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Creator: 松本忠成

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Anime Production

ImageNameTypeEpsYearRatingAverageBlockCreditin EpisodesComment
OwarimonogatariOwarimonogatariTV Series1220158.52(2765)8.03(2780)Assistant Production Manager (制作進行)4
Girlish NumberGirlish NumberTV Series1220165.43(1010)6.60(1012)Assistant Production Manager (制作進行)1, 6, 11
MayoigaMayoigaTV Series1220162.53(1701)5.15(1723)Production Manager (制作担当)5, 10
Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha DetonationMagical Girl Lyrical Nanoha DetonationMovie120186.90(172)6.89(173)Assistant Manager (制作進行補佐)
ArteArteTV Series1220205.86(751)6.73(756)Production Desk Assistant (制作デスク補佐)1-4
Tonikaku KawaiiTonikaku KawaiiTV Series1220206.61(1673)7.24(1683)Production Chief (制作チーフ)
Blue PeriodBlue PeriodTV Series1220216.85(632)7.26(634)Production Chief (制作チーフ)1-2
Tonikaku Kawaii: SNSTonikaku Kawaii: SNSOVA120216.89(674)7.36(678)Production Chief (制作チーフ)
Extreme HeartsExtreme HeartsTV Series1220223.63(131)5.63(132)Production Chief (制作チーフ)1-2
Komi-san wa, Komyushou Desu. (2022)Komi-san wa, Komyushou Desu. (2022)TV Series1220227.33(937)7.61(940)Design Manager (設定制作)7-8
Hikari no OuHikari no OuTV Series1020235.71(401)6.70(401)Assistant Manager (進行補佐)1
Zom 100: Zombie ni Naru made ni Shitai 100 no KotoZom 100: Zombie ni Naru made ni Shitai 100 no KotoTV Series1220236.55(990)7.19(996)Design Manager (設定制作)2-12
Ookami to Koushinryou: Merchant Meets the Wise WolfOokami to Koushinryou: Merchant Meets the Wise WolfTV Series2520248.29(552)7.83(556)Assistant Production Manager (制作進行)21

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