| Macho Member A (マッチョ隊員A) | Kiddy Girl-and | TV Series | 24 | 2009 - 2010 | 3.90(759) | 6.33(766) | yes | |
 | Kokubu-san | Boku, Otaryman. | OVA | 2 | 2010 | 3.70(448) | 5.85(451) | yes | |
| Male Student (男子生徒) | Ore no Imouto ga Konna ni Kawaii Wake ga Nai | TV Series | 12 | 2010 | 6.18(7469) | 7.29(7536) | yes | |
Gamers! | TV Series | 12 | 2017 | 4.76(2505) | 6.56(2517) | yes | |
Yagate Kimi ni Naru | TV Series | 13 | 2018 | 7.60(1392) | 7.49(1401) | yes | |
Koi to Producer: Evol x Love | TV Series | 12 | 2020 | 3.07(162) | 5.20(162) | yes | |
| Cracker stall man (ソースせんべい屋台のオヤジ) | Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai | TV Series | 12 | 2011 | 5.95(6383) | 7.19(6424) | yes | |
| Shop assistant (店員) | Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai | TV Series | 12 | 2011 | 5.95(6383) | 7.19(6424) | yes | |
| Warasubo knight (ワラスボ騎士) | Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai | TV Series | 12 | 2011 | 5.95(6383) | 7.19(6424) | yes | |
| New Commander 1 (新武将1) | Sengoku Paradise: Kiwami | TV Series | 26 | 2011 - 2012 | 2.32(63) | 4.90(64) | yes | |
| Automatic Voice (自動音声) | Muv-Luv Alternative: Total Eclipse | TV Series | 24 | 2012 | 4.47(1832) | 6.49(1855) | yes | |
| Boy (男子) | Sakamichi no Apollon | TV Series | 12 | 2012 | 8.47(3542) | 8.10(3558) | yes | |
Kanojo ga Flag o Oraretara | TV Series | 13 | 2014 | 3.24(1537) | 5.83(1541) | yes | |
 | Douryou | Sakamichi no Apollon | TV Series | 12 | 2012 | 8.47(3542) | 8.10(3558) | yes | |
 | Fuse Daiki | K | TV Series | 13 | 2012 | 5.29(3808) | 6.82(3837) | yes | |
Gekijouban K: Missing Kings | Movie | 1 | 2014 | 6.29(1370) | 7.14(1378) | yes | |
K: Return of Kings | TV Series | 13 | 2015 | 5.72(1363) | 6.93(1376) | yes | |
| Maintenance Soldier C (整備兵C) | Muv-Luv Alternative: Total Eclipse | TV Series | 24 | 2012 | 4.47(1832) | 6.49(1855) | yes | |
| Man (男 (Otoko)) | Gokicha!! Cockroach Girls | Web | 2 | 2012 | 2.99(479) | 5.23(483) | yes | |
 | Manager | Sukitte Ii na yo. | TV Series | 13 | 2012 | 5.63(2872) | 6.97(2886) | yes | |
| Monster 3 (モンスター3) | Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai: Relay Shousetsu wa Ketsumatsu ga Hanpanai | OVA | 1 | 2012 | 4.82(2319) | 6.63(2329) | yes | |
| Non-commissioned Officer B (下士官B) | Muv-Luv Alternative: Total Eclipse | TV Series | 24 | 2012 | 4.47(1832) | 6.49(1855) | yes | |
| Radio Voice (無線の声) | Koi to Senkyo to Chocolate | TV Series | 12 | 2012 | 4.78(2117) | 6.58(2132) | yes | |
 | Sakyouyama | Aratanaru Sekai: World`s/Start/Load/End | OVA | 1 | 2012 | 4.06(673) | 5.90(677) | yes | |
| Senior (先輩) | Sakamichi no Apollon | TV Series | 12 | 2012 | 8.47(3542) | 8.10(3558) | yes | |
 | Shashou | Gokicha!! Cockroach Girls | Web | 2 | 2012 | 2.99(479) | 5.23(483) | yes | |
| Soviet OP (ソ連軍OP) | Muv-Luv Alternative: Total Eclipse | TV Series | 24 | 2012 | 4.47(1832) | 6.49(1855) | yes | |
| Speaker (議長) | Koi to Senkyo to Chocolate | TV Series | 12 | 2012 | 4.78(2117) | 6.58(2132) | yes | |
| Terrorist Eiji (テロ衛士) | Muv-Luv Alternative: Total Eclipse | TV Series | 24 | 2012 | 4.47(1832) | 6.49(1855) | yes | |
| Worker A (作業員A) | Muv-Luv Alternative: Total Eclipse | TV Series | 24 | 2012 | 4.47(1832) | 6.49(1855) | yes | |
| 瀬田 | Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun | TV Series | 13 | 2012 | 6.20(4569) | 7.24(4591) | yes | |
| 骸骨船員A | Queen`s Blade: Rebellion | TV Series | 12 | 2012 | 3.23(670) | 5.77(680) | yes | |
| Audience A (観客A) | AKB0048 Next Stage | TV Series | 13 | 2012 - 2013 | 6.37(639) | 7.13(643) | yes | |
| Employee (店員) | Sakura-sou no Pet na Kanojo | TV Series | 24 | 2012 - 2013 | 7.19(5540) | 7.62(5592) | yes | |
| Fungi A (フンギーA) | AKB0048 Next Stage | TV Series | 13 | 2012 - 2013 | 6.37(639) | 7.13(643) | yes | |
| Man B (男B) | Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai | TV Series | 12 | 2011 | 5.95(6383) | 7.19(6424) | yes | |
AKB0048 Next Stage | TV Series | 13 | 2012 - 2013 | 6.37(639) | 7.13(643) | yes | |
| Schoolboy (男子学生) | Psycho-Pass | TV Series | 22 | 2012 - 2013 | 8.21(7528) | 8.07(7582) | yes | |
| Schoolboy C (男子生徒C (Danshi Seito C)) | Little Busters! | TV Series | 26 | 2012 - 2013 | 5.45(2339) | 6.78(2347) | yes | |
| Student C (生徒C (Seito C)) | Little Busters! | TV Series | 26 | 2012 - 2013 | 5.45(2339) | 6.78(2347) | yes | |
| Terrorist A (テロリストA) | Little Busters! | TV Series | 26 | 2012 - 2013 | 5.45(2339) | 6.78(2347) | yes | |
| Avatar (アバター) | Gatchaman Crowds | TV Series | 12 | 2013 | 5.33(1753) | 6.64(1764) | yes | |
 | Baito | Hentai Ouji to Warawanai Neko. | TV Series | 12 | 2013 | 5.43(3703) | 6.91(3723) | no | |
| Boy 1 (男性1) | Rescue Me! | OVA | 1 | 2013 | 3.03(970) | 5.47(977) | yes | |
 | Cameraman | Ore no Kanojo to Osananajimi ga Shuraba Sugiru | TV Series | 13 | 2013 | 4.63(3048) | 6.58(3063) | yes | |
| Classmate D (クラスメイトD) | Sasami-san@Ganbaranai | TV Series | 12 | 2013 | 4.38(1620) | 6.23(1633) | yes | |
| Contributor (投稿者) | Gatchaman Crowds | TV Series | 12 | 2013 | 5.33(1753) | 6.64(1764) | yes | |
| Doctor A (医師A) | Kotoura-san | TV Series | 12 | 2013 | 5.59(2953) | 6.94(2970) | yes | |
| Galakter (ギャラクター) | Gatchaman Crowds | TV Series | 12 | 2013 | 5.33(1753) | 6.64(1764) | yes | |
| Man (男) | Haiyore! Nyaruko-san W | TV Series | 12 | 2013 | 5.20(1922) | 6.79(1935) | yes | |
Itsudatte Bokura no Koi wa 10 Centi Datta. | TV Series | 6 | 2017 | 5.81(708) | 6.71(708) | yes | |
| Man A (男A) | Kotoura-san | TV Series | 12 | 2013 | 5.59(2953) | 6.94(2970) | yes | |
Ore no Kanojo to Osananajimi ga Shuraba Sugiru | TV Series | 13 | 2013 | 4.63(3048) | 6.58(3063) | yes | |
 | Maruoka Iori | Super Seishun Brothers | TV Series | 14 | 2013 | 4.74(514) | 6.19(516) | yes | |
| Mobuo (モブ夫) | Kagaku na Yatsura | OVA | 1 | 2013 | 2.36(703) | 5.05(715) | yes | |
 | Mugi Hei no Ten`in | Hataraku Maou-sama! | TV Series | 13 | 2013 | 6.71(7271) | 7.47(7316) | yes | |
| Otaku B (オタクB) | Ore no Imouto ga Konna ni Kawaii Wake ga Nai. | TV Series | 13 | 2013 | 5.49(4189) | 6.90(4218) | yes | |
| Passenger (乗客) | Gatchaman Crowds | TV Series | 12 | 2013 | 5.33(1753) | 6.64(1764) | yes | |
| People of the Town (町の人) | Gatchaman Crowds | TV Series | 12 | 2013 | 5.33(1753) | 6.64(1764) | yes | |
| Pinion`s Fellow (ピニオンの仲間) | Suisei no Gargantia | TV Series | 13 | 2013 | 6.55(4289) | 7.37(4317) | yes | |
| Radio Operator (通信士) | Senki Zesshou Symphogear G | TV Series | 13 | 2013 | 5.71(921) | 6.76(925) | yes | |
| Reporter (リポーター) | Gatchaman Crowds | TV Series | 12 | 2013 | 5.33(1753) | 6.64(1764) | yes | |
| SP | Karneval (2013) | TV Series | 13 | 2013 | 4.17(960) | 6.21(964) | yes | |
| Sailor A (船員A) | Aoki Hagane no Arpeggio: Ars Nova | TV Series | 12 | 2013 | 5.67(2290) | 6.97(2315) | yes | |
| Schoolboy (男子生徒) | Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai | TV Series | 12 | 2011 | 5.95(6383) | 7.19(6424) | yes | |
K | TV Series | 13 | 2012 | 5.29(3808) | 6.82(3837) | yes | |
Hori-san to Miyamura-kun | OVA | 6 | 2012 - 2021 | 6.40(710) | 6.99(715) | yes | |
Kotoura-san | TV Series | 12 | 2013 | 5.59(2953) | 6.94(2970) | yes | |
Kyoukai no Kanata | TV Series | 12 | 2013 | 5.91(5093) | 7.06(5123) | yes | |
Toaru Kagaku no Railgun S | TV Series | 24 | 2013 | 7.60(3397) | 7.74(3422) | yes | |
Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei | TV Series | 26 | 2014 | 6.18(4932) | 7.16(4986) | yes | |
Witch Craft Works | TV Series | 12 | 2014 | 5.32(2653) | 6.84(2667) | yes | |
| Schoolboy A (男子生徒A) | Kotoura-san | TV Series | 12 | 2013 | 5.59(2953) | 6.94(2970) | yes | |
Machine-Doll wa Kizutsukanai | TV Series | 12 | 2013 | 4.94(2618) | 6.69(2634) | yes | |
Witch Craft Works | TV Series | 12 | 2014 | 5.32(2653) | 6.84(2667) | yes | |
| Schoolboy B (男子生徒B) | Ore no Kanojo to Osananajimi ga Shuraba Sugiru | TV Series | 13 | 2013 | 4.63(3048) | 6.58(3063) | yes | |
| Security Guard A (警備員A) | Machine-Doll wa Kizutsukanai | TV Series | 12 | 2013 | 4.94(2618) | 6.69(2634) | yes | |
| Security Guard B (警備員B) | Machine-Doll wa Kizutsukanai | TV Series | 12 | 2013 | 4.94(2618) | 6.69(2634) | yes | |
| Security Guard C (警備員C) | Machine-Doll wa Kizutsukanai | TV Series | 12 | 2013 | 4.94(2618) | 6.69(2634) | yes | |
| Self Defense Force Member (自衛官) | Gatchaman Crowds | TV Series | 12 | 2013 | 5.33(1753) | 6.64(1764) | yes | |
 | Shikaisha | Ore no Imouto ga Konna ni Kawaii Wake ga Nai. | TV Series | 13 | 2013 | 5.49(4189) | 6.90(4218) | yes | |
| Skill-Out (スキルアウト) | Toaru Kagaku no Railgun S | TV Series | 24 | 2013 | 7.60(3397) | 7.74(3422) | yes | |
| Spectator D (観客D) | Ore no Kanojo to Osananajimi ga Shuraba Sugiru | TV Series | 13 | 2013 | 4.63(3048) | 6.58(3063) | yes | |
| Struga (ストルガ) | Suisei no Gargantia | TV Series | 13 | 2013 | 6.55(4289) | 7.37(4317) | yes | |
| Student A (生徒A) | Little Busters! | TV Series | 26 | 2012 - 2013 | 5.45(2339) | 6.78(2347) | yes | |
Little Busters! Refrain | TV Series | 13 | 2013 | 7.49(1536) | 7.60(1544) | yes | |
| Student C (生徒C) | Little Busters! Refrain | TV Series | 13 | 2013 | 7.49(1536) | 7.60(1544) | yes | |
| Takahashi Fukutarou (高橋福太郎) | Gatchaman Crowds | TV Series | 12 | 2013 | 5.33(1753) | 6.64(1764) | yes | |
| Telephone Voice (電話の声) | Aoki Hagane no Arpeggio: Ars Nova | TV Series | 12 | 2013 | 5.67(2290) | 6.97(2315) | yes | |
| USEI Member (USEI隊員) | Courtesy of Zettai Karen Children: The Unlimited - Hyoubu Kyousuke | TV Series | 12 | 2013 | 6.52(1253) | 7.26(1260) | yes | |
 | Yasuoka | Ore no Kanojo to Osananajimi ga Shuraba Sugiru | TV Series | 13 | 2013 | 4.63(3048) | 6.58(3063) | yes | |
| Body Builder (ボディービルダー) | Golden Time | TV Series | 24 | 2013 - 2014 | 6.35(3863) | 7.22(3893) | yes | |
| Bridge Operator B (ブリッジオペレーターB) | Nobunaga the Fool | TV Series | 24 | 2013 - 2014 | 3.10(984) | 5.59(995) | yes | |
 | Hosshii-senpai | Golden Time | TV Series | 24 | 2013 - 2014 | 6.35(3863) | 7.22(3893) | yes | |
| Investigator (捜査員) | Strike the Blood | TV Series | 24 | 2013 - 2014 | 5.22(3327) | 6.82(3349) | yes | |
| Island Guard (アイランドガード) | Strike the Blood | TV Series | 24 | 2013 - 2014 | 5.22(3327) | 6.82(3349) | yes | |
 | Madoushi | Strike the Blood | TV Series | 24 | 2013 - 2014 | 5.22(3327) | 6.82(3349) | yes | |
| Male Believer 2 (男性信者2) | Golden Time | TV Series | 24 | 2013 - 2014 | 6.35(3863) | 7.22(3893) | yes | |
 | Operator | Strike the Blood | TV Series | 24 | 2013 - 2014 | 5.22(3327) | 6.82(3349) | yes | |
| Soccer Club Member (サッカー部員) | Golden Time | TV Series | 24 | 2013 - 2014 | 6.35(3863) | 7.22(3893) | yes | |
| Station Employee B (署員B) | Yozakura Quartet: Tsuki ni Naku | OVA | 3 | 2013 - 2014 | 6.62(438) | 7.04(438) | yes | |
| Uno Pilot (ウーノ・パイロット) | Nobunaga the Fool | TV Series | 24 | 2013 - 2014 | 3.10(984) | 5.59(995) | yes | |
| Aide (補佐官) | Kenzen Robo Daimidaler | TV Series | 12 | 2014 | 3.24(1013) | 5.54(1031) | yes | |
| Arandas Commisioned Officer (将校) | Shirogane no Ishi: Argevollen | TV Series | 24 | 2014 | 3.57(815) | 5.83(819) | yes | |
 | Bandou Saburouta | K | TV Series | 13 | 2012 | 5.29(3808) | 6.82(3837) | yes | |
Gekijouban K: Missing Kings | Movie | 1 | 2014 | 6.29(1370) | 7.14(1378) | yes | |
K: Return of Kings | TV Series | 13 | 2015 | 5.72(1363) | 6.93(1376) | yes | |
| Boyfriend (彼氏) | Selector Infected Wixoss | TV Series | 12 | 2014 | 5.46(1539) | 6.60(1546) | yes | |
| Chapatsu (茶髪) | Kanojo ga Flag o Oraretara | TV Series | 13 | 2014 | 3.24(1537) | 5.83(1541) | yes | |
| Classmate B (クラスメイトB) | Ryuugajou Nanana no Maizoukin (2014) | TV Series | 11 | 2014 | 5.10(2201) | 6.67(2210) | yes | |
| Delivery Man (配達員) | Saikin, Imouto no Yousu ga Chotto Okashiinda ga. | TV Series | 12 | 2014 | 2.94(1651) | 5.63(1664) | yes | |
| FLT Researcher (FLT研究員) | Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei | TV Series | 26 | 2014 | 6.18(4932) | 7.16(4986) | yes | |
| First High`s Student (一高生徒) | Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei | TV Series | 26 | 2014 | 6.18(4932) | 7.16(4986) | yes | |
| Gregory (グレゴリー) | Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei | TV Series | 26 | 2014 | 6.18(4932) | 7.16(4986) | yes | |
| Ingelmia Soldier (インゲルミア兵士) | Shirogane no Ishi: Argevollen | TV Series | 24 | 2014 | 3.57(815) | 5.83(819) | yes | |
| Investigator 1 (捜査員1) | Grisaia no Kajitsu | TV Series | 13 | 2014 | 5.71(3140) | 6.90(3154) | yes | |
 | Kagawa Kaito | Captain Earth | TV Series | 25 | 2014 | 3.84(1057) | 6.00(1063) | yes | |
 | Knuckle | Chain Chronicle: Short Animation | OVA | 8 | 2014 | 2.99(189) | 5.13(189) | yes | |
| Male Passerby (通行人(男)) | Kanojo ga Flag o Oraretara | TV Series | 13 | 2014 | 3.24(1537) | 5.83(1541) | yes | |
| Man in Black Clothes 2 (黒服2) | Grisaia no Kajitsu | TV Series | 13 | 2014 | 5.71(3140) | 6.90(3154) | yes | |
| Muozinelle Soldier (ムオジネル兵) | Madan no Ou to Vanadis | TV Series | 13 | 2014 | 4.75(2475) | 6.59(2488) | yes | |
| News (報道) | Kenzen Robo Daimidaler | TV Series | 12 | 2014 | 3.24(1013) | 5.54(1031) | yes | |
| Penguin Commando (ペンギンコマンド) | Kenzen Robo Daimidaler | TV Series | 12 | 2014 | 3.24(1013) | 5.54(1031) | yes | |
| Pilot (パイロット) | Aldnoah.Zero | TV Series | 12 | 2014 | 6.18(4381) | 7.14(4415) | yes | |
| Police Officer A (警官A) | M3: Sono Kuroki Hagane | TV Series | 24 | 2014 | 3.63(670) | 5.79(673) | yes | |
| Prison Guard 1 (刑務官1) | Witch Craft Works | TV Series | 12 | 2014 | 5.32(2653) | 6.84(2667) | yes | |
| Security Guard (警備員) | Karneval (2013) | TV Series | 13 | 2013 | 4.17(960) | 6.21(964) | yes | |
Captain Earth | TV Series | 25 | 2014 | 3.84(1057) | 6.00(1063) | yes | |
| Sergeant Kady (カディ軍曹) | Shirogane no Ishi: Argevollen | TV Series | 24 | 2014 | 3.57(815) | 5.83(819) | yes | |
| Spy (工作員) | Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei | TV Series | 26 | 2014 | 6.18(4932) | 7.16(4986) | yes | |
| Student (生徒) | Sakamichi no Apollon | TV Series | 12 | 2012 | 8.47(3542) | 8.10(3558) | yes | |
Little Busters! Refrain | TV Series | 13 | 2013 | 7.49(1536) | 7.60(1544) | yes | |
Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei | TV Series | 26 | 2014 | 6.18(4932) | 7.16(4986) | yes | |
Rokujouma no Shinryakusha!? | TV Series | 12 | 2014 | 4.90(1763) | 6.63(1770) | yes | |
Rakudai Kishi no Cavalry | TV Series | 12 | 2015 | 5.35(3464) | 6.86(3483) | yes | |
Starmyu | TV Series | 12 | 2015 | 4.00(256) | 5.58(259) | yes | |
| Teacher (教師) | Selector Infected Wixoss | TV Series | 12 | 2014 | 5.46(1539) | 6.60(1546) | yes | |
Shikkaku Mon no Saikyou Kenja | TV Series | 12 | 2022 | 2.75(958) | 5.59(961) | yes | |
| Yankee (ヤンキー) | Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun | TV Series | 12 | 2014 | 7.63(4488) | 7.72(4509) | yes | |
| Young Man (青年) | Selector Spread Wixoss | TV Series | 12 | 2014 | 5.88(1011) | 6.76(1015) | yes | |
 | Anjou Mamoru | Cardfight!! Vanguard G | TV Series | 48 | 2014 - 2015 | 3.72(81) | 5.45(82) | yes | |
| Civil Official (文官) | Akatsuki no Yona | TV Series | 24 | 2014 - 2015 | 7.16(2770) | 7.46(2784) | yes | |
| Guard (守備兵) | Akatsuki no Yona | TV Series | 24 | 2014 - 2015 | 7.16(2770) | 7.46(2784) | yes | |
| Guard (衛兵) | Akatsuki no Yona | TV Series | 24 | 2014 - 2015 | 7.16(2770) | 7.46(2784) | yes | |
| Oka Kousuke (岡耕介) | Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso | TV Series | 22 | 2014 - 2015 | 8.44(5753) | 8.08(5795) | yes | |
 | Sakamoto Teppei | Fantasista Stella | OVA | 3 | 2014 - 2015 | 3.90(32) | 4.87(32) | yes | |
| Wind Clan (風の部族) | Akatsuki no Yona | TV Series | 24 | 2014 - 2015 | 7.16(2770) | 7.46(2784) | yes | |
 | Aoki Daigo | Shokugeki no Souma | TV Series | 24 | 2015 | 7.88(4911) | 7.85(4944) | yes | |
Shokugeki no Souma OAD | OVA | 5 | 2015 - 2018 | 5.76(1000) | 6.90(1008) | yes | |
Shokugeki no Souma: Ni no Sara | TV Series | 13 | 2016 | 7.85(3546) | 7.84(3560) | yes | |
Shokugeki no Souma: San no Sara | TV Series | 12 | 2017 | 7.54(2661) | 7.70(2671) | yes | |
Shokugeki no Souma: San no Sara - Tootsuki Ressha Hen | TV Series | 12 | 2018 | 7.26(2133) | 7.56(2143) | yes | |
Shokugeki no Souma: Shin no Sara | TV Series | 12 | 2019 | 6.25(1430) | 7.15(1439) | yes | |
| Archery Club Member (弓道部部員) | Charlotte | TV Series | 13 | 2015 | 6.02(4970) | 7.09(5010) | yes | |
| Biker (バイクの男) | Grisaia no Rakuen | TV Series | 10 | 2015 | 6.87(2216) | 7.37(2230) | yes | |
| Black-suit A (黒服A) | Charlotte | TV Series | 13 | 2015 | 6.02(4970) | 7.09(5010) | yes | |
| Client A (客B) | Shokugeki no Souma | TV Series | 24 | 2015 | 7.88(4911) | 7.85(4944) | yes | |
| Conductor (車掌) | To Love-Ru: Trouble - Darkness 2nd | TV Series | 14 | 2015 | 6.51(1384) | 7.23(1397) | yes | |
| Convenience Store Clerk (コンビニ店長) | Charlotte | TV Series | 13 | 2015 | 6.02(4970) | 7.09(5010) | yes | |
| Delinquent A (不良A) | Charlotte | TV Series | 13 | 2015 | 6.02(4970) | 7.09(5010) | yes | |
| Friend (仲間) | Rakudai Kishi no Cavalry | TV Series | 12 | 2015 | 5.35(3464) | 6.86(3483) | yes | |
| Green Clans Man (緑のグランズマン) | K: Return of Kings | TV Series | 13 | 2015 | 5.72(1363) | 6.93(1376) | yes | |
| Group Member (隊員) | K: Return of Kings | TV Series | 13 | 2015 | 5.72(1363) | 6.93(1376) | yes | |
| Guerrilla (ゲリラ) | Charlotte | TV Series | 13 | 2015 | 6.02(4970) | 7.09(5010) | yes | |
| Homeroom Teacher (担任教員) | Charlotte | TV Series | 13 | 2015 | 6.02(4970) | 7.09(5010) | yes | |
 | John | Junketsu no Maria | TV Series | 12 | 2015 | 5.54(1856) | 6.72(1863) | yes | |
 | Kenny G. | JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken: Stardust Crusaders (2015) | TV Series | 24 | 2015 | 8.23(2999) | 7.92(3013) | yes | |
 | Lajendra no Fukukan | Arslan Senki (2015) | TV Series | 25 | 2015 | 6.78(2275) | 7.25(2285) | yes | |
| Male Student A (Danshi Seito A (男子生徒A)) | Shimoneta to Iu Gainen ga Sonzai Shinai Taikutsu na Sekai | TV Series | 12 | 2015 | 5.35(3729) | 6.81(3746) | yes | |
| Male Student B (男子生徒B) | Shokugeki no Souma | TV Series | 24 | 2015 | 7.88(4911) | 7.85(4944) | yes | |
Gamers! | TV Series | 12 | 2017 | 4.76(2505) | 6.56(2517) | yes | |
| Man B (男B (Otoko B)) | JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken: Stardust Crusaders (2015) | TV Series | 24 | 2015 | 8.23(2999) | 7.92(3013) | yes | |
| Manabe (真鍋) | Rakudai Kishi no Cavalry | TV Series | 12 | 2015 | 5.35(3464) | 6.86(3483) | yes | |
| Policeman (警官 (Keikan)) | JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken: Stardust Crusaders (2015) | TV Series | 24 | 2015 | 8.23(2999) | 7.92(3013) | yes | |
| Public Morals Committee Member A (Fuukiiin A (風紀委員A)) | Shimoneta to Iu Gainen ga Sonzai Shinai Taikutsu na Sekai | TV Series | 12 | 2015 | 5.35(3729) | 6.81(3746) | yes | |
| Public Morals Committee Member A (Zendou-ka Shokuin A (善導課職員A)) | Shimoneta to Iu Gainen ga Sonzai Shinai Taikutsu na Sekai | TV Series | 12 | 2015 | 5.35(3729) | 6.81(3746) | yes | |
| Regent Man (リーゼントの男) | Charlotte | TV Series | 13 | 2015 | 6.02(4970) | 7.09(5010) | yes | |
 | Rodrew Lay Marceau | Gate: Jieitai Kanochi nite, Kaku Tatakaeri | TV Series | 12 | 2015 | 7.00(4898) | 7.50(4928) | yes | |
| Shopkeeper (店主 (Tenshu)) | JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken: Stardust Crusaders (2015) | TV Series | 24 | 2015 | 8.23(2999) | 7.92(3013) | yes | |
| Students (生徒達) | Rakudai Kishi no Cavalry | TV Series | 12 | 2015 | 5.35(3464) | 6.86(3483) | yes | |
| Subordinate D (部下D) | Chaos Dragon: Sekiryuu Sen`eki | TV Series | 12 | 2015 | 2.07(872) | 4.78(881) | yes | |
 | Sugimura | To Love-Ru: Trouble - Darkness OAD | OVA | 9 | 2012 - 2016 | 6.33(1493) | 7.18(1508) | yes | |
To Love-Ru: Trouble - Darkness 2nd | TV Series | 14 | 2015 | 6.51(1384) | 7.23(1397) | yes | |
| Suspicious Man (不審な男) | Charlotte | TV Series | 13 | 2015 | 6.02(4970) | 7.09(5010) | yes | |
 | Tadano Tomoya | Kyoukai no Rinne | TV Series | 25 | 2015 | 4.50(810) | 6.18(815) | yes | |
| Traitor (Naitsuusha (内通者)) | Shimoneta to Iu Gainen ga Sonzai Shinai Taikutsu na Sekai | TV Series | 12 | 2015 | 5.35(3729) | 6.81(3746) | yes | |
| Zombie B (ゾンビB) | Gochuumon wa Usagi Desuka?? | TV Series | 12 | 2015 | 7.32(1291) | 7.54(1303) | yes | |
| 明日川 | Kokoro ga Sakebitagatterunda. | Movie | 1 | 2015 | 7.84(1789) | 7.74(1799) | yes | |
| Carta Guard (カルタ親衛隊) | Kidou Senshi Gundam: Tekketsu no Orphans | TV Series | 25 | 2015 - 2016 | 7.19(1638) | 7.42(1647) | yes | |
| Communication Soldier (通信兵) | Heavy Object | TV Series | 24 | 2015 - 2016 | 5.23(1552) | 6.66(1561) | yes | |
| Doctor (医師) | Dimension W | TV Series | 12 | 2015 - 2016 | 5.49(2370) | 6.80(2380) | yes | |
| Executive (幹部) | Dimension W | TV Series | 12 | 2015 - 2016 | 5.49(2370) | 6.80(2380) | yes | |
| Gjallarhorn Operator (ギャラルホルンオペレーター) | Kidou Senshi Gundam: Tekketsu no Orphans | TV Series | 25 | 2015 - 2016 | 7.19(1638) | 7.42(1647) | yes | |
| Gjallarhorn Soldier (ギャラルホルン兵士) | Kidou Senshi Gundam: Tekketsu no Orphans | TV Series | 25 | 2015 - 2016 | 7.19(1638) | 7.42(1647) | yes | |
 | Iekazu Cherryblossom | Heavy Object | TV Series | 24 | 2015 - 2016 | 5.23(1552) | 6.66(1561) | yes | |
| Operator (オペレーター) | Heavy Object | TV Series | 24 | 2015 - 2016 | 5.23(1552) | 6.66(1561) | yes | |
| Qi Member (Qi隊員) | Dimension W | TV Series | 12 | 2015 - 2016 | 5.49(2370) | 6.80(2380) | yes | |
| Student (学生) | Moyashimon Returns | TV Series | 11 | 2012 | 6.26(1190) | 7.05(1193) | yes | |
Dimension W | TV Series | 12 | 2015 - 2016 | 5.49(2370) | 6.80(2380) | yes | |
| Terrorist (テロリスト) | Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei | TV Series | 26 | 2014 | 6.18(4932) | 7.16(4986) | yes | |
Heavy Object | TV Series | 24 | 2015 - 2016 | 5.23(1552) | 6.66(1561) | yes | |
 | Asabuki Genma | Bubuki Buranki | TV Series | 12 | 2016 | 3.09(727) | 5.56(733) | yes | |
 | Banchou | Www.Working!! | TV Series | 13 | 2016 | 5.90(1387) | 6.91(1393) | yes | |
| Bubuki Policeman (ブブキ警官) | Bubuki Buranki | TV Series | 12 | 2016 | 3.09(727) | 5.56(733) | yes | |
| Convenience Store Clerk (コンビニ店員) | Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu | TV Series | 25 | 2016 | 7.73(7326) | 7.83(7398) | yes | |
| Criminal B (犯人B) | Active Raid: Kidou Kyoushuushitsu Dai Hachi Gakari | TV Series | 12 | 2016 | 2.50(765) | 5.15(772) | yes | |
| Employee (社員) | Fune o Amu | TV Series | 11 | 2016 | 7.77(1274) | 7.57(1276) | yes | |
| Hisashi | Ansatsu Kyoushitsu (2016) | TV Series | 25 | 2016 | 7.90(3174) | 7.86(3194) | yes | |
| Iron Boys (アイアンボーイズ) | Flip Flappers | TV Series | 13 | 2016 | 6.96(1662) | 7.20(1665) | yes | |
 | Kanbe Keisuke | Rewrite | TV Series | 13 | 2016 | 3.66(1341) | 5.99(1348) | yes | |
Rewrite 2nd Season | TV Series | 11 | 2017 | 4.71(821) | 6.53(829) | yes | |
| Knight E (騎士E) | Magi: Sindbad no Bouken (2016) | TV Series | 13 | 2016 | 6.85(1314) | 7.36(1323) | yes | |
| Male Customer B (男性客B) | Www.Working!! | TV Series | 13 | 2016 | 5.90(1387) | 6.91(1393) | yes | |
| Man C (男C) | Flying Witch | TV Series | 12 | 2016 | 7.08(2647) | 7.43(2655) | yes | |
| Merchant A (国民A) | Akagami no Shirayuki-hime (2016) | TV Series | 12 | 2016 | 7.46(1718) | 7.62(1726) | yes | |
 | Mishuri | Nejimaki Seirei Senki: Tenkyou no Alderamin | TV Series | 13 | 2016 | 6.79(2231) | 7.33(2237) | yes | |
| PR Department Member (宣伝部員) | Fune o Amu | TV Series | 11 | 2016 | 7.77(1274) | 7.57(1276) | yes | |
| Pirate (海賊) | Arslan Senki: Fuujin Ranbu | TV Series | 8 | 2016 | 6.51(1276) | 7.13(1278) | yes | |
| Priest (神官) | Flip Flappers | TV Series | 13 | 2016 | 6.96(1662) | 7.20(1665) | yes | |
 | Seigi no Chichi | Taboo Tattoo | TV Series | 12 | 2016 | 2.32(1385) | 5.16(1399) | yes | |
| Subjugation Corps (討伐隊) | Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu | TV Series | 25 | 2016 | 7.73(7326) | 7.83(7398) | yes | |
 | Takeuchi Senkou | Mob Psycho 100 | TV Series | 12 | 2016 | 8.08(5382) | 7.95(5409) | yes | |
Mob Psycho 100 II | TV Series | 13 | 2019 | 8.56(3361) | 8.12(3376) | yes | |
 | Yoshino Haruhiko | Rewrite | TV Series | 13 | 2016 | 3.66(1341) | 5.99(1348) | yes | |
Rewrite 2nd Season | TV Series | 11 | 2017 | 4.71(821) | 6.53(829) | yes | |
| Zot Clan (ゾッド族) | Arslan Senki: Fuujin Ranbu | TV Series | 8 | 2016 | 6.51(1276) | 7.13(1278) | yes | |
| Company Employee (社員) | Classicaloid | TV Series | 25 | 2016 - 2017 | 3.19(267) | 5.13(267) | yes | |
| Gjallarhorn Officer (ギャラルホルン士官) | Kidou Senshi Gundam: Tekketsu no Orphans (2016) | TV Series | 25 | 2016 - 2017 | 7.43(1035) | 7.49(1042) | yes | |
| Iok`s Subordinate (イオク部下) | Kidou Senshi Gundam: Tekketsu no Orphans (2016) | TV Series | 25 | 2016 - 2017 | 7.43(1035) | 7.49(1042) | yes | |
| Medicmon | Digimon Universe: Appli Monsters | TV Series | 52 | 2016 - 2017 | 4.73(98) | 5.75(101) | yes | |
| Tetsuhana Dan Member (鉄華団団員) | Kidou Senshi Gundam: Tekketsu no Orphans (2016) | TV Series | 25 | 2016 - 2017 | 7.43(1035) | 7.49(1042) | yes | |
 | Dan-senpai | Monster Hunter Stories: Ride On | TV Series | 75 | 2016 - 2018 | 3.35(94) | 5.03(94) | yes | |
| Announcer (アナウンサー) | Shimoneta to Iu Gainen ga Sonzai Shinai Taikutsu na Sekai | TV Series | 12 | 2015 | 5.35(3729) | 6.81(3746) | yes | |
Flying Witch | TV Series | 12 | 2016 | 7.08(2647) | 7.43(2655) | yes | |
Mahou Shoujo Ikusei Keikaku | TV Series | 12 | 2016 | 4.92(1151) | 6.32(1158) | yes | |
Shoujo Shuumatsu Ryokou | TV Series | 12 | 2017 | 8.30(2268) | 7.90(2280) | yes | |
Kage no Jitsuryokusha ni Naritakute! | TV Series | 20 | 2022 - 2023 | 7.62(1887) | 7.74(1912) | yes | |
| Audience (観客) | Hand Shakers | TV Series | 12 | 2017 | 1.84(668) | 4.18(684) | yes | |
 | Balthazari | Chain Chronicle: Haecceitas no Hikari | TV Series | 12 | 2017 | 3.88(612) | 5.98(615) | yes | |
| Black Suit A (黒服A) | Gamers! | TV Series | 12 | 2017 | 4.76(2505) | 6.56(2517) | yes | |
| Controller (管制官) | Muv-Luv Alternative: Total Eclipse | TV Series | 24 | 2012 | 4.47(1832) | 6.49(1855) | yes | |
Clockwork Planet | TV Series | 12 | 2017 | 3.12(1130) | 5.69(1139) | yes | |
 | Farger Batros | Dungeon ni Deai o Motomeru no wa Machigatte Iru Darouka Gaiden: Sword Oratoria | TV Series | 12 | 2017 | 4.80(2171) | 6.66(2183) | yes | |
Dungeon ni Deai o Motomeru no wa Machigatte Iru Darouka: Familia Myth IV | TV Series | 11 | 2022 | 6.53(1061) | 7.24(1070) | yes | |
Dungeon ni Deai o Motomeru no wa Machigatte Iru Darouka: Familia Myth V | TV Series | 15 | 2024 - 2025 | 6.31(282) | 7.07(289) | yes | |
| Henchman A (子分A) | Demi-chan wa Kataritai | TV Series | 12 | 2017 | 6.91(2911) | 7.42(2921) | yes | |
| Kudou (工藤) | Gamers! | TV Series | 12 | 2017 | 4.76(2505) | 6.56(2517) | yes | |
 | Kumai Shigemichi | Shokugeki no Souma: San no Sara | TV Series | 12 | 2017 | 7.54(2661) | 7.70(2671) | yes | |
| Kyouji`s Older Brother (恭二の兄) | The Idolmaster Side M | TV Series | 13 | 2017 | 5.23(131) | 6.03(131) | yes | |
| Operator (作業員) | Clockwork Planet | TV Series | 12 | 2017 | 3.12(1130) | 5.69(1139) | yes | |
 | Outa Jun`ichi | Demi-chan wa Kataritai | TV Series | 12 | 2017 | 6.91(2911) | 7.42(2921) | yes | |
| Riri`s Father (璃々の父) | Hand Shakers | TV Series | 12 | 2017 | 1.84(668) | 4.18(684) | yes | |
| Scout (スカウトマン) | The Idolmaster Side M | TV Series | 13 | 2017 | 5.23(131) | 6.03(131) | yes | |
 | Search Eye | Mahoujin Guru Guru (2017) | TV Series | 24 | 2017 | 7.94(453) | 7.27(453) | yes | |
| Second Assistant Director (セカンド助監督) | Sakura Quest | TV Series | 25 | 2017 | 6.78(1151) | 7.15(1153) | yes | |
 | Shimizu Tooru | Just Because! | TV Series | 12 | 2017 | 5.62(1393) | 6.76(1397) | yes | |
| Soldier B (兵士B) | Mahoujin Guru Guru (2017) | TV Series | 24 | 2017 | 7.94(453) | 7.27(453) | yes | |
Prima Doll | TV Series | 12 | 2022 | 4.32(245) | 5.95(247) | yes | |
Isekai Suicide Squad | Web | 10 | 2024 | 3.67(225) | 5.65(229) | yes | |
| TV Narrator (TVナレーター) | Itsudatte Bokura no Koi wa 10 Centi Datta. | TV Series | 6 | 2017 | 5.81(708) | 6.71(708) | yes | |
 | Tahara-sensei | Twin Angel Break | TV Series | 12 | 2017 | 2.77(185) | 4.90(186) | yes | |
 | Takarada Gai | Re:Creators | TV Series | 22 | 2017 | 6.07(2128) | 6.99(2146) | yes | |
| Teacher De Meine (デマイネ教師) | Knight`s & Magic | TV Series | 13 | 2017 | 4.99(1776) | 6.68(1788) | yes | |
 | Velnar | Chain Chronicle: Short Animation | OVA | 8 | 2014 | 2.99(189) | 5.13(189) | yes | |
Chain Chronicle (2016) | Movie | 3 | 2016 - 2017 | 5.04(234) | 6.34(235) | yes | |
Chain Chronicle: Haecceitas no Hikari | TV Series | 12 | 2017 | 3.88(612) | 5.98(615) | yes | |
 | Yeneodolos | Kujira no Kora wa Sajou ni Utau | TV Series | 12 | 2017 | 5.30(1117) | 6.58(1120) | yes | |
| Young Man (若者) | Sakura Quest | TV Series | 25 | 2017 | 6.78(1151) | 7.15(1153) | yes | |
| ガストロンレッド | Shokugeki no Souma: San no Sara | TV Series | 12 | 2017 | 7.54(2661) | 7.70(2671) | yes | |
 | Hinata Akitoto | Idolish Seven | TV Series | 17 | 2017 - 2018 | 6.31(180) | 6.53(182) | yes | |
| Operator A (オペレーターA) | Koukyoushihen: Eureka Seven - Hi-Evolution | Movie | 3 | 2017 - 2021 | 3.30(94) | 5.30(94) | yes | |
| Aid (エイド) | Sayonara no Asa ni Yakusoku no Hana o Kazarou | Movie | 1 | 2018 | 8.18(1649) | 7.84(1658) | yes | |
 | Ajuka Beelzebub | High School DxD Born | TV Series | 12 | 2015 | 5.20(2919) | 6.80(2945) | yes | |
High School DxD Hero | TV Series | 13 | 2018 | 4.77(1498) | 6.60(1515) | yes | |
| Announcement 2 (アナウンス2) | Hataraku Saibou | TV Series | 13 | 2018 | 6.64(2260) | 7.22(2266) | yes | |
| Biryuu (ビリュウ) | Hakumei to Mikochi | TV Series | 12 | 2018 | 7.64(914) | 7.57(916) | yes | |
| Blood Cell 3 (赤血球3) | Hataraku Saibou | TV Series | 13 | 2018 | 6.64(2260) | 7.22(2266) | yes | |
| Captain (主将) | Hanebado! | TV Series | 13 | 2018 | 4.94(995) | 6.33(999) | yes | |
| Captain of Sympathetic Nerve Cells (交感神経細胞隊長) | Hataraku Saibou | TV Series | 13 | 2018 | 6.64(2260) | 7.22(2266) | yes | |
| Digestive Duct Cell (消化管細胞) | Hataraku Saibou | TV Series | 13 | 2018 | 6.64(2260) | 7.22(2266) | yes | |
| General Cell 1 (一般細胞1) | Hataraku Saibou | TV Series | 13 | 2018 | 6.64(2260) | 7.22(2266) | yes | |
| Merman (魚人) | Yuragi-sou no Yuuna-san | TV Series | 12 | 2018 | 4.90(1257) | 6.56(1264) | yes | |
Yuragi-sou no Yuuna-san OAD | OVA | 4 | 2018 - 2020 | 4.57(517) | 6.40(522) | yes | |
| Narration (ナレーション) | Back Street Girls: Gokudols | TV Series | 10 | 2018 | 4.68(750) | 6.25(757) | yes | |
| Red Blood Cell 1 (赤血球1) | Hataraku Saibou | TV Series | 13 | 2018 | 6.64(2260) | 7.22(2266) | yes | |
| Red Blood Cell 3 (赤血球3) | Hataraku Saibou | TV Series | 13 | 2018 | 6.64(2260) | 7.22(2266) | yes | |
| Seller (売り子) | Hakumei to Mikochi | TV Series | 12 | 2018 | 7.64(914) | 7.57(916) | yes | |
 | Shuhiko | Hakumei to Mikochi | TV Series | 12 | 2018 | 7.64(914) | 7.57(916) | yes | |
| Slave (スレイブズ) | Sirius the Jaeger | TV Series | 12 | 2018 | 4.73(963) | 6.42(968) | yes | |
| Soldiers (兵士たち) | Golden Kamuy | TV Series | 12 | 2018 | 7.51(1957) | 7.54(1967) | yes | |
| Staff (スタッフ) | High School DxD Hero | TV Series | 13 | 2018 | 4.77(1498) | 6.60(1515) | yes | |
 | Tanaka | Hinamatsuri (2018) | TV Series | 12 | 2018 | 8.02(2883) | 7.84(2895) | yes | |
| Teacher (先生) | Tonari no Kyuuketsuki-san | TV Series | 12 | 2018 | 5.28(920) | 6.64(923) | yes | |
 | Tsubasa no Chichi | Comic Girls | TV Series | 12 | 2018 | 6.09(1099) | 6.93(1101) | yes | |
| Yuzubocchi (ゆずぼっち) | Citrus | TV Series | 12 | 2018 | 3.85(1828) | 6.00(1848) | yes | |
| 膳場 | Hinamatsuri (2018) | TV Series | 12 | 2018 | 8.02(2883) | 7.84(2895) | yes | |
| Black Suit (黒服) | Layton Mystery Tanteisha: Katri no Nazotoki File | TV Series | 50 | 2018 - 2019 | 5.99(116) | 6.22(116) | yes | |
| Goblin (ゴブリン) | Sword Art Online: Alicization | TV Series | 24 | 2018 - 2019 | 6.01(2805) | 7.12(2835) | yes | |
 | Ogre | Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken | TV Series | 24 | 2018 - 2019 | 7.35(4281) | 7.64(4317) | yes | |
| Rich Man A (金持ち男A) | Layton Mystery Tanteisha: Katri no Nazotoki File | TV Series | 50 | 2018 - 2019 | 5.99(116) | 6.22(116) | yes | |
 | Tecpatl | Toaru Majutsu no Index III | TV Series | 26 | 2018 - 2019 | 3.89(1277) | 6.12(1290) | yes | |
 | Artulean | Bakugan: Battle Planet | TV Series | 50 | 2018 - 2020 | 2.84(28) | 4.30(28) | yes | |
 | BEE | Bakugan: Battle Planet | TV Series | 50 | 2018 - 2020 | 2.84(28) | 4.30(28) | yes | |
| Engineer (技術者) | Bakugan: Battle Planet | TV Series | 50 | 2018 - 2020 | 2.84(28) | 4.30(28) | yes | |
 | Everett Ray | Bakugan: Battle Planet | TV Series | 50 | 2018 - 2020 | 2.84(28) | 4.30(28) | yes | |
 | Nillious | Bakugan: Battle Planet | TV Series | 50 | 2018 - 2020 | 2.84(28) | 4.30(28) | yes | |
 | Owner | Bakugan: Battle Planet | TV Series | 50 | 2018 - 2020 | 2.84(28) | 4.30(28) | yes | |
 | Yamamoto Rihatsuten Tenshu | Golden Kamuy | TV Series | 12 | 2018 | 7.51(1957) | 7.54(1967) | yes | |
Golden Kamuy (2018) | TV Series | 12 | 2018 | 8.18(1385) | 7.84(1390) | yes | |
Golden Kamuy OAD | OVA | 4 | 2018 - 2020 | 6.70(461) | 7.13(463) | yes | |
| Announcement (アナウンス) | Shimoneta to Iu Gainen ga Sonzai Shinai Taikutsu na Sekai | TV Series | 12 | 2015 | 5.35(3729) | 6.81(3746) | yes | |
Starmyu | TV Series | 12 | 2015 | 4.00(256) | 5.58(259) | yes | |
Hataraku Saibou | TV Series | 13 | 2018 | 6.64(2260) | 7.22(2266) | yes | |
En`en no Shouboutai | TV Series | 24 | 2019 | 6.32(2348) | 7.14(2361) | yes | |
| Arrow 01 (アロー01) | Girly Air Force | TV Series | 12 | 2019 | 2.87(579) | 5.26(582) | yes | |
| Company 7 Member (第7隊員) | En`en no Shouboutai | TV Series | 24 | 2019 | 6.32(2348) | 7.14(2361) | yes | |
En`en no Shouboutai Ni no Shou | TV Series | 24 | 2020 | 6.50(1249) | 7.27(1260) | yes | |
 | Debit Zara | Arifureta Shokugyou de Sekai Saikyou | TV Series | 13 | 2019 | 3.66(2561) | 6.04(2594) | yes | |
 | Dikidoro Diki | Fairy Gone | TV Series | 12 | 2019 | 2.94(814) | 5.42(822) | yes | |
| Game Center Employee (ゲームセンターの店員) | Joshikousei no Mudazukai | TV Series | 12 | 2019 | 6.72(876) | 7.12(879) | yes | |
| Handsome Man (イケメン) | Joshikousei no Mudazukai | TV Series | 12 | 2019 | 6.72(876) | 7.12(879) | yes | |
| Jikkyou (実況) | Fight League: Gear Gadget Generators | Web | 26 | 2019 | 3.28(46) | 4.67(46) | yes | |
| Male Teacher (男性教師) | Miru Tights | Web | 12 | 2019 | 4.36(850) | 6.11(858) | yes | |
| Momiji`s Father (もみじの父) | Fruits Basket 1st Season | TV Series | 25 | 2019 | 7.63(1517) | 7.62(1522) | yes | |
 | Morito | Dr. Stone | TV Series | 24 | 2019 | 7.55(3383) | 7.66(3406) | yes | |
| Nikolai (ニコライ) | Youjo Senki (2019) | Movie | 1 | 2019 | 8.13(1675) | 7.83(1683) | yes | |
 | Numai Kazuma | Haikyuu!! (2019) | OVA | 2 | 2019 | 6.43(860) | 7.17(864) | yes | |
| Police Officer (警官) | Layton Mystery Tanteisha: Katri no Nazotoki File | TV Series | 50 | 2018 - 2019 | 5.99(116) | 6.22(116) | yes | |
Bokutachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai! | TV Series | 13 | 2019 | 5.74(1166) | 6.91(1173) | yes | |
| Refugee A (避難民A) | Grimms Notes the Animation | TV Series | 12 | 2019 | 2.66(319) | 5.08(319) | yes | |
| Resident A (住民A) | Grimms Notes the Animation | TV Series | 12 | 2019 | 2.66(319) | 5.08(319) | yes | |
 | Suzuki | Bokutachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai! | TV Series | 13 | 2019 | 5.74(1166) | 6.91(1173) | yes | |
Bokutachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai: Nagisa ni Usemono Arite Senjin wa Enzen to [X] Suru | OVA | 1 | 2019 | 5.49(493) | 6.76(497) | yes | |
 | Suzuki Masayoshi | Joshikousei no Mudazukai | TV Series | 12 | 2019 | 6.72(876) | 7.12(879) | yes | |
| Team Member (隊員) | En`en no Shouboutai | TV Series | 24 | 2019 | 6.32(2348) | 7.14(2361) | yes | |
| Villager of Suna (スーナの村人) | Fairy Gone | TV Series | 12 | 2019 | 2.94(814) | 5.42(822) | yes | |
| 兵士 | Endro~! | TV Series | 12 | 2019 | 5.41(821) | 6.60(823) | yes | |
| Animal ♂ (動物♂) | Murenase! Seton Gakuen | TV Series | 12 | 2020 | 5.28(1061) | 6.68(1066) | yes | |
| Benjamin | Magatsu Wahrheit: Zuerst | TV Series | 12 | 2020 | 4.44(270) | 6.04(272) | yes | |
| Combatant (戦闘員) | Koi to Producer: Evol x Love | TV Series | 12 | 2020 | 3.07(162) | 5.20(162) | yes | |
| Healthy Fighters MC (ヘルシーファイターズMC) | Gekijouban Shirobako | Movie | 1 | 2020 | 7.53(381) | 7.43(383) | yes | |
| Holy Sol Believer (聖陽教徒) | En`en no Shouboutai Ni no Shou | TV Series | 24 | 2020 | 6.50(1249) | 7.27(1260) | yes | |
| Infernal (焔ビト) | En`en no Shouboutai Ni no Shou | TV Series | 24 | 2020 | 6.50(1249) | 7.27(1260) | yes | |
| Kemonohito (獣人) | Shironeko Project: Zero Chronicle | TV Series | 12 | 2020 | 1.76(396) | 4.67(402) | yes | |
 | Kuromori Wolf | Murenase! Seton Gakuen | TV Series | 12 | 2020 | 5.28(1061) | 6.68(1066) | yes | |
 | Meyer | Dai 501 Tougou Sentou Koukuu Dan Strike Witches: Road to Berlin | TV Series | 12 | 2020 | 6.02(296) | 6.79(299) | yes | |
| Murakami (村上) | Oshi ga Budoukan Itte Kuretara Shinu | TV Series | 12 | 2020 | 6.28(380) | 6.78(382) | yes | |
| Narrator (ナレーション) | Oshi ga Budoukan Itte Kuretara Shinu | TV Series | 12 | 2020 | 6.28(380) | 6.78(382) | yes | |
| Nataku`s Father (ナタクの父) | En`en no Shouboutai Ni no Shou | TV Series | 24 | 2020 | 6.50(1249) | 7.27(1260) | yes | |
| Otaku (オタク) | Oshi ga Budoukan Itte Kuretara Shinu | TV Series | 12 | 2020 | 6.28(380) | 6.78(382) | yes | |
| Tamura (田村) | Oshi ga Budoukan Itte Kuretara Shinu | TV Series | 12 | 2020 | 6.28(380) | 6.78(382) | yes | |
 | Ueoka Ibuki | Number 24 | TV Series | 12 | 2020 | 3.59(127) | 5.35(129) | yes | |
| Young People (若衆) | Monster Musume no Oisha-san | TV Series | 12 | 2020 | 3.83(930) | 6.09(934) | yes | |
| マーチ | Kami no Tou | TV Series | 13 | 2020 | 5.83(2181) | 6.91(2197) | yes | |
| レンハナ | Kami no Tou | TV Series | 13 | 2020 | 5.83(2181) | 6.91(2197) | yes | |
| 人狩り | Somali to Mori no Kamisama | TV Series | 12 | 2020 | 7.14(1268) | 7.34(1272) | yes | |
| 店員 | Yesterday o Utatte | TV Series | 12 | 2020 | 5.34(1070) | 6.57(1073) | yes | |
 | Buka | Mewkledreamy | TV Series | 48 | 2020 - 2021 | 6.27(66) | 5.76(67) | yes | |
 | Hisho | Bakugan: Armored Alliance | TV Series | 52 | 2020 - 2021 | 3.38(19) | 4.60(19) | yes | |
 | Matt no Sofu | Bakugan: Armored Alliance | TV Series | 52 | 2020 - 2021 | 3.38(19) | 4.60(19) | yes | |
| Soldier Captain (兵士長) | Gekijouban Fate/Grand Order: Shinsei Entaku Ryouiki Camelot | Movie | 2 | 2020 - 2021 | 5.31(327) | 6.58(329) | yes | |
| Who (誰か) | Mewkledreamy | TV Series | 48 | 2020 - 2021 | 6.27(66) | 5.76(67) | yes | |
 | Beowulf | Genjitsu Shugi Yuusha no Oukoku Saikenki | TV Series | 13 | 2021 | 5.38(1588) | 6.82(1597) | yes | |
| Butler (執事) | Shinigami Bocchan to Kuro Maid | TV Series | 12 | 2021 | 5.91(711) | 6.81(713) | yes | |
| Butler A (執事A) | Shinigami Bocchan to Kuro Maid | TV Series | 12 | 2021 | 5.91(711) | 6.81(713) | yes | |
| Faustless of the Wind (風のファウストレス) | Sentouin, Haken Shimasu! | TV Series | 12 | 2021 | 4.48(1307) | 6.41(1314) | yes | |
 | Hakkekkyuu (2626) | Hataraku Saibou | TV Series | 13 | 2018 | 6.64(2260) | 7.22(2266) | yes | |
Hataraku Saibou!! | TV Series | 8 | 2021 | 6.03(839) | 7.00(841) | yes | |
| High School Boy (男子高校生) | Horimiya | TV Series | 13 | 2021 | 7.30(2171) | 7.60(2185) | yes | |
| Male Swordsman (男剣士) | Ijiranaide, Nagatoro-san | TV Series | 12 | 2021 | 5.64(1753) | 6.88(1764) | yes | |
| Man (男性) | Vivy: Fluorite Eye`s Song | TV Series | 13 | 2021 | 7.93(1628) | 7.79(1639) | yes | |
Undead Unluck | TV Series | 24 | 2023 - 2024 | 6.84(538) | 7.32(543) | yes | |
 | Motopuri | Cider no You ni Kotoba ga Wakiagaru | Movie | 1 | 2021 | 6.09(512) | 6.96(516) | yes | |
 | Moz | Cheat Kusushi no Slow Life: Isekai ni Tsukurou Drugstore | TV Series | 12 | 2021 | 2.71(684) | 5.35(689) | yes | |
 | Muroya Daisuke | Shakunetsu Kabaddi | TV Series | 12 | 2021 | 4.83(410) | 6.24(412) | yes | |
 | Otaku | Ijiranaide, Nagatoro-san | TV Series | 12 | 2021 | 5.64(1753) | 6.88(1764) | yes | |
 | Ranbanein | World Trigger | TV Series | 73 | 2014 - 2016 | 5.13(1375) | 6.70(1390) | yes | |
World Trigger 2nd Season | TV Series | 12 | 2021 | 6.98(412) | 7.35(417) | yes | |
| Rawls (ロールズ) | Mushoku Tensei: Isekai Ittara Honki Dasu | TV Series | 11 | 2021 | 8.10(3623) | 7.87(3665) | yes | |
| Robbery (強盗) | Edens Zero | TV Series | 25 | 2021 | 4.80(499) | 6.34(507) | yes | |
 | Sensei | Getsuyoubi no Tawawa 2 | Web | 12 | 2021 | 4.14(400) | 6.13(404) | yes | |
| Small Old Man (小さいおじさん) | Mieruko-chan | TV Series | 12 | 2021 | 6.03(1246) | 6.99(1251) | yes | |
| Soldier (兵士) | Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei | TV Series | 26 | 2014 | 6.18(4932) | 7.16(4986) | yes | |
Arslan Senki (2015) | TV Series | 25 | 2015 | 6.78(2275) | 7.25(2285) | yes | |
Heavy Object | TV Series | 24 | 2015 - 2016 | 5.23(1552) | 6.66(1561) | yes | |
Arslan Senki: Fuujin Ranbu | TV Series | 8 | 2016 | 6.51(1276) | 7.13(1278) | yes | |
Takt Op. Destiny | TV Series | 12 | 2021 | 4.12(824) | 6.17(829) | yes | |
 | Suzuki Aruto | Alice Gear Aegis: Doki! Actress Darake no Mermaid Grand Prix | OVA | 1 | 2021 | 2.59(85) | 4.94(85) | yes | |
Alice Gear Aegis Expansion | TV Series | 12 | 2023 | 2.35(96) | 4.86(98) | yes | |
 | Tezuka Isshin | Kyoukai Senki | TV Series | 13 | 2021 | 3.32(253) | 5.43(254) | no | |
 | Tolman | Genjitsu Shugi Yuusha no Oukoku Saikenki | TV Series | 13 | 2021 | 5.38(1588) | 6.82(1597) | yes | |
| Viola`s Attendant (ヴィオラのお付き) | Shinigami Bocchan to Kuro Maid | TV Series | 12 | 2021 | 5.91(711) | 6.81(713) | yes | |
 | Zolua Waltorre | Shinka no Mi: Shiranai Uchi ni Kachigumi Jinsei | TV Series | 12 | 2021 | 2.76(898) | 5.58(905) | yes | |
| トァク隊員2 | Vivy: Fluorite Eye`s Song | TV Series | 13 | 2021 | 7.93(1628) | 7.79(1639) | yes | |
| Bushi (武士) | Orient | TV Series | 12 | 2022 | 2.88(308) | 5.38(309) | yes | |
| College Student (大学生) | Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai: Ultra Romantic | TV Series | 13 | 2022 | 8.88(1731) | 8.22(1745) | yes | |
| Demobilised Soldier (復員兵) | Prima Doll | TV Series | 12 | 2022 | 4.32(245) | 5.95(247) | yes | |
| Devotee B (信者B) | Tensei Kenja no Isekai Life: Daini no Shokugyou o Ete, Sekai Saikyou ni Narimashita | TV Series | 12 | 2022 | 2.65(833) | 5.43(843) | yes | |
 | Drawood | Tensai Ouji no Akaji Kokka Saisei Jutsu | TV Series | 12 | 2022 | 5.41(1102) | 6.78(1108) | yes | |
 | Franklin | Dolls` Frontline | TV Series | 12 | 2022 | 2.39(239) | 4.84(240) | yes | |
| Knight (騎士) | Shokei Shoujo no Virgin Road | TV Series | 12 | 2022 | 4.49(745) | 6.29(754) | yes | |
Kage no Jitsuryokusha ni Naritakute! | TV Series | 20 | 2022 - 2023 | 7.62(1887) | 7.74(1912) | yes | |
 | Kurobee | Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken | TV Series | 24 | 2018 - 2019 | 7.35(4281) | 7.64(4317) | yes | |
Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken (2019) | OVA | 5 | 2019 - 2020 | 5.55(1417) | 6.90(1429) | yes | |
Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken: Tensura Nikki | TV Series | 12 | 2021 | 5.23(1097) | 6.74(1104) | yes | |
Gekijouban Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken: Guren no Kizuna Hen | Movie | 1 | 2022 | 6.24(826) | 7.14(830) | yes | |
Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken (2024) | TV Series | 24 | 2024 | 6.45(803) | 7.15(809) | yes | |
| Large Man (大男) | Dr. Stone: Ryuusui | TV Special | 1 | 2022 | 7.57(912) | 7.70(920) | yes | |
 | Mackenger | Kinsou no Vermeil: Gakeppuchi Majutsushi wa Saikyou no Yakusai to Mahou Sekai o Tsukisusumu | TV Series | 12 | 2022 | 3.92(850) | 6.18(858) | yes | |
| Miner (鉱夫) | Orient | TV Series | 12 | 2022 | 2.88(308) | 5.38(309) | yes | |
| Pupil (生徒) | Orient | TV Series | 12 | 2022 | 2.88(308) | 5.38(309) | yes | |
 | Resin | Tensei Kenja no Isekai Life: Daini no Shokugyou o Ete, Sekai Saikyou ni Narimashita | TV Series | 12 | 2022 | 2.65(833) | 5.43(843) | yes | |
| Ryuuzouji Bushi Band Member (竜造寺武士団団員) | Orient | TV Series | 12 | 2022 | 2.88(308) | 5.38(309) | yes | |
| Serf (領民) | Orient | TV Series | 12 | 2022 | 2.88(308) | 5.38(309) | yes | |
 | Shi Buki Touzoku | Overlord IV | TV Series | 13 | 2022 | 7.24(1581) | 7.54(1588) | yes | |
| Shopkeeper (店主) | Prima Doll | TV Series | 12 | 2022 | 4.32(245) | 5.95(247) | yes | |
| Soldier A (兵士A) | Koukyuu no Karasu | TV Series | 13 | 2022 | 6.39(459) | 6.94(461) | yes | |
 | Taiiku Kyoushi | Aharen-san wa Hakarenai | TV Series | 12 | 2022 | 5.42(964) | 6.77(970) | yes | |
 | Tobias Jagan | Strike the Blood | TV Series | 24 | 2013 - 2014 | 5.22(3327) | 6.82(3349) | yes | |
Strike the Blood Final | OVA | 4 | 2022 | 4.95(188) | 6.41(192) | yes | |
 | Yamae-taii | Prima Doll | TV Series | 12 | 2022 | 4.32(245) | 5.95(247) | yes | |
 | Guston Parche | Kidou Senshi Gundam: Suisei no Majo | TV Series | 12 | 2022 - 2023 | 6.49(712) | 7.03(718) | yes | |
Kidou Senshi Gundam: Suisei no Majo (2023) | TV Series | 12 | 2023 | 6.44(491) | 6.96(494) | yes | |
 | Rudra | Dungeon ni Deai o Motomeru no wa Machigatte Iru Darouka: Familia Myth IV (2023) | TV Series | 11 | 2022 - 2023 | 7.79(942) | 7.71(952) | yes | |
 | Shinpan | Kage no Jitsuryokusha ni Naritakute! | TV Series | 20 | 2022 - 2023 | 7.62(1887) | 7.74(1912) | yes | |
| Villager (村人) | Isekai Ojisan | TV Series | 13 | 2022 - 2023 | 7.45(1275) | 7.52(1280) | yes | |
| ゼン(30年前) | Ars no Kyojuu | TV Series | 12 | 2022 - 2023 | 3.36(332) | 5.54(333) | yes | |
| Actor (俳優) | Bungou Stray Dogs (2023) | TV Series | 13 | 2023 | 7.79(390) | 7.63(394) | yes | |
| Additional Voice | Aku no Hana | TV Series | 13 | 2013 | 5.24(1825) | 6.40(1865) | yes | |
Minami-ke Tadaima | TV Series | 13 | 2013 | 7.44(1397) | 7.57(1401) | yes | |
Hinamatsuri (2018) | TV Series | 12 | 2018 | 8.02(2883) | 7.84(2895) | yes | |
Isekai de Cheat Skill o Te ni Shita Ore wa, Genjitsu Sekai o mo Musou Suru: Level Up wa Jinsei o Kaeta | TV Series | 13 | 2023 | 3.07(1005) | 5.74(1014) | yes | |
Kimetsu no Yaiba: Katanakaji no Sato Hen | TV Series | 11 | 2023 | 7.90(1418) | 7.83(1430) | yes | |
Mou Ippon! | TV Series | 13 | 2023 | 6.87(310) | 7.24(312) | yes | |
Synduality Noir | TV Series | 12 | 2023 | 3.79(202) | 5.86(203) | yes | |
Nige Jouzu no Wakagimi | TV Series | 12 | 2024 | 6.37(359) | 6.98(362) | yes | |
| Adventurer (冒険者) | Seija Musou: Salaryman, Isekai de Ikinokoru Tame ni Ayumu Michi | TV Series | 12 | 2023 | 4.38(635) | 6.32(638) | yes | |
 | Bazan | Seija Musou: Salaryman, Isekai de Ikinokoru Tame ni Ayumu Michi | TV Series | 12 | 2023 | 4.38(635) | 6.32(638) | yes | |
| Beast Demonoid (ビーストデモノイド) | Hataraku Maou-sama!! (2023) | TV Series | 12 | 2023 | 3.98(461) | 6.21(465) | yes | |
 | Cross | Tensei Kizoku no Isekai Boukenroku: Jichou o Shiranai Kamigami no Shito | TV Series | 12 | 2023 | 3.36(733) | 5.88(737) | yes | |
| Fukuchi`s Subordinate (福地の部下) | Bungou Stray Dogs (2023) TV | TV Series | 11 | 2023 | 8.19(329) | 7.75(333) | yes | |
| Gang Member (組員) | Ojou to Banken-kun | TV Series | 13 | 2023 | 2.01(183) | 4.44(185) | yes | |
 | Gasuke | Rurouni Kenshin: Meiji Kenkaku Romantan (2023) | TV Series | 24 | 2023 | 6.76(490) | 7.24(492) | yes | |
 | Head | Isekai de Cheat Skill o Te ni Shita Ore wa, Genjitsu Sekai o mo Musou Suru: Level Up wa Jinsei o Kaeta | TV Series | 13 | 2023 | 3.07(1005) | 5.74(1014) | yes | |
 | Kamei | AI no Idenshi | TV Series | 12 | 2023 | 4.52(322) | 6.15(324) | yes | |
| Kokona`s Father (ここなの父) | World Dai Star | TV Series | 12 | 2023 | 5.63(118) | 6.40(119) | yes | |
| Leader of Bandits (盗賊のリーダー) | Potion-danomi de Ikinobimasu! | TV Series | 12 | 2023 | 3.32(393) | 5.75(396) | yes | |
 | Leon | Ningen Fushin no Boukensha-tachi ga Sekai o Sukuu You Desu | TV Series | 12 | 2023 | 3.03(732) | 5.72(736) | yes | |
 | Leon | Ningen Fushin no Boukensha-tachi ga Sekai o Sukuu You Desu | TV Series | 12 | 2023 | 3.03(732) | 5.72(736) | yes | |
| Male swordsman (男剣士) | Ijiranaide, Nagatoro-san 2nd Attack | TV Series | 12 | 2023 | 6.36(754) | 7.19(756) | yes | |
| Member 1 (組員1) | Ojou to Banken-kun | TV Series | 13 | 2023 | 2.01(183) | 4.44(185) | yes | |
| Nelson (ネルソン) | Hikikomari Kyuuketsuki no Monmon | TV Series | 12 | 2023 | 4.36(418) | 6.23(421) | yes | |
| Noelle`s Father (ノエル父) | Kizuna no Allele | TV Series | 12 | 2023 | 1.93(103) | 4.23(104) | yes | |
| Race Driver (レースドライバー) | Overtake! | TV Series | 12 | 2023 | 6.35(276) | 6.84(277) | yes | |
| SNS Voice (SNSの声) | "Oshi no Ko" | TV Series | 11 | 2023 | 8.57(1591) | 8.02(1615) | yes | |
 | Shinpan | Kage no Jitsuryokusha ni Naritakute! | TV Series | 20 | 2022 - 2023 | 7.62(1887) | 7.74(1912) | yes | |
Kage no Jitsuryokusha ni Naritakute! 2nd Season | TV Series | 12 | 2023 | 7.62(1196) | 7.67(1207) | yes | |
| Shougun (将軍 ) | Hataraku Maou-sama!! (2023) | TV Series | 12 | 2023 | 3.98(461) | 6.21(465) | yes | |
| Subordinate (部下) | Shirogane no Ishi: Argevollen | TV Series | 24 | 2014 | 3.57(815) | 5.83(819) | yes | |
Mashle | TV Series | 12 | 2023 | 5.52(1189) | 6.86(1196) | yes | |
 | Suzu no Chichi | Ayakashi Triangle | TV Series | 12 | 2023 | 3.77(274) | 5.69(276) | yes | |
 | Taniguchi Tomoya | Yamada-kun to Lv999 no Koi o Suru | TV Series | 13 | 2023 | 6.40(969) | 7.21(973) | yes | |
| Treefolk (木々人) | Hikari no Ou | TV Series | 10 | 2023 | 5.71(399) | 6.71(399) | yes | |
 | Valestein-taisa | The Legend of Heroes: Sen no Kiseki - Northern War | TV Series | 12 | 2023 | 2.33(183) | 4.80(185) | yes | |
| Tourist (観光客) | Undead Unluck | TV Series | 24 | 2023 - 2024 | 6.84(538) | 7.32(543) | yes | |
| Townspeople (街の人々) | Ragna Crimson | TV Series | 24 | 2023 - 2024 | 5.36(489) | 6.68(493) | yes | |
| Underling (手下) | Undead Unluck | TV Series | 24 | 2023 - 2024 | 6.84(538) | 7.32(543) | yes | |
 | Zack | Undead Unluck | TV Series | 24 | 2023 - 2024 | 6.84(538) | 7.32(543) | yes | |
| Aizu-han Samurai (会津藩士) | Ao no Miburo | TV Series | 24 | 2024 - ???? | 4.34(39) | 5.85(39) | yes | |
 | Alexei Amigochaz | Kami no Tou | TV Series | 13 | 2020 | 5.83(2181) | 6.91(2197) | yes | |
Kami no Tou (2024) | TV Series | 26 | 2024 | 3.55(296) | 5.91(297) | no | |
| Flower Monster (花の魔物) | Mahou Shoujo ni Akogarete | TV Series | 13 | 2024 | 6.95(715) | 7.33(725) | yes | |
 | Kenjutsu Kyoushi | Akuyaku Reijou Level 99: Watashi wa Ura Boss Desu ga Maou de wa Arimasen | TV Series | 12 | 2024 | 4.89(751) | 6.55(754) | yes | |
 | Lanak | Unnamed Memory | TV Series | 12 | 2024 | 4.18(445) | 6.07(447) | yes | |
| Maurice | Delico`s Nursery | TV Series | 13 | 2024 | 3.12(82) | 4.92(82) | yes | |
| Player (プレイヤー) | Sword Art Online Alternative: Gun Gale Online II | TV Series | 12 | 2024 | 4.93(265) | 6.47(266) | yes | |
| Radio DJ (ラジオDJ) | Trapezium | Movie | 1 | 2024 | 4.45(21) | 5.90(21) | yes | |
 | Ryuu | Akuyaku Reijou Level 99: Watashi wa Ura Boss Desu ga Maou de wa Arimasen | TV Series | 12 | 2024 | 4.89(751) | 6.55(754) | yes | |
| Streamer (配信者) | NegaPosi Angler | TV Series | 12 | 2024 | 5.40(190) | 6.59(192) | yes | |
 | Danny | S Rank Monster no "Behemoth" Dakedo, Neko to Machigawarete Elf Musume no Pet to Shite Kurashitemasu | TV Series | 12 | 2024 - 2025 | 2.31(155) | 5.02(157) | yes | |
 | Tanaka | Watashi no Shiawase na Kekkon (2025) | TV Series | 13 | 2024 - 2025 | 6.58(30) | 6.73(30) | yes | |
| Citizen (住民) | Ao no Exorcist: Yosuga Hen | TV Series | 12 | 2025 | 6.39(28) | 6.62(28) | yes | |
| Exorcist (祓魔師) | Ao no Exorcist: Yosuga Hen | TV Series | 12 | 2025 | 6.39(28) | 6.62(28) | yes | |
| Rental Video Clerk (レンタルビデオ店員) | Sakamoto Days | TV Series | 11 | 2025 | 5.14(133) | 6.41(133) | yes | |
| Researcher (研究員) | Ao no Exorcist: Shimane Illuminati Hen | TV Series | 12 | 2024 | 4.89(314) | 6.48(316) | yes | |
Ao no Exorcist: Yosuga Hen | TV Series | 12 | 2025 | 6.39(28) | 6.62(28) | yes | |
| Staff Member (職員) | Ao no Exorcist: Yosuga Hen | TV Series | 12 | 2025 | 6.39(28) | 6.62(28) | yes | |
| Zombie (ゾンビ) | Sakamoto Days | TV Series | 11 | 2025 | 5.14(133) | 6.41(133) | yes | |