, from Ghost in the Shell SAC
Indecisive Lead Character
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post #4 bymichkrol on 22.06.2009 07:44

First of all, great idea on the club.

As for badass(es) and logo suggestions, I think it would be better to have separate forum threads for them, instead of using the shoutbox - just to keep it neat and clean, while being flooded with new members and suggestions.

EDIT: So I went ahead and created athread for badass characters suggestions to keep the shoutbox clean.
EDIT2: Also athread for logo suggestions.
Spammer x Spammer
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post #5 bybigsimo on 23.06.2009 07:37

for club picture you could get a photo of someones ass, and shop 'bad' onto it.
or not.

either way, great club. badasses rock.
Spammer x Spammer
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post #6 bynwa on 26.06.2009 08:45

Uh... you're definitely missingDark Schneider from the list.
Spammer x Spammer
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post #7 bybigsimo on 29.06.2009 11:38

fuck yes char is so badass - see, his name is even in the club-"char" relations suggestions thread.
Nine-Tailed Frog
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post #8 byVoid_Existence on 25.07.2009 06:19

I'm just going to drunkenly stumble into this club, b/c I liked what I heard...
Nine-Tailed Frog
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post #9 byVoid_Existence on 25.07.2009 06:21

bigsimo wrote:

for club picture you could get a photo of someones ass, and shop 'bad' onto it.
or not.

That's brilliant, I swear
Harem Girl
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post #10 bymaalik on 17.10.2009 09:34

how about Sendo and Takamura from Hajime no Ippo
Fullmetal Angst Brother
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post #11 byminsc10 on 02.05.2011 11:13

I hope that bad "ass" option will be picked
Choose the ass wisely though.
Troll Hunter Z
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post #12 byblue_heart on 28.01.2012 15:22

Why doesn't this club have a picture on the main page? Btw, anyone mentioned Krauser II from DMC? xD
Mao's Maoam
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post #13 byCDB-Man on 06.10.2014 01:03

blue_heart wrote:
Btw, anyone mentioned Krauser II from DMC? xD

Mao's Maoam
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post #14 byCDB-Man on 24.08.2015 20:32

Updated the subject list with Krauser II and a bunch of tags. Comment if you got more tags or other items that should be added.
Fullmetal Angst Brother
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post #15 bywellmet on 24.08.2015 22:23

This club doesn't even have signature logo + it's creator missing for almost 4 years already. Some characters from fate should be added I guess.
Mao's Maoam
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post #16 byCDB-Man on 25.08.2015 01:25

> it's creator missing for almost 4 years already.
Which is why I'm here to do some updating.

> This club doesn't even have signature logo
If anyone cares to make/find a decent one, I'll see to it.

> Some characters from fate should be added I guess.
The only ones worth adding are really just Kotomine and Kerry, IMO. Added.
Troll Hunter Z
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post #17 byblue_heart on 25.08.2015 18:26

Since you revived the topic, I have a few suggestions: Zero (Code Geass), Akabane Kuroudo (GetBackers), Midou Ban (GetBackers), Kogarashi (Kamen no Maid Guy), Seto Kaiba (Yu-gi-oh) and Yami Yuugi (Yu-gi-oh), Ladd Russo (Baccano!) and Dark Schneider (Bastard!! Ankoku no Hakai Shin).
Mao's Maoam
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post #18 byCDB-Man on 25.08.2015 19:33

All good suggestions, added.
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post #19 byHinoe on 26.08.2015 06:44

Mao's Maoam
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post #20 byCDB-Man on 26.08.2015 06:59

Done, added.

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