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The Badass Club

Club: The Badass Club

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The Badass Club
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NameThe Badass Club(cl46)
related CharacterAkabane Kuroudo,Alucard,Balalaika,Balsa Yonsa,Char Aznable,Claire Stanfield,Dark Schneider,Emiya Kiritsugu,Guts,Heiwajima Shizuo,Hiei,Jin,Johan Liebert,Johannes Krauser II,Kaiba Seto,Kamina,Kibagami Juubee,Kogarashi,Kotomine Kirei,Kusanagi Motoko,Ladd Russo,Legato Bluesummers,Lucy,Midou Ban,Mugen,Nanashi,Onizuka Eikichi,Revy,Ryougi Shiki,Sephiroth,Spike Spiegel,Teresa,Vegeta,Vicious,Yami no Yuugi,Zaraki Kenpachi,Zero
related Tagcalling your attacksIf you can do something more impressive than just throw a punch, your attack(s) must have an equally impressive name. More than that, you have to call it out as you launch the attack. It doesn`t matter if it`s a martial arts move, a magical spell or your secret superweapon, if you can`t say its name, it just isn`t nearly as cool or effective.,charismaticCharisma is a compelling attractiveness or charm that can inspire devotion in others.,cigarno description set,cigaretteAn addictive small roll with tobacco inside, is lit and its smoke inhaled.,manlyMasculinity is possessing qualities or characteristics considered typical of or appropriate to a man.Typical characteristics associated with masculinity are: courage, a strong physique, competitive, strong willed, and a sense of honor.Very important for being considered masculine however is the ability to inspire respect from your fellow brethren and/or being perceived as a virile man by the opposite sex.
Stats48 member, 42 posts
Originally founded byhellfire51 on2009-06-22 05:30
Current ownerhellfire51
An army of one, a badass dispatches his foes by the dozens. Common characteristics of a badass are a lack of conscience, wielding large weapons, shouting attack names, and powering up. A badass's personality ranges from criminal or violent insanity, sadism, brutality, cruelty, and merciless to reserved, perseverant, and protective. While many are anti-heroes, heroes too can be badasses.

This club is dedicated the badasses of anime.

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post #27 bytenkenX6 on 23.06.2019 11:49

moniker wrote:

wonder what you guys think of the CGI Berserk in 2016/2017?

Also, there's a rumor going around that the guy who made Castlevenia anime adaptation on Netflix wants to adapt Berserk alongside with Devil May Cry. Even though the Berserk is not confirmed, DMC will be integrated to the Castlevenia as a crossover or some sort.

I thought the CGI Berserk from 2016/2017 was pretty good, overall. Sure I wasn't used to the jerky looking animation and definitely wasn't expecting it (until it was officially announced and etc). However, the continuation of the storyline and introduction of new characters were handled well, IMO. A lot of people really disliked this adaptation and some down right hate it, but given that we get to see the events after the original TV series/movie trilogy, I would say the animation quality can be overlooked. I care more about the story and characters of Berserk way more than the animation quality. Don't get me wrong, though. I would definitely have liked it to be non-CGI rather than what we saw in the end product.

As for the rumored Netflix adaptations, if these rumors are true, I hope they adapt a standalone series for Berserk to continue with the storyline left off at the end of the 2016/2017 CGI Berserk series. Hopefully they'll use a more traditional animation style and not a weird CGI infused animation style we saw in the latest Berserk incarnation.

post #26 bymoniker on 27.12.2018 02:22

wonder what you guys think of the CGI Berserk in 2016/2017?

Also, there's a rumor going around that the guy who made Castlevenia anime adaptation on Netflix wants to adapt Berserk alongside with Devil May Cry. Even though the Berserk is not confirmed, DMC will be integrated to the Castlevenia as a crossover or some sort.

post #25 byCDB-Man on 18.11.2015 14:07

Well, given that I have a lack of time to find any suitable picture, when I asked for a suggestion, I'm going to take the path of least resistance; using the charpic has the added advantage of not even needing to re-upload since I can just steal its picurl.

post #24 byMortsyn on 18.11.2015 07:41

When I said any, I didn't think you would go with the first choice, but hey! I ain't complaining!

post #23 byCDB-Man on 18.11.2015 01:32

Mortsyn wrote:
Just use any picture ofGuts and call it a day.

post #22 byMortsyn on 17.11.2015 09:06

Just use any picture ofGuts and call it a day.

post #21 byCDB-Man on 17.11.2015 08:46

Someone give us a suggestion for a club banner. That means you too, Mort, after you join.

post #20 byCDB-Man on 26.08.2015 06:59

Done, added.

post #19 byHinoe on 26.08.2015 06:44

post #18 byCDB-Man on 25.08.2015 19:33

All good suggestions, added.

post #17 byblue_heart on 25.08.2015 18:26

Since you revived the topic, I have a few suggestions: Zero (Code Geass), Akabane Kuroudo (GetBackers), Midou Ban (GetBackers), Kogarashi (Kamen no Maid Guy), Seto Kaiba (Yu-gi-oh) and Yami Yuugi (Yu-gi-oh), Ladd Russo (Baccano!) and Dark Schneider (Bastard!! Ankoku no Hakai Shin).

post #16 byCDB-Man on 25.08.2015 01:25

> it's creator missing for almost 4 years already.
Which is why I'm here to do some updating.

> This club doesn't even have signature logo
If anyone cares to make/find a decent one, I'll see to it.

> Some characters from fate should be added I guess.
The only ones worth adding are really just Kotomine and Kerry, IMO. Added.

post #15 bywellmet on 24.08.2015 22:23

This club doesn't even have signature logo + it's creator missing for almost 4 years already. Some characters from fate should be added I guess.

post #14 byCDB-Man on 24.08.2015 20:32

Updated the subject list with Krauser II and a bunch of tags. Comment if you got more tags or other items that should be added.

post #13 byCDB-Man on 06.10.2014 01:03

blue_heart wrote:
Btw, anyone mentioned Krauser II from DMC? xD


post #12 byblue_heart on 28.01.2012 15:22

Why doesn't this club have a picture on the main page? Btw, anyone mentioned Krauser II from DMC? xD

post #11 byminsc10 on 02.05.2011 11:13

I hope that bad "ass" option will be picked
Choose the ass wisely though.

post #10 bymaalik on 17.10.2009 09:34

how about Sendo and Takamura from Hajime no Ippo

post #9 byVoid_Existence on 25.07.2009 06:21

bigsimo wrote:

for club picture you could get a photo of someones ass, and shop 'bad' onto it.
or not.

That's brilliant, I swear

post #8 byVoid_Existence on 25.07.2009 06:19

I'm just going to drunkenly stumble into this club, b/c I liked what I heard...

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