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Fuyutsuki Azusa

Character: Fuyutsuki Azusa

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Fuyutsuki Azusa
  • Info
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Main NameFuyutsuki Azusa(ch4)
Official Namejaverified
Gender Identityfemale
age rangeyoung adultSomeone is generally considered a young adult if they are between 20 to 40 years old.
entityhumanModern humans are the only extant members of the subtribe Hominina. Together with chimpanzees, gorillas, and orangutans, they are part of the family Hominidae. Terrestrial animals, humans are characterized by their erect posture and bipedal locomotion; high manual dexterity and heavy tool use compared to other animals; open-ended and complex language use compared to other animal communications; larger, more complex brains than other animals; and highly advanced and organized societies.
fetish appealssmall breastsSmall breasts (flat chested) are breasts that would be considered below the average size for real life medium breasts.
looksexposed midriffIn fashion, midriff is a term for the human abdomen. The midriff is exposed when wearing a crop top or some forms of swimwear.,brown eyesThe character has brown eyes.,brown hairThe character has brown hair.,shoulder-length hairShoulder-length hair is hair at shoulder length, within a few centimetres margin. This hair length is longer than what one would typically, though not always, see on most males. Short hair includes hair that goes no more than a centimetre or two beyond the chin; anything longer is shoulder-length. Typical male hair at the back of the head which reaches the shoulders does not count as shoulder-length hair; the individual hair strands are very short (0-4 cm), and therefore count as short hair.,fair skinFair skin is a naturally occurring range of skin colour that is lighter than the average for humans, but not light enough to be considered white. Ethnically speaking, a reasonable real life metric for fair skin is the skin colour of people normally said to be "white".
nationalityJapaneseA character originating from the island nation of Japan.
personalitypoliteWell-mannered and civilised. Also used for characters whose normal form of speech frequently uses keigo (honourific speech), which is very polite and formal Japanese.
roleteacherA teacher is a person who helps people to learn. A teacher often works in a classroom. There are many different kinds of teachers. Some teachers teach young children in schools called elementary or primary schools. Others teach older children in middle, junior high and high schools. Some teachers teach adults in more advanced schools.
traitspettankoPettanko refers to a female character that places a great deal of importance on the fact that she is flat chested. It does not refer to characters that merely happen to be flat chested, but do not make any importance of this fact. The character may be extremely proud of the fact that she is flat chested, or extremely embarrassed of the fact.
Rating5.76(54)(based on anime-character ratings)
Waifu5 users have this character as their waifu.
TrashYour waifu is 29% trash.
Added byhidden on2008-12-07 20:13
Edited byhidden on2020-07-25 20:23
Main NameFuyutsuki Azusa(ch4)
Official Namejaverified
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indirectly related clubs
Extreme Oppai Lovers Club
Kitsune Fanclub
The Louise Fanclub
Nymph Fanclub
Sanzenin Nagi Fanclub
Small Breast Lovers


ImageNameAnimeRelationPrimary Seiyuu?Comment
Orikasa FumikoOrikasa FumikoGTOsecondary cast inyes
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RelationImageNameEpisode appearanceTypeEpisodesYearRatingAverageAction
secondary cast inGTOGTO2-6, 11, 21TV Series431999 - 20008.73(13866)8.72(14277)vote stats

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