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Tsundere Fanclub

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Tsundere Fanclub
A club for fans of tsundere girls.

Tsundere is a Japanese word for a character archetype which describes a person with a conceited, spiky, combative personality that suddenly becomes modest and loving when triggered by some sort of cause (such as being alone with someone). It can also describe a personality that is good-willed, but its attitude and actions often contradict its nature.

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post #51 byKuroibara on 15.11.2016 03:16


That is all.

post #50 bydeleted User 094967 on 03.08.2016 11:04

You can just upload them to Google Docs, I think it supports all common document formats used by MS Office and LibreOffice.

post #49 byK9ofChaos on 03.08.2016 04:08

@niks and CDB-Man

Thanks for the input. And yeah, doing the google docs method might be a better idea. I'll just need to figure out how to translate those microsoft word documents into google docs form first.

post #48 byCDB-Man on 02.08.2016 22:40

Adding tags doesn't generally need creq approval if the tag was not previously deleted. If you went and added a load of tags, we would have to go through reports to search them out by your user ID.

Echoing what niks said, indiscriminately adding based on TV Tropes is probably not the greatest idea; adding those examples that you know are tsunderes from the TV Tropes list sounds a bit more sane. Posting the list somewhere would help, but if it's a giant list then I doubt many people will read it with a fine-toothed comb.

post #47 bydeleted User 094967 on 02.08.2016 22:10

I'm not a mod so don't take my word for it but I think you should only tag something as such if you personally think it applies. Which means you could look at that list you have and only tag characters you personally think are tsunderes. Having seen the show is perhaps not mandatory as TV Tropes does often give reasoning for why this or that is the case but I personally would only tag characters that I have first hand knowledge of.

It should be fine even if you're wrong, though in case if you do massive abuse (hundreds of tags in a short span with multiple/many wrong), chances are all of them will be revoked and your rights to tag characters (and perhaps add anything to DB) revoked. So exercise reason when you do it.

I reckon you could post that document on Google Docs and then people from this club could go and tag characters from that list that they think really are tsunderes and then cross out that charter from the list. You can do that via an anonymous link that has edit rights, or perhaps better yet, just view and comment rights with people adding a comment that they have added the tag or that they don't think the character is a tsundere (though I'm sure that won't happen, TV Tropes seems to have generally higher quality than Wikipedia albeit obviously it's still not perfect).

post #46 byK9ofChaos on 02.08.2016 16:48

Hinoe wrote:

K9ofChaos wrote:
Out of curiosity, if I were to place the tsundere tag in a character's article, the most that would happen is that it would be removed if the majority of users disagreed with the tag's placement, right? Or do I not have the authority to add tags to articles by virtue of being a relatively new user? Sorry if I come across as newb-ish.

Anybody can add valid tags to anything, unless they are demoted to levels below the standard. In fact, with the default user privileges, you can even addentirely new tags (as in, tags that don't exist in the system yet). You can also request the removal of any tags that seem wrong to you.

Tags are, like pretty much everything else, subject to oversight; tag maintainers and mods hold the authority of overriding user view, and as such we can delete tags from entities, remove tags altogether, block tags from being used (for example, you cannot tag a creator "tsundere", no matter how much you may want to, because the tag is blocked for that system), (un)blacklist tags (banning them from being (re)created), and so forth. If you believe a tag shouldn't be assigned to a specific entity, we'll also be the ones who review your request for removal.

Mortsyn wrote:
I always thought of Edward as being the tsundere between the two, not Winry. The guy gets more tsun-tsun dere-dere than any other character in the series.

Does he? I'm interested; what makes you think that? (Actual question, I'm truthfully curious and not just trolling.)

Hello there. I'm gonna go start adding the tsundere tag to character articles that don't have that tag yet are considered tsunderes by other sources. If you mods/admins think the tag does or doesn't fit, then you'll just use your mod/admin powers to reject or accept the new tag. I just wanted to let you guys know in advance.

As for the criteria I'm using to determine which articles get the tsundere tag, here's what it is. I have a couple word documents that list tsunderes according to the website known as TV Tropes. Granted, TV Tropes isn't an authoritative source on this subject, which is why I'm telling you about it before I go through with it. Keep in mind that I haven't seen every single show that are on those lists I have, so determining the accuracy of said tag placements would be up to the mods/admins/fans of the show to debate whether they agree with the tag placement or not.

However, if what I'm proposing to do breaks any rules, please let me know and I'll just forget about adding the tsundere tag to a bunch of articles based on what TV Tropes said about those characters. I don't want to overstep any boundaries since I'm still a somewhat relatively new and semi-active user of this website. Thank you and have a good day.

post #45 byHinoe on 05.02.2016 13:56

Well, fair point.

post #44 byMortsyn on 05.02.2016 13:49

Hinoe wrote:
Does he? I'm interested; what makes you think that? (Actual question, I'm truthfully curious and not just trolling.)

Everytime someone mentions Winry to Edward (in a romantic sense), he always gets angry, but also embarrassed. Example:

Blushing face, shocked response, says it in an angry tone, etc.

Happens rather often in the series; Constantly denying any sort of romantic feelings towards her. Maybe not really your typical tsundere, but he does have some of the typical qualites of a tsundere.

post #43 byCDB-Man on 05.02.2016 07:24

I agree with the sentiment that Ed could be considered a tsundere as well, in certain respects.

Also, what Hinoe said. Feel free to go add tags to any characters that seem to be missing tags. Just click on the "add tag" button on that character's page. AniDB is setup similar to a wiki, in that anyone can contribute data. Some data needs to go through the moderation approval process, the CREQ (change request) system. Most new data can be added without creq.

It's much better than those giant Haruhi anime season airing charts.
This will be my new "signature" for a while, to advertise this apparently not-well-known feature.

post #42 byHinoe on 05.02.2016 02:05

K9ofChaos wrote:
Out of curiosity, if I were to place the tsundere tag in a character's article, the most that would happen is that it would be removed if the majority of users disagreed with the tag's placement, right? Or do I not have the authority to add tags to articles by virtue of being a relatively new user? Sorry if I come across as newb-ish.

Anybody can add valid tags to anything, unless they are demoted to levels below the standard. In fact, with the default user privileges, you can even addentirely new tags (as in, tags that don't exist in the system yet). You can also request the removal of any tags that seem wrong to you.

Tags are, like pretty much everything else, subject to oversight; tag maintainers and mods hold the authority of overriding user view, and as such we can delete tags from entities, remove tags altogether, block tags from being used (for example, you cannot tag a creator "tsundere", no matter how much you may want to, because the tag is blocked for that system), (un)blacklist tags (banning them from being (re)created), and so forth. If you believe a tag shouldn't be assigned to a specific entity, we'll also be the ones who review your request for removal.

Mortsyn wrote:
I always thought of Edward as being the tsundere between the two, not Winry. The guy gets more tsun-tsun dere-dere than any other character in the series.

Does he? I'm interested; what makes you think that? (Actual question, I'm truthfully curious and not just trolling.)

post #41 byK9ofChaos on 04.02.2016 20:27

@niks and Mortsyn

I never thought that tsunderes can only get mad at relatively petty things. There's also the question about whether you consider a tsundere's low tolerance for stupidity a justification for their anger. Sure, it may seem like a weak excuse, but it can be understandable from the point of view of someone who has/had to deal with stupid people. Which I'm sure most of us have experienced at one point or another.

The way I see it, anger born from worry can be a nice blend of both the tsun tsun and the dere dere aspects.

post #40 byMortsyn on 04.02.2016 19:47

I always thought of Edward as being the tsundere between the two, not Winry. The guy gets more tsun-tsun dere-dere than any other character in the series.

post #39 bydeleted User 094967 on 04.02.2016 18:18

I'll just chime in and say that I was surprised to read that anyone would consider Winry a tsundere but couldn't quite put it down as to why so I didn't say anything but I think Hinoe might have nailed it down (how unusual) - a tundere is supposed to be snappy AND snap at silly, almost pitiful things neither of which but especially not the later is true about her (at least from the little I remember about FMA and specifically about her which is almost nothing to be honest).

post #38 byK9ofChaos on 04.02.2016 16:52

@Hinoe and CDB-Man

Thanks for the clarification. Some other characters who are classified as tsunderes by TV Tropes are Maka Albarn from Soul Eater and Casca from Berserk. Though I know that the character's default mood doesn't matter as long as the flip between moods is generally quick. Don't worry, I'm not going to start some anarchist revolution over how this site tags certain characters. I just felt like contributing to this conversation.

Out of curiosity, if I were to place the tsundere tag in a character's article, the most that would happen is that it would be removed if the majority of users disagreed with the tag's placement, right? Or do I not have the authority to add tags to articles by virtue of being a relatively new user? Sorry if I come across as newb-ish.

post #37 byCDB-Man on 04.02.2016 04:18

Hinoe wrote:
Right, so we talked about this for a bit and here's the conclusion: as long as there is a clear harsh/violent ("tsuntsun") state and a clear lovestruck ("deredere") state and there is a clear and quick (preferentially instantaneous) transition between the two states, the character can be considered a tsundere; default state is irrelevant. Barring further comment from us or from mods, you can consider this as AniDB's official position on the matter.

Speaking specifically of Winry, I am personally not sure whether to consider her a tsundere. I lean more towards saying she's not one, but not on the "default state" grounds; instead, what bothers me are things like her level of honesty with herself (not something you see in most tsundere characters) and how justifiable her anger towards Ed tends to be. Nevertheless, I readily concede that there is ground for the opposite view and wouldn't be against tagging her; indeed, CDB himself also considers her one, so on those grounds I went ahead and tagged her. As for Kagome, neither of us watched Inuyasha, so we'll refrain from commenting.

I confirm that the above is as per discussion. Long story short, both "type A" and "type B" tsunderes should both be tagged; what we are concerned about is the fact that there's a (generally very quick) flip from one mode to the other. The default state does not matter.

It's much better than those giant Haruhi anime season airing charts.
This will be my new "signature" for a while, to advertise this apparently not-well-known feature.

post #36 byHinoe on 04.02.2016 04:11

Right, so we talked about this for a bit and here's the conclusion: as long as there is a clear harsh/violent ("tsuntsun") state and a clear lovestruck ("deredere") state and there is a clear and quick (preferentially instantaneous) transition between the two states, the character can be considered a tsundere; default state is irrelevant. Barring further comment from us or from mods, you can consider this as AniDB's official position on the matter.

Speaking specifically of Winry, I am personally not sure whether to consider her a tsundere. I lean more towards saying she's not one, but not on the "default state" grounds; instead, what bothers me are things like her level of honesty with herself (not something you see in most tsundere characters) and how justifiable her anger towards Ed tends to be. Nevertheless, I readily concede that there is ground for the opposite view and wouldn't be against tagging her; indeed, CDB himself also considers her one, so on those grounds I went ahead and tagged her. As for Kagome, neither of us watched Inuyasha, so we'll refrain from commenting.

post #35 byCDB-Man on 04.02.2016 01:02

Well now, that is an interesting question indeed, with multiple possible solutions (one of which being status quo, of course). Yeah, we're likely to discuss this internally first.

post #34 byHinoe on 04.02.2016 00:02

That's an interesting question, and you're in luck because the two people in the best position to talk about AniDB policies concerning tags, CDB-Man and myself, read this thread.

Indeed that's such a good question that I don't actually have an immediate answer; I'll have to think about it and talk to CDB before I can say anything.

post #33 byK9ofChaos on 03.02.2016 20:18

Just out of curiosity, what do you guys think of the "Type-B" Tsundere? Let me explain.

TV Tropes has two classifications for Tsunderes. The Type-A Tsundere whose default mood is the Tsun Tsun. Whereas the Type-B Tsundere's default mood is the Dere Dere. Two examples of Type-B Tsunderes according to TV Tropes would be Winry Rockbell from Fullmetal Alchemist and Kagome Higurashi from Inuyasha.

Yet these two characters aren't listed as Tsunderes on this website. So does that mean AniDB goes by what TV Tropes would refer to as the "Type-A" category? Keep in mind that I don't have a problem with this setup at all. I just want to understand the reasoning for this difference in Tsundere classification.

post #32 byAtma on 02.02.2016 09:57

Tsunderplane gives you a condescending barrel roll!
I really need to play Undertale.

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