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Zaraki Kenpachi

Character: Zaraki Kenpachi

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Zaraki Kenpachi
  • Info
  • Names
Main NameZaraki Kenpachi(ch7623)
Official Nameja
Date of Birth19.11.????
Gender Identitymale
Height (in cm)202
Weight (in kg)108
Western zodiacscorpioScorpio (♏) is the eighth astrological sign in the Zodiac.Duration: 23 October – 22 November
accessorieseyepatchAn eyepatch is a small patch that is worn in front of one eye.
clothingsandalsA shoe with open-work upper or no upper, fastened with straps.,warajiWaraji are sandals made from straw rope that in the past were the standard footwear of the common people in Japan.,tabiTabi are traditional Japanese socks with a separation between the big toe and its neighbour, worn with thonged footwear.
disabilitytopographical disorientationFor some reason, this character is having great difficulties in navigating and finding the right path, and is thus often getting lost.In the worst case, just simple and short trips to a workplace, school, neighbour or to close by cities and towns may end up as an endless voyage through the country... or other countries, planets and galaxies.
entityshinigamiShinigami (死神, "death spirit") is the personification of death that evolved in Japan, having been imported to Japan from Europe during the Meiji period.This image of death was quickly adopted and featured in such works as the rakugo play Shinigami and in Shunsen Takehara`s Ehon Hyaku Monogatari (One-hundred Story Picture-Book).The term shinigami may also be used more loosely to refer to any death deity.It seems to be a recent term, however, as it belongs to no specific Shinto deity and is rarely used in folklore.Today, the use of shinigami for any number of supernatural beings associated with death in Japanese manga and anime is common.For example, the series Bleach, Death Note, and Soul Eater use shinigami as a major plot device. (source: Wikipedia)
fashion accessoriesbellno description set
lookssanpaku eyesSanpaku eyes or sanpakugan are eyes in which the white space above or below the iris is visible. The term "sanpakugan" literally means "three-white eyes". The white part of the eye, known as the sclera, is expected to be visible to the left and right of the iris, but generally not above or below it, making for "two whites", the left one and the right one; the visibility of sclera above or below the iris makes for a "third white", thus the name.,black hairThe character has black hair.,spiked hairThe hair is styled up into spikes.,scarsA scar is an area of fibrous tissue that replaces normal skin after an injury. Scars are result of the biological process of wound repair in the skin and scarring is a natural part of the healing process.
personalitybloodthirstyLiable to resort to violence, desires conflict, enjoys bloodshed.,carefreeA carefree person is free of worries, cares or concerns. This does not necessarily imply that they have no responsibilities or are negligent towards them; they are simply able to live out their lives in tranquility regardless of what happens.,cruelExtremely unkind and unpleasant and causing pain to people or animals intentionally.,ruthlessThis character will stop at nothing to achieve their goals and will be unbound by any constraints,simple-mindedThis character exhibits a `special` sort of intelligence. Be it the inability to comprehend even the most simple of situations, or the lack of common sense found in even a preschooler, the character never ceases to amaze both the show`s cast and audience with their idiocy.,straightforwardThis character is well aware of what he/she wants, and is not afraid of showing it, or going for it. No need to wrap things up, when you can more easily call things by their actual names.
rolecaptain -- TO BE SPLIT AND DELETEDThis tag is set to be split. Please apply more appropriate tags to the tagged characters and then delete it from them. Possible replacements include, but are not limited to: vessel captain, knight order commander, mercenary captain, junior officer (for the army rank), senior officer (for the navy rank), among others. If none of these seem to apply, please remove the tag from the character and specify the details of the case in the creq message. Thank you.
weaponskatanaA type of Japanese sword, often called a "samurai sword". The term katana may be applied to the standard size moderately curved Japanese sword with a blade length of greater than 60 cm. The katana is characterized by its distinctive appearance: a curved, slender, single edged blade, circular or squared guard, and long grip to accommodate two hands.
Rating8.87(731)(based on anime-character ratings)
Waifu3 users have this character as their husbando.
TrashYour husbando is 11% trash.
Added byhidden on2009-05-29 19:08
Edited byhidden on2023-10-01 19:06
Main NameZaraki Kenpachi(ch7623)
Official Nameja
Official Namebg
Kanaざらき けんぱち
Zaraki Kenpachi is the wild and bloodthirsty captain of soul society's Eleventh Squad. He cares little for the politics of soul society or its fate, but is happy as long as he gets to fight. He is a tall muscular shinigami with an enormous amount of spiritual energy. Though he is a monster in battle and attacks his foe relentlessly, he often purposely holds back in fights in order to prolong his enjoyment. Kenpachi's zanpakutou has no name and no apparent abilities; it is also incredibly worn and battered from its long battle history.

Source: Anime-Planet
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directly related clubs
The Badass Club
Zaraki Kenpachi
indirectly related clubs
Akiyama Mio Fanclub
Lelouch Lamperouge Fanclub
United Villainy
Kuudere\Dandere Fanclub
Kira Fanclub
Black Hair Fanclub
Sesshoumaru Fanclub
Sanka Rea Fanclub
Evil Alliance
Tessa Fans


  • Anime Appearance
  • Related Entities
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related anime

RelationImageNameEpisode appearanceTypeEpisodesYearRatingAverageAction
secondary cast inBleachBleach20, 24-30, 34-36, 38-40, 45, 51-54, 56, 60-61, 63, 65, 74-75, 77, 85-87, 92-94, 97-98, 107, 112, 117, 119, 125, 138, 142, 173, 179, 181, 183-184, 195-197, 199-203, 218, 226, 243-249, 286, 288-289, 298, 310, 315, 317, 319-321, 324-326, 328-329, 331-332, 336-341, 355, 361-363, 365-366TV Series3662004 - 20126.48(15515)7.93(16481)vote stats
secondary cast inBleach: Sennen Kessen HenBleach: Sennen Kessen Hen2-5, 9-10TV Series1320228.34(956)7.95(968)vote stats
secondary cast inBleach: Sennen Kessen Hen - Ketsubetsu TanBleach: Sennen Kessen Hen - Ketsubetsu Tan7-8TV Series1320237.26(645)7.48(654)vote stats
secondary cast inBleach: Sennen Kessen Hen - Soukoku TanBleach: Sennen Kessen Hen - Soukoku Tan2, 5-8, 10TV Series1420247.35(273)7.49(278)vote stats
secondary cast inGekijouban Bleach: Fade to Black Kimi no Na o YobuGekijouban Bleach: Fade to Black Kimi no Na o YobuMovie120085.41(2976)7.02(3006)vote stats
secondary cast inGekijouban Bleach: Memories of NobodyGekijouban Bleach: Memories of NobodyMovie120065.55(5199)7.28(5272)vote stats
secondary cast inGekijouban Bleach: The DiamondDust Rebellion Mou Hitotsu no HyourinmaruGekijouban Bleach: The DiamondDust Rebellion Mou Hitotsu no HyourinmaruMovie120075.40(3929)7.12(3973)vote stats
cameo appearance inGintamaGintama1, 122TV Series2012006 - 20108.61(5626)8.40(5781)vote stats

related entities

is the enemy ofNnoitra JirugaNnoitra Jirugamale4.06(28)
is the leader ofJuuichiban TaiJuuichiban TaiOrganisationN/A(2)
is the successor ofUnohana RetsuUnohana Retsu11th Division and the title Kenpachifemale7.29(111)
is the superior ofAramaki MakizouAramaki MakizoumaleN/A(7)
Ayasegawa YumichikaAyasegawa Yumichikamale3.36(126)
Kusajishi YachiruKusajishi Yachirufemale7.29(202)
Madarame IkkakuMadarame Ikkakumale7.24(127)
killsBerenice GabrielliBerenice GabriellimaleN/A(0)
Gremmy ThoumeauxGremmy ThoumeauxmaleN/A(0)
Jerome GuizbattJerome GuizbattmaleN/A(0)
Kiganjou KenpachiKiganjou KenpachimaleN/A(0)
Kutsuzawa GirikoKutsuzawa GirikomaleN/A(5)
Nnoitra JirugaNnoitra Jirugamale4.06(28)
Unohana RetsuUnohana Retsufemale7.29(111)
otherNozarashiNozarashimanifested spirit of Kenpachi Zaraki`s ZanpakutoufemaleN/A(0)


Zaraki Kenpachi
  • Info
  • Names
Main NameZaraki Kenpachi(ch26734)
Official Nameja
Zaraki Kenpachi's representation in the dream ofKotetsu Isane (episode 287).
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indirectly related clubs
Akiyama Mio Fanclub
Lelouch Lamperouge Fanclub
Black Hair Fanclub
Sanka Rea Fanclub

related anime

RelationImageNameEpisode appearanceTypeEpisodesYearRatingAverageAction
appears inBleachBleach287TV Series3662004 - 20126.48(15515)7.93(16481)vote stats

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