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Creator: 秋山優

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Anime Production

ImageNameTypeEpsYearRatingAverageBlockCreditin EpisodesComment
Katekyou Hitman Reborn!Katekyou Hitman Reborn!TV Series2032006 - 20106.21(2987)7.56(3101)REBORN × ēlDLIVE 24hPhotography (撮影)S2
God EaterGod EaterTV Series132015 - 20164.74(2374)6.51(2394)Photography (撮影)10-13
Gakusen Toshi Asterisk (2016)Gakusen Toshi Asterisk (2016)TV Series1220164.51(1944)6.56(1954)Photography (撮影)1-3, 8
Gundam Build Fighters Try: Island WarsGundam Build Fighters Try: Island WarsTV Special120164.34(186)5.85(186)Photography (撮影)
Love Live! Sunshine!!Love Live! Sunshine!!TV Series1320165.72(977)6.73(983)Photography (撮影)1-2, 5
Shuumatsu no IzettaShuumatsu no IzettaTV Series1220164.77(1462)6.38(1468)Photography (撮影)4
Eiga Kirakira Precure A La Mode: Paris to! Omoide no Mille-Feuille!Eiga Kirakira Precure A La Mode: Paris to! Omoide no Mille-Feuille!Movie120175.17(71)5.96(71)Digital Photography (デジタル撮影)
Gekijouban Sword Art Online: Ordinal ScaleGekijouban Sword Art Online: Ordinal ScaleMovie120176.35(2981)7.22(3001)Photography (撮影)
Gundam Build Fighters: GM no GyakushuuGundam Build Fighters: GM no GyakushuuWeb120175.08(139)6.02(139)Photographic Direction Assistance (撮影監督補佐)
Kidou Senshi Gundam: Thunderbolt (2017)Kidou Senshi Gundam: Thunderbolt (2017)Web420176.41(362)6.68(363)Photography (撮影)2-4
Grancrest SenkiGrancrest SenkiTV Series2420185.19(1362)6.61(1377)Photography (撮影)7
Kidou Senshi Gundam NarrativeKidou Senshi Gundam NarrativeMovie120184.37(244)5.80(245)Photography (撮影)
Koi wa Ameagari no You niKoi wa Ameagari no You niTV Series1220186.92(1758)7.27(1765)Photographic Direction Assistance (撮影監督補佐)1, 3, 5
Photography (撮影)2, 4
Sword Art Online: AlicizationSword Art Online: AlicizationTV Series242018 - 20196.01(2812)7.11(2841)Photography (撮影)15-16
Araburu Kisetsu no Otome-domo yo.Araburu Kisetsu no Otome-domo yo.TV Series1220196.37(1407)7.00(1409)Photography (撮影)4
Eiga Precure Miracle UniverseEiga Precure Miracle UniverseMovie120193.70(58)5.47(58)Digital Photography (デジタル撮影)
Kimi dake ni Motetainda.Kimi dake ni Motetainda.Movie120192.83(44)4.85(44)Photographic Direction Assistance (撮影監督補佐)
Sora no Aosa o Shiru Hito yoSora no Aosa o Shiru Hito yoMovie120196.58(429)7.09(431)Photography (撮影)
Dazzling White TownDazzling White TownMusic Video120206.81(63)6.73(63)Photography (撮影)
Eiga Healin` Good Precure: Yume no Machi de Kyun! Tto Go Go! Daihenshin!!Eiga Healin` Good Precure: Yume no Machi de Kyun! Tto Go Go! Daihenshin!!Movie120215.70(47)6.26(47)Digital Photography (デジタル撮影)
Gekijouban Sword Art Online: Progressive - Hoshinaki Yoru no AriaGekijouban Sword Art Online: Progressive - Hoshinaki Yoru no AriaMovie120217.11(685)7.40(688)Photography (撮影)
World Trigger 2nd SeasonWorld Trigger 2nd SeasonTV Series1220216.98(412)7.35(417)Photography (撮影)5, 7-8, 11
Bleach: Sennen Kessen HenBleach: Sennen Kessen HenTV Series1320228.35(959)7.96(971)Photography (撮影)8
Urusei Yatsura (2022)Urusei Yatsura (2022)TV Series232022 - 20235.47(466)6.65(471)Photography (撮影)7, 9, 16, 18-19
Kitarou Tanjou: Gegege no NazoKitarou Tanjou: Gegege no NazoMovie120237.48(24)7.02(24)Digital Photography (デジタル撮影)
Tonikaku Kawaii (2023)Tonikaku Kawaii (2023)TV Series1220236.06(485)6.99(487)Photography (撮影)6, 8
Tonikaku Kawaii: Joshikou HenTonikaku Kawaii: Joshikou HenWeb420236.50(292)7.10(294)Photography (撮影)2-4
Yubisaki to RenrenYubisaki to RenrenTV Series1220247.44(410)7.46(412)Photography (撮影)3

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