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Fujiwara Touko

Character: Fujiwara Touko

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Fujiwara Touko
  • Info
  • Names
Main NameFujiwara Touko(ch3790)
Official Nameja
Gender Identityfemale
age rangemiddle agedSomeone is generally considered middle aged if they are between 40 to 65 years old.
entityhumanModern humans are the only extant members of the subtribe Hominina. Together with chimpanzees, gorillas, and orangutans, they are part of the family Hominidae. Terrestrial animals, humans are characterized by their erect posture and bipedal locomotion; high manual dexterity and heavy tool use compared to other animals; open-ended and complex language use compared to other animal communications; larger, more complex brains than other animals; and highly advanced and organized societies.
looksbrown eyesThe character has brown eyes.,brown hairThe character has brown hair.,shoulder-length hairShoulder-length hair is hair at shoulder length, within a few centimetres margin. This hair length is longer than what one would typically, though not always, see on most males. Short hair includes hair that goes no more than a centimetre or two beyond the chin; anything longer is shoulder-length. Typical male hair at the back of the head which reaches the shoulders does not count as shoulder-length hair; the individual hair strands are very short (0-4 cm), and therefore count as short hair.
nationalityJapaneseA character originating from the island nation of Japan.
personalitykindHaving or showing a friendly, generous, and considerate nature.
rolehomemakerA homemaker is a person, generally married, who stays at home and is in charge of the home and the children, normally not having a job at all or at most having a part-time job. In many societies, women are far more prone to be homemakers than men; a female homemaker is commonly called a housewife.
Rating8.74(148)(based on anime-character ratings)
Waifu1 users have this character as their waifu.
TrashYour waifu is 18% trash.
Added byhidden on2009-02-24 00:11
Main NameFujiwara Touko(ch3790)
Official Nameja
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ImageNameAnimeRelationPrimary Seiyuu?Comment
Itou MikiItou MikiGekijouban Natsume Yuujinchou: Utsusemi ni Musubusecondary cast inyes
Natsume Yuujinchousecondary cast inyes
Natsume Yuujinchou Gosecondary cast inyes
Natsume Yuujinchou Rokusecondary cast inyes
Natsume Yuujinchou Sansecondary cast inyes
Natsume Yuujinchou Shisecondary cast inyes
Natsume Yuujinchou Shichisecondary cast inyes
Natsume Yuujinchou: Itsuka Yuki no Hi nisecondary cast inyes
Natsume Yuujinchou: Nyanko-sensei to Hajimete no Otsukaiappears inyes
Zoku Natsume Yuujinchousecondary cast inyes
  • Anime Appearance
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related anime

RelationImageNameEpisode appearanceTypeEpisodesYearRatingAverageAction
secondary cast inGekijouban Natsume Yuujinchou: Utsusemi ni MusubuGekijouban Natsume Yuujinchou: Utsusemi ni Musubu1Movie120188.71(561)7.92(564)vote stats
secondary cast inNatsume YuujinchouNatsume Yuujinchou1-3, 6-13, ED1, OP1TV Series1320088.16(5385)8.14(5431)vote stats
secondary cast inNatsume Yuujinchou GoNatsume Yuujinchou Go1-3, 6, 10-11, S1-S2TV Series1120168.77(1358)8.08(1366)vote stats
secondary cast inNatsume Yuujinchou RokuNatsume Yuujinchou Roku2-3, 10-11, S1TV Series1120178.92(1149)8.16(1156)vote stats
secondary cast inNatsume Yuujinchou SanNatsume Yuujinchou San1, 3-4, 6, 8-9, 12-13, ED1, OP1TV Series1320118.78(3040)8.30(3057)vote stats
secondary cast inNatsume Yuujinchou ShiNatsume Yuujinchou Shi1-4, 6, 9-11, 13, OP1TV Series1320128.91(2680)8.33(2698)vote stats
secondary cast inNatsume Yuujinchou ShichiNatsume Yuujinchou Shichi1-2, 4, 9, 12TV Series1220248.71(192)7.92(195)vote stats
secondary cast inNatsume Yuujinchou: Itsuka Yuki no Hi niNatsume Yuujinchou: Itsuka Yuki no Hi ni1OVA120148.36(1167)7.87(1171)vote stats
appears inNatsume Yuujinchou: Nyanko-sensei to Hajimete no OtsukaiNatsume Yuujinchou: Nyanko-sensei to Hajimete no Otsukai1OVA120136.77(854)7.17(857)vote stats
secondary cast inZoku Natsume YuujinchouZoku Natsume Yuujinchou1-11, 13, C1TV Series1320098.65(4185)8.35(4223)vote stats

related entities

is family ofNatsume TakashiNatsume Takashifoster parent - foster childmale, 15, B8.12(521)
is married toFujiwara ShigeruFujiwara Shigerumale8.47(96)

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