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Sawachika Eri Fanclub

Club: Sawachika Eri Fanclub

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Sawachika Eri Fanclub
  • Info
NameSawachika Eri Fanclub(cl41)
AliasEri Sawachika Fanclub, Her Oujo-sama Sawachika Eri Fanclub
related AnimeSchool Rumble,School Rumble Ni Gakki,School Rumble San Gakki,School Rumble: Ichi Gakki Hoshuu
related CharacterSawachika Eri
related CreatorHorie Yui
related TagojouThe ojou ("princess", called "ojou-sama" in the anime) may be many things (perhaps even a real princess), but she is undoubtedly rich, either in her own right or by being part of an absurdly powerful family. The ojou is noticeable by her shrill and obnoxious laugh often (if not always) while putting the backside of her hand in front of her mouth.,yellow hairThe character has yellow hair. This does not map precisely to real-life blond hair.
Stats117 member, 27 posts
Originally founded bykeitarou on2009-06-22 00:53
Current ownerkeitarou
A fanclub for the oujo from School Rumble.

Born into wealth, Eri is the daughter of a prominent English businessman. Her mother is from Kyoto, Japan. Although Eri was born in Japan, she moved to England for her early schooling before returning to Japan to attend high school. As a result, her knowledge of kanji is limited, causing her to occasionally make humorous linguistic mistakes.

Eri's most striking features are her amber eyes and long blond hair (which she usually ties into twintails), which signify her mixed British-Japanese heritage.

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post #21 byhisoka1337 on 25.02.2012 14:50

goddamn that pic is awesome

post #20 byraptureamv on 28.02.2011 11:43

Happy birthday Eri-chan!

post #19 byxellos133 on 29.11.2010 19:37

1st blonde is ranpha,I think eri is 2nd.

post #18 byxellos133 on 26.11.2010 21:13

one of the best blonde anime girls

post #17 byVoid_Existence on 28.07.2009 07:34

it's just that I wouldn't dare open a thread in a club where I'm the most junior member
also, I'm kind of new to the community (though I joined earlier this year, I really didn't do anything on here), so I'd rather follow a veteran's lead on just about everything, rather than take the lead, myself

In fact, I've been forgetting to take a look into the pure forums, all this time. Stupid, but true - I've been misled by this slick club interface into forgetting there is a forum structure, underneath.

Once again, thanks for being so understanding.

edit: thank you, Keitarou

post #16 bykeitarou on 27.07.2009 11:36

Er, yeah. Let's keep the image thread for actual images. Moved the posts to the shoutbox, which is for ... general anything.

post #15 by4as on 27.07.2009 11:00

Well, this is Image Collection thread, so I wanna kinda see images here ;p Although your discussion is quite interesting, it could be just cut out and moved to separate thread.

post #14 byVoid_Existence on 27.07.2009 06:42

hikarucon wrote:

lol sorry. It must be annoying to get notifications all the time over this.

man, that's right. I totally didn't think of that. I had to unsubscribe from some threads b/c they kept popping up in my message folder, even though I was never in them; but I totally didn't connect the dots that I'm doing the same, here. However, what then is the shoutbox for, other than people constantly giving shout-outs to each other, showing their love and support. As soon as a decent number of people are in any given club, we'll all have to unsubscribe to it, won't we?

Also, if this is in any way a comfort, I'd like to say I tried to keep it open and interesting for anyone who might come by.

Also, thanks for being so gentle in your reprimand, 4as.

post #13 byhikarucon on 27.07.2009 04:10

lol sorry. It must be annoying to get notifications all the time over this.

post #12 by4as on 27.07.2009 01:09

I dont really mind but... you guys ARE aware that there is private message option under your avatars ? >_>

post #11 byVoid_Existence on 26.07.2009 23:10

"light" ... that's beautiful...

Is hikaru/hikari strictly a japanese word, or does it also appear in other asian languages?

Also, it's interesting that it can be read in more than one way. Again, growing up german, you always know exactly how to pronounce a german name. Somehow there's just never any question about it. The more I think about it the more I'm puzzled by the phenomenon of language.

post #10 byhikarucon on 26.07.2009 11:50

Sure. Hikaru is made by one kanji, 光, meaning light. But it is often read as hikari, so when people read my name, they often say hikari instead. Hikari is also a unisex name.

post #9 byVoid_Existence on 26.07.2009 04:45

I've never heard a German name where you couldn't immediately tell whether it was male or female. It's sort-of built into the language, I guess. But when I moved to the US I was struck by the fact that some names can go both ways. For example, apparently Shawn can be a girl's name, too. Come to think of it, I think that's actually an advantage to have non-gender-specific names, at least for society, at large. It's a small thing, but it makes people stop and wonder; it opens the mind up to paradox, at least a little.

Btw, I suppose 'hikaru' derives from symbols that have meanings, not just sounds. Would you be so kind as to clue me in on possible interpretations?

post #8 byhikarucon on 26.07.2009 04:28

Thanks, lol.
Yes that is true. There are actually some names that can be for both guys and girls. It can get pretty confusing sometimes.

post #7 byVoid_Existence on 26.07.2009 04:22

hikarucon wrote:

Actually, I wanted lolicon as a username but that was taken in many different forms, so I decided just to take my first name and then add con. I know it makes no sense, but, hey, it works for me.

no, it's actually quite brilliant.

and, true, to get a nick like lolicon you'd probably have to turn the time machine back a good number of years

...a short look on wikipedia tells me that hikaru is apparently a name both male and female??

post #6 byhikarucon on 26.07.2009 04:09

Actually, I wanted lolicon as a username but that was taken in many different forms, so I decided just to take my first name and then add con. I know it makes no sense, but, hey, it works for me.

post #5 byVoid_Existence on 25.07.2009 22:07

Eri pix do seem to be rare on shuushuu, probably b/c it's a pretty old series. Do you mind her being in a group?

on a side note: hmm... my pic was active on another post. I wonder what's up.

post #4 byVoid_Existence on 25.07.2009 20:18

thanx for the info hikarucon
btw, what hikaru do you have a complex about, if that is what the name implies?

Also, how can one get one's user id pic to work in the forum? Does it take a while to transition?

post #3 byhikarucon on 25.07.2009 12:54

皇女or 王女 both translate to oujo. basically meaning princess. since eri is rich and acts like an oujo, harima calls her oujo.

post #2 byVoid_Existence on 25.07.2009 07:10

keitarou again? You're betraying the long black-haired beauties!

...just kidding. My heart is big enough for this girl, as well (tho blonde hair ranks low on my list).

btw, i'm sorry i'm so uninformed, but is there a good free romaji>English online dictionary? This is the xth time today I'm having to scramble to find the meaning of a word: oujo.

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