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Onizuka Eikichi

Character: Onizuka Eikichi

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Onizuka Eikichi
  • Info
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Main NameOnizuka Eikichi(ch2)
Official Namejaverified
Gender Identitymale
accessoriescigaretteAn addictive small roll with tobacco inside, is lit and its smoke inhaled.
age rangeyoung adultSomeone is generally considered a young adult if they are between 20 to 40 years old.
entityhumanModern humans are the only extant members of the subtribe Hominina. Together with chimpanzees, gorillas, and orangutans, they are part of the family Hominidae. Terrestrial animals, humans are characterized by their erect posture and bipedal locomotion; high manual dexterity and heavy tool use compared to other animals; open-ended and complex language use compared to other animal communications; larger, more complex brains than other animals; and highly advanced and organized societies.
fashion accessoriesearringAn earring is a piece of jewellery attached to the ear via a piercing in the earlobe or another external part of the ear (except in the case of clip earrings, which clip onto the lobe). Earrings are worn by both sexes, although more common among women, and have been used by different civilizations in different times.,pendantA pendant is an ornament allowed to hang free from the neck, usually as a necklace. Mostly worn for decorative purposes, sometimes interrelated with a symbolic meaning.
habitssmokerThis character likes to smoke cigarettes, cigars or a pipe.
looksyellow hairThe character has yellow hair. This does not map precisely to real-life blond hair.,short hairShort hair is hair from (but not including) bald, up to (but not including) shoulder-length hair. This hair length is what one would typically, though not always, see on most males. Short hair includes hair that goes no more than a centimetre or two beyond the chin; anything longer is shoulder-length.,fair skinFair skin is a naturally occurring range of skin colour that is lighter than the average for humans, but not light enough to be considered white. Ethnically speaking, a reasonable real life metric for fair skin is the skin colour of people normally said to be "white".
nationalityJapaneseA character originating from the island nation of Japan.
personalitycarefreeA carefree person is free of worries, cares or concerns. This does not necessarily imply that they have no responsibilities or are negligent towards them; they are simply able to live out their lives in tranquility regardless of what happens.,iron-willedSomeone is said to be iron-willed when they are very resolute and determined. Once an iron-willed person decides on a course of action, no amount of hardship is able to deter them.,passionatePassionate or sometimes hot-blooded describes people having, compelled by, or ruled by intense emotion or strong feeling. They give their all in absolutely everything they do, regardless of the task. Using the power of hard work and guts as well as their determination, they throw themselves headfirst into the worst situations imaginable and come out on top through sheer force of will, and often have a strong tendency to go beyond the impossible.,pervertedIs a concept describing those types of human behavior that are excessive or deviated from what is considered to be orthodox or normal.,violentno description set
roleteacherA teacher is a person who helps people to learn. A teacher often works in a classroom. There are many different kinds of teachers. Some teachers teach young children in schools called elementary or primary schools. Others teach older children in middle, junior high and high schools. Some teachers teach adults in more advanced schools.,delinquentDelinquents - Every school has them, but not all anime with school setting make delinquents a central topic. There are several versions of these delinquents, though some are grounded on a misunderstanding.
Rating9.43(489)(based on anime-character ratings)
Waifu7 users have this character as their husbando.
TrashYour husbando is 7% trash.
Added byhidden on2008-12-07 20:08
Edited byhidden on2020-07-22 19:47
Main NameOnizuka Eikichi(ch2)
Official Namejaverified
Official Namebg
Official Nameru
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The Badass Club
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Elfen Lied
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Sanzenin Nagi Fanclub
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ImageNameAnimeRelationPrimary Seiyuu?Comment
Takagi WataruTakagi WataruGTOmain character inyes
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RelationImageNameEpisode appearanceTypeEpisodesYearRatingAverageAction
main character inGTOGTO1-43TV Series431999 - 20008.73(13866)8.72(14277)vote stats

related entities

friends withDanma RyuujiDanma Ryuujimale, A7.58(25)
Saejima ToshiyukiSaejima Toshiyukimale2.93(17)
has a love interest inFuyutsuki AzusaFuyutsuki Azusafemale, 225.76(54)
is the love interest ofFuyutsuki AzusaFuyutsuki Azusafemale, 225.76(54)
is the subordinate ofSakurai RyoukoSakurai Ryoukofemale6.49(25)
Uchiyamada HiroshiUchiyamada Hiroshimale, 51, A6.61(40)
is the teacher ofAizawa MiyabiAizawa Miyabifemale2.39(33)
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Kanzaki UrumiKanzaki Urumifemale, 159.11(144)
Kikuchi YoshitoKikuchi Yoshitomale7.83(45)
Kusano TadaakiKusano Tadaakimale4.83(16)
Mizuki NanakoMizuki NanakoyesShe was Onizuka`s student during his training at the Musashino Public High Schoolfemale4.70(12)
Murai KunioMurai Kuniomale6.13(34)
Nomura TomokoNomura Tomokofemale, 14, O7.55(60)
Uehara AnkoUehara Ankofemale4.91(37)
Yoshikawa NoboruYoshikawa Noborumale5.31(33)


Onizuka Eikichi
  • Info
  • Names
Main NameOnizuka Eikichi(ch111361)
Official Nameja
Guise ofOnizuka Eikichi (ch2)
Gender Identitymale
entityhumanModern humans are the only extant members of the subtribe Hominina. Together with chimpanzees, gorillas, and orangutans, they are part of the family Hominidae. Terrestrial animals, humans are characterized by their erect posture and bipedal locomotion; high manual dexterity and heavy tool use compared to other animals; open-ended and complex language use compared to other animal communications; larger, more complex brains than other animals; and highly advanced and organized societies.
habitsvoyeurismVoyeurism is the sexual interest in or practice of spying on people engaged in intimate behaviors, such as undressing, sexual activity, or other actions usually considered to be of a private nature. The principal characteristic of voyeurism is that the voyeur does not normally interact directly with the subject of his/her interest, who is often unaware of being observed.
lookspompadourThe pompadour is a hairstyle that has hair swept upwards from the face and worn high over the forehead.
personalitypervertedIs a concept describing those types of human behavior that are excessive or deviated from what is considered to be orthodox or normal.
rolemotorcyclistA person who is skilled at riding a motorcycle/motorbike and does so on a regular basis.,delinquentDelinquents - Every school has them, but not all anime with school setting make delinquents a central topic. There are several versions of these delinquents, though some are grounded on a misunderstanding.
RatingN/A(4)(based on anime-character ratings)
Waifu0 users have this character as their husbando.
TrashYour husbando is 20% trash.
Added byhidden on2020-07-14 00:18
Main NameOnizuka Eikichi(ch111361)
Official Nameja
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indirectly related clubs
Club Kink
Pixy Fans
Kitsune Fanclub
High School DxD Fanclub


ImageNameAnimeRelationPrimary Seiyuu?Comment
Futamata IsseiFutamata IsseiShounan Jun`ai-gumi!main character inyes
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related anime

RelationImageNameEpisode appearanceTypeEpisodesYearRatingAverageAction
main character inShounan Jun`ai-gumi!Shounan Jun`ai-gumi!1-5OVA51994 - 19976.51(1366)7.37(1378)vote stats

related entities

friends withDanma RyuujiDanma Ryuujimale, 15, AN/A(2)
is the student ofIzumo MarikoIzumo MarikofemaleN/A(2)
Kadena NaoKadena NaofemaleN/A(1)
Murakoshi AyumiMurakoshi Ayumiyeshomeroom teacher, until her movefemale, 24N/A(1)

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